Guest Speaker - Steve Sabol
It's called The Eyes Of Christmas. That's the message for today. There's an outline in the bulletin as an insert. If if you are a consummate note-taker, if you're not don't even open up your bullet that mean it's for those I like to take notes, you know, and it keeps me focused and sore tell by the eyes are Christmas and what it's about is that so we're going to be at the Christmas story Through The Eyes of someone who played a prominent role in the story and up and there are many familiar and popular characters in The Christmas Story. All right, so obviously you Jesus and we really don't know what your Christmas through his eyes, although he was Emmanuel God With Us. So maybe knew more about of surroundings than the typical newborn. I think not Mary and Joseph to look at the Christmas Story 3 ton of those be a phenomenal thing to do in the three wise men also known as the Magi, but there is one problem. In the Christmas story that is almost never mentioned. BMW definitely doesn't show up in any nativity scenes in the moment. You're going to understand why and yet he was prophesied about of old. And he struck fear in the hearts of God's people during the birth of Christ and I'm talking about none other than Herod the not-so-great. History tells us he is known as Herod the Great I've been to Israel and I've seen a lot of his construction projects. I stood at the top of Masada the Temple Mount of the Temple Mount And The Wailing Wall, which was the only remaining standing thing of the original Temple. So he's known as her the great but just so you know, it was a rascal. No, I'm going to watch that fart.
Is it bad to for young guys?
We read about his role in the story and the other story in Matthew Chapter 2 verses 1 through 12, and I'm going to add verse 16. Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea during the reign of King Herod at that time some wise man from the Easter and survived in Jerusalem asking where is the newborn king of the Jews? We saw a star as it Rose and we have come to worship. Him King Herod was deeply Disturbed when he heard this as was everyone a Jerusalem. He called a meeting of the leading priests. Add on and teachers of religious law and he asked the question. Where is the Messiah supposed to be born? in Bethlehem in Judea, they said for this is what the proper Road annual Bethlehem in the land of Judy are not least ruling cities of Judah or I will come from you who will be the shepherd for My People Israel then heard call for a private meeting with the Wiseman and from them the time when first appear then he told them go to Bethlehem and search carefully for the child and when you find him come back and tell me so that I can go and worship him to After this interview the wise men went their way and the star they had seen in the East guided them to Bethlehem. It went ahead and stopped over the place where the child was when they saw the star. They were filled with joy been in the house and saw the child and his mother Mary and they Bow Down and Worship Him then they open their treasure chest and gave him Gifts of gold frankincense. And myrrh. When it was time to leave they return to their own country by another route forgot. I'd warned them and have to return to hear it. Now here's for 16. This is why I call him here with a not-so-great was Furious when he realize that the wise men and outwitted him. He sent soldiers to kill all the boys in and around Bethlehem who were two years old and under based on the wise men's report of the Stars first appearance.
Theologians and historians describe verse 16 as an event called the slaughter of the Innocents. How to get a hard number how many boys born in the area around Bethlehem and around the area Bethlehem 2 years of age and younger one estimate that is Fairly reliable said this proximately 14000 boys. No, that's part of the Christmas story books. I understand why we don't celebrate that because it isn't anything to celebrate. What is it? It is a part of the story as well as we looked through the eyes of Herod. After Christmas so we can actually start to see something that maybe you and I might have to deal with in our own lines and activity scenes in the part that Herod played in it. So we would have we would have the manger and we would have you know, the stable in the manger inside of the feeding trough Mary and Joseph looking at the little baby and we would have the shepherds in the weismantel that didn't show up the same time and we have the cattle that were loading and the sheep and the animals and to be a star over the manger and all that stuff with that. If you were accurate with the herds involvement, it would be all these little tiny figurines. What resenting 2 year old boys all bloodied laying around. Love their heads cut off. I don't want that in mind activities scene. How about you? But it's part of the story is part of the story.
Disinherited his oldest son and killed him. He had his wife Mary Omni killed at jealousy after a failed suicide attempt died at the age of 70 and one of his final acts of his evil life is what he did. He had the most distinguished citizens of Jerusalem thrown into prison as he knew his death was in pending for a Sunbeam as he said, I know when I die, no one will cry for me, but I want people crying when I die so they will cry for them and they were all put the debt he died.
the people look this horrid as brutal and merciless his rage when he learned that a child was born or made a prophecy. Who is the true King Jesus? And his insane efforts to wipe out one child Herod had scores of children killed. So Herrod failed not only failed to really appreciate the glory of that first Christmas. Buddy propagated a great tragedy. Now, why would this happen? Well, I think a nutshell. Obviously arriving at some point to some place of object evil. His life was filled with fear and pride parents fear. Was that this is someone else going to take my throne.
Now let's get honest. Let's get real k You don't have to invite me back. I hope you do. Why some people are like him, but they don't murder anybody allow about to allow anyone else to be the king of their lives.
That's why many people see Jesus as a threat.
You can get a ride around the water cooler than office and talk about the concept of God and you'll have an interesting polite discussion with a lot of people and I believe all this blah blah blah and that one person in that group says, you know, I believe that Jesus is God you have a fight on your hands. Run away cuz when you bring Jesus into the situation into the picture, he leaves no no other options. John 14 and 16 said I am the way the truth the life no man comes to the father but through me see we humans like a rock says we have to acknowledge or look at the glories and the diversity of creation. We must conclude that there is a creative designer behind it all but we don't want to surrender to anything or anyone so we'll make up our concept that we can fit into our comfortable self-absorbed lives. What the problem is with with her additionally this original sin? Original sin When I Was preparing for this message. I've always thought as I've studied it and I'm not necessarily wrong talk about original sin. We talk about what happened in the Book of Genesis chapter 3 when Adam and Eve messed it all up. The original said God said here's a tree in the millions are trees in this glorious fertile Garden called The Garden of Eden and you can have the fruit from any of these trees, but I want you to leave that one alone because the day you eat of the fruit of that tree, you will surely die. And don't you know what to ask you if it is that's the one tree they want all the others they ignore. I mean like that one.
And again, it was in a form and original sin for the human race, but it's not original sin sin was already a reality in the creation of God long before Adam and Eve was ever created. and Isaiah chapter 14 verses 12
How art thou fallen from heaven or Lucifer son of the morning? How art thou cut down to the ground? Which didst weaken the Nations? Now I'm going to ask you to do help me place this message at least at this part. So we're going to read verses 13 and 14 and every time I'm going to read it along and you just listen, but when we get to a personal pronoun, I want you to say it with me out loud and yet and don't be afraid to be bold, you know, right? It's okay. So so let's put it up there. All right go to next verse.
Ready? I will Ascend into I will exalt my throne above the stars of God will sit also upon the Mount of the congregation in the sides of the north. I will Ascend above the heights of the clouds. I will be like the most high. Which gentleman do versus 6 personal pronounce?
excessive use of personal pronouns turned in Archangel into a devil And I can have a similar negative effect on you or not. So what so what does all this mean right so I told her young pastor friend of mine the other day we were talking about forming messages and stuff like that. And I said, you know, I kind of followed leading of the Holy Spirit and get into word and put it all together and it all points 1 2 3 A B and C under 1 2 and 3 if that would be the case and they get to the bottom and I and then I write a big question at the bottom in my own handwriting. So what? Cuz I want that to can't I want I want you. All right. I'm not just going to share with you historical facts or realities about a guy named King Herod or what happened to Lucifer and Isaiah chapter 1400 or what happened at that first Christmas story as it is portrayed and given to us from Matthew and Matthew Chapter 2. I want to know how it applies me. Why do I need to look at this? Why is this important? So you're so what there are seven subtle and sneaky ways that pride and weasel its way into our hearts guys getting this message was like man and just so you know, I wiggled and I arrived and I sweated and I resisted and I squirmed so I had my turn now it's yours.
What's a squared to get a squirmy service?
How are you doing? Like head-bobbing? It's like like a bobble doll in the back of the car.
possibly forever Proverbs 16:18 said Pride goeth before the
LA Puma get that mixed up. Pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall Jesus and told us that he said those who think they are well or not going to look for a doctor. Js46 says God resists the proud.
I want resistance in the King James version of the original language the koine Greek English word resistant means that God assumes a Battle Stance against the Prout. It sounds like God saying yeah you want to do this. Let's go. Throwing down the gauntlet you want to box with God?
Hit Me With Your Best Shot Right, I don't got you but I don't want God to assume a Battle Stance against me. I want God to assume a position of Grace that he can lavish upon me as I was praying coming down here in about an hour and a half drive this morning. I I I just prayed for grace that sufficient for all of our needs this morning a Grace. That is amazing. Right, you don't get that when you approach god with pride and arrogance. That's why I put so dangerous and I want us to examine our lives this morning to see if there may be some evidence of his presence in our lives is seriously dangerous, but it's also hard. despot When it comes to diagnosing our hearts those of us who have the disease of Pride or going to have a challenging time identifying our sickness. I'll put it this way and you know, this is a little cruel but it's okay. I guess it's okay. And again Pastor don't have to ask me come back, but why I dislike bad breath. The person who has it doesn't know they have everybody else knows right? It's hard to detect it's hard to discern.
Try to fix our spiritual vision causing us to view ourselves through a lens that often colors and distorts. What's really reality. Pride will take our sinful ugliness and painted as beautiful and commendable. I mean those words that we are quoting Lucifer. I mean he when he was speaking of he was probably thinking man aren't
To the hills, so we can't we can't just to miss this side if we don't struggle with pride because hearts and their self on the back for how well I'm doing. Those are the moments. That should alarm me the most. We all need to take a long cool drink of christ-like humility this morning remembering that nothing good dwells in our flesh. And we need to ask God to search our hearts for any hidden Pride or their symptoms. So 7 and subtle and sneaky symptoms of the infection of Pride. I think they'll be on the screen number one finding fault with others. Finding fault with others. What Pride causes us to feel right and it's kind of been sleep ride. Does it pride helps us to filter out what's wrong our lives? So we don't look at it when it comes to others. It filled was out all the good in them. So all we see are there negative traits and we allowed those two former protective's about those people. It's kind of like when. When we know we're wrong, we want Mercy, but when others are all we won judgement.
Here's how this works. I've done this I guess is you've done. I don't know for sure. But I know I did for sure sitting in a service listen to sermon like this or something like that where it's kind of a a little bit of a hard word. Sometimes I preach and some people will say to me, you know, that was like a hug that song. So what the hard part I want you to I want you to feel the love you but I want you understand that sometimes the word of God is a two-edged sword dividing a piercing asunder Soul and Spirit by tomorrow because it's a discerner of the thoughts in the attention of the heart. So where the service service this was sermon like this? And we're sitting here going. I know who needs to hear this. Do you reproduce sermons and DVD form or whatever you just post a line? YouTube yeah. I remember the day when we used to have a cassette Ministry in my earlier churches, you know it and I and we got a pretty cool science to my last and we're still doing casaccio back when dinosaurs roam the Earth, you know, and so so we we would soon as I invited the musicians for the altar call. They would take the master out of the record deck and run into a room. We had a couple of duplicating machines and it will start firing off duplicated tapes of that sermon. So the pick up people can actually walk out of the service with that serve sermon in their hands when they go and not just have to order it and get it next week. Right? So we try to do that way. My my media team often told me when someone would order that or pick it up or buy one. It would say I want to take this service on my husband needs to hear this.
I have a son that I'm going to mass to hate me stay here. And guess what? They probably did the husband needed to hear the sun needed to hear it, but they totally missed the point. They needed here and why you're sitting there processing a message that might be slightly hard have a hard Edge to it. And you're thinking about who someone who's not even here a man across the site might need to hear our Same by that's Sable came all the way from Lebanon the preacher that person over there and roll for you know, You're missing the point used to sing an old him. It went something. Like it's me Lord as me Lord standing in the need of prayer that's humility. It's for you. Daddy says Lord is a tie.
Sometimes already miss me to turn to owe me.
Sneaky subtle symptoms of possessing a bitter or harsh Spirit pride and cause us to speak other of other shortcomings contempt irritation frustration or judgment pride is why we belittle the struggles of others. Let me explain that to you. I decided about 25 years ago that I have the absolute Ironclad definition of the differences between major surgery and minor surgery. Minor surgery is any surgery you're having. Major surgery is any surgery. I'm happy. I'm leaving little the struggles. What is lurking in the background of the jokes? We make about our spouses? It may be lurking in the prayers. We pray for our friends that are sometimes subtly or not-so-subtly tainted with frustrated criticism and irritation lower your
Or we could just change their hearts, please. I can't look at them anymore.
What a my spiritual grand-daughters a beautiful young lady that I've known since an infant when I dedicate her to the Lord. My name is Mikayla. She posted this on her Facebook page the other day a real man never insult his lady in front of anyone not even as a joke, and I had to buy two cents in on her Facebook, and I said not even private either.
Will treat one another with as much utility in Genesis Christ treats us. number 3 having a skin deep superficiality
When Pride lives in our hearts, listen folks, we we become more concerned about how others perceive us. And the reality of what we really are.
By the way, did you hear about the guy that spent the first half of his life worried about what other people were thinking about him? And the last step is life depressed when he realized nobody would have been about him at all.
We work hard on the sins that impact impact how other people see us. But we make peace with the ones that no one sees.
Becoming defensive overly defensive were standing in the strike Christ's righteousness alone. We find is confident hiding place that Shields us one other choose to assault us.
True humility isn't forced into a defensive posture by a challenge or review on the contrary. You're welcome. I think it's really vital to see ourselves Through The Eyes of other people because we we love to our own eyes and we think I'm doing pretty good and all that kind of stuff.
We all have blind spots. I was meeting with a pastor about a year ago that I was developing a friendship with and we went out and had lunch together and I really other than knowing him professionally and by name and where he pastored didn't know much at all about him and we sat down we were LongHorn Steakhouse when we're having dinner lunch together rather and about an hour and our conversation, you know, he just put a sport down his knife down. He looked at me and told me blew me away and took me by surprise. She said, okay. I think I really trust you. I see you as a man of God tell me where I'm doing things wrong. Tell me where I need to improve. How do you see me? What kind of a man am I and I was blown away. I can come up with one thing to criticize about now since I've got to listen to 27 of my thing, but but that's that's what true humility does. I might be doing good, but I'm not doing good enough yet. I might be doing good. But as I said, I have not yet arrived. Not yet achieved perfection. And true him a true humility is not overly defensive number 5 becoming overly familiar with God. I like that sentence underneath there. If you can see it on the screen to humility approaches god with humble Insurance in Christ, Jesus now see those two words humble assurance, and I think they're in your notes as well, maybe Circle and because guess what either one of those two words are missing. You probably have a problem. The sandwich if either hump or Assurance are missing in that equation of Hearts might be infected a product with but now I know Pastor Wells enough and I know myself well known our brother here the pastor for many years and we want people to be confident that we want to come boldly to the throne of grace that we might have mercy and find Grace to help in the time of Beats. We want people not to come cowering groveling and saying it's just a little mr. Nobody from nowhere and I know I'm just a worm and you probably won't hear me cuz I'm so terrible, right? but sometimes when we teach people and and watch people in that bulb approach. Scott diseases forget he's gone. We're not. And he's not alone all of long lost buddy. Escape kings and Lord of lords. He's created the ends of the Earth. He's the one with whom we all have to do.
But there are others others of us. I know so I can take a break. Now. This has nothing to do with me. I don't have that boldness and But on the other side of us feel no confidence at all. Before. It's kind of interesting because on the surface that actually sounds like humility. But in reality, it could be another form of pride. Because we start believing that our sins are greater than his grace and we doubt whether or not the power Christ blood is able to address them and we are stuck on looking at ourselves instead of him. It's kind of like pride and negative discharge. the number 6 a desperation for attention bride is hungry for attention.
Try this hungry for respect and flattery and all his forms like boasting about ourselves.
Oh, yeah, you had your knee replaced by a both knees and both hips replaced about that.
How about the inability to say no because we need to be needed. You know, there's a book out called Boundaries by cloud and Townsend that I started buying and I'm not exaggerating. I started buying them by the case about 20 years ago because every individual or couple that I had come to me for counseling or guidance. I identified an area of your life where they did not have boundaries drawn and people were over running their lives. So I bought him I said, yeah, I'll count you but you need to read this book. You need to read this book. You need to read this. And all the ones I bought and never once got a discount. But it's all because we have that desire to seek the glory that comes from men and not from God.
It's interesting When I Was preparing this message. The Lord took me back to 1977. About an incident where my pride got so in a way of a critical relationship in my life. Disclaimer upfront please. Do not assume that 1977 was the last time I had to struggle the prophet. Please but I don't know God just brought this up. I don't know just out of nowhere. So so I got saved the 1975 under the ministry of Robert and barn and pasture founding pastor of the Levittown church was there for over 40 years before he retired went to Cleveland, Tennessee? And and so in 1976 Yaris. I had a co-worker that I work with. His name was Eddie Fisher Fisher. Nobody like him. He was a braggart. He was all full of himself is washed out professional ball player baseball player. He he he play for the Boston Red Sox won won season and he threw his arm out. He was a picture. He threw his arm out and you know when they let him go and he is free was over. He was a pool Hustler. I mean, you know, whatever he would be the one today cuz he's about my age, you know, you have knee replacement last two and a half into my journey with Christ. Stop preaching to people and tell them they're going to hell and just loving them. You know any gave me one day and he said, you know, I've been watching you I was convinced this was going to last he said but apparently it is last thing and I want to know what what what's the deal with you? What's going on? So we working 3:30 to 12 shift. So we stopped at his house on my way home from work that night. So it will be after midnight and and we sat there for a couple hours. I was talking about the Lord opened up the scripture. I actually actually gave him his first Bible and And I was privileged to be able to leave him Jesus Christ at night. Came to my church the church that I belong to. Join, the church got baptized in the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking of the times. I started using him and services of giving messages and tongues and interpretation of tongues, which is powerful and just so you know, that would have happened today and it does happen today for me. It would there be no one more proud excited and happy for that guy to me. I'd be his biggest cheerleader. I think that that guys like me to reaches age stages of life. We need to allow these young men to stand on my shoulders and see further than we can see I've ever seen and do more than we've ever done and and become more than we were ever able to be that what that's what deletes me is a spiritual father but back then it wasn't there. He was a brother. Chuck my church decided in 1977 to have their first. Awards banquet at the Bristol Motor in a nice nice meal catered meal in a fancy restaurant. And in that meeting they were going to announce the Layman of the year for the Church of God in Levittown. I just so you know, I was convinced it was me. I looked around the cops Levittown church was there we had 5075 people come in there and let you know and I'll just look around thinking you better than me. humble humble
Anda And we're sitting there when I'm good Fellowship good food. And there was there was some kind of a preliminary good thing going on some kind of little bit of service type thing and then Pasteur born or get up and said, okay. We are going to award for the first time the Levittown Church of God Layman of the Year award and this year the award goes to and I was actually almost starting to stand up a serious man in that ugly. The look at me is funny, but it's not funny in them. And we awarded this year to Eddie Fisher.
first kill
I was I was I don't know. I was hurt. I was angry. And then they had this reception line. We're all of us got up to you know, like when we joined church, we everybody grease everybody the new people that were supposed to go up there any and congratulate and shake shake his hand like yeah. Yeah, like I really want to do that, you know, and I'll never say I'm telling you something that right now brings me tremendous shame. But I can just tell you that the subtle sneaky Insidious station to Pride in my life at that point. Am I immature Christian Life? I look back on it now and say God. I'm so glad I'm not like that anymore. I might have other at battles with with private. That's not one of them anymore. When I got up to Eddie. I hugged a snack and I whispered something in his ear not congratulations. I'm so proud of you. Go get them tiger. No I said don't let this go to your head.
Coming from the guy who already let it go to his head.
We all know.
the feeling that we get when someone in a position of power acknowledges us so I can I go to church now that it's about 400 people in and I watch them you're making their way into a one of the services and and they're marching by and you know people saying hey, how you doing?
Pastor Rick pastor at that
But you know what a desperate need for attention. Going to get us into trouble. And it is a symptom a pry showing favoritism. Why should we not show favoritism? Well, how many here I'm going to take a bonus probably going to be one of the few unanimous votes this church will ever have How many here want to be like God that'll mean God become God but like Jesus. Do you want to be like the guy from Isaiah 14. What will here's what it says in Romans. 2:11. God does not show favoritism.
God does not show favoritism.
Before the cross of Jesus Christ, there are no big eyes and little use there their the ground at the foot of the cross is level there no high points and low points and that's the one place we all go and we realize we're staring into the face of a crucified Christ. The insidiousness of our sin and the amazing logo, right? Heavenly father and it makes us all one whether you're a billionaire or you can't find enough not to piggyback to buy another prescription whatever the case might be. We're all equal at the foot of the cross. Try prefer some people over others it honors those who the world seems worthy of honor these worthy of honor giving more weight to the words their wants and their needs.
Maybe we struggled Pride more than we thought.
Go to wrap this up. Let's let's not look at the Christmas story Through The Eyes of her.
And I realize it for the last 30 minutes. I've been comparing all of us to a serial killer that it's not how it was manifested what someone got it, right? So At least I hope we're not a certain. None of us. Really that works. We might see you in the next episode of Forensic Files. I know somebody's watch that. My wife. My wife can binge watch that till Jesus comes if I don't rain in, Tennessee.
Don't miss the glory of the Christmas story cuz of prime don't miss the overarching overwhelming message of the first Christmas glory of the first Christmas is it's just Luke Chapter 2 verses 1 through 14 those days of the one out of decree from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be taxed was first made when cyrenius was governor of Syria and all went to be taxed each one until their own City and Joseph also went up out of Galilee out of the city of Nazareth on to Judea under the city of Bethlehem the city of David which is called Bethlehem because she was out of the house and lineage of David to be taxed with Mary his espoused wife being great with child. So it was that while they were there the days were compass that she should be delivered and she brought forth her firstborn son wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in a Manger for there was no room for them in the end. And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field keeping watch over their flocks by night and low the angel of the Lord Came Upon them and the glory of the Lord Shone round. I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people for unto you is Born This Day in the city of David a savior, which is Christ the Lord. This shall be a sign unto you you shall find the Babe wrapped in swaddling clothes lying in a manger and suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the Heavenly Host praising God and saying glory to God in the highest and on Earth peace Goodwill. Fort Ben unto you that's personal.
Is Born This Day?
In the city of David a savior.
That's precious.
ugly Insidious sneaky and subtle Pride Can eliminate the glory? that store if you're not if we're not careful. Sorry about that.
Well, I think I think it says on your screen. The confession of pride is the beginning of the end for pride.
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. There's an if there was one of that little participle that every other word that follows it. Dangles if we can pick up the scent of pride is the beginning of the end for pry it indicates that the war has already been ways were only when the spirit of God is moving in a beautiful place like this the New Oxford Church of God this morning already humbling us. It's only then that we can remove the lens of Pride former eyes and start to see clearly. identifying sickness and seeking The Cure by God's grace. We can turn once again to the Glorious gospel of Christ and glorify him even through identifying our pride and all of its hiding places inside of its and just as my hidden Pride. Was gradually and intentionally leading me towards death. The Pride that I acknowledge gives me a 180 about face and now I'm moving towards life and all that Meats
there's a scripture that I want you to see now from The Book of Psalms chapter 139. I really love it. Search me o God and know my heart. Try me and know my thoughts and see if there be any Grievous way in me. And Lead Me in the way Everlasting.
It's beautiful beautiful paragraph.
know my heart try me. Know my thoughts see if there be any Grievous way me. And Lead Me in the way Everlasting by the preaching is because we're just a little less than a little more than two weeks away from that glorious day that many of us love so much by the way, you know that I actually want to move in here for the next two weeks and I was like, my living room doesn't look this nice. It is a beautiful time of year. It's the most wonderful. I love this time of year. I don't want you to miss any of this Glory. and if we just take any of the sneaky in subtle ways to Pride might be stirring in your life. I confess it and rid your life of it. The lights are going to grow glow brighter. The humblest of gifts will be more appreciated.
The fellowship in the company is going to be much more meaningful. Because all of a sudden I am out of the center of the circle of my life and now I'm able to see others. Which is the way I should have been looking all along? At this time, we I'm assuming that New Oxford doesn't like most churches. Like I did. It's just a time where the pastor say. Okay, when everybody is about to hit close my eyes, don't do that cuz I'm going to do it different this morning. I'd ask people close your eyes and you know, when a few you want to ask Jesus in your heart every every head bowed no one looking around. And somewhere to go. I should hand. This is clandestine. This is Cia. We're not going to let anybody know a secret for someone to do business with God, but guess what this subject matter this morning. Doing invitation like that would be antithetical.
because think about everybody Bowser head in the woods looking around. I don't want anybody to think I'm proud. What is looking?
definition say Sprite
confession of Pride means the beginning of the end for pry And when we acknowledge it, it moves towards life. Shuffle really feeling Holy Spirit stirring us the same one of those 7 sneaky and subtle manifestations of Pride just might be something that I have going on in my life. I just need to deal with it. I don't care who else in the sanctuary cities that I just want God to see that I'm meeting business now and I want to talk of that Pride. So we're not going to Bow his we're not going to close eyes. We're going to keep our heads up and eyes open and if you're here today, And you want to be free of any Insidious symptom of pride in your life. Just simply stand up Right Where You Are.
I know you're standing brother.
Some people stand when they can't stand you know me. Cannot stand I mean like ants in preacher.
So let's play would you play these words after me now? You can buy your head and close your eyes. Heavenly Father