A New and Better Covenant
Sermon Tone Analysis
Introduction: Here in the author is emphasizing the fact that everything that he has written from the beginning of his letter up until now declares the gospel of Jesus Christ. The main point of everything we have learned is this: we have such a high priest, and having such a high priest, the author gives us two more indications of Jesus’ high priestly superiority over the Levitical priests.
He is Seated at the Right Hand of the Throne of the Majesty in the Heavens
He is Seated at the Right Hand of the Throne of the Majesty in the Heavens
While serving, the Levitical priests never sat down.
And every priest stands ministering daily and offering repeatedly the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins.
Why didn’t the Levitical priests ever sit down? The Levitical priests never sat down because their job was never done. The sacrifices of the Old Covenant were not permanently effective but had to be repeated over and over again.
There was actually not even a seat in the tabernacle for the priests to sit down. The only seat in the tabernacle was the mercy seat, and it would have been completely out of line for a priest to sit down on the mercy seat because the mercy seat represented the throne of God.
Jesus however, when he offered His sacrifice, sat down because His work was completed.
So when Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, “It is finished!” And bowing His head, He gave up His spirit.
Jesus, with one act, did what many priests could not do with many acts - reconciling man to God. Sadly, some people still believe and some religions still teach that something must be added to the salvation that Jesus has provided.
Not only did Jesus sit down but He is seated at the right hand of the throne.
The right hand of a monarch symbolized honor and power. So to stand at the right hand of a monarch was honorable, but to sit at the right hand of a monarch symbolized even greater honor.
The writer of Hebrews repeatedly reminded his readers that Jesus is seated at the right hand of God. In doing so he continually reminds His readers that if they have never had the opportunity to participate in temple worship in Jerusalem it doesn’t matter. Worship in the temple was temporary. The Holy of Holies in the temple symbolized the real Holy of Holies in heaven. Jesus is in the actual heavenly presence of God ministering on our behalf.
Jesus is the ultimate priest because His work is done and He is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.
He is a Minister of the Sanctuary and of the True Tabernacle
He is a Minister of the Sanctuary and of the True Tabernacle
As would be expected, the superior high priest serves in the superior sanctuary. He does not minister in a temple made with human hands, but in the true sanctuary raised up by God.
Now the word “true” here is not in contrast with anything false. The Old Testament tabernacle and temple were not false. They were however incomplete and symbolic. The word true in this context means real as opposed to figurative. The tabernacle and temple were figurative while the heavenly sanctuary of God is real and literal.
In verse 3, the writer gets a little bit more specific in describing the ministry of Jesus in the sanctuary.
For every high priest is appointed to offer both gifts and sacrifices. Therefore it is necessary that this One also have something to offer. For if He were on earth, He would not be a priest, since there are priests who offer the gifts according to the law;
Hebrews 8:
Some might ask the question, “Well if the work of Jesus is done, does he still do any work as a priest?” The answer is yes! Every high priest is appointed to offer gifts and sacrifices and Jesus does the same. Now remember when we talked about the difference between gifts and sacrifices? Gifts are meal offerings that are offered as an offering of thanks and dedication while sacrifices are blood sacrifices offered for the covering of sins. Christ has offered the the once for all blood sacrifice and he also continually offers prayers of dedication and thanksgiving to the Father. This is why we can boldly pray. Christ has paid the price on our behalf and He is ready to offer our worship to the Father.
In verse 4, the writer makes the point that God never intended for the Messiah to come as an earthly priest but as an everlasting heavenly priest. In order to bring us fully to God, it was necessary for our great High Priest to ascend into the true sanctuary of God. He was not and is not a High Priest according to the pattern of the law of Moses.
He Has Obtained a More Excellent Ministry
He Has Obtained a More Excellent Ministry
Because of Jesus’ better seat and sanctuary, He has obtained a more excellent ministry and serves as the better Mediator.
What is a mediator? A mediator is someone who stands between two people in order to bring them together. Unlike the mediators of the Old Covenant Jesus is truly able to bring us into lasting fellowship with God.
The New Covenant not only has a better mediator but also is established on better promises. Even one of Israel’s greatest Old Testament prophets told them that they should be expecting a better covenant.
Read verses 8-12 (from )
Because of the coming of the New Covenant, the Old Covenant has become obsolete.
Conclusion: What does this mean for us? Under the Old Covenant access to God was limited, and our hearts ought to overflow with worship because under the New Covenant access to God is unlimited in Christ. Especially since most of us are Gentiles.