The Transition - Mother Hopkins 2
Yeah, yeah. Yeah.
What's up?
wheelhouse DMG
Woodmont High School
Bless His. Holy name.
Bless His. Holy name.
Can you send up here? I don't like the Lord has been good to you.
even this is good. The Bible teaches us that we have passed from Death unto life. There's a transition that has taken place.
In comparison to how she was in the hospital.
Say it and she did not beat around the bush wanted you to know whatever it is. She needed you to know.
Who identified and the special grandson you used to having two miles all she did was Kim reaffirming then she she was a wonderful Soul. What happens came into?
And tribulation that our church was going through I was going through some things. I've known Gwen and Sarah and the rest of them a lot longer than I need you.
I met them in our first church and they were very sick.
Some years have gone by their mother showed up. Yeah.
At Believers, this is Jesus's. I'm the way the truth.
and she was very very faithful very faithful and
She really was she could be sick and an in and not saying a word to anybody.
Because we had a connection. We had a connection that no, man.
And they agree there is nothing that cannot be done. Nothing that can cannot be.
Wait in the fashion that we all be serving you and if there's anything that we haven't done that we should have done. Please let us know sir. We want you to know.
And we know that you are suffering a loss and you're going to miss Mama but mama going to be right there with you. You know, I watch I watch my mom my mom and my dad I watched my mom and and she was with my dad for 50 something years longer than I was going to.
Does asked the Lord to take that off of you?
And he think about that and in his what the Bible says you have not. because you ask not realize that all the times we
on the Lord, so when we humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God he then exalts us because he
It won't be long. I won't be long. I always I got a message for you all I want to share a few things with you at church. We've been on the series for the last six or seven weeks and title what's next we've been dealing.
When we die, where do we go when we die?
all of that
And they'd be after day day after day week after week month after month is it?
And then at the hospital about a home that all that they were they were just right there.
Lord and so does that mean that any of us? We're not trying to rush the process. We just we've just learned how to get the best out of life while we are living now.
Kid with one another as well.
That's fine with many people. We don't stop preparing for life until I start happening. The thing about life is just not a Runway. not a practice when you deliver it, you know, you have to get into life and you have to start living it and if you don't believe God you need to believe him try him and then
compressing people keep our Hollow Run roll all over
have them so that when they
I took a full right now a man and so
Scott this guy
He says this.
Add I watch people. I watch people.
dance stand
but this guy loses all of his wealth all of his children died and even his wife looks at him and says you need to crush your God and die you walk around his thank you. You you you too bad testimony for all of us and I wish you go ahead and do what you going to do, but Joe refuses to serve.
It keeps what I'd like to say.
Are the one who's responsible for making the right choices in the right decision for life to get better for you. That's your responsible to hear something else to jokes and she says
Add laugh and after my body has been paid yet in my body. I will see God he says I will see him for myself. I will see him for myself. I will see him for myself. I will see him.
talking about C&O Golden's
He talked about seeing no no tree with the leaves in the middle of the garden for the healing. That's not what he wants to see that's not what he wants to see all those.
What does I want to see him?
Bible says that he issued evil, which means that he did what was necessary to stay in.
What city did he stayed away from his own thing? No one does is the writer says to us.
I bet all your ways and he shall direct your
I've been committed and loyal to God because of what God had.
I don't know what that is that the Bible says whatsoever. A man soweth that shall he reap that means he stayed away from those things that would take away from him.
Was a man of abundance said he made good business decisions. He made good family decisions. He made good emotional decision. He wasn't he was a good. He had to be mentally ill.
He kept reaffirming his faith in God.
But whatever. I'm not going to blame God and I'm not going to turn my back on God because my life is not wrapped up in things.
What's up with you in the next 10 minutes or so that Christ offers us?
a couple things that you should consider
salvation and eternal life
Forgiveness is so valuable. It's so freeing because he forgives you of your past your present and your future says.
Any of that stuff, it doesn't matter how many mistakes I make I got time with me.
This is about Lucy.
And this is something you ought to know. If anything, but that's you I'll get it. I understand you.
I do realize this.
I know you would like to think you are you probably got a few dollars in the bank. I'm sure you probably good job. You're tired all of the time still got nice beautiful children education all that, but you're still not.
Is always something better that you can do that's some stuff in you.
All right. Guess what? We just haven't been put in the position to so that they could emerge from you. What if you were put in the position you just haven't been willing to put for the work to discover was actually in you you've been waiting on somebody to do for you instead of you looking on the inside and find them.
And so. That's what sound nation is all about.
The song from Satan who comes to steal to kill and to destroy he comes to steal your face to kill to to to kill your your hope so that he can destroy God's plan on your life.
salvation is to save you food life situations preparing you to continue to get bigger better stronger not running not trying not running not complaining but actually learning how to overcome despite your daddy home better than you and your mother who had to you and your friend who betrayed you and the job that fired you
Subway Surfer bad something for you.
I got you three to the next place because somebody tell him I'm not running.
Oh my God, what's I got rice with Dad? I did right with life I can deal with life on. What did?
Turn on light but after we have served.
Debit account for the life that you have lived on on some of us elections.
to believe but if you
I saw a bus the case that means that God made us in His image. He got some expectation.
We will see we will see for ourselves. So what I'm trying to do with people today, I'm trying to give them things to help them get better providing them. Hope to
full of people between you fearful of life itself I bet he said but I would not have you to be.
We stay up to you by the word of the Lord that we which are alive and remain on to the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep for the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of Archangel and with the trunk of God and the dead in Christ shall rise there.
What the Lord?
What's the new come to these Services here? This is not the end. This is the beginning.
Pakistan likely kindergarten stage of life because now you got to transition into eternity and Eternity is a very long time.
All about perspective is that this is not the end, but he was addicted brown house for sale.
Rrrr. I am a recovering.
and dumb
God grant me the serenity.
Percent in AA and na we quote that but some of you like to look at life from Angela Davis's.
Accepting the things I cannot change.
I need to look at that just for a minute.
I'm no longer accepting the things I cannot change.
Brother priests the other day and I saw him deal with this. I said, you know what? I think I want to just come and spend on that.
Ford with we're selling more from the pulpit
you know and reason why so many people are so upset and frustrated with living is because our aunt and afraid of dying is because
Come on, come on.
Paul's wife that so many people in.
If you know it's real frustrating trying to change stuff.
And if you keep me.
Is there a prove to you that you are not Superman? World needs psychological world that we live in Lagos and people talk everything. Talking about I'll be back road in the world. What is going on with you?
I want to hear so angry.
But there's some stuff that you have the power to change stuff that you really don't have the power to change.
I said they will stop blaming me.
Accepting just to Islam of them, but I'm going to be used to consider accepting this.
But consider is something we actually cannot.
You should have went somewhere.
No matter how much money you have trouble.
Does a few days and full of trouble?
What's up? You sure have not might have why can't have shut up to relationship but be of good cheer.
Got a couple of people.
You think you think I am, don't you? You think you can sweet-talk them in the tank? And don't you? Yeah, you think you got all the game.
Call Oki, okay.
I know I feel sorry for what they did to your grandparents and great-grandparents and I'll stuff and we're waiting. We're waiting on some people to change it.
You got it, or you got Kinfolk?
Nothing. Okay, I okay. What does the thumb and tell her you can't change people?
Oh, okay.
Everybody in here look at the person next to you. If nobody hates us there.
Norman and thinking that they know if I keep lifting weights if I keep taking vitamins if I keep drinking shakes and eating salads and you know if I lower my cholesterol
What are they going to keep you from dying?
Put you in the grave, so you need some insurance.
All right. I see I know I'm almost done. Okay, so there was there was this.
my doctor Martin Seligman and here's what happens way back before they became very conscious about
he became very conscious about dogs in before they start putting people in prison for fighting dog. They did an experiment.
Pick one put some dog on. Add a device.
on the ones that were on on the electrified the box and every time I go to the other side. But then after doing for some dogs, that would not jump up and move.
This is what they called and they called.
learned helplessness that did not
topless in the air condition, okay.
people stop watching
Okay, and she says that there's three things that people who suffer from learned helplessness.
You can't separate personalities from characters. And so you start blaming people who are making really sound decisions that don't give you what you want. Whenever you want it and you charge them with being something that they are not but really it's just ate their character won't allow them to destroy.
Because they say what they want what because they tell you the truth and they said in such a way then you equate the way they said with their character, okay?
Everybody don't know you.
Can I have this permanency of expectation?
We're just helpless sent and the government is the problem white people is the problem. Places the problem whatever money is the problem.
I know. I know it's okay. I know something that's the problem that I have.
Because something does something for you suffering takes that shop Spirit out of you take that week Wine and Spirits by the beach.
only the test you
You want the woman to woman? You want the man?
Is a double joist.
What do you want?
Is it going tonight? But have a daughter?
wrestle today
a job
somebody save me
are you on the part that heat and air Parts is best.
Google like this next part of the scripture crossword instead of you suffer. Don't suffer as a murderer. As an evildoer. What is a busybody?
Let him go.
Okay, I'm so okay. So now I feel like I'm talking out of both sides of my mouth.
Call something that you really can control what those two things that I told you that you're trying to control don't give up.
Yahoo, Joe says if a man dies again, okay. Well
play for me. I know that my redeemer lives and he's going to
If a transfer truck take me out when I leave here. I'm going to see God. I'm going to see God.
What is Aaliyah?
That's right definition.
I never had it send them for you to get it out of them. She was just fine, but you thought that translated into cooking and cleaning and doing what?
So you went to school for what David?
Are you hate your life?
picture of a car
pictures of possums
Cuz you thought it was in the club.
Okay, I'm done for real.
So Hear What Paul said to Timothy I'm doing this because this