Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
True Story: John Aldridge: Fishing boat with buddy sleeping down below,handle broke-overboard- in sea for 12 hours, sharks, used boots as a flotation device-no life jacket on.
Coast Guard, been looking for you for 9 hours!”
John replied, “Well I’ve been looking for you for twelve!”
Hope to keep looking.
Biblical hope is not described as a wish, but as peace based on fact, and a trust and faith based on God.
Hope is only as good as the object or person(s) in which we place our hope.
Not all hopes are equal because not all people we hope in are equal.
Our hope is based on what God says
God is with us!
He is with us everywhere we go.
Our hope is not in an imaginary God or a God who is fickle, it is in a God who will be with us no matter where we go or how we behave.
Our hope is based on who God is
Hope must be on a person of good character.
It would be a mistake to place our hope on a person with bad character.
Character is a consistent trait that defines the person.
If He is with us but not of good character, then that is a very negative situation.
What is the Charterer of our Immanuel.
Look at a story in the book of Mark
He has compassion on us.
He travels with the lowly and needy.
He does not become bothered nor annoyed with us.
God with us means he truly loves us.
Our hope is based on what God does
God is faithful.
Can you remeber a circumstance when your world was in tumoil and problems were swirling around you? Can you look back now and remember how you were deliverd out of thieses circumstances?
What does that have to do with hope?
What do those memories have to do with your here and now?
Gratitude breeds hope.
Thankfulness fosters hope.
Acknowledgment and appreciation bring hope.
Do you ever think that one day God is going to let you dangle at the end of the rope and NOT rescue you?
We can have hope in God because what he does, He is faithful.
lam 3 21-23
Focusing on gratitude can renew and grow our hope.
Recognizing and appreciating the good that God has shown us in the past can increase our hope for all He will do in the future.
Sharing this gratitude and hope with others can multiply its effects.
Build up and encourage the Body of Christ.
Grow the Kingdom as those in darkness are led to the light.
As we nurture this living hope, it can sustain us through our darkest days as we wait for God to move.
My father, at age seventy-five, planted a number of small fruit trees.
“What an optimist,” I said to him, somewhat mockingly.
Dad passed away a few years ago.
Now when I return to the old homestead, I have an option.
I can go to the grassy cemetery on top of the hill and brood over his grave, or I can eat the fruit of his trees and reflect on a man who knew a great deal about hope.
—Bob Seiple,
What is your hope based on this morning?
May it be, God with us!
Take this with you...
Do I sense God is with me right now?
Do I believe He is not annoyed with me right now?
Do I know that He will be with me because He has proven His presence in the past?
How can I share this hope with someone this week?
Will I invite someone to join me in worship this Christmas?
Next week Sappias.
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9