Take off, Put on, Get out!
Sermon Tone Analysis
Isaiah was a man way beyond his time. Unlike any other OT book Isaiah is grounded in the two major Christian celebrations- Easter and Christmas. So far we have spent the first few weeks of Advent talking about how Jesus puts skin and and comes into the world. Today, though, I want to talk about how WE put Jesus on. If you remember, when we began this series I told you that Jesus does not just put skin on when he was born in a manger- Jesus puts skin on when Jesus comes into our hearts and lives- because you and I are to be Jesus to people. Not just to tell them about Jesus, but to SHOW THEM JESUS.
So, today I want to look into and see what this word tells us in preparation for Christmas- in preparation for being Jesus with skin on, and in this passage I will lift up three things I think this Word is calling us to. So, here we go....
One of the reasons that winter is my least favorite season is the loooong nights and short days. I hate it when it is dark at 5pm. I must not be alone, either, because stats say that depression increases 5% when the days get shorter and nights get longer. Seems like when nights get longer and days get shorter things just slow down. People do not go out as much, moods get more subdued, life just changes in the winter time.
Sometimes we can do the same thing spiritually. We can get subdued, lethargic, and kind of slow.
So, let me ask you a question- are you spiritual asleep? This can be a trick question, of course- because honestly I think many times people who are spiritually asleep do not realize it- they are sleepwalking.
I bet the people of Jerusalem in this passage were asleep. The royal city was in ruins and in captivity, and it seemed like God was absent. I wonder what they felt, how they responded- maybe they, too, were sleepwalking.
So, what does the prophet say to the people? WAKE UP!
Advent is a spiritual alarm clock of sorts- crying out for us to WAKE UP- check yourselves, church. So, let’s do an examination, shall we? Think back to Christmas last year- almost 1 calendar year ago. Now, think of your life now. Anything different spiritually? Do you experience the joy of the Lord anymore than you did last year? Have any more peace in your life? Have you grown in your faith? Changed your attitudes or actions? If so, PRAISE THE LORD! GOD IS GOOD. If not, maybe this is your wake up call.
The holiness of God, the life that we are called to live- the abundant life that we talked about last week, is more than an overcoat. Before we can fully put on the glory of God, or live into our most whole lives there are things we need to take off.
First, Isaiah tells us, we need to shake off the dust- some of us have a faith that is covered in dust- remains of the past. Things that we have done, the person we used to be, the sins and struggles of days of old. A wise man once said “There is a past which is gone forever, but there is a future which is still our own.” Satan knows that as long as he can keep your faith dusty, you cannot live fully into God’s potential. We will spend more time focused on what did happen than where God is leading and what God is doing.
Second, Isaiah says to take off the chains around your neck- For Jerusalem these are literal chains. Chains meant to keep them in captivity- but for us they are spiritual chains. One of the primary messages of Christmas is that Jesus comes as our rescuer- our deliverer- that we need saving and that there are things oppressing us. Maybe you are here today and there is something in your life that is holding you back or a sin that you are dealing with. Well, today is the day of salvation- break the chains that hold you down, don’t delay!
But wait, don't just take things off, the prophet says, put some things on! After all, it is completely possible to strip away sin, but never apply the holiness of God.
Isaiah tells us to put on our garments of strength and splendor. These are not man made garments, no these are divine garments, given to you be the Holy God above. HE WILL GIVE YOU STRENGTH- HE WILL BE YOUR GLORY.
The prophet Zechariah reminds us that God says it is not by power or by might that the plans of God are accomplished, but by the Holy Spirit. This is not your to do, but your to receive.
This time of year we love to put things on. Put lights on the tree, bows on the gifts, icing on the cookies. What have you put on for the Glory of God? What has He given you this year to put on.
Nothing like the Pastor telling you to get out of church- but I mean it, GET OUT. Get out and tell the world about this news, about this story, about this Gospel.
Isaiah paints this beautiful picture of people going and telling the Gospel. We see images of watchmen singing with joy on the walls of the city, the people of God standing firm on a beautiful mountain.
We don’t see hellfire and brimstone, those things are real, church, but they are not the central images of the prophecy. Can we acknowledge that many times our evangelism methods can focus so much on hell, and not enough of heaven- but the Gospel is not based in scare tactics. Isaiah does not see death, but life, not a punishment, but grace.
Here’s the thing, friends. God’s presence is so beautiful on its own. It is so holy, so breathtaking. Heaven is so glorious, Jesus is so loving and compassionate that they can stand on their own.
Can I confess something to you today?
You all know that I believe 100% in a real hell
I believe 100% in real separation from God
I believe 100% that salvation is found in Jesus and Jesus alone.
But, I also get a little tense when I hear people say “We need to talk more about sin, hell, judgement” and please hear me, yes we need to talk about those things. But they do not need to be the focus of our message- because they are not the primary focus of the Bible. The Bible talks a lot more about what Jesus is saving us too than what we are saved from.