12/23/2018 The Amazing Message

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The Amazing Message of the Kingdom  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  29:18
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We like to really study and get into the word of God in this church. We do our best to dig deep and to understand. And to study the accuracy the truth the absolute truth of the word of God and in doing so we will discover things that might take some of the icing off the cake for some people like friend since we know Jesus wasn't born on December 25th. Now we're not going to go into a study of when was Jesus born. We know it wasn't December 25th and some would argue that it was during the Feast of Tabernacles and others might argue that it was during the Passover because the lamb that was slain was supposed to be exactly one year old and excetera excetera. We're not going there today. What we want to focus on is no matter when you celebrate the birth of Christ, you ought to celebrate the birth of Christ because you see Christ had to come and be born before he could grow up and be our Messiah that made the way for us to have salvation and to get back to the father. So if some day in the future you want to celebrate Christ's birth in the Feast of Tabernacles, or you want to celebrate Christ's birth in the Passover or you want to continue to celebrate Christ's birth on December 25th. I don't care just make sure you celebrate make sure that you honor and thank God for the greatest gift that was ever given a man. I'd like you to turn with me to Isaiah chapter 9 We're going to read just a small part of what was actually just read in that music video. We're going to talk about the amazing message of the Kingdom the amazing message of the kingdom and we're going to take out of that section. That was just read in the music video, and we're only going to look at verse 6 verse 6. If you're there, would you stand with me and honor of reading God's word, please?

You can follow along in the version you brought or you can look up on the overhead. That's the Mev version.

For unto us a child is born unto us a son is given and the government shall be upon his shoulder and his name Shall be Called wonderful counselor, Mighty God Eternal Father Prince of Peace Lord Jesus. We thank you for your word that you have given us your word. That is the absolute truth and the standard for our faith in practice Lord. It isn't about our opinions. It's about your word and the truth of your word Lord. So help us to study and hide the word of God into our hearts so that we don't sin against you and so that we live it on a day-to-day basis because God you didn't call us to say hey, I'm a Christian and I Go to church you called us to say this is my word walk in it. This is the path of Truth walk in it. So Lord, help us to always understand your word apply your word and to walk in the boundaries of your word in Jesus name. We pray amen, and you may be seated.

the amazing message of the Kingdom

This is the greatest what we're talking about is the greatest promise ever given it dates clear back to the Garden of Eden clear back to Genesis. When the promised Messiah?

Or maybe I should say when the Messiah was promised. by God himself He said there is coming a day when I am going to send Messiah he is going to come and we know later on in the New Testament actually in the Book of Revelation. It tells us that Jesus Christ is the lamb slain before the foundation of the earth sold before the universe was ever created before the Earth was ever created before Adam and Eve ever fell Jesus Christ was already the lamb slain. We were already on plan A. Of God's Redemptive plan and there is no plan B. When your God you don't need a plan B. So this Bible that we hold in our hands that runs from what we typically called the Old Testament through to the New Testament or Genesis to Revelation is really one book written by ultimately. What author is one unfolding drama of redemption and it is his word every jot and Tittle and not one bit of it is going away and not one bit of it is not effective or true. Not one bit of it is something you shouldn't be hiding in your heart and and learning to live by so this great promise that goes clear back there goes clear back to Genesis and we know later goes back even before creation is the amazing message of the Kingdom.

It's the first. It's the main and it's the most important message of the kingdom. And that is simply this that Jesus Christ is King of kings and Lord of lords. Jesus Christ is King of kings and Lord of lords. That's the most important message of the Kingdom. That is the one that has been sounding out since Genesis 3 when God said, I'm going to send one that's going to Do you end Satan? kind of a modern translation but Jesus Christ is King of kings and Lord of lords. And that's what it all breaks down to first. We can talk about he's our savior. He's our Lord. He's the busy did that he get all these are but first folks he's king of kings and he's Lord of lords. And that's the message of the Kingdom that we need to know. Well, let me break down in a few minutes that we have left some segments of that message of the Kingdom. Okay. First of all is the amazing gift the amazing gift a child a son. A child of sun. You see he had to be every bit human. They have to be every bit human.

I'm saying he had to be every bit human.

Do you realize what that means? Your king of kings your Lord of lords had to have his diapers changed.

Because he came as a babe. Wrapped in swaddling clothes and laid in a manger and he had to go through all the growing up phases of a human child. He was always every big got every man, but he had to do all the growing up things of a child. He had to be fed. He had to be changed. He had to be closed. They had to be dressed. He had to learn how to walk. Learn how to talk. He had to do all these type of things don't think for a moment that Jesus came out with his parasitical robes on and is yamaka and said yay verily I'm here. That's not the way it happened. He had to be every bit man so that he could be tempted in every way. We are yet without sin. He had he had to be tired to know what it's like when you're turning to him and say the whole Lord. I'm so tired. He had to be hurt. Physically and mentally emotionally so that he could know when you turn them and say Lord that person that has really hurt me. Jesus knows what it is to be hurt. Jesus knows what it is to be hurt physically and the sufferer that pain and that injury that has to heal. Ghetto don't again don't picture little Jesus running and he falls down and skims his knee real bad on a stone and then he looks at it is cuz you're up and it all heel.

He would know what the pain is and the discomfort is and the healing process and the frustration of sometimes being sick and and you're getting better. You're getting better. You're getting better than you have a relapse. You know what? I think a lot of people don't really stop the analyzed that Jesus. was human

and he has experienced all the same things you have experienced so that you have an advocate with the father that when you go and say I don't think I can take another step father. Jesus says I know how he feels. Let me give him a little extra Grace to take another step. See, that's the god that we have. That's the amazing gift that we were given.

And then as if that gift the amazing gift isn't enough it goes on to put it this way. It's an amazing. He is an amazing possession. unto us He's born unto us a child is given. And I want to be clear with you and I want you to understand though. I don't have time to go off and teach on this. I want you to be sure and get it because I love the kick in the face of everybody that dirt that thinks replacement theology is right. I'll take every opportunity. I can to spit in their eye on that one. Unto us a child is born unto us a son is given. Is not you gentiles.

including me cuz I'm a gentile to

that child that son was given to Israel. And he was the Messiah and is the Messiah of Israel. We access the Messiah through Israel. We Gentile excuse me. Gentiles are grafted in look it up yourself in Romans chapter 11. We are grafted in that's how we access the Messiah. That's how we access the promises. That's how all the promises of Israel are. Yes, and amen to the church today not because the church replaced Israel, but because we're grafted into Israel. And that's the absolute truth and don't let anybody trying to hand you any other bologna also the amazing name. Think about the amazing name and as normal. What do we start talking about the names of God he can't give us just one name.

He can't give us just one debut got whole books written that just take you through all the names of God and all the names of Jesus. You know, why there's got to be so many of them.

Because let me put this as nicely as I can't you and I are stupid.

And compared to the infinite knowledge of God, we can never comprehend. We the finite teeny-weeny brains cannot comprehend the Implement infinite wisdom of God. So what he does is he gives us little bite-size pictures in a name? Jehovah Kanna Jehovah Nissi Jehovah Rapha and excetera he gives us these little bite-size names that we can begin to understand we can understand all of God, but we can understand Jehovah Cana. So he gives us all of these names so that we can get just a little bit of a better picture of who he is. So it has to be multiple names. It says he's the wonderful counselor.

How many of your glad he's wonderful? I'm glad he's wonderful. Because if he was anything like you were me we get frustrated sometimes and thump somebody because we get tired of hearing them wine or you know, whatever or say the same old thing over again and not getting any better and we just want to give him a little love tap upside the head and and get them to say when say to them. Why don't you get you know better and apply some of this and excetera, but he's a wonderful counselor his patients and his endurance goes on ad infinitum. That doesn't mean you can walk all over it. Don't try that either. But his love his Mercy his grace all aren't you? Thankful that his mercies are new every day. How many of you have a tendency to use up your quota by the end of the day and you need new ones tomorrow? I know I sure do and of course counselor speaks of his wisdom

You know when God is counseling. pay attention because he's not going to steer you wrong and he's not going to give you some half-baked idea or something like that when you're deep in prayer and you're hearing that still Small Voice that lines up with the word of God when you're hearing that still Small Voice giving you directions and answering your prayer and excetera. Listen. In fact that you do well to start carrying a pad with you when you go to pray. I like to because I have found that sometimes by the time I get done praying and try to go in my office or something to write down what God Said. I can't remember word for word what he said.

I didn't have that problem 30 years ago, but now I do. so maybe you start taking a little pad a little Journal a little something with you so that when God starts speaking to you you can write it down. And I will also give you the chance to then go check it against the source word for work because if it doesn't line up with this you weren't here in the right voice and that's important to remember. So look at this name again wonderful counselor wonderful full of wonder marvelous extraordinary. And councillor wisdom wise brilliant has the right answer truth Etc. That's one of his name's here, Mighty God, Mighty God. Obviously, it doesn't take much of a theologian to understand. This is speaking of power. This is speaking a power. Remember elsewhere in the New Testament says greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world what that is really saying is greater is he that is in you than anybody else? Providing is in you. Christ has to be in you for that to be true. But if he's in you that everybody else better step aside. Because you're talking about Mighty God you're talking about the God so mighty so powerful. So unbelievably awesome that when he decided Andromeda galaxy system blond over there. He just said and drama you're right there. a billions of stars and planets formed and willing to the universe right where God said to go. That's the kind of mighty God we serve and that's a mighty God is still your wonderful counselor. He's still your wonderful counselor. And then there's the amazing name. Eternal Father

remember when it says call me Mama. Wait a minute now. Wait a minute. Do you realize ABBA is Aramaic for Daddy?

When it says calling Abba Father, it is seem to have such a loving intimate relationship with this Mighty. Awesome. God that you can figure Tivoli crawl up in his lap wrap your arms around his neck and say Daddy. I just need some time with you today Daddy. I'm hurting.


you get the call the creator of the heavens and the universe Daddy. almighty God Eternal Father

and because easy turtle Which means of course Everlasting?

What he says he's going to do. Guess what? He's going to do it.

I like to remind people all the time cuz you see on the news all the time. Israel's as little itty bitty country and you got this guy pushing against him in this one and this one and this one and now I want to push him into the sea and obliterate him and make him go away and everything like that. And I don't know none of them in there. Look at the boundaries that God gave Israel right here. And one day Israel's going to have all those boundaries back and it's a whole lot bigger than Israel is today. They're not only not going to destroy Israel. Israel is going to be many times bigger than Israel is today. Why because the Eternal Father and mighty God said so that's why.

And you can do more than take that to the bank. Because the bank isn't too stable nowadays. So that's not a good a good analogy to say take it to the bank. But God is on the throne. He's got all the power. Do you know one of the Old Testament ways one of the hebraic Waze is saying his arm is not too short, which means he had all the power and all the reach to do what he needs to do. And then he's Everlasting so you're never going to wait him out. Well, I'll just wait until. He's no longer my boss. Well that might work in the in that situation, but it won't work in God situation because I'll guarantee you guys going to outlast you. And he's going to outlast me and he's going to outlast the leaders of the world and he's going to outlast the world. So what he says he's going to do. He's got the power and he's got the time to do it and we don't have to worry about that at all. And that's why he can also be our Prince of Peace. And I like to use the word Shalom because you see shalom in Hebrew means a little bit more than we typically think about the word peace. Peace in English is kind of like the absence of war or the absence of strife the absence of chaos, that's peace. Shalom is so much more than that. Shalom is at Absolute tranquility. The comes out and it and it doesn't just appear like a cloud it comes out of something that has a specific source. The specific source of Shalom is the loving relationship with God. When you're in a loving relationship with God old friends don't get involved with religion. Religion won't save anybody there and there isn't a church on the face of the planet that can save anybody. It is only Jesus Christ and being in a loving relationship with him and be and because he is loyal to you and you're working hard in in in your sanctification process. I'm not talking about salvation. Now, you're working hard in your sanctification process to be loyal to him.

and all of that love

You know, you may be sitting here today a pretty decent lovable person. Maybe

but the Bible says God. The father God the son and God the Holy Spirit loves us so much the while we were enemies of the cross. We hated God we had nothing to do with God. We didn't want to have anything to do with God. Why we were in that state.

God's love for us didn't diminish one little bit and the father sent his son. The died on that cross for you and me and pay the way that's the kind of love now. You can't do anything to earn God's love. Because God's love is already peaked out for everybody.

Think about that. I could say it this way if you think you're lovable today. Remember because you're a Christian and you're a good person and you know you. All your I's and cross all your t's remember this God doesn't love you 1 oz more than he loves a practicing homosexual.

He loves everybody exactly the same. Now there's a difference in a relationship.

There is a difference in a relationship, but let's understand the difference between love and relationship. God loves you. He loves you exactly the same on your best day. As he does on your worst day. And on your best day. You can earn God's love. And on your worst day, you can turn God's love. And when you get your head at least partially around that that love that relationship. That's what Shalom flows out of. You can be. at Shalom no matter what you're going through.

God loves you. And God brings Joy to the World. Not every day is going to be a happy day folks. But everyday is a joyous day in Christ Jesus.

the amazing promise

the government shall be upon his shoulders.

Oh, thank you Jesus.

No more Democrats. No more Republicans. No more Independence no more Washington no more, you know Putin or anybody else. Jesus is going to rule and Reign and boy am I looking forward to that? The government will be upon his shoulders and you know, what all of these terms that we've been talking about plus all the other names you can read and study are all just as true when he is ruling and reigning as the head of government as it is right now his ruling and reigning is you know, in a sense it's now but where you're really going to see it On Earth Is Yet To Come.

But all of those things are still in place. And they're in place when he comes. the second time You know. Right. Now we think of Jesus little baby wrapped in swaddling clothes lying in a Manger. the next time he comes he's coming back as king of kings and Lord of lords and riding a big huge War Horse with blood on his thigh in the name of the Holy One written on him and he means business. And you don't want to be on the other side.

Because the other side doesn't even stand a chance.

The government shall be upon his shoulder.

Just like the Key of David is on his shoulder, but I don't have time to go there this morning. So look at this an amazing gift and amazing possession and amazing name and an amazing promise all given to us because a child is born a son is given praise the name of Jesus praise

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