Sermon Tone Analysis

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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Name of Book- The Hidden King
Author- Pastor Jay Williams
Description of Book - Have you ever been in a place where you felt defeated?
Also, felt like you weren't good enough?
You knew you had purpose, but couldn't see your destiny?
This book is for you!
God has so much in store for each and every one of us.
Sometimes God will use the least person to do the greatest things.
You may ask a question, "How can he use me when know one knows me?"
Well, lets take a journey through the hidden King.
Purpose of Book The purpose of me writing this book is to encourage someone that their is greater inside of them.
It is not where you come from, but where you are going.
Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world.
Acknowledgements - I will like to first thank God for the opportunity to minister to someone else.
Also, I would like to thank my loving Parents Velma Thomas and Fred Thomas for all of their love and support.
To my sisters Falicia Williams and Keitha Hodges for pushing and encouraging me.
To my brother - in - law Travis Hodges and niece Zoey Hodges for always being there.
To my wonderful grandparents Nathaniel and Verdella Lane and to the late Lossie and Late Penella Williams thank you for all of your love and support.
Also, thanks to my dad Jimmy Williams Sr. Thank you to my entire family and church family.
To the older people that was and still in my life that help me to be who i am today.
Sis Anges Williams, Aunt Willie Pearl Lane, Aunt Connie Mea Brown, Uncle Kendell Brown, Sis.
Sahira Tory, Sis.
Rosa Moore, Sis.
Jean Garham, Sis.
Annie Lois Washington, Sis.
Annie Watson, Sis Sliver Brights, Sister Lender Miller, Sis Glory and Brother A.J Sermons, Sis.
Gray, Elsia Mae Sermon, Lie Doe, Dr. Ruby Roberson, Gladys Jones, Sis Naima Perice, Auntie Wilma Lane,Sis Clemtine McQueen,Rev.
Sis, Velma Mactett, Sis, Barbare Mattech, Sis.
Majures Nesmith, Sis Allen Manning.
Introduction -
Book Dedication- Dedicated To Late Ron Thomas I can't wait to see you again on the other side.
Also, to my wife Jennfer Williams
I can't imagine life without you.
To my Pastor Rev. Luther B Roberson & First Lady D. Roberson for your encougement and support.
I will get p.o box tomorrow.
The Prayer -
Dear Lord, I pray that this book will challenge somone to go forward in the things that God has called them to do.
I also pray that they will not look at where they are, but keep their eyes focused on where they are going.
God remind them in your word that they can do all things through Christ which gives them strength.
Website - Jimmy"Jay"Williams/TheHiddenKing
Yes, I would like photo on cover page. 1.
The Starting Place 2. The Searching Place 3. The Chosen Place 4. The Fighting Place 5.The Anointing Place 6.The Hating Place 7. The Elevation Place (This is all I could think of at the moment.)
[1][2][3][4][5]The Hidden King
Chapter 1 Often times as kids or young adults we wonder where will life take us.
We wonder if we truly have a purpose in life.
Do we have a calling?
Has God really given us a vision?
Many times we contemplate where our place here is on the earth because it seems like everything is shutting down.
Everything is running together.And you’re down to your lowest; it’s in that very moment that we see that God is trying to prepare us for the greater that’s ahead.
Jeremiah (1:5-10).
Even before you was in your mother’s womb, God already had a purpose for your life.
He knew you’d be exactly the person you see today.
He knew of every trial, tribulation, and unexpected situation that arose in your life.
God knew every person that would stay in your life and everyone that would leave(God knew of every person you would encounter throughout your existence).{
He knew what race you’d be.}
God even knew of the numbers of hairs on your head.
So it really does not matter what is being thrown your way, it’s how you handle what comes our way(it).
God never promised everything in life would be smooth, but he does promise to never leave us nor forsake us, that he’d be with us even until the end of the world.
That sounds like good news, right?
Just to know that God is always there through every trial and tribulation in our life.
The bible states in 1 Samuel that David was a man after God’s own heart.
(The bible did not say that he was perfect, that he did everything right, nor that he was thinking the right thing all the time.
David messed-up a number of times.
He had hang-ups, but through it all he was still known as the man after God’s own heart.)
Not that he was perfect, not that he done everything right, not he was thinking the right thing all the time.
He had some mess-up, he had some hang-up but through it all, the bible still states that he was a man after God’s own heart.
Samuel says, “Man looks upon the outer appearance but God looks at the heart.”
Now let’s take a step back and Really think about what the scripture is saying: Man (only sees the outward appearance) sees us as the way we look and what it seems like to them.
Man looks at the houses, the cars, our success in life, what we wear, and all that we’ve accomplished.
They try to assume that they know a person by where they are in life, but God looks at the heart.
He sees past all of the outside stuff.
He sees past the smile, past the career, past the marriage, and looks directly at our hearts.
God knows our heart.
He sees the brokenness, loneliness, and insecurities.
Isn’t it amazing to know a God that knows all about us even when we don’t know ourselves?
God already knew that you were full of purpose.
That’s why everything you been through didn’t kill you.
It was designed to make you stronger, wiser, and better.
You can’t have a testimony until you first have a test.
You really won’t know how strong you are until you go through some hard times.
But I want to let you know, there’s a hidden king inside of you.
You may ask the question, is there really a king inside of me?
Yes, you.
God sees past our current situation and he looks at our future.
Don’t allow your current situation to stop what God is trying to do in your life.
You may look like nothing, but to God you are something.
You may feel worthless, but God thinks you’re worth it.
you may have been beat down, but God is about to raise you up! Sometimes you have to get through the storm and the rain in order to appreciate the sunshine.
The scripture says, weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.
You have been in your season of darkness for too long.
It’s time to rise up and become what God has called you to be.
Remember you’re a seed and in order for a seed to grow, it must first be planted (in dirt).
But when it spring s up, it won’t look like all the dirt it’s been through.
Chapter 2 The Top Verse the bottom Just because you’re not on top doesn’t mean you are less to God.
The bible talk about when the disciple was talkimg about who would be the greatest in the kingdom and Jesus tell them it not the one to be serviced but the one that can server.
Sometime when you are a servant you feel like you are less.
The truth is you are in a good place for God to use you.
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9