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And we're going to read quite frankly from the outside one of the more boring passages and all scripture is just a list of names from the outside, but I want us this morning to dig a little deeper and I want us to find some things in that boring part that actually are vibrant and vital to us today. I believe there's some things were going to find the fact in for 2nd Timothy. If you if if you turn their we're having a little trouble connecting Susie, can you help me 2nd Timothy 3:16 you go there. 2nd Timothy 3:16 Says this all scripture everybody stay with me. All scripture is god-breathed and is useful for teaching rebuking correcting and training in righteousness all scripture. Do you realize this morning that there are no empty versus jbq man would say yes to this. All right. There are no empty versus just no empty words in Scripture that we skip over. Those are the parts that actually that they shouldn't be skipped over they should be studying the fact the women are doing a Tuesday Morning Bible study and I came in and I said, hey, what are you studying? They said Leviticus Leviticus 1st Samuel and Matthew. The man who wrote this gospel this version of of his story with Jesus. He's actually a doctor. Okay. So he's the author he's a doctor and doctors by virtue of their professional very meticulous and they keep good records and we find this to be true and actually genealogies are very important to Jewish people. All right. So who you are is another word. If you're going to buy Jewish land you had to prove that this was true based on all of these things Vine genealogies yesterday. All right, and one of the things that we're going to find as we read through this that all of these names all these people that have come before Jesus, there's actually three sections of 14 Generations, 14 14 and 14. And if I do this with me, The first part is like the letter N. Okay. The first 14 is going to be a really upward thing. We're going to talk about Abraham through David So in Jewish history, it's going up right then the next fourteen Generations a lot of the Kings Arrow back down like the letter N, right and then after Babylon captivity and all that then the last part up till Jesus goes back up again so we can go up and they're going to go down then we're going to go back up quickly. We're going to look at all three of them this morning. The first one is this Abraham to David Matthew 1 Matthew chapter 1 1 through 6. I'm just going to read it before long. I think it's on the screen, right? Can you go there soon Matthew chapter 1 It says this this is the scroll of the lineage and birth of Jesus the anointed one the son of David and descendant of Abraham Abraham had a son named Isaac who had a son named Jacob who had a son named Judah he and his brothers became the 12 tribes of Judah first three Judah and Tamar had twin Sons Perez and zerah Perez has Ron who had a son named Ram who had a son named a minute dad who had a son named Nation who had a son named Solomon who had a son called Boaz Boaz & Ruth had a son named obit was the father of Jesse and Jesse had a son named David who became the sun in the king. Everybody said there was a lie, just like jumping off the page at you right in that part of the genealogy. You find the big names only Abraham I have music. Jacob David all these the big-name understand some of you have any study scripture you'll find and even in history that the world as we know it in the history really as we know it up until just the last hundred years or so completely male-dominated Society is your agree through history. It's it's male-dominated and this is true during these times as well through the Jewish history mail mail mail. Only males matter and if you were a husband and wife and you were having girls nobody cared right, but when you had a son like everybody Rejoice, right Sam and

But if you look a little closer member, what's the guy the rest of the story you look a little closer you'll find that in this genealogies and in the next little bit to you. Don't find you find that they mention for women in the genealogy for women are mentioned in these and the following passages. I'm kind of giving you a head start here. For women are going to be mentioned in these genealogies and they're not the the power women, you know, like it's not Esther. It's not Sarah or Rebecca are some of these yellow powerful Godly women, you know who is mentioned in the genealogies here. So first of all, women aren't really supposed to be mentioned in the genealogy, but Matthew put for women into the script here, if you will write and two of them aren't even Jewish at all. So we find that truth as you know, the story she was a moabite woman and Rahab if you remember her she was the one that was The Prostitute that threw the thing out and helped the spies when they were when they were spying out the Jericho remember the story so we find that right in the middle of this male-dominated Society.

Amore by not even a Jew which means to the Jewish people they were nothing like Jews and Jews only man. It was they were very they were kind of racist they were they were the most important people they were God's chosen nobody else mattered. So just one more bite in there, but there's also this Gentile who on top of that is a prostitute when she comes into into the whole thing. Then there's another woman called Tamar and we just mentioned her. She actually is a double whammy she seduces her father-in-law that Judah into having a child by her and then there's also a probable rink situation where she's a victim as well. really a god is Holy and God is always but in the midst of it, he says Western in the very beginning of the Christmas story before he ever even gets to the point where Jesus is coming into the world his his validity if you will the legality of him being the Son of God and the son of man, he puts all this kind of Branches of the tree that we would probably rather hide and then Taymar. Rahab and then it goes on here in a little bit talks about Bathsheba David and Bathsheba. I remember David commits adultery with her so she's an adulteress and it is probable that she was in cahoots with him when David had Uriah murdered. So she is the reason if you will that David murdered and and the adultery and they had a child that died. I mean just wow really some Bible verses of the Bible that bass Shiva is so ill thought of that they don't even mention her by name we did in this version. But some Bibles don't even mention best Sheba by name. They just refer to her as your rhyas wife. Is that in your Bible, don't you got your eye as wife? Like she's it's such a stigma by name but God, I think that's more of a human being than that. But God says listen, I'm going to stick these for women in here's why. Why would God do that?

Luke's genealogy, it's not the same. Or we could do that. Remember 2nd, Timothy chapter 3 verse 16 all scripture is god-breathed and useful for all these things I waited God is trying to tell us something isn't he? This here's my thing. When we accept Christ we get adopted into the body, right? We've been talking about spiritual gifts in the body of Christ when we get invited in by our by are letting him come in and take control of Our Lives. I believe here with blinking lights. He sang to us. It doesn't matter who you are or where you come from you all get to be a part you all get to play so much so that I'm going to write your name down in the word and it's going to be Eternal like you're actually in the book. There's no taking you out of the book. It doesn't matter what you've done finally asked you this morning. Do you have some things in your life that you would rather people not know about how many you raise your hand and say yes, I've done some really stupid things. Like I'm sure Taymar has some regrets and I'm sure Bathsheba after all the bad things that happen. She had some regret Ruth. She was The Other Woman. She didn't have any regrets. She did it awesome. So we find people that do it right before I people that do it wrong. We find people that aren't even supposed to be in the tribe in the tribe. And God says listen, I'm sending my son. To the world. How do you know that the Bible says for God so loved the world that He Sent His only begotten son. Right and God is staying with us and it doesn't matter your past doesn't matter where you come from. You get to be a part of what happened on anybody stamen than that Hallelujah by the way, 14 + 14. I'm sorry 7 + 7 is 14 right. So all of this is multiples of 17 of the number seven is the number of perfection in the number of completeness. So in Christ, we find as even as we go through these genealogies it's complete each generation and eats a certain section is complete in him the first part Abraham sir. David isn't going up. Then this next part is pretty bad when I get to spend a lot of time here, but the next 14 Generations really screw it up. Alright from David to the Babylonian captivity number to will just write these names really fast are Matthew 1:6 through 11, then David and Bathsheba had a son named Solomon who had a standing rib bone who had a son named Elijah who had a son named Asta Gladys London Jehoshaphat who had a son named after who it is thundering Ramos who had a son named Josiah you guys memorized all this already?

Liberty and deported to Babylon now other than starting off well with David, you know and even Solomon when he wrote Proverbs and and he was involved with the Ecclesiastes and all that stuff, but then it kind of goes downhill fast because the first part was all about the mercy of God. The second part here is about the Judgment of God. Brothel 1000 BC things were looking good for Israel with the King David the height and all that. You know that their boundaries under King David when we get to the top of that in the first 14 Generations. That is the largest boundaries that Israel's ever had like he had expanded this thing out. It was a huge Empire was vastly important vastly wealthy Solomon comes in build the temple. I mean things are looking good, but then Things began to change so much. So that was in 14 Generations. The country is actually split in two and eventually both are taken into captivity. Why did this happen? I thought God was Mercy. I thought God wanted only good things. Well, he does but the word that could come to my mind as I was studying. This is choices matter. Choices matter during these 14 Generations people turned away from God and two other things we find that the people of God who knew better and have the have the prophets and have the priest had the whole thing set up. In fact Solomon's Temple is not here anymore. But it was it was stunning just that you're the description of it in their place of worship. But what happened is people begin to develop a religious spirit. And this word hypocrisy begin to come into the mix people begin to choose relationship. I'm sorry religion over relationship it again to choose just the form in the ritual thinking that was good enough, you know, that's not really good enough that the prophet Amos and 4:4 says that you bring your sacrifices every morning your Tides every 3 days or so you love to do you goes on to just talk about not enough. I'll let you know that God doesn't just want our money. Communal the God doesn't want us just to show up on Sunday morning. He actually has a plan and he actually has stuff he wants us to do how many were able to bless people this week or last week. We talked about blessing people Christmas isn't paying for some stuff and giving some stuff. We're actually on this planet for a reason to expand his kingdom in to do these things and it's not just to be religious. It's not just to show up and do a religious thing. And then one of the other problems was developed idolatry they begin to turn to other gods instead of Gods. You know, it's still a recipe for disaster in our world today, isn't it? OK Google turn to a lot of other things instead of God, even Christians turn to other things except for God only challenges. That is not God's plan for your life. Turn to other relationships are or ease or comfort in some way. God actually wants you to get on board of what he's doing. And then when we allow God to be God in our lives if we allow God to his control and to lead us we get to be a part of the end that goes up when we choose idolatry or or hypocrisy of these kind of things. You'll find your life begins to do this. And I know I'm speaking to some people have experienced this before. I know I have when I allow God to do his thing in my life. My life goes like this when I begin to turn and do my own thing man. I've seen over the years. I just then goes down. Sellers judgment when people turn from God there is judgment and he sends profit after profit after profit you read through the scriptures Isaiah Jeremiah, like most of the Major Prophets and the Minor Prophets were all sent during this time to get the people back to God choose God because God told him to get people's attention to go back to God. I'm not sure how that works. And no God, I'm not doing that but I got really really wanted them back but they just kept choosing to go their own way and at the bottom of this 14 Generations, we hit hit this thing and they all gets into captivity. How do you know that even in the bad times God still has good plans for us a mint. That you know that Jeremiah 29 verse 11 mini view know this passage. It says for I know the plans I have for you plans to prosper you and give you hope and a future right than all this stuff. Do you know that that was actually written to the Jewish people to these were Israelites when they were in captivity there at the bottom of the end and he was saying look I'm actually want this for you. I want you to come back and get to get to the good things I've had for you on the line move into the last part of the last fourteen Generations Matthew 1 verse 12 Susie if you get there That is from Babylonian captivity to to Christ Matthew 112 says that's about the time of of their captivity.

Matthew 1 verse 12 about the time of their captivity in Babylon. Jeconiah had a son named eoto Yeah, that guy who had a son named. I love this one. Is there a bell who had a son named after you'd who had a son named Elliot come let us adore him had a son who had a son named Eleazar. Let us not named named Jacob. Here we go. Who had who was the father of Joseph the husband of Mary the mother of Jesus who is called the anointed one first 17 south from Abraham to David were fourteen. Generations it from David to Babylonian captivity 14 Generations from the Babylonian captivity to Christ 14 Generations.

I want to tell you something this morning. God knows what he's doing. God knows what he's doing. I just been so strong in my heart lately.

There's such a Temptation when things aren't going exactly the way we think they should go. There's a big Temptation from the enemy into our hearts. To doubt God's word and to doubt his goodness and the doubt as faithful as some of you remember the story from the garden. Remember the snake when he was tempting Eve in the garden or what? He said to Eve did God really say that I did he really say that what is that kind of question? If nothing else than to get you to doubt the word of God to doubt the promises to doubt the prophecies and I'm telling you right now as God is my witness. That is probably still the number one Floyd of the enemy if you're so he wants to get you to doubt God he want to get he wants you to doubt the word of God. He wants you to doubt the promises that he's planted in your heart the seeds of Prophecy that he's planted in your spirit that says God there is something that's going to happen, but it doesn't look like it when they were in captivity in Babylon. There was a desperation there. But there was also people like Daniel who said you know what I'm going after God even if it's way away from where I'm supposed to be. And it was faithful people. Alpha 14 Generations, the they way that Abraham was promised through you will all nations be blessed King David. It was promised your line will establish forever and build up your throne for all generations. And they waited and waited and they waited there was literally hundreds of years or God was completely silent. If I ever feel that way you pray and pray and pray lately. This is the motion that I feel like that God isn't speaking to me in ready.

Some people call it a tin roof with a guy like it just pant pant pant and it just seems like nothing's happening for hundreds of years between the second 14 Generations in the in the last fourteen Generations. There was hundreds of years in there where nothing was happening Bible says that that it wasn't until John the Baptist comes on the scene that we was the first prophetic word of God. In fact John the Baptist father who goes into a zachari when he goes into the holy place in the angel comes to start the Christmas story when when Zachariah is told by the angel you're going to have a son and he's going to be the Forerunner for Jesus. That is the first word from heaven in almost a thousand years.

How are you think that's waiting? But Bible says that God knows what he's doing. Can you just say this with me perfect timing? God has perfect timing.

Galatians chapter 4 verse 4 and 5 it says this speaking of Jesus, but when the set time had fully come God sent his son born of a woman. He knew that certain things had to take place and he knew that was certain things that had to happen for the atmosphere. If you will in history to all the line, he had a perfect time picked out for Jesus to come. And I want to say to you today. God has a perfect plan for each and every one of your life. He's got perfect timing to us. I'm going to get a little impatient with God's plans. Every other patients. Come on guys. Let's do this thing. You know, let's go. Let's get this miracle going to get this thing happening. Come on. I thought Revival was was like a week away the years gone by

I felt like that other generation were just talking about you like hello God. Where are you? And we've had some Miracles and obviously financial and some of those different things have been good. But it's it's not what we've been promised. They meant God is saying listen, I've got perfect timing and I need you to just trust me with it. Verse in Galatians. We just read it. There's an a version of it that says this at just the right time. God came through. How do you say that with me to that just the right time? God is going to come through for you. And also there is a sense. I think that waiting refines us, doesn't it?

There's people that I've known over the years in different churches and they've had a prophetic word that has been spoken over them. And when it doesn't happen when they think it should happen. I think they chose poorly. instead of waiting and being faithful they Hello. Yes God I'm here.

I want to challenge you today to be faithful. Because he is Faithful Men.

God is faithful.

We give you some versus real quick. 1st Corinthians chapter 1 9 says God has called you into fellowship with his son. Jesus Christ Our Lord is say it with me faithful 1st Thessalonians 5:24. The one who calls you is say with me faithful and he will do it. 1st Corinthians 10 says no temptation that were Temptation actually a better definition of it and includes temptation but a better definition of it is test. No temptation or test. Has overtaken you except what is common to man member the beginning we talked to Mike. I had spoken this word over us. You know, what you going through don't think it's something you think it's just part of the journey and other people have had to go through it and you're going through it and I say Amen. Sometimes when you feel like you're not all by yourself and encourages us doesn't it? I can do it, think I felt like I was actually saying that to us. The only church that ever struggled financially not moved into your destiny in the time frame that you thought it should be and then I got to say was I'm faithful and my timing is good, right and he said listen no temptation. Our task is overtaken you except what is common to man. And God is say it with me faithful and he will not let you be tempted or tested beyond what you can bear. I really feel in my spirit today. There's some of yours are going through a time of testing. I just feel like this verse is for you. Is that Temptation like sin or not to sin is not I mean, I guess it is a sin not to trust, but it's not like, you know, should I do this drugs or alcohol or whatever those any kind of those things are stealing whatever it's not that kind of Temptation for you. The Temptation is the Cut and Run. For you the Temptation is to say God. I've had it you're not doing what I want you to do a lot of here. You're not doing any of the timing I want you to do what I'm out of here. I've been praying for my unsaved friend over here for years and nothing forget it I'm done praying for him and I've been sick with this disease or some kind of thing for so long and God even though you say you're a Healer you're not true. I forget it. I give up on whole thing. Do the test is to stay the course, even when you don't get the answer you want when you wanted him in and I believe this versus could be for you today. No temptation a test is overtaken you except what is common to me. It's happened before it'll happen again. But God is faithful. We just say that together God is faithful. God is faithful and he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. How do you say Mammoth me?

And we stand our feet this morning recently closed or the time of prayer. and I feel like there's a there's a test going on right now. Actually, there's some in some of our hearts and Minds there's a test going on whether you're going to finally believe the word believe the words of the preacher about the word of God and I was like, they're actually has to be a thing with him. If it says I'm going to receive that word and I'm going to apply it to my situation and then Toilet Delma has the right idea. She is ready to receive. She's got her. Why don't we all do that just for a moment today. Thank you God that you are speaking to a heart minds and our hearts and our spirits and even something as seemingly dry and Dusty and boring as the genealogy. We actually see life their God actually see the patterns and the and the and the the things that you have for not only the men and women of old but God we see and then the seeds to replant it in our own hearts for faithfulness to let the past be the past the mistakes and the sins are the and our family tree and all those things guide. Or we just place that under the blood of Jesus right now because you by you the very genealogy this very genealogy is speaking to us today that there is no sin. There is no temptation. There is no failure. There is no situation in life that you can't redeem and bring into life. Alright, thank you for the for the women you put in this genealogy. Thank you for the men and the women that had failures and came from situations father. I thank you that you included them because if you still accept them you want to accept us to the same way. Tell her I just speak life over the lies and the reminders of failures in minds and hearts right now. I like your blood and your peace cover. Hallelujah hysteresis allow the blood of Jesus to cover that today your station in life your choices that have been made the things that seemingly look like failures or betrayal at the blood of Jesus. Just watch it. You may just want to say Lord bring it bring it. Bring it in the hole this bring it in the phone this right now. Hallelujah Ask God. Holy Spirit, I speak also to the those that are being tested right now the tested in this area of faithfulness there to receive your faithfulness allow us to be faithful to be faithful in trusting your faithfulness. Oh God, you have good plans and purposes and promises for us that much is clear abundantly clear in scripture you have promises and you have prophecies that you desire to fulfill and you're looking for people who will say yes and not give up. I pray right now for those in those situations in their own life for our church, maybe for their job situation for the family situation, but I pray for Holy tenacity right now. I speak holy tenacity over your people that they will grab hold and not let go of the goodness of God of the faithfulness of God lord of your abundance in your favor. And your promises. They are yes, and amen and we say Amen to your yes. Oh God. in Jesus name the Lord finally as we leave this place. I pray a blessing on your people got that this Christmas season would not be a time of of of of incredible confusion or aura. Busyness that we lose sight of who you are and what you have for us. I speak peace and joy and do your people I speak peace and joy and every family represented here, I speak peace and joy to every listener on the podcast even now God I speak peace and joy into this whole Community got that people will begin to start to be changed and father has as this coming revival that you have for us this coming Awakening got here in Gurnee. And in this region even now begin to bring your Supernatural love and power and let it be no not just in theory, but in reality, okay and to each of our homes in each of Our Lives this Christmas I speak that in Jesus name. I guess people said amen fussy today

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