Unspeakable Joy
Sermon Tone Analysis
Video — “Joy to the World”
Joy — a feeling of great pleasure and happiness.
Joy — Delight of mind arising from the consideration of a present, or assured possession of some future good.
The Christian has a definition of joy which far exceeds any secular definition. The world is stuck in their present circumstances. Such feelings are here today and gone tomorrow.
The Christian has happiness of heart regardless present circumstances because our life/joy is secure in the promises of Christ and what He says about our future.
So even when we face terrible circumstances in the present we can have inner pleasure and happiness because of the consideration of what God has already done for us and what He has promised to do for us in the future.
However, you cannot consider what you do not know. The consideration of truth is precipitated upon the knowledge of it. The angels were the messengers and they came to share the news which would bring reason for our unshakeable joy.
Do not be afraid — Their first words were, “fear not!” Whatever it is that has given us the occasion to fear, it is to be crushed with the news they were bringing on this night.
This news would be something our mind and heart could meditate upon in the midst of whatever circumstance of life and bring us inexplicable joy.
We settle our mind upon something and that something brings fear, uncertainty and death or faith, certainty and life. Our choice is a simple one…choose joy or fear…We will choose to be afraid or be assured and this is completely dependent upon where we decide to put our mind.
A conference at a Presbyterian church in Omaha. People were given helium filled balloons and told to release them at some point in the service when they felt like expressing the joy in their hearts. Since they were Presbyterians, they weren't free to say "Hallelujah, Praise the Lord." All through the service balloons ascended, but when it was over 1/3 of the balloons were unreleased. Let your balloon go.
Where is your mind? Where is your heart? Your life will show it.
Paul shows us how he did this in his relationship with other believers. He was concerned about the churches and their individual walk with Christ. When he wrote to the church at Philippi he said this,
I thank my God in all my remembrance of you,
always offering prayer with joy in my every prayer for you all,
in view of your participation in the gospel from the first day until now.
For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.
Every prayer was lifted with joy, the consideration of who they were in Christ and what they would become in Him. They were Christians and growing to spiritual maturity. Every prayer was one of faith and the consideration of the promises of what Christ had done for them and promised to yet do for them.
Joy changes everything! It changes how we think, speak and act. It changes how we pray. Changes how we interact with others and especially how interact with God.
The angels were adamant, “Listen to the news and put your mind on the news instead of the terror of the glory which you see!” How many of us need that same message this morning? Put your mind on the message instead of the terror you see! Put your mind on the message rather than the picture of hopelessness and despair your circumstances paint.
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., was a member of the U.S. Supreme Court for 30 years. His mind, wit and work earned him the unofficial title of "the greatest justice since John Marshall." At one point in his life, Justice Holmes explained his choice of a career by saying: "I might have entered the ministry if certain clergymen I knew had not looked and acted so much like undertakers."
Let’s take a look at the Angels’ message and the good news they shared…good news we should meditate and focus upon everyday.
The News
The News
Today, in the town of David, a Savior has been born — These words are so important to us. The news wasn’t a simple birth announcement but THE BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT. Jesus, our Savior was born! But savior from what?
Savior — Jesus saves us from both the power of sin as well as the consequences of it. We needed both. We needed to be free of the consequences so we could have a relationship with God. We needed to be free of the power of sin so that we could please God once we had that relationship with Him.
Without Jesus we would be doomed to the consequences of our sin and forever in slavery to its power over us. Never able to be free from its grasp. Never able to stop sinning.
for he who has died is freed from sin.
We have died to our old man, died to sin and its power over us. We have been raised to walk in a new kind of life in Christ.
So when we are tempted to discouragement, when overwhelmed by temptation and sin…rather than give in to despair and the fear that our life will never be any different we consider the present situation…we are saved!
But Jesus has also saved us from anything that would ever make us afraid. We have been delivered from all forms of insecurity. Whether we are talking about our relationship with God, eternity or anything we face in the here and now of today. All forms of insecurity and the fear which accompanies them are swallowed up in the victory found in Christ.
This could be any kind of fear...
Dennis Folds — Every time he and his wife get on a plane he tells her, “If we go down, we go up!”
Fear — Fear is what happens in the mind as one considers approaching danger. Some have said that the opposite of faith is fear. Fear happens when we choose to allow our mind to dwell on circumstances which cause us terror or dread.
Whenever we face fear there is always the opportunity for faith and the subsequent joy it produces in place of fear...If we turn to God and have faith in the good news we experience joy…Jesus has saved us. If we allow our mind to dwell here we will see joy replace fear and dread. If Jesus would save us certainly He would sustain us with any grace needed for our momentary struggles in life!
Choice — an act of selecting or making a decision when faced with two or more possibilities.
Select, make a decision…but sometimes the decision seems impossible to make. How can I decide to turn my attention to the good news when the bad news and awful circumstances seem overwhelming.
I want to focus on a verse in conclusion that I have quoted many times but never really preached on at Harwood.
for it is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure.
If you know Jesus then He has placed His holy spirit within your heart. He lives in you. And His Spirit is active. He doesn’t just passively reside there but is actively working to change you from the inside out. He is working in your heart and soul to change your will and thereby change your actions.
We must believe this and stop trying to do everything ourselves. We have to rise to the idea that God is the one responsible for changing us. It is not dependent upon our willpower or activity. Our change is dependent upon our faith in God to do what He has said He will do.
Do you have faith and are you praying prayers of faith for your change? Because you cannot do it on your own. You cannot change yourself…it is only Christ in you that will ever change you.
So when you are facing circumstances that overwhelm your emotions and you want joy it is imperative to pray, ask and have faith that God intends to give you the answer that you seek.
The angels said fear not! Hear the news! Experience joy! Ask God to keep you from fear, in faith and experiencing joy!
One more question…Are you sharing the news?