Who is this Jesus

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He farted.

Churchill family in operation Hallelujah

alright, will you open your Bibles with me to John chapter 1 John chapter 1 Today we're starting a new series and this series is entitled. Who is this she Who is this? It is a serious but we're going to be looking at is we're going to be looking obviously I season but we're going to be in the sense of his in his presence. What's my name for this series is to heighten the level of your love for the person of Jesus Christ first loved you. I want by examining. The person of Jesus Christ is I want you to have a sense of

this person would give his life this person.

Want to be with you?


now anybody been celebrated Christmas with me and my house, you know a secret about everybody else.

And that is the time now.

Surprised to hear that in my house lot of time decorating trees.

surprised by that I remember the first time that I had a phone call from one of them. He called me and I'm so surprised it was.

I'm walking into Jesus. I'm walking into Elvis live.

And you need to work the weekly world news this week. I was very glad to see his face again.

My favorite my favorite all this song for Christmas is Merry Christmas, baby, and I like to throw this one on and and grab Shay for texting it to you. Anybody anybody that's ever heard me sing.

Even if we're allowed to have fun.

but my favorite one of my

warship is nice. I am I don't know what it is about. women horse demands proper response to Christ And don't worry. I'm not going to sing it to you cuz I don't want anybody to leave early, but I can read it because it is. Oh night divine The stars are brightly shining. It is the 9th of our dear savior's car. On your knees. Oh hear the angel's voices when the holy child was born. Oh night divine. Oh night when Christ was born. And I don't know what it is. Maybe it's the build-up but the minute it is says over my knees literally become weak as I understand just what has transpired in this story that she's as who is Godspeed


but here's the thing. I want you to understand. Is it Jesus is more than the bond? Jesus is more than the mine. It is right to say that he's but I want you to understand that Jesus is more than the bottom line is being or like it. So it's it to him perfectly because the night is it is right to say that his attributes are Define. It is right to say that his characteristics are Divine. It is right to say all those things because they are like, but you gotta understand when it says that his characteristics are Divine what it is saying is it there because he himself is playing in the simplest way. I I know how to say it. It means god. unquestionably and not like God, but

the problem is it in our world. There are many deceived Jesus as Divine but not as a matter of fact, and I guess I'm going to tap some stones. Is MARSOC just a half-mile away from here the spiritual Center for Spiritual Living call Christ consciousness. This is this is a concept and uh concept it is become very in the world today and his human in his human life achieve a higher state of being or awareness and because of that he was the title Christ. meaning that in a few Min life earned

and Christ the doctrine of Christ Consciousness teachers that you too can follow his example and be like

stop believing that you will be.

rolling around

when I was when I was the hairdresser, I was I was doing I was watching this gentleman's hair and she knew that I was a Christian and he asked

Jesus is God.

How do we know problem with the Bible Flames if Jesus Is God doing so what my name is this Christmas Eve your awareness to such an extent that every time you walk into a drugstore or Walmart and they're playing a Christmas song, you know, one of the ones that actually have something to say about you. You can't help it.

I love I love Christmas music

When I walk into a store, I am not cynical.

I have a soft spot when it comes to Christmas music that actually talks about Jesus.

I praise the Lord that is still being played in some stores and I thank God right then and there.

Get rid of it. Thank God.

What are the easiest ways to look at this question is Jesus God wanted it's on its way.

what is the disciple say let's first go to John chapter 1 and we're going to see this evening or

I started my message with him. Now. Let's go to Sean's him and pretty awesome. It isn't one in chapter 1 verse 1 it says in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God all things came into being through him and I'm heart from him. Nothing came into being there was coming to being in him was life and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness and the Darkness cannot comprehend.

You beautiful. Go back to the first in the beginning was the word Warrior. Raise praise praise Jesus was God from the very beginning in the same way that I just picked out some Stone so was John John was being very full to his brothers and sisters. And he started the very words of his soft with in the beginning and let me tell you all of Judea with understand exactly the reference did he was saying? From Genesis the very first word of their Korah in the beginning.

Does anybody know the password?

in the beginning God

In the beginning you see everyone understood what John was saying when you said that in the beginning was the word he was referring to TNT only in the beginning. No people. No, no, no matter no star. No sun no moon. That's where it started in. The beginning was the word in the beginning was Jesus that he was he was In the beginning was the word and the Word was with God Jesus in his ass was there with Bob I need to go to the next chapter.

Far is throwing stones and causing a theological fight with those around him because then he has to say and the Word was God. Just in case you're wondering if there's any mistakes as to what John believe it is right there to begin with and what did Peter call Peter believe that Jesus was? savior Quick statement but he said in 2nd Peter 1:2 to those who have received the kind as ours. meaning those who share the same face the Peter Pan by the righteousness of our God and savior


Turn with me to Philippians Philippians chapter 2. Love your Bible for getting spider price out now.

It shouldn't. If you want if you want her heart to beat hiking in love for Jesus, here it is. and we're going to be in first Supply Philippians 2 verse 5 and Paul says if he says

Does attitude in your cell which was also in Christ Jesus, who also he existed in the form of God did not regard equality with God. He seems to be grass or weed.


emptied himself taking the form of a bond servant.

Being found in appearance as a man. He humbled himself by becoming obedient for this reason also highly exalted him and bestowed upon him the name, which is about everything so that the name of Jesus every knee will bow and those who are in heaven and on Earth and under the Earth and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God our Father.

Diamond keep you busy for at least a week of devotional time. Just going, really clearly here.

Had the form of God and shows empty himself for the form of man.

When did this take place?

When did this take place that he would have the form of 5? in the beginning in the beginning speaking of heavenly realities here we have is a picture of Jesus being made in the likeness of man. He existed the form of God. What is God's form? form of God in spirit

Being able to afford he was equal with God and now he came up.

Turn with me Isaiah chapter 9. Now or Never

What I want you to see here isn't the same. This is 5. What I was saying was Peter was saying what?

By the way, there is no benefit for them to stay. It was not the path to become the next TV evangelist with a big house fancy clothes came with this. Okay, all those guys they had in court.

Days in order to say the things they were saying was a no benefit of them with the exception of one thing.

and have

because of this all they were doing was affirming that which the prophet that spoke of hundreds and hundreds of years.

Isaiah 9:6

work a child will be born. The child is you this is what we celebrate all the songs.

Kiss my ass is not for you.

Because you seat for a child will be born to us a son will be given to us and the government will rest on his shoulders and his name will be called was right there. About the reason but I want it before I read it. I want there to be a sense of awe and worship as I do because every single one of these titles that have been attributed to the to the child will be given to the Sun. That would be given Only begotten son you understand what he's saying? Are all names given to God does not share his glory of God.


And when he speaks truth he expects us. 202 to listen to that room in the fall in suit with our relief for a child was born to us a son will be given and the government will be on his shoulders and his name will be called wonderful counselor turn off phone number. There will be no end to the increase of his government or his. Hallelujah you realized it for Todd to say this about Jesus. I'm saying something we should always.

testimony the Jesus himself You see the Bible from the Divine attributes of Christ deity. He is on the Coat Factory fancy word for meaning all-powerful. He is omnipresent. That means everywhere present. These are miss you so much more.

Do you have homework? Because this Christmas I want our worship to be into Canada. in understanding exactly who. Cheese's in what time will permit Visa going to be? I was sitting there my dad's in a month. I got to do at least one.

No, never gets a lunch. So I went down to the two. And I worked it down to one. So I have to be what is the most important? What is the one that's in Archbold? If this is true then Christ. And I've already set up your minds for but now we're going to say it out loud the most important truth or doctrine. Don't be afraid that word. I know where you want the spirit to get more Spirit, but the truth you just don't trade one for the other. We are here in truth to elevate our reception to the spirit.

The most important truth is the Eternal existence of Christ. The internal existence to Christ now. Because I'm actually going to read us a call. And so we're going to be okay.

readings doctor in this is what he says the doctrine of the Of the Son of God is the most important doctrine of Christ ology.

As a whole because Christ is Christ is not Eternal is a creek. Who came into existence in time and lack the quality of Eternity and infinity which characterizes stop in the beginning?

So, it's God if Jesus stop in the beginning.

700 years before the birth of Christ. We have another we have a another Prophet. We're going to be in my car. You really are having fun.

Sergey Brin physical Bible Encourage you I mean, it's totally cool to have it.

To where we're going. physical fireworks highlighter

I just want to share. In Minecraft by 2. He says we're going to be halfway through but as for you.

Like I said the other word.

Too little to be your mother plants.

From you one will go for from me to be ruler of Israel. Is going for our from long ago.

Hi liners.

From the Dave eternity is warning if you promising promising. Yes. You are small. Yes everybody.

But don't you worry. I'm going to send one for Phil.

And he is from what did Jesus have to say about this? If Jesus was from eternity, did he ever give vocally tan? 558 says in Jesus said to them and they were questioning him.

And he said to them truly truly I say to you before Abraham was born. I am Wow, are we picking up Stones yet? We're kicking up Stone. There's dirt all over the place. modern home fighting room

You staying there before Abraham?

I'm outside. If I'm at my house spiders climb, I wouldn't be for that.

Penny says something. Present here. He uses the phrase a phrase that was used by God himself killed himself.

and he said goes that my people and he said

And no one was allowed to say I am in Judea. And here's Jesus thing before your cheese your most important patriarch Abraham.


before the truth of Abraham

ocean chapter 1 In highlighters dancing right now.

Highlighters like I'm saying I'm going to see Glory right now. I was created for this purpose right here.

You can call in a week or two ago. We're Adam Warner.

Where God said that he created all mankind.

Our purpose is to worship. Look at this passage in 1/16. He says for 5 p.m. For by him all things were created both in heaven and on Earth visible and invisible weather grown men use or rulers or authority all have been created through him and for him Hallelujah only God creates and what did he create in the beginning? And why did he create for his glory and here in this fire scriptures inspired the scriptures inspired by the Holy Spirit?

the proclamation one

Who won all their son loser?

and speaking of his eternal nature in Revelations Congratulations. Sorry my wife will say that Jesus said I am Alpha and Omega.

I am Alpha and Omega says the Lord God who is who was and who is all mine.

It's a perfectly great and we understand him in friends. It's perfectly understand to understand that he's with us with us when you understand the magnitude of the one who promised to be with you. You understand and nothing could stand against The Great. I Am which means there's nothing against you no principalities and powers of Darkness. As long as we stand in the strength of his might.

freezing praise the Lord What does this mean for me and you? First is I want to let you know when the application my applications so easy.

remember spend time This is the time of year. I believe when we need to have our sons rice.

in all fairness to those who are naturally cynical around for the Because you see the market.

Understand Jesus. What does it mean for you? And I actually did know God personally personally.

John 1:18, no one has seen the father at any time. The only begotten God who is in the bosom of the father has VSP made him in the King James.

And it was when one of them to Bible study.

Have I been with you so long?

So if we know God.

If we understand the magnitude of the person.

Or less likely to get things done.

Understand that you were hurt opted and sons and daughter this Christ Jesus. You are Sons and Daughters of the most high God. Him in a fusion turn with me to Ephesians.

And I've been studying the season. I've got a type.

We're going into the fusions first. I just got out of my appointment. It is doing that it isn't doing it. inverted in 1 verse 5 speaking of the father He predestined us to adoption as Sons through Jesus Christ to himself.

according to the assignment tension Johnson's off shows us. He said you're mine. the devil can app you're mine. Into those who believe they have been given the right to become.

John 1:14

number to number 3 where in Ephesians in Reverse 7

in him speaking of Christ in him. We have Redemption through his blood the Forgiveness of our trespasses important.

Redemption through his blood the forgiveness

Some of you are carrying the weight.

Some of you carrying the cops.

some of you were carrying baggage

the Christ die

some of you brain sea ideas

Seether Something Else

It is.

I gave himself what?


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In Christ, he holds nothing. I am at White Plains.

It is finished. This year this Christmas. I want you to understand.

We can know the fruit of righteousness.

Not only have we been shovels then not only have we been adopted not only have we been forgiven but now you are with the spirit why to produce fruits of righteousness that does not mean that you have to become righteous first. Is Christ and his righteousness righteousness of God?

given an imputed on your account you have that it's a credit on your account.

Wow. Let it flow. Central on this righteousness being yours and it is Libyan 111. He says having been filled with the fruit of righteousness. When you come through Jesus Christ to the glory and praise of God.

Haven't been still.

the problem with autism

it does not say don't worry. You will achieve a form of righteousness because of Christ. What it does say is it you have been still. Which righteousness the righteousness of God you have been filled with righteousness is work again in Spanish. It's a mystery understand why how come I don't see that right? I've been transformed is it then I'm hobbling week for being your work to see just how awesome you are. I pray that this year Lord. I pray that this season. person that you are because my salvation is you

my righteousness is June.

My longing it's true YouTube.

Thank you for worshipping with us. I would like to thank you for worshipping with us and make sure you love on each other.

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