Arming Yourselves
In his rich book called The Plague of Plagues, written in 1669, a godly man by the name of Ralph Venning wrote this paragraph about sin, listen to it. “In general, sin is the worst of evils, the evil of evil and indeed the only evil. Nothing is so evil as sin, nothing is evil but sin. As the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that shall be revealed in us, so neither the sufferings of this life nor of that to come are worthy to be compared as evil with the evil of sin. No evil is displeasing to God or destructive to man but the evil of sin. Sin is worse than affliction, than death, than the devil, than hell. Affliction is not so afflictive, death is not so deadly, the devil is not so devilish, hell is not so hellish as sin is. This will help to fill up the charge against its sinfulness especially as it is contrary to and against the good of man.” Then he says, “The four evils I have just named are truly terrible and from all of them everyone is ready to say, ‘Good Lord, deliver us.’ Yet none of these nor all of them together are as bad as sin. Therefore our prayers should be more to be delivered from sin and if God hear no prayer else, yet as to this we should say. ‘We beseech Thee to hear us, good Lord,’ ”