Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Do you hear what I hear?
▾ Start:
Entice: Personally, I am 4 weeks in to the Christmas music season.
How about you?
• Entice: I am 4 weeks in to the Christmas music season.
How about you?
Engage: What is your favorite Christmas song?
Is it an extension of your favorite kind of music or something altogether different?
▾ Engage: What is your favorite Christmas song?
Is it an extension of your favorite kind of music or something altogether different?
Why do you like it?
• Why do you like it?
The tune? Subject matter?
Is it cute, cleverly written, or maybe-just plain funny?
The tune?
The subject?
Is it cute,
cleverly written,
or maybe-
just plain funny?
There is I do not think it is fair to compare I want a Hippopotamus for Christmas with Joy to the World or Silent Night, or even White Christmas.
• I do not think it is fair to compare I want a Hippopotamus for Christmas with Joy to the World or Silent Night, or even White Christmas.
I like different kinds of Christmas music at different times and in different circumstances.
I do not think it is fair to compare I want a Hippopotamus for Christmas with Joy to the World or Silent Night, or even White Christmas.
I’m not a guy who plays my music on shuffle.
There is a lot of music at Christmas.
Some of it is just for fun.
Some of it is written to evoke a certain ambiance around the holiday.
And some is for worship.
Some of it facilitates the worship of Jesus, some of it the worship of the almighty dollar.
For crying out loud!
• There is a lot of music at Christmas.
Some of it is just for fun.
Some of it is written to evoke a certain ambiance around the holiday.
And some is for worship.
For crying out loud!
of it facilitates the worship of Jesus, some of it the worship of the almighty dollar.
For crying out loud!
We have to get the Music right!!
We have to get the Music right!!
Expand: The singing actually begins in the Gospel nativity stories as told by Luke.
He likely accessed his information about the nativity from the source-Mary.
Mary remembered the angels visit, the in utero leap of John, and knew of the prophetic song of Zechariah.
She told Luke, who by the inspiring Spirit wove these songs into the fabric of the biblical story.
A story to be told and a story to be sung!
• Expand: The singing actually begins in the Gospel nativity stories as told by Luke.
He likely accessed his information about the nativity from the source-Mary.
remembered the angels visit, the in utero leap of John, and knew of the prophetic song of Zechariah.
She told Luke, who by the inspiring Spirit wove these songs
Excite: Worship is at the heart of Christmas.
Either we worship with biblical precedent or we worship what our culture commends, our society sanctions, and the market mandates.
into the fabric of the biblical story.
A story to be told and a story to be sung!
• Excite: Worship is at the heart of Christmas.
Either we worship with biblical precedent or we worship what our culture commends, our society sanctions, and the
So sing at Christmas-Sing!
Not just to be joyful and happy but to Worship our coming King.
market mandates.
• So sing at Christmas-Sing!
Not just to be joyful and happy but to Worship our coming King.
So sing at Christmas-Sing!
Not just to be joyful and happy but to Worship our coming King.
Explore: God's Work in Jesus must be the theme of our song!
• Explore: God's Work is Jesus must be the theme of our song!
Explore: God's Work is Jesus must be the theme of our song!
God's Work in Jesus must be the theme of our song!
-Get the music right!
• Explain: ▾ Body of Sermon
Explain: This morning I’m going to give you three keys to nailing the music this Christmas..
▾ Body of Sermon
▾ Body of Sermo
▾Magnify the Lord for extending His blessing.
Magnify the Lord for extending His blessing.
• Mary responds to honor with humility.
• Mary responds to honor with humility.
• Mary Responds to a challenge with trust.
• Mary responds to a challenge with trust.
• Mary Responds to grace with worship.
• Mary responds to grace with worship.
▾ Bless the Lord for providing redemption
Bless the Lord for providing redemption
• Keeping His promise
• Remembering His covenant
• Lavishing His mercy.
Give Glory to God for making peace.
Give Glory to God for making peace.
• Worship is our response to Gospel.
• Peace is the result of Gospel.
The Power of Music
Several Ironies.
Mary sang with perspective despite her youth.
Zechariah was given a song after months of of silence.
The Angel choir praised God for a gospel not intended for them.
All were overwhelmed with the grace and mercy of God-and given a voice.
What are you singing this Christmas?
Is your Christmas blue because you are in your sins?
Or is it White because your sins have been made white by the lamb of God? Pick your tune.
Let’ God give you your voice.
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9