Give the Gift of Your Talents
Sermon Tone Analysis
Ill. - Registering for china - buying a china cabinet to display china that we’ve never used… You’ve received useless gifts - thinking of what to get kids, and you look around and see what they have that they don’t use…
You will stand before God and answer two questions:
1. What did you do with my Son?
2. What did you do with what you were given?
You will stand before God and answer two questions:
1. What did you do with my Son?
2. What did you do with what you were given?
2 undeniable realities: You will stand before God and answer two questions:
1. What did you do with my Son? (Question of heaven or hell)
2. What did you do with what you were given? (Question of rewards - -10)
Point of parable - get ready - I’m returning. Be about your master’s business.
1. God has loaned you a set of talents.
1. God has loaned you a set of talents.
· Since we know the master is going to return, we should use responsibility the talents He has given us.
Since we know the master is going to return, we should use responsibly the talents He has given us.
3 servants entrusted with the master’s property – circle “his property” – talents did not belong to the servants.
·3 servants entrusted with the master’s property – circle “his property” – talents did not belong to the servants.
· Talent – not an ability or skill – but money – about $2500 in today’s economy.
Talent – not an ability or skill – but money – about $2500 in today’s economy.
· Servants had a clear recognition that the talents did not belong to them. They belonged to the master and were to be used only to increase the master’s wealth.
Servants had a clear recognition that the talents did not belong to them. They belonged to the master and were to be used only to increase the master’s wealth.
· Every servant got a different amount of money, but every servant got something.
Every servant got a different amount of money, but every servant got something.
· Principle: God has loaned you a set of talents. – Whatever you have ultimately belongs to God.
Principle: God has loaned you a set of talents. – Whatever you have ultimately belongs to God.
· Everyone has been given a talent or ability to use for the glory of God. I’m looking at a room full of extremely talented and gifted people. A talent was something you were born with – a natural ability (playing the piano). Everyone has been given a spiritual gift to use for the expansion of God’s kingdom (teaching and preaching). Spiritual gifts found in , , , and . Preaching, hospitality, leadership, faith, wisdom and discernment, serving, evangelism, etc. You weren’t born with a spiritual gift. In His grace God gave it to you when you were born again.
Everyone has been given a talent or ability to leverage for the glory of God. I’m looking at a room full of extremely talented and gifted people. You are unique! Unique personalities and unique abilities. (Some of you are outgoing, some reserved, some organized, some not so much, some of you funny, some not, etc.) Unique abilities – a natural ability (playing the piano) - good with hands - excel academically, etc. What if your personality and abilities were leveraged for the Kingdom?
Everyone has been given a spiritual gift to use for the expansion of God’s kingdom (teaching and preaching). Spiritual gift is not a natural ability but a supernatural ability, but it may be related to your natural ability. (e.g. hospitality… For me - teaching - related to piano playing - ability to memorize, no stage fright...) Spiritual gifts found in , , , and . Preaching, hospitality, leadership, faith, wisdom and discernment, serving, evangelism, etc. You weren’t born with a spiritual gift. In His grace God gave it to you when you were born again.
Pastor Trey - Meshing of personality with giftedness.
We’re not gifted equally. We’re equally valuable to God, but not gifted equally. Some of you are two talent people. That’s me. Some of you excel at everything you touch, and you have multiple spiritual gifts as well.
· We’re not gifted equally. We’re equally valuable to God, but not gifted equally. Some of you are two talent people. That’s me. Some of you excel at everything you touch, and you have multiple spiritual gifts as well.
· Whatever God has given you, use it for Him. He has loaned it to you. Like your time and money, your abilities belong to Him as well. Everything belongs to the Master.
Whatever God has given you, use it for Him. He has loaned it to you. Like your time and money, your abilities belong to Him as well. Everything belongs to the Master.
2. God expects you to use your talents.
2. God expects you to use your talents.
Two of the servants knew that their master expected them to put to work the talents the master gave them, and two of the servants doubled their talents.
· Two of the servants knew that their master expected them to put to work the talents the master gave them, and two of the servants doubled their talents.
If Jesus were giving this story to the modern church – it would probably be a bit different. Instead of one person not using his talent – Jesus would be talking to the majority of us - so much untapped potential in this church and every church because by and large we are a group of takers and not givers. You give your best to careers, families, etc., but not work of the Lord.
· If Jesus were giving this story to the modern church – it would probably be a bit different. Instead of one person not using his talent – Jesus would talk about the 20% who use their talents and the 80% who do not. Have you ever heard the 80/20 rule?
· God has not spiritually gifted you to bury your talents and gifts and not use them. He has gifted you because He expects you to use what He has given you for the expansion of His Kingdom.
God has not spiritually gifted you to bury your talents and gifts and not use them. He has gifted you because He expects you to use what He has given you for the expansion of His Kingdom.
To each is given a manifestation of the Spirit for the common good.
The church needs you. You can never say, “I’m not needed” or, “I don’t matter at Northwood.” The body of Christ is at its best when you are at your best. When you bury your talent, Northwood limps around and is not as effective as we could be. 100%, not 20%, 50%, or even 75%, of us working together for the Gospel can accomplish much. Could it be that the reason why we struggle is because most of us use our giftedness only when it is convenient for us or benefits us? Instead of how can I benefit the Kingdom?
· The church needs you. You can never say, “I’m not needed” or, “I don’t matter at BSC.” The body of Christ is at its best when you are at your best. When you bury your talent, BSC limps around and is not as effective as we could be. 100%, not 20%, of us working together for the Gospel can accomplish much. Could it be that the reason why we struggle is because most of us use our giftedness only when it is convenient for us or benefits us?
Why didn’t the servant use his talent? (vs. 25 – I was afraid.) Afraid he wouldn’t live up to his master’s expectations so he played it safe. He took no step of faith.
· Why didn’t the servant use his talent? (vs. 25 – I was afraid.) Afraid he wouldn’t live up to his master’s expectations so he played it safe. He took no step of faith.
· Maybe the biggest reason why people do not use their talents for the Kingdom of God is fear. Four reasons why you might be afraid:
Maybe the biggest reason why people do not use their talents for the Kingdom of God is fear. Four reasons why you might be afraid:
o Self-doubt – I can’t do what God wants me to do. I’m not talented enough. I’m not gifted enough. I don’t have what it takes. I’m not qualified. I don’t have the training. You forget the Spirit empowers.
Self-doubt – I can’t do what God wants me to do. I’m not talented enough. I’m not gifted enough. I don’t have what it takes. I’m not qualified. I don’t have the training. You forget the Spirit empowers. You have everything you need to do what God has called you to do.
o Self-love – You love yourself way too much to use your gifts and talents for the Lord. Using what God has given you for His glory means you can't use it for your glory. You only serve if it benefits you. Your scared to surrender and say, “Everything I have is yours and for you.” Me – I can base the success of my preaching on your accolades rather than faithfulness to God.
Self-love – You love yourself way too much to use your gifts and talents for the Lord. Using what God has given you for His glory means you can't use it for your glory. You only serve if it benefits you. You’re scared to surrender and say, “Everything I have is yours and for you.” (Christmas lights - I really do it for me and not the kids.)
o Self-consciousness – You are scared of what others think of you. “If I focus my life on using what God has given me for Him, what will people think of me when I reorient my life for the purpose of God? People might think I’m weird.” Or, “What if I am not as gifted as so and so? People might not like the way I serve. I might mess up. What will others think?” Quit focusing on what others think. We are way too concerned about what others think of us and far too little concerned about what God thinks.
Self-consciousness – You are scared of what others think of you. “If I focus my life on using what God has given me for Him, what will people think of me when I reorient my life for the purpose of God? People might think I’m weird.” Or, “What if I am not as gifted as so and so? People might not like the way I serve. I might mess up. What will others think?” Quit focusing on what others think. We are way too concerned about what others think of us and far too little concerned about what God thinks.
Self-pity. “I used to serve, but I got hurt. I got burned out. I was criticized. I failed.” You feel sorry for yourself, and you are afraid to get back up and get back into it.
o Self-pity. “I used to serve, but I got hurt. I got burned out. I was criticized. I failed.” You feel sorry for yourself, and you are afraid to get back up and get back into it.
3. God will hold you accountable for how you use your talents.
3. God will hold you accountable for how you use your talents.
The master returned – you will never be punished for your sin, but you will regret not using what God has given you.
· Master praises two servants: Puts them in charge over much – the more you use your talents and gifts, the more opportunities the Lord gives you. Enter my joy – It is indeed joyful to serve the master (preaching).
Master praises two servants: Puts them in charge over much – Rewards with more responsibility. Enter my joy – Rewards with gift of Himself.
· Notice again what the lazy servant says to the master: “It’s your fault I didn’t use my gifts. Your expectations were too high.” Notice he justifies his laziness. What about you? Are you justifying your laziness? “The church demands too much of my time. God wants too much from me. I simply can’t…” Do you think God expects too much from you? Yes, God holds you to high expectations, and He is right to do so because you belong to Him. The God who gives also empowers.
Notice again what the lazy servant says to the master: “It’s your fault I didn’t use my gifts. Your expectations were too high.” Notice he justifies his disobedience. What about you? Are you justifying your disobedience? “The church demands too much of my time. God wants too much from me. I simply can’t…” Do you think God expects too much from you? Yes, God holds you to high expectations, and He is right to do so because you belong to Him. The God who gives also empowers. = You can’t simply get out of the game. To get out of God’s assignment shows a heart that is not devoted to Him - a heart that should be punished...
God has given you all you need to serve Him well. He has given us His Son. Jesus is the ultimate gift. Jesus lived the life you could not live, and paid the debt for your sin that you could not pay so you could be forgiven of your sins. He rose from the dead so you could have life abundant and eternal. More than that, He has placed His Spirit within us. We are a supernaturally empowered people. If you are not a believer, look to Jesus in faith and repentance. He will give you real purpose. Believer, you have no excuse for not using your God given talents and spiritual gifts for His glory. Your motivation is Christ – He freed you from the bondage of sin, and He saved you to serve Him.
· God has given you all you need to serve Him well. He has given us His Son. Jesus is the ultimate gift. Jesus lived the life you could not live, and paid the debt for your sin that you could not pay so you could be forgiven of your sins. He rose from the dead so you could have life abundant and eternal. More than that, He has placed His Spirit within us. We are a supernaturally empowered people. If you are not a believer, look to Jesus in faith and repentance. He will give you real purpose. Believer, you have no excuse for not using your God given talents and spiritual gifts for His glory. Your motivation is Christ – He freed you from the bondage of sin, and He saved you to serve Him.
Jesus is returning to judge what we have done with what He has given us. You’re time is going to run out - how will you be evaluated? Lack of devotion to use your giftedness may reveal that you don’t belong to Him at all. This morning, repent. Know what the master has done for you -
He has died for you. This is the Christmas story. Jesus is the ultimate gift. Jesus lived the life you could not live, and paid the debt for your sin that you could not pay so you could be forgiven of your sins. He rose from the dead so you could have life abundant and eternal. More than that, He has placed His Spirit within us. We are a supernaturally empowered people. If you are not a believer, look to Jesus in faith and repentance. He will give you real purpose. Believer, you have no excuse for not using your God given talents and spiritual gifts for His glory. Your motivation is Christ – He freed you from the bondage of sin, and He saved you to serve Him.
For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus, for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.
What do I do?
Quit merely consuming. Quit being among the majority that sits in the crowd but never gets on the field. Quit thinking that the church exists for your pleasure and know that it exists for His pleasure!
· Start small. Give 1 hour a week not to take from Big Stevens Creek but to give yourself to the body for the common good and for the mission of Christ. Jump into the nursery. Greet people on Sunday morning. Call people who are missing. Follow up with first time guests. Sit under a small group leader and be mentored so you can eventually lead a group. Administration? Organizing mission events.
Start serving. Maybe start by giving 1 hour a week not to take from Northwood but to give yourself to the body for the common good and for the mission of Christ. What have we been able to do because you have served? What more could we do? Jump into the nursery. Greet people on Sunday morning. Call people who are missing. (Care group leader) Follow up with first time guests. Sit under a small group leader and be mentored so you can eventually lead a group. Administration? Organizing mission events.
· I don’t know my spiritual gift. Trial and error. Just start serving somewhere, and you’ll discover what you are passion about. Plug into the body, and serve wherever and whenever, and you will be affirmed.
Discover your spiritual gift and use it generously. (Spiritual gift inventory on website) I don’t know my spiritual gift. Trial and error. Just start serving somewhere, and you’ll discover what you are passionate about. Plug into the body, and serve wherever and whenever, and you will be affirmed.
· Choose to be generous.