Why Membership?
Sermon Tone Analysis
Why Membership?
Why Membership?
The Biblical Call to Authority
Christianity is a struggle of authority.
Our flesh desires its own way, gratifying itself as the primary purpose in life.
The Christian life is one set on surrendering everything.
Membership summarizes relationships we are supposed to have in scripture.
Scriptural Evidence
This shows the authority of the church, the apostles would check in with the elders, they were called to rule the church and see to the discipleship process and health of the church.
Church Discipline - - Where two or three are gathered.
Hebrews 13:17
Leaders are held accountable for their congregation
Church membership shows a unique relationship between people.
And the congregation of those who believed were of one heart and soul; and not one of them claimed that anything belonging to him was his own, but all things were common property to them.
We believe in church membership because we love the gospel.
Membership is a part of a growing, maturing gospel centered movement.
Membership shows we are growing closer together.
How does a relationship work? You have a “getting to know you phase” but then over time, you move into a I trust you phase, where you test the waters more, you open up and share things about your life that yo maybe wouldn’t otherwise. Then when the trust is built you enter into that relationship in a deeper way.
Church membership is similar. Many people come
The Beauty of Membership (Matt Chandler)
The Triune God dwell in perfect unity. We are created in his image and so our relationship with our local body is a reflection of this. There is a commitment to each other that goes beyond disagreements. It is saying, I’m not going anywhere. I’m not gonna jump ship and head to the church, literally down the street, but I have your back.
This prevents lone wolf Christianity. Lone Wolf Christianity, you are the authority and you have no reason to stay.
We have been putting out a lot of vision lately, membership is the next step of buyin
Membership means buyin, buyin mans trust.
Membership = Trust; If you don’t trust the leadership of New Life, step on the brakes; setup a meeting with us and ask us the questions that you have.