Mary's Trust
We can embrace God's call on our life by knowing who he is.
The Angel’s Announcement
What was happening? Why was an angel talking to her? What had he come to say?
This was the angel’s announcement: Mary would give birth to a son named Jesus, who would be the great Savior and the Son of God, the most powerful ruler in the history of the world. Do you trust the angel’s promise? It was written so that you would know for sure—so that you would believe in Jesus as your Savior, worship him as your great God, and serve him as your everlasting King.
Mary’s Question Verse 34-37
Mary’s Response vs 38
Mary’s Response vs 38
How rare it is to find someone who is willing to trust God for the impossible and then obey him without hesitation or qualification. Even some of the great heroes of the faith tried to wiggle out of doing what God said. Think of Moses, who asked God to send someone else to lead the exodus (Ex. 4:13). Or of Gideon, who said he couldn’t deliver Israel because he was the weakest man from the weakest tribe (Judg. 6:15). Or of Jeremiah, who said he was too young for the job (Jer. 1:6). But Mary was a woman of great faith. She understood that once we know what God wants us to do, any delay is a sign of unbelief.