The Baby Who Brought Peace
Cody brother Cody, and I we attended our wonderful Sunday school class at 10, but we didn't want to go to that live in the morning worship service and we found our way out into the parking lot to Rome the cars and get out of do whatever and it just so happened to be that Sunday morning for no other reason pass tomorrow one at all. The young people sit in one location cuz he's going to preach a special message. Everybody looked up didn't sealcoating Chad. And I can't remember what happened after that, but he wouldn't do it. I know that. Another Time We snuck out went into this whole racquetball room that used to be over here. And I think he had the ended up having a bloody lip from a racket. We learn. Skip Services pretty quickly. And all that on Ernest is gone away completely man.
Of the Lord and been excited about the services at Pastor Mayer giving me the opportunity to preach and administer and I have a spirit of the Lord, I believe about on Tuesday and just really really got thrilled with everything that God is doing and thankful for what he has for us. I am so glad it's we have as a society and culture have examined this week a past president passing away and it is it was always need to see some of the Pomp and Circumstance I guess in the procedures of all that goes on during some of that stuff and one evening after the dinner table. I called my kids in and told them I said, these are the things that you need to pay attention to a little bit because this doesn't happen very often and you don't get to see this stuff very often president passing enough said It's really what's a rush as a you as a citizen of this country and is America and it's it's it's important to take notes and and just listen and observe and as we were though, I did observe some things and took some things and Exedra but one thing I am so glad of it all is said and done and everyone of us breathe our last breath. We were all created in the image of God. And if you have been bought by the blood of the lamb and have received that blood into him by his wonderful day my I'm glad when it's all said and done no matter who you are or where you are. We can all stand before Jesus Christ a man my funeral if that ever does The Rapture does it take place while I'm here on Earth, but I am glad to know that he's got a place reserved for me and glory and to that. I'm looking forward to it.
Something I'm tremendously excited about it. I don't know if you know that there's one character trait about me is I love the Christmas season. I love the Christmas season and I I love Christmas carols and I grew up with my dad play in the old classics and my kid knows that Bing Crosby is supposed to be singing White Christmas and nobody else. Mason's like that put on Bing Crosby the only 12 year old that knows who that is.
The Christmas season in the Christmas carol, but during this season is the word of God concerning this beautiful time of the year and the word of the Lord in the story and never gets old and it never gets old and I want the word of God and just wonderful story if I hope you're making plans if you're not started, but getting into the depths of this story during this Christmas season. He didn't just come for us to have a good party on the 25th. Come just so we could have family gatherings and meals we can do that anytime play Anna. It's finally important as Christians as those that are the sons and the children of God that happened some 2,000 years ago. And there's so many different elements to this story that we can extract and put it into play and and allow that's a minister into our own lives and Christmas season. I rehearse many many times over those things that God gave me concerning this wonderful story and I love to read it and the NFL just say this and I really really strongly encouraged.
if your boobs more my images and music playing along with moving images some call it a movie. If you're moved more at watching something then you are reading the word of God. You need to check yourself.
If you hear something and your mood by a story that comes over the radio more then when you're reading this you need to check your heart your emotions when you read this and that young man trying to figure out what all this means. I'm telling you that the rich my heart starts to just turn lionfish myself in and I love I love pictures of is Anna in the Christmas story one of the reasons why I love Anna Grace 1 reasons why I love that name. It's because fish Christmas Story and the character that Anna played in the Christmas story. I love to see what God has never gets old. It's so my mind went back this year and I started to think about and I ask my children. I asked my daughter yesterday I said when was the first mention of the birth of Jesus Christ scripture? you didn't have to be in the 15th first because the Bible made the Declaration his head was going to be
I'm glad that there's a story Jesus Christ God manifested In the Flesh came down to this Earth, but there was a reason and that was a plan. the second chapter
portion of scripture that is familiar specially to this Christmas story, but hopefully we'll extract some things this morning and the Lord will help us. The Bible says in that were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field keeping watch over the flock by night now, I don't know I'll just stop every single time I preach so many messages concerning this story, but I really like that scripture because I was really glad God loves the night shift workers.
I was familiar with a night shift worker in my home. That's what my dad worked. And when I read that story I said Lord, you really appreciated those ever working while everybody else was sleep. Aren't you even watch of the flock by night and an angel came and took him in the glory of the Lord Shone round about them also preach the message. God works the night shift and they were so afraid and the angel said unto them fear not for behold. I bring you good tidings, which shall be into All For unto you is Born This Day in the city of David a savior, which is Christ the lord and this show me a sign in to you you shall find the Babe wrapped in swaddling clothes lying in a Manger. And suddenly there was a angel a multitude of the Heavenly Host praising God. It never did say the Angels sing that was just in our Christmas carols. What the Bible says they were in God and God in the highest they were proclaiming and saying glory to God in the highest and on Earth. Goodwill titular word that they were proclaiming that gets my attention this morning and this week but there's something that's missing in this world today and there's something that's missing in many lives today and there's something that's even missing in the child of God today. That should not be missing but Jesus came to give peace in the midst of every turmoil.
In the midst of every turmoil, we see that people when they have a baby they'll send out pictures of the baby and make the announcement declare the name of the baby. But can I tell you when it came to Jesus they don't have to make an announcement after the fact that was people that were tuned into God thousand years before it began to write down what the Lord has said making a proclamation of what was to be at what was to come and prophesied and one of those scriptures? Or unto us a son is born unto us a child is given and the government shall rest upon his shoulders lasting father.
the prince a piece
a local newspaper said these words in a question. What is your wish for this Christmas season four out of the five people responded to that local newspaper simply this piece. 3100 years of recorded history the world has known 200 recorded 200 only out of 3100 only 286 years or at least 8% of Peace over that time 8000 treaties have been made and broken. Through the centuries man of try to find a way to secure. Peace. Records from the earliest civilization record for a tip to the ways of making rules laws punishments and all of this in the element and level to get peace. I don't know about you, but I enjoyed peace. Also, enjoy the other part of it, but every now and then I got to walk away and I got to get some. Peace.
You don't talk. Unless your job requires it. I learned that from a from learning how to work when I was young. It was enough Peace during the job setting when I was about 13 years of age. And brother Paul schaumburger said simultaneous at right now when we work we don't talk you got it.
I got it. Thankfully tell me that before I got hooked up with Pastor Mark already practiced that he could appreciate it.
Because the same level for him Wentworth faster.
When they're doing things that calls things of distress.
Claiming these words that the peace they are sending that one that we should bring the peace. Adidas world we live in a world constantly of turmoil that right. There is a mirror of what's going on in every one of our lives.
I know that we have some great people in here and we have some people that walk with God and it all of that but I can tell you this. I promise you you can you can you can return the statement this year 2018 is freaking ready to close. It had some moments in your life that you couldn't get sleep. You were restless. You don't have peace over a situation. You were trouble a concerning something, but I'm telling you this as we close this year. You don't have to end this year in such a manner in such a way. You wouldn't have to end this place and cuddly this house with our heart and our mine and searched or we can understand that, peace that passeth all understanding no matter if the storms raging and the boat is rocking that take heart. I've come to give peace. Definition of Peace as two distinct definition freedom from war Civil strife and public disturbance II is recorded Disturbed State of Mind rest from worry and fear. Thomas is Webster gave that definition of of what we see and hear.
And then what we experienced?
God didn't come to have a nice story. I don't know about you, but if you know me at all, I don't do fairy tales.
Don't dress it up when it don't need to be dressed up. Don't put little the sugar coatings on it when they don't need to be sugarcoated. Let's get it out is let's deal with the issue. right
how many enjoys happy endings?
The only guarantee happy ending that you're going to get is if you bought by the blood when it's trumpet sounds I don't know how your life is going and I don't know how your worlds. I don't know how your day is going. We programmed our mind to be emotionally driven us when we hear see watch understand any or read any kind of Happy Endings. I'm telling your folks at this life is full of trial and turmoil, but you can have peace in the midst of it. All you can have peace in the midst of anything going on or that is confronted you called is still in control the baby was born. Baby was born I don't know how it all is going to work out. I'm not the car in that what I am declaring is the piece of the Prince of Peace came. We have to tell you this way.
I'm trying to rationalize this stuff in my mind. I'm trying to go over into the organized and try to how do I how do I how do I receive this? How do I how do I get this into my spirit? You think a crying baby look like peace.
Thank you, brother you help me out.
Was that peaceful have y'all had any not since you stayed up most of the night because of a crying kid yet? praise God hallelujah any moms and dads know what I'm talking about? We're talkin about a baby being born and unsanitary conditions. We're talkin about a baby not having music to rock it to sleep. We're not we're not talking about how many remembers can your baby room all together together how many remember say well maybe not years ago, but my baby showers there wasn't anything there was nothing that doesn't look like it's too peaceful to me.
My point is this is that baby in that manger did not look like me.
For that matter, it doesn't look like a healer look like a savior. It didn't look like it, but it was.
It didn't look like chasing Lisa. Y'all have any sleepless nights?
I will tell you something right now.
Before I became a youth pastor Bailey was born. I was still working. I remember being so tired. I lay down in the floorboard of a truck and got a nap one day at work.
That one piece.
That one piece.
Jesus Christ in that manger didn't look like piece on ice.
I promise you the cows that were in the next stall didn't know any Christmas carols.
With a birth taking place. I promise you the animals were a little bit disturbed.
It didn't look like peace. Can I tell you this that we have been living this life going to church many many different Sundays and we come in here and that one that is the peace that passeth all understanding, but we can't see it as peace. We can't see it as the Healer go off in a little bit. We don't see it as the deliverer. We don't see it as the Waymaker. We don't see it as me.
Because we make this statement. Well, I guess all we can do is pray.
That statement declare star Hearts intention. We're not seeing the one that has all the answers. We're seeing a last-minute Resort when we make statements. All we can do is pray. That's the first thing we can do.
Basket tell you that's not what I know. I say some of the same statement every time I preach but that's okay. The only reason why you appreciate a Friday is because you have a Monday.
I said yesterday. I wish the sun. Would Shine the sun is shining.
I got the clouds in the rain going to be here forever. I get tired of it, too.
The sun still shine in the clouds will move. That baby didn't look like piece that baby didn't look like he could take away your sins. That baby didn't look like the one that can remove all your disturbing thoughts and Minds in the sand in the disease of bondage within your mind. You ever been found by send you have preached during that time. Not a bit. Did you did that baby look like there's the one that could give you the answer heal all that chaos.
We did see the baby. That way the baby is the one we're celebrating and we will continue to celebrate this Christmas season. The one that could come and ask him to give you the peace that surpasses all understanding.
The problem is we can't hang on.
Some of us are addicted.
I asked Pastor mommy pass time. I was in a conversation one day about this. He said some people are addicted to repentance.
West Florida Blue my little Theory
repentance feels so good. And clams feel so good. That that that feeling at the altar when you get cleansed, but they get addicted to that. They don't grow in mature after that. And it drops back. You're to go bond to come back and get cleansed again, and it's such a wonderful thing. But then I'll drop back and then I'll come again. And it's that that unbelievable thing that God does it's God's love Mercy Grace and he's not going to remove it until he comes to whosoever Will. But we can add it to the folks will tell you let's not get addicted during this Christmas season is in control. He's not going to take away your going to take away. Your problem is he's not going to take a little I'm telling you that baby can handle it may not look like it was the Savior but it was it look like when the Prince of Peace
You wouldn't appear damn through that glass and looked at all the babies that lay down. Let me just get to where we live. You're up at the hospital and you're looking at all the babies and seen that one apple. That's the Prince of Peace.
When's the last time you heard somebody do that at the hospital? Boy, and he passed the Prince of Peace.
You said we still have trouble today? Because we don't think God has enough grace and mercy for our Rich. It's in nice. We don't think God has enough. We say it. I believe it. Let me just get it where I live. I'm walking by faith and not by sight.
I don't like it. Really Jim. It's not comfortable.
We quoted. But really the Lord, I mean he so I don't need you to walk by faith and not by sight.
I'll tell you God wants to do so work. He wants to do a work and we may not see Lord. I don't know if you can do that work. He can think we are. And the thing that is missing most there's people in our world that we passed that need healing. There's people in our world that need a Deliverance. There's people in our world we passed every day, but I can tell you almost everybody who passed in this life needs. Peace. They're missing it. They try to give their minds rest and their mind can't get rest. They try to do things to get their mind into some places if it gets them that just measures up if I can get buy one more day one more place one more thought and the disturbance and the wretchedness of there by now.
I'm telling you. God can still heal you God can still heal you God can still heal you no matter where your heart is no matter what's going on in your life. No matter what's going on in your child's life. No matter what's going on in your family's life. But he's still the one that came to bring the peace that passeth all understanding.
It is in this that I strive this this Christmas season, but I look to help me I can help me to obtain that which is that you have given free Bible says these things I have spoken to you that in me, you might have peace in this world. You shall have tribulation but be of good cheer. You want to know why I'm happy when it said I shouldn't be happy. It's because there's something called Pisa. I'm telling you when I don't have the peace of God. I'm hard to live with.
When I'm not I don't have the peace of God. I am not fun to be around but I don't have the peace of God, but I found the peace of God that puts into a soul that we're perfect live for him and not ourselves. That piece that comes into the lab. I put in a Capri stop reaching a little bit ago at the first message. I ever preached would appreciate it a few times to go here at the church at how much does something Priceless cost to put things in my life and I started putting a value on them. One of the things I put a value on is the peace of God. Learn to put a value on that. This old flash wanted something else to put values on other things. I had to learn a value that Lord I receive it not because of anything that I've done or haven't done I'm telling you I righteousness is as filthy rags.
The greatest person in here that lives for God is still nothing compared to his holiness. We're all sinners. Stand if you're not a sinner saved by grace, I'm telling you. We're all sinners. We're all Sinners saved by grace. We're all the ones that by his mercy and by his grace and by his love he gave it to us.
The penny that gave it to us. I don't know if Pastor Morrow preaching this year, but how many remembers the Christmas one of his Christmas messages the baby had to die if I remember that. Maybe that's a pretty again this year.
The baby had to die. How do you put it in the context? with David's sin with Bathsheba
and David laid on his face after seven days the baby died. He should so much just like us Jesus Christ came as a baby, but that baby was appointed to die a death. He didn't deserve to get rid of your so you can have peace to get rid of your trouble so you can
There's peace that passeth all understanding.
It's only going to come through Jesus Christ. baby I tried to look at that baby. I tried to examine that baby brother Matt and see how do I see a Healer?
I see you deliver.
Do I see a way maker?
Did I see it when I looked at it when I was reading that scripture net that story. I was reading the Christmas story. I examined myself. What did what was I looking at?
I said no, you know I chase everybody else missed it too. It was only a few that realize that was the baby. I should you know what I missed it to. I'm going to start asking myself.
I realize that there was Ares in my life and it was roads. I walk in my life and see God you can't forgive me again.
I didn't see him as he was God UK. There's no use. I'm not worth it to anybody ever said that to the Lord. Anybody ever said that to the Lord I'm not worth it. You're not looking at him. I don't deserve it. Anybody ever said that to the Lord. I don't deserve it. You're not seeing him as he is. You're just seeing a baby. Smaller than a baby is the Prince of Peace. He's the Prince of Peace. The one that's willing to receive all the trouble and trial and situation. This Christmas season. I don't want the next few days as we get ready to celebrate his birth come and go ahead and ask to miss the story that was told it is he'll be called The Prince of Peace. hope reach much longer, but first foremost you can't have the peace of God if you're not yet at peace with God.
You can't have the peace of God. I'm not saying you're perfect.
I won't say much, but I'm on this little group of texting. We try to text scriptures and notes at the reason why we started.
I needed it.
I'll text you scripture. This week and as soon as I text that statement. Within the next few hours. I got hit over the head two different times concerning that one thing.
lower forgive me
I'm not saying with perfect. God didn't require us. He's the one that's perfect. The only way they were perfect is were perfect through him and in him. The only way we're holy is because he is Holy and he has distributed and given us his righteousness. We're not righteous.
Quit striving a long time ago God. I ain't ever going to meet the standard of what you are and your Holiness in your righteousness. But when I seen it in God's word and Revelation came in the Sun.
And you have received my righteousness. That's why when you're baptized in the name of Jesus and you're buried in that water.
Resurrection when his Spirit comes upon you and you receive what God has designed for you.
That's why. Which icon is named We Are by the Bible says in the Book of Romans we are buried with. him its recent Bible study. I was explaining that listen we couldn't be buried under the dirt. That's a one-time-only deal. So he chose water. But he said I want you to be buried with me. And when your Berry just me you will receive my righteousness and not your own you receive my Holiness and not your own you'll receive me and not your own. You're not of yourself anymore. What a deal.
The Bible says in for claims. Lurking behind every beautiful scene of every Christmas card and every lovely sentiment of Christmas and buying them all of our holiday wrappings behind every wonderful how many loves and enjoys Santa nativity scene. How many of you remember how they stopped do? Brandon you'll remember we had Mary Joseph and the baby as little yard ornaments. And I lit up at night.
Turn the corner there on 595 Southwest 26th Street in Paris, Texas. We're going to see Mary and Joseph. It was a part of our Christmas tradition.
In the midst of all the nativity scenes that we've ever seen per taken of in the and the live nativity shows and all of that is the ugliness of sin.
and the ugliness of Christmas
Christmas is beautiful, but the first Christmas wasn't folks.
That first Christmas wasn't beautiful.
Christmas was quite ugly that birth was quite ugly. Unsanitary conditions. We get a little trouble if we go to eat we have food still on our table.
Hey, man. if you mind cleaning this we're talking about a baby being born in the most unsanitary conditions. The Christmas story wasn't a beautiful story in that sense. The conditions of of of of this this horrible scene in the ugly not in the richest this in the aspects of seeing and she's just coming into the world of this forbidden Dark Knight in the small non-descriptive village of Palestine in the in the most unsanitary of places to fill Thermador laid beside everywhere that headlines of the local paper didn't collect acclaris birth journalist. No Paparazzi gathering information. Tell the truth it was so ugly. The obituaries in the local paper if you will to get it down to where we were we're flooded with two year old boys in their life.
If I thought about that read this story in a way that you can invest in it in motion and mentally how many would have enjoyed to read the papers over and over again the slaughter of two year old and younger boys. That was what was going on. Am I right? Christmas was ugly ass and how to make that with. Sophie Scooby-Doo I'm so glad I'm so glad my heart would it wasn't right. He came to make her hi. I'm so glad when my mind was scramble at Fox and I couldn't get along with all understanding. I'm so glad this morning, but I can have a piece of God when I get at peace with God.
Santa's turn Beauty into deformity we can just text the place. We as people are much more prone to excuse our seeing the next salmon it but I've got good news. She shall bring forth a son. I shall call his name Jesus for he shall save his people from their sins.
How's your mind? I've been working a lot here lately, and I was reminded that I was working.
Make sure make sure make sure that you don't get so far removed from what it's like to have your sins completely forgiven and what it is like to be buried in my name and what it's like in fact if I'm not careful we get this program so far along and we become a church doors and Bible reading.
Lord sorta nuts me and I gave him glory right there where I was at, and I thank you. I praise you Lord for what you've done and given to me in my life. Cross come in the world to save Sinners Paul said who I am.
For this purpose John said it this way for this purpose. The Son of God was manifest that he might destroy.
The Works of the devil did you like that baby was destroying much besides that little manger?
He was didn't look like he was destroying much besides that little area of his world. The Bible says the Son of God came to destroy the works of the devil.
How many super have the devil working in on you? I'm telling you the babies come out. They're an idiot look like much of a warrior.
Didn't look much of one Locker. That one that was going to be destroying much. outside of where he laid
But Jesus Christ came to destroy.
I don't know about you. But I'm glad this Christmas season I can look and see you. Although I see a baby in the manger and I see that nativity scene. I see something far greater. I see the one that could speak into my heart this morning. I see the one that can take control of my family chaos.
How many Sabre have chaos in your family and peace was spoken?
Cuz we gave it to God.
Have you ever been at work with work going on in your life work was turmoil. And peace was spoken.
I miss been in a situation where you have wrestling within yourself over something and you can't release and you can't get get free from it and peace that passeth all understanding.
I'm telling you. One horrible thing is to continue to walk in this world with your mind so much in bondage. You can't get free. Don't listen to me. I don't know if you'll respond to this message this day or in this Christmas season, but he one thing I don't mind. I don't mind confronting anything that needs to be confronted. That's the only way I can deal with myself is the reason why.
And I'm not scared of much and it's not because I'm big well little bit big.
But when it comes to spiritual stuff, I have to meet it head-on.
I don't know when but listen to me do not believe alive from the enemy. But you have to stay with turmoil in your life. Or your family or your job or your situation? You may have to do some things you don't like.
Or give me peace.
Give me peace God. It's Christmas season. I've asked Lord, if if if you would want to give me a gift. Give me your peace teach me your peace.
The Bible says there's something about me but showing fight. I don't know who's playing, but you can get ready. Bible didn't say Jesus didn't say this blessed are they? peacekeepers
He said blessed are the peace makers there's a difference.
There's a difference.
You can keep peace, but that doesn't mean there is true creating. Peace. Keeping Pace maybe that we don't talk to each other.
cuz when we talk it ain't pretty
So we're just going to keep peace. That ain't peace.
You know, sometimes we try to keep peace with the Lord.
Songs we can survive. I was just keep a little piece. He didn't come to keep the peace. He came to make the peace and the only way you make peace is you get it all out in the open and get it solved and get it get it done. that's why I said the calvary cast all your
What's a care?
Anything that is causing you trouble in your life anything that you can't get rid of it or get over cast all your cares on me. Yeah, but you're just a baby Lorde. I know we don't say that but every now and then we look at the Colorado to know God. You don't you're not concerned. I failed you too many times that you don't want me. I haven't done it ride to the largest. How many said that?
Lord I'm not going to concern myself. No, you're not going I work it out. I'll fix the problem. I'll fix the issue.
I do that because it's a natural personality trait. I don't want to ask for any help if you can't tell that I need it.
That's bet that's me.
And so it comes into my relationship with God. I had to take to ask for his help because a natural personality trait that I have is if I can figure it out on my own. I'll figure it out on my own if I have to have help I'll call for it. But if that's got to be the last resort, that's me. That's me. Guess what when it comes to my spiritual walk with him at I try to figure out all on my own until the last minute. You know, that's not the way it's going to be done when it comes to your spiritual walk. The boss is cast all your cares all your troubles all your sins everything. Kastam. I'm not going to take them from you. I remove them but you got to do the casting. I went to Calvary to die your death to give you peace, but you have to come to Calvary and Powell. I came to that manger. There wasn't any celebration. Well, that's younger folks. I guess even younger than me because we didn't even do it. I'm getting old enough to say we did it. We did have a gender reveal party when we were having kids. I can I buy boxing already say well that we didn't do that.
Oh now it's ditch. Wonderful.
It was actually angry was ugly. Why because she's just know that the ugliness of Our Lives cast all your cares. You've got to give them to me. I'm not going to rip them away from you. You got to give him that man and it's so nice that we can stand here this morning as we all stand and we can say one simple prayer. Listen to me one simple prayer.
It could be a small as one sentence. but if it's meaningful
God will reward it. Receive it.
I want to see if you had any struggles this year. You had any trouble this year. If you ate of any kind that is caused you restlessness or wondering how it's all going to end whether it's your job your business your family, whatever sickness. My mom's not here this morning, but several if you know she's in she's in there, but you know, she's I mean, it's just it's a lot of trouble in her with her health. never before my dad's not here this morning, but he's getting older. How many of you seen him? He doesn't even last year. We have a situation. I don't know the end of all this now. I don't know how it's all going to figure out. And some aspects this year hasn't been good to us. But I know that God.
God can give you peace. If you struggled anything this year's we're closing out this year. I want you to make a commitment this morning in any manner of level. I'm giving it to you Lord. I'm not walking out of this house as the remainder. I don't know how many more services you have this year. But I'm not walking out of this house.
Without piece of words spoken over me. I want invite everybody up to the front and it said anything just needs to be in the presence of the Lord casting your cares.
Open up the front. I want us to come down.
Anything you've struggled with anything that has been uncertainties. God's will God's going to touch you. He's going to give you some peace may have to do some things and left the war but I'm telling you. I was going to give you a piece if you cast your cares on him this morning. It may not look like much this might be just a little simple service, but don't be confused. It's still a baby that baby didn't look like much nobody confuse. That baby was the prince of peace.
I should come what spray the singer sing Jesus right now.
Jesus right now
Right now Prince of Peace speak.