Mysteries Revealed - Peter

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I don't remember my first sermon. I don't remember my first sermon here.

But my first sermon we were probably attending the congregation in Springfield, Virginia at the time. Are regular preacher head gone on Christmas vacation. While he was away. He had a heart attack and ended up having quadruple bypass. Which really wasn't much of a vacation for him. I do remember a few of the sermons that I gave in Springfield. I remember embarrassing my kids by telling stories about them. I remember getting my point across. But I don't remember my sermons ever having a major impact on somebody's life.

That was about 16 years ago or so 16 years ago. I would like to thank to the experiences over the past few years and they're the tools that I have in the books that I've studied had helped me home by skills just a little bit. I was a little rough. The past few weeks we've been we've been looking at the prophecy that is pointed out in the New Testament as having been fulfilled by Jesus in some way. Each of the four gospels tell about the life of Jesus and point to specific prophecies that are fulfilled by Jesus actions. What you said or what was done to him during his life and his death? Luke explains in his second book about what happened after Jesus was raised from the dead in Acts chapter 1 verse 3 presented himself alive to them after his suffering by many proofs appearing to them during 40 days and speaking about the kingdom of God. a few days after this something strange happened was the day of Pentecost Jewish Festival of weeks. The Harvest Festival celebrating the end of The Barley harvest in the beginning of the wheat harvest the disciples were all together. The Holy Spirit was poured out on them and they began to speak in different languages written the same to the people in the streets that Jesus was the Messiah. To all those foreign visitors and doing it in their own language. Obviously this confused the people and they were wondering if it was some huge party that just ended and drunks were coming into the street or asking people. Look up reading Hearing in Acts chapter 2 starting at verse 14. But Peter standing with the 11 lifted up his voice and address them all who dwell in Jerusalem. Let this be known to you and give you my words for these people are not drunk as you suppose since it is only the third hour of the day. But this is what was ordered through the prophet Joel. And in the last days it shall be God declares that I will pour out my spirit on All Flesh and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy. And your young men shall see visions and your old men shall dream dreams. Even on my male servants and female servants in those days. I will pour out my spirit and they shall prophesy. And I will show wonders in the heavens above and signs on the earth below blood and fire and Vapor of smoke the sun shall be turned to Darkness and the day of the Lord, and magnificent day and it shall come to pass that everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved. Remember who's talking here? This is Peter. He was a fisherman. He was probably the oldest of the disciples which would explain why he became the main focus of the group Peter had no formal training. He didn't sit at the feet of any great teachers or Elders in the Sanhedrin up until three years earlier. He had spent his days mending is Ness and his Knights are early morning fishing to make his living. Just over seven weeks earlier. He denied that he even knew Jesus is from scripture. quotes from the prophecy of Joel word for word from the Septuagint the Greek translation of the Old Testament our translation from the Hebrews just a little different but not significantly Joel chapter 2 verse 28 to 32 and it shall come to pass afterward that I will pour out my spirit on All Flesh your sons and your daughters shall prophesy your old men shall dream dreams. And your young men shall see visions. Even on the male and female servants in those days. I will pour out my spirit and I will show wonders in the heavens and on the earth blood and fire and Columns of smoke. The sky shall be turned to Darkness and the moon to blood before the great and awesome day of the Lord comes.

And it shall come to pass that everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved. for in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there shall be in those who escaped in the Lord has said And among the survivors. She'll be those from the Lord calls.

Why would Peter quote this scripture?

Well, some of this has had obviously just happened. The Holy Spirit has been poured out on the disciples that were gathering together that morning. They were speaking God's truth to the people around them prophesying telling them that Jesus was the Messiah and all the events of his life. What does one part that's curious? Why would Peter include verses 30 and 31. Let's look at them again. And I will show wonders in the heavens and on the earth blood and fire and Columns of smoke the sun shall be turned to Darkness and the moon to blood before the great and awesome day of the Lord.

Was this part of Joel's prophecy fulfilled was there blood and fire and Columns of smoke tells us that some strange things happened during the crucifixion 27 verse 4 and 5. It says now from the 6 hour there was Darkness over all the land until the ninth hour and I'm skipping down a few verses and behold the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. Tell you're at the shop and the Rocks were split the tombs. Also were opened in many bodies of the Saints who had fallen asleep were raised and coming out of the tombs after his resurrection. They went into the holy city and appeared to Benny.

What a century in in those who are with Him keeping watch over Jesus saw the earthquake and what took place. They were filled with awe and said truly this was the son of God.

Matthew tells us it was a strong a very strong earthquake. Probably not as strong as what was in the last couple weeks ago, but strong. In fact, there are other sources that tell of a major earthquake in this region sometime in the early first century those same sources talk about the sky turning dark for 3 hours around the 6-hour which is new. The problem is explaining how the sky could be dark for 3 hours. Many people try to pass it off as an eclipse, but honestly, that's not scientific and tell you what the Jewish calendar is a lunar calendar the new month starts on the new moon. Silver is on the 14th day of the month. The 14th day of the first month the month of Nisan.

First of the month is the new Passover what happened during a full because there are 28 days more or less recycle. It is physically impossible to have an eclipse during a full moon eclipse only occur during a new moon.

Let's add to the fact that the sky was dark for 3 hours. during the longest total eclipse It will be approximately seven and a half minutes. But most are significantly shorter than that around 2 to 5 minutes. It feels like a long time, but it's not.

That's significantly shorter than 3 hours. Some speculate that the darkness was caused by a sandstorm some think that it may have been debris that was kicked up by the earthquake. However, the other sources outside the bible say that they could see stars. Those explanations to me. Don't sound very plausible. Let's just say the dark and son was a miracle.

There's no other explanation. But there's more of the prophecy Joel said the moon shall be turned to blood. Actually, that's not really an uncommon a blood moon is a term used to describe a lunar eclipse. when the earth comes between the Sun and the Moon I didn't speak during a lunar eclipse. The Moon looks red.

The question is was there a blood moon at this time? Well, yes, there was if you search the astronomical information that's available. There was a Blood Moon that was visible in Jerusalem on the evening of April 3rd of 33 ad which was a Friday. Just before Passover. Don't think that's a coincidence. The moonrise would have been around 6:30 in the evening. And the blood moon would have been total about 6 in the evening. So totality of the lunar eclipse wouldn't have been visible in Jerusalem, but the Blood Moon should have been visible in Jerusalem that evening all the other events the darkening of the Sun in the major earthquake. I don't think Peter would have included this part of Joel's prophecy. If the people listening to him had not seen what it happened. I wouldn't be able to see that. This prophecy has been fulfilled while they were watching. Chanel Peter has their attention. And his audience is realizing that something significant has happened over and above all the other scary events Peter continues. His message was 22 through 28 men of Israel as words. Jesus of Nazareth a man attested to you by God with mic works and wonders and signs that God did through him in your missed as you yourselves know this Jesus delivered up according to the definite plan and foreknowledge of God. You crucified and killed by the hands of Lawless. Men. God raised him up. Loosing the pangs of death because it is not possible for him to be held by it for David says concerning him. I saw the lord always before me for he is at my right hand that I may not be shaken there for my heart was glad and my tongue rejoiced. My flesh will also will dwell in Hope for you will not abandon my soul to Hades or let your Holy One see corruption. You have made known to me the pads of life. You will make me full of gladness with your presence. Now Peter brings up Jesus up to this point just been talking about the events of that day and the events that happened just before the Passover town of Nazareth. Anyone spend any time in Judea or Galilee in the past few years, they would have heard of this Jesus of Nazareth and the amazing things that he reminds them that they know the mighty Works signs and wonders that Jesus did some of them may have witnessed some of the things that he did. Cuz it's only been seven weeks since the Passover and Moses Jewish men were required to be in Jerusalem for Passover Pentecost and the Feast of booths. These people should have been here for Passover and witnessed the events of Jesus trial and crucifixion the earthquake the dark and Son and the blood Peter says this happened according to God's plan. Peter blames these man that he was talking to for the death of Jesus as well as the Romans the Lawless men that he spoke of now they were it's not because they were criminals but because they were Gentiles not under the law of Moses. But that explains the god raised Jesus up the death couldn't hold him. The Greek word that's translated as in this translation is the word that's used for labor pains during childbirth since his resurrection was sort of the terminology kind of fits. Jesus was reborn with his resurrected glorified body. NS prophetic proof Peter quotes from one of David's Psalms actually psalm 16 1/4 verses 8 through 11, except the lord always before me because he is at my right hand. I shall not be shaken there for my heart is glad and my whole being rejoices My Flesh also dwells secure. We will not abandon my soul to sheol or let your Holy One see corruption you make known to me the path of life in your presence. There is fullness of joy at your right hand are Pleasures forevermore. Peter says that David wrote this about Jesus and as proof Peter reminds everyone that David is in fact dead and buried verse 29 of Acts chapter 2 Brothers. I may say to you with confidence about the patriarch David that he and his tomb is with us to this today.

first ten of Psalm 16 David Wright's you will not abandon my soul to sheol or he's as Peter translated or let your Holy One see corruption was David dead buried in the thousand years or so since Even his bones and probably turn to dust. David could not have been talking about himself. Peter isn't done yet. He's finished his second point. He's a one more to me. 7 vs 30 therefore or therefor profit and knowing that God has sworn with an oath to him that he would set one of his Descendants on his throne before saw and spoke about the resurrection of the Christ that he was not abandoned to Hades nor did his flesh see corruption. This Jesus God raised up. And if that we are all Witnesses.

Being there for exalted at the right hand of God and having received from the father with the promise of the Holy Spirit. He has poured out this that you yourselves are seeing and hearing David did not Ascend into the heavens, but he himself said the Lord says said to my Lord sit at my right hand until I make your enemies your footstool. But all the house of Israel therefore know for certain that God has made him Lord and Christ this Jesus you crucified. Peter says David was a prophet. The prophecy the David makes us is based partially on one that was spoken to David by another Prophet God spoke to Nathan in a dream when David decided that he wanted to build the temple. Because David and shed so much blood God would not allow him to build the temple. But God did make a different promise to him in 2nd Samuel chapter 7 verses 12 and 13 when your days are fulfilled and you lie down with your father's I will raise up your Offspring a crucial come from your body and I will establish his kingdom he shall build a house for my name and I will establish the Throne of his kingdom forever in the short-term. You can look at this.

It doesn't cover all of it. Jesus completes this prophecy. House of God the house for God's name Is the church it's us. We are his Temple and Jesus as Messiah will forever rule his kingdom. Zen quotes from another one of David songs. This one is Psalm 110 equals the first verse the Lord says to my Lord sit at my right hand until I make your enemies your footstool.

Course all his enemies are not yet his footstool. He is sitting at God's right hand waiting for the point in time when God says it's time. And every knee will bow before him.

Peter's first sermon was effective. It was a significant reaction to what Peter told the crowd that had initially accuse them of all being drunk and disorderly before 9 in the morning.

Peter told them that they had crucified the Messiah that they were waiting for and God and raised him from the dead.

What's 37? When they heard this they were cut to the heart and said to Peter and the rest of the Apostles Brothers. What should we do? Peter said to them repent and be baptized everyone of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the Forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. For the promise is for you and for your children and for all who are far off everyone the Lord Our God calls himself. It was many other words. He bore witness and continue to exhort them saying save yourself from this crooked generation.

Peter's audience asked what to do. Peter Holden exactly. What is the key to what we need to do to be saved because salvation of course is the Forgiveness of sins. The first 39 is important for us to understand to wasn't just telling the people listening to him on that day. What needed to be done? He was telling all future Generations what needs to be done to be forgiven for the sins that we've committed during our lives as I looks at. All Sims as equally bad equally wrong. It doesn't matter if you're a liar or a thief an adulterer or a murderer. We've all sinned the only person who didn't was Jesus. He was the sacrifice for our sins because he lived a perfect life. If you believe that Jesus is the son of God that he died for your sins and he was raised on the third day and that he is sitting at God's right hand interceding for us today to turn away a simple life and change your life. I just say it but do it. And you can be like one of those 3,000 people who obeyed Peters call after his first sermon on that day. And if you want to talk about that. I'm still standing.

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