Maranatha Dec 2018
Sermon Tone Analysis
“Biblical Ways to Express Gratitude to GOD”.
I did not grow up in Life B-P Church even thought I have been there for 43 years.
As a teenager, I went to Life B-P Church with a class mate. She was from Life B-P Church.
Life B-P Church, which is my church, has taught me many things and I have also seen many things.
One of these things is that clear teaching lead to clear instructions - and this is a wonder thing.
A great blessing from the LORD.
Unfortunately, the sinful man can twist anything good into evil.
Sinners are known to call evil good and good evil (Scriptural text).
So, how we do prevent ourselves from knowing what is true in Scripture and not turning “Biblical ways to express gratitude to GOD” into mindless and evil rituals that the LORD rejects?
This question is for our mediation today.
Let us pray.
The LORD, through your shepherds of Elders and Pastor, has chosen for this morning worship of our King and LORD.
So, this morning, is GOD’s word to everyone in this sanctuary.
From this Psalm, we will learn how to be thankful and how to express our thanks to GOD in a way that is pleasing to the Might One that we worship.
Read - If it has not been read by the worship chairman.
can be divided into ?????? sections.
verses 1 to 4 (4 verses)
verses 5 to 9 (5 verses)
verses 10 to11 (2 verses)
verses 12 to 15 (4 verses)
Verses 1 to 4
Verses 1 to 4
This section started out with a statement of fact or truth and it ended with a testimony of the Psalmist personal experience of this truth.
The Psalmist knows and so do we that it is good to thank the LORD sing his praises to the Most High.
Yet, do we find coming church on Sunday a joy and blessing?
Why not?
What is this truth?
Verses 5 to 9
Verses 5 to 9
The reason the Psalmist could give thanks personally is because he saw the great works of the LORD.
He marvel at the depth of the LORD actions.
Illustration: The LORD has done a great work in Maranatha - the baptism at your 28th church anniversary.
Verses 10 to 11
Verses 10 to 11
Verses 12 to 15
Verses 12 to 15
The word of the LORD to you this morning is to have a personal expereicne of the LORD and be thankful because He has acted and will continue to act in your lives and the church.
And every Sunday or church prayer meeting, come together to recount His works and to worship, that is when we grow in our faith in the LORD.
Learning to be thankful biblically will help your grow spiritually.