The True Story of Jesus Christ Birth

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Thank you. That's good. Okay, so I'm just going to read from the book of Matthew Chapter 1 Verse 18. Ohm words and action is called the birth of Jesus. Now the best of Jesus Christ took place in this way, but his mother Mary have been betrothed to Joseph before they came together. She was found to be with a child in the Holy Spirit at a husband Josie. Just Mom. I don't really need to put to shame resolved to divorce her quietly.

But is he considered these things but hold an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream saying Joseph son of David do not feed secondary is your wife is from the Holy Spirit.

She will bear a son and you shall call his name Jesus. But he will save the people from their sins.

all this took place to fill what the Lord Suppose a sorry. This is all the supplies to feel what the Lord has spoken by the prophet who holds the Virgin shall conceive and bear a son. They shall call him Emmanuel. Which means god with us. So when Josie woke from her sleep it is the Angel of the Lord commanded him and he took his why but he did not know her until she had been given birth to a son and she called him Jesus. Amen. Mary Madden, it's always good just to hear at I love that section. Can I check my Michael just a little bit gym. I thought so giving away now. Is that good bit more? bit more so I can speak really quietly.

So has anyone ever seen a nativity play before? Cuz I don't never seen a nativity play before.

Who's never seen any sympathy play before?

Rolex Pepsi Who's who's seen how many's did Timothy place you think you've seen in your life?

Some of your girls at whose baby did them in private school high school and then don't even check should be like 20 LG is obviously no one's over the age of 21. So no one couldn't have done that. Oh, baby, I think some of those think we're experts in the Nativity Story. I think we know everything the Bible has to tell us about them Tuesday story does everyone reckon they know the Bible, but when it comes to the story some people alike Maybe maybe not. Well, I'm going to see how good we know the Christmas story. Is that okay? So first off I'm going to ask some questions. I'm going to ask myself. What do we remember is the order of the Christmas story and as usual put your hand up and say well, I think this came first you going to come up and at least going to give you an item of clothing and you going to make the Nativity Story with with me. Is that okay so we can do it example When it comes to the Christmas story and the Nativity Story, we know that there was a young baby to be born. Baby was cold Jesus. And here we have our kind volunteer to play the baby Jesus. Did not much choice. I'm so baby Jesus. It's already in the Nativity Story. Wells was in the Nativity Story Any other ideas I would like hands up.

Mary and Joseph so we've got Jose, but you need to choose a Mary.

Do you get to choose anyone in the room the parking my wife? She's handing out outfits.

you have no idea you don't choose anyone, but you.

He's not a female. Well, we're only playing up. So, you know you can you can

Lorraine, okay, so can you and Lorraine come up? So if you want to go to Emily?

So we have Mary and Joseph to the airport agree that Mary Joseph or a pivotal parts of a story. That kind of important and Joseph and Bulletin.

Is a simple nose that biology?

Can I want to have child play most people there? I know but that was before all day. But you know, this one was a bit different. What's up, we got married Joseph Mary and Joseph normally 6. What is an opposite? Amusement in the stable

On the highway, but he's in the stable. Yes.

Also, would you guys go take your seats?

We Garth antique Mary and Joseph.

I'm leaving if you go for a historical fact. They just supposed to be in Reverse split up.

Okay, what came after Mary Joseph? What's the next most important bit of the Christmas story The Star?

all about Yahweh

Where does the Saco?

Hitman What is the kitchen?

It's logos behind them. Doesn't it? Show me hanging from the ceiling. Is that okay? What was he supposed father? Is that okay from this evening? Just you know, how I can download just don't know right behind them in the corner.

So we had a star.

We don't need romance just yet. I'll probably the most important thing next well supposed to put thing after the store after Mary and Joseph.

Shepherd sheep. So we need some sheep. So can you be a sheet and Jacquees me the shape? Okay, dude. We also need some Shepherd's. Can you choose anyone from the audience to be a shepherd? movie recreating last night's cost

Do we have anyone else who appears with the shepherd's Jeep? An angel did someone say angel. Can I unplug the weather hit the word Angel come from?

Germany wings or anything or a Halo?

We got a Halo very go.

So Angel, could you stand over here where this microphone is is exemplifying your roll.

We have a kids Angel as well.

You can pick your an angel. We have another Halo or Chester.

The little sheep. He's going to come in here.

little sheep eat

Did you guys like the real sheet yesterday? Was it good?

Did you guys sit next to a pretend you rely all the same?


Look Alot. What's up?

What's up?

When is it going to rain Joe to one of you is the angel that appeared to shape and the other one that appeared to Mary Joseph that appear to the shape and then one of them came and then sing along songs remember what the song? now the knights

I don't know what the Angels song.

Yeah, I want to watch UT Vols. I don't think you know.

So we got angels we got champagne. What are we missing? wise men well What did you say? Wise man, I can be wise from time to time.

I mean all the time I never knew when I was marrying. Mrs. Right? I never knew her first name was always my wife. You're welcome. Go to be a wise woman.

She's always been reading Proverbs 31.

There we go. And you pot can date to choose two more wise men or women.

do children


Could you stand next to the angels? We didn't take two of those. Hannah Simone songs a volunteer how to are you coming up Hannah? Good to me. Hey there, Eco. We got one.

What else was in the Christmas story?

Anyone else remember something important? You got wise man. We got the Shepherds. Ritz table who owns the stable pinkie pie filling his himself to be The Innkeeper. So Emily as an Innkeeper outfit just for you.

Don't worry stop. I believe it is especially Innkeeper robe. Definitely not go dressing on Tacos on it.

And keep it. Could you stop next to the shepherd?

Why was Mary and Joseph in Bethlehem? I don't remember.

Why do they need a place to stay? Because of the census and so why you why he wanted the census Nathan Caesar who?

He was a Roman Centurion to Nathan. Do you know what that means?

Is your waiting so patiently, when's the Romans coming?

How did Mary and Joseph? Get to the stable.

I'm a I'm a donkey. Was it little donkey or a large donkey? little donkey little donkey

I don't know the rest of it. 2

we do we have a full size donkeys. Why was a little donkey? Oh. Let me go he wants to be a donkey.

I have tried on this donkey outfit so I know what size it can be. Not that one. No. We have a sheep. That's what I mean. I'll try it on this donkey outfit. Mimi ikonn, baby. I'm busy. I'm afraid if anything I'll be The Innkeeper. Can we choose someone to be to deliver KB the bee the Donkey? Come on up. Chemistry B's get back.

I'm not what she PETA. So this is an improvised donkey also known as a sheep.

I think it does, and since you can continue to unzip but let me go.

So this is all a donkey. donkey with the difference

No. I really believe it a lot. Berry Gordy's fine, it's fine. So

do you recognize Nativity is now complete anything with me sing?

Dick's this wise man, kidney Can you quickly grab some gas to someone?

Bloomington Pig I love you think there's a page you can come and send me a pic if you want. It's okay, if you got the moves I got donkey into sheet.

Any other animals that people want to recommend themselves to be? Call Jordan vehicle.

What else do we was in the Christmas story anything else? the coats a lobster third Lobster

Tamil cuz I don't reckon that was a camel Okay, we take to see you guys while those who comes it. What you believe that is several things that we've added into the Christmas story The on in the Bible. Cuz I don't know that. Oh. Did ever know that so I'm going to slowly remove some carrots. It's so for example. It never actually mentions a donkey. Toe over the song Cold little donkey. Little donkey whether they were there or not. So they would have not been a little donkey. Wish Mary would have rode. So this is donkey. Can you come and sit down?

Sorry little donkey on a Dusty Road.

Did you also know? The OVO a name is mentioned. There's no technical mention of an Innkeeper.

So mr. Hankey, but you must go.


The Stables mentioned Or I'm sorry, there is no stable mentioned of sorts. It means I probably will all animals when they're so they're probably no donkeys. No cows all the way up in last night's I'm possibly know sheet. So the sheep have to go sit down. The shepherd can stay. the shape of the shepherd was definitely that

Did you know although it mentions three gifts does not she mention how many wise men and they definitely went Kings so you can take off the crowd. And you can sit back down leaving your gifts. And not only that the wise man will probably know that of Jesus's birth.

So they definitely wouldn't be in the stable. That wasn't mentioned.

But there's a few angels with the angels. I don't think we're in the stable. So you guys have to sit down.

I don't know there was a census and they would have been a lot of centurions around. I don't think they'd been in the stable. So you have to go sit down.

Bye. Bye.

I am very mean. I saw what we left with anyone. Tell me what real life weight.

We got Shepherd. We got married Jose and little baby Jesus.

So can I tell you who do you think that the story Nativity Story would still live in the same even if we have another Shepherd?

No, I think we could do without a Shepherd as well. So it down.

I will act wait a little star.

Can I go tell me what I'm about to do to the store?

As as important as a Star Wars story still be the story even if there's no star. Yep, so go sit down.

No, I would like to get rich of the stable if I could but I called because I would get very messy and very long with a Desi.

Obama last ways. Is Jesus Mary and Joseph?

That I started with I'm going to read that scripture again.

and you see if you think like I think

in Matthew 28 Matthew chapter 1 Versace

Are the best of Jesus Christ took place in this way? When is Mother Mary have been betrothed to Joseph? Before they came together. She was found to be with child from the holy spirit's. I know husband Joseph being a just man and I'm willing to put us to shame result to divorce her quietly quietly. Sorry. But I consider these things but hold an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream saying the son of David do not fear to take Mary as your wife. That which is conceived in her. It's from The Holy Spirits. Tube Arizona, you should have called him Jesus, but he will save the people from their sins. old Bishop place to fill what the Lord the Lord has spoken by the prophets behold the Virgin shall conceive and bear a son and they should call him Emmanuel. Which means god with us. When Joseph woke from his sleep, he did as the angel of the Lord commanded you took his wife, but no head knots until she died giving birth to son and he called him Jesus.

The ovals down to this Mission a message that surrounds Jesus was prophesied before he was even born before he was a twinkle in his mother's eye. but actually it was called. Galt weather Jesus did not consider. Just saying in heaven, but instead just consider it coming to us as a baby sharing in our sufferings sharing in our trials and temptations not being mean to the things of the air but living with us. And this Christmas I want you guys to just know that whatever you're going through whatever situation is as Lola opened up with that God is with us.

and every season and every situation But he knows the Pains of this world. Anomaly. He made a way not for this wheel's before insanity.

We're going to watch a little bit of a video. And then will I complete the cervix with an extra caramel and then we can have some mince pies? So if you guys want to sit down and we'll play this video.

Shining Star

angels and animals found baby in a state

I beg your pardon your Nativity that's not exactly how it happened. But start with that donkey neither of the Gospel stories mentions Mary traveling by Donkey and getting a 60 miles of rough. Terrain. They traveled it's more likely they used for wagon Bible doesn't actually mention an Innkeeper and in the Greek the word in refers to an upper room in a house at an actual Motel Mary and Joseph in a cave and Cave could have been that instead of a sable the Bible doesn't really say

actually right for once Okay, now can you ship guns? And the three kings no Kings from the song the Bible says Magi which means wise men three wise men that were no not so fast does mention three gifts. It doesn't specify the number of wise men that brought them. Give me that could have been Mall. Oh, yeah crowd like that. It's a miracle that Jesus never cried. No crying. He makes that's just a lyric from away in the manger not actually scription strange, but they weren't there that night you say, okay. For the Bloomin Star of Bethlehem, I guess it's even when all the man-made Traditions are Stripped Away the Eternal truths still remain whether they travel by donkey or wagon God brought them safely to the birthplace that was prophesied with a born in a stable or cave God provided shelter in a strange new land. Whether there were three kings three wisemen or many God called the elect to Bear witness and testimony to the birth of Emmanuel. So whether your major looks like this for like since the one thing that remains unchanged is this a baby boy born of a virgin this day in the city of David a savior, which is Christ the lord. I'll never look at the miracle of December 25th.

So did anyone win anything about the Christmas story?

But it's me.

We going to sing a Carol. Let's see if I can invite Kennedy in the way she team back up.

Boston say

Christmas is all about these. different gifts I want to encourage us all this Christmas to remember. That was Jesus Christ. Maybe you can spend some time this Christmas thinking about those who do not know Jesus Christ. I just had those who don't know Jesus Christ with me.

What can I encourage you all maybe there's someone out there who doesn't know who Jesus Christ is doesn't know the reason for the season in definitely probably doesn't know the whole and the peace and the joy that the season was all about that. She starts and originates in him. I'm so we do have a couple of events coming up later this year later this year. They just coming to the end so and Max someday someday at Christmas jumper some days. So please do come wearing a Christmas jumper is going to be Noble service, but with extra large an extra ordinary clothing if you don't ever Christmas by something green or blue or gold which of these Christmasy colors What's in soldiers about some things around you will be a little bit of a message. They'll be an opportunity to donate to some of the homeless what happens in the city, but most of all will be time to be at the feet of Jesus before the day of Christmas Day. So, please come down. I would love to see this beautiful with everyone next Monday evening just for an hour between 6 and 7, then we'll have mulled wine and mince pies next door. Remember the reason for the season and will also be giving out chocolate a selection boxes to all the kids here come the evening as well. So, how's the bus singing then we pray?



Hey, babe. Can we just closing prayer for the Lord? We just want to thank you for the time. We have had your Praises Lord. We just want to thank you Jesus for coming to this Earth for else knowing you for dying on the cross for us. We just want to thank you and bless your holy name. I just meant to read them.

Do not be anxious about anything but in every situation by prayer and petition with Thanksgiving present your requests to God and the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard your heart and your mind in Christ Jesus. Hallelujah. Thank you Lord. Thank you to your hand. I will commit yourself into your hand hole. Father. We just pray that you protect us. Do we have no surround you adjust for us to know your comfort and your present throughout the time I hate. Oh Lord in Jesus name we pray. Amen. Md5 what it goes if you want to dress up and I'll be photographed taking you can dressing up Time by this table and take pictures 2018. I was there.

Mom call you at me, I bring to Jesus.

Come on.

that is the volume at

Christmas everybody

spending time together with

Come on ring the bell.

TV series The Game are you at come on?


babe, I'll ring you and me, too.

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