Christmas Sunday

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We're going to be all over the place today.

We will be a lot in the gospel of Matthew but will be bouncing around the New Testament and some Old Testament today as we talked a little bit about Christmas this season. We remember a very pivotal moment in the history of redemption. We remember a very pivotal event where God came down. Jesus came to this planet. This is a huge event in the history of God's Plan of Redemption. If we look all the way back. We remember God created the world you made everything perfect and beautiful. We messed it up via our sin and our pride and our rebellion and then God began the process of redemption this Plan of Redemption and Christmas is actually kind of like right in the center of the timeline. So to speak, you know, I mean you can you could argue with me a little bit on there. But I mean, it's pretty close to the center of the timeline between Old Testament. It's the big turning point between the Old Testament beginning to fade out in the New Testament shining forth in the gospel coming forward to the Gentiles beyond the the the people of Israel it it is a massive Turning Point the beginning of a new era the coming of Christ in with with remembering this holiday with celebrating it with thinking about the birth of Christ the coming of the Messiah it forces us to think about the whole big picture of God's Plan of Redemption. It forces us to think what role does this play in the bigger part of the story and kind of what I want or what I want to do today cuz I want to look at and I want to make a comparison between Jesus is coming at Christmas time. And Jesus is final coming at the end of time these two things I think share a lot of similarities. Well, the two very different things. Jesus came at two very different reasons between his his his birth at Christmas the Advent as well as is coming at the end of time for judgement in full reconciliation. There's a lot of similar Dirtiest we can compare a lot of things that we can draw lines together. We remember that he came as the Lamb of God at Christmas, but he comes with the lion of Judah at the end of time. He came this time at Christmas as the Lamb of God born as a baby in a Manger. sensitive fragile it's hard to get weaker than a baby, right? Massive understatement. I know you know just complete dependency on mommy and daddy complete fragility. Everything is weak for this little kid, but that's how God that's no Jesus came. He came as the lamp of God to die for us to save us from our sins.

To be clear. Jesus had come before all through the New Testament. We see time for Christ came. He made appearances any talk to people he interacted with people. We see those throughout the Old Testament. But this time was unique in that he came as a baby came incarnated as a man born into a family born as one under the law even though he was not under the law. Name of the Lamb of God but next time he comes as the lion of Judah and we will kind of expand on what that means as we go forward, but I want to give for comparisons between Jesus is coming at Advent in Jesus's fine final coming. The first is his birth was a surprise his return will be unexpected.

Does birth was a surprise to the world his return is also going to be a surprise. I will catch it. So many off guard will be unexpected. Jesus birth was a surprise to the world, even though the Jewish people had the scriptures. They knew the prophecies, even though you could kind of say that they really should have deduced that ain't you know, it was probably about the time the Messiah should come even though they should have identified that the birth of Christ was a surprise. Nobody got it right inside all this is perfect and makes sense when the angel came to Mary. She didn't say all light bulb. I knew this was happening today. Angels appeared to the Shepherds. None of them went all I know it would be this year. Nobody was expecting it was a complete surprise. Ironically the only people who were anticipating the birth of Christ and looking for it where a group of wise men hundreds of miles away. Ironically, they were the only ones looking for it. Nobody in Israel. Nobody in Jerusalem was anticipating the birth of Christ at Christmas time. A matter of fact, there's an interesting line here in Matthew Chapter 2 Windows wise men travel all the way to Jerusalem to find this game where they do they go to Jerusalem. That's where the star had led them initially. They go to Jerusalem and they say, where is he who's been born King of the Jews? They assumed everybody had been looking for the guy to Nobody had but there's this interesting first year where they come they ask where the where the king is where we're baby. Jesus says and it says when Herod the king heard this he was troubled and all Jerusalem with him. Not just was King Herod troubled. Everybody was trouble at this news. Everybody was confused. What in the world are these white men talking about? Who is this baby born King of the Jews? Who is this Messiah? You're talking about. Everybody was caught off guard. By this announcement by these wise men who travel so far. His birth was an unexpected event. It was a surprise in like manner his return. Will be unexpected his return will catch so many by surprise. Jesus himself talks about this Matthew 24:36 concerning that day is return no one knows not even the angels in Heaven nor the son, but the father only

It will catch so many of us so many of this world as a complete surprise when he returns. Jesus Compares it elsewhere to a thief in the night. You have no idea when he's coming. You just know he's going to come you. Don't know when you just know he's going to return. Jesus promised he would return he would come back for his people. He said if you fast forward a little bit from from that verse on Jesus death his resurrection after his resurrection. There's that beautiful passage Max trapped in one of his Ascension and you and Acts chapter 1 verse 11 after Jesus has ascended into heaven Angels over there they appear and this is what they tell the crowd. They say men of Galilee. Why do you stand you're looking into heaven? This Jesus who was taken up from you and heaven will come back in the same way as you saw him go into Hab. We have this promise that he will return. We have this promise. He's coming back. It will catch so many by surprise Jerusalem and all the world will be troubled at the announcement of Jesus's return when he descends from Heaven this next time.

but the promise Is he trying to come? Just as we can look back and we can say he came a Christmas we can look forward and we can say with confidence and with joy he is returning. He's coming back folks. That's a good thing. That's good news. another comparison between then and then is wise men bow before him in the manger and every knee will bow before him at his return.

When he came at Christmas though, he was born as a baby weak and fragile in diapers. Wise men traveled from afar to worship at his feet. I think this is probably my favorite part of the Christmas story really the wise men the mad guy at some of them call him the the Kings as other call him and I mean whatever prominence in wealth and power. That's where these guys were they traveled from afar. Come to the feet of Christ to come to the manger and worship him. Bow before Jesus for one night of worship. They spent a tremendous amount of time and resources traveling from wherever they were traveling Christ. You can read the whole story in Matthew Chapter 2. We're not going to read the whole thing. But we have this verse that I do want to show you some Matthew chapter 2 verse 11 after they find Jesus think and think about this lady had spent. I don't know how long one or two years in preparation and in travel to come for this one night. They spent a ton of time and energy and resources. They put their entire life on hold on pause so they could come for this one night in this is their reaction when they find Jesus. Going into the house. They saw the child with Mary his mother they fell down and worshipped him. And then opening up their Treasures. They offered him Gifts of gold frankincense. And myrrh. To be clear. There's a couple things are very very important about these gifts first off. These are valuable gifts. This is V valuable gift of the day. You don't get more valuable than gold frankincense. And myrrh, these are prized possession of these would have been things. This would have been dipping into their retirement savings significantly to come give these things to Jesus. Okay, putting that in perspective for you. They would have gone into their security reserve and emptied it and said here take this. This is what this what this was a huge amount and just dollar value that they came to give Christ. the other thing about this is that is significant the symbolism of these gifts This is a royalty. These are gifts you give a king gift. You give a peasant, baby. Goodbye, most Society Sanders is what Jesus was he was a peasant Baby by Society standards Joseph and Mary were no one of consequence. guys of the world but I travel from afar to give this baby gifts of royalty saying you are King you need to be gifted as a king. You need to be regarded as a king. They traveled far to worship Him.

Beware if in your life you give Christ your second-best.

Beware, if you are tempted to give Christ just the leftovers of your life. He is deserving of so much more. He is deserving of all your heart your time your resources Etc. These wise men traveled such an incredible journey. A life-risking journey to have one night where they bow at the feet of Christ in the manger and worship him and give him their everything.

beware for tempted to do less

at his birth of Jesus was worshipped by Kings who traveled from afar. When he returns the next time I will not only be Kings the power down, but every thing that everyone will bow at the feet of Christ every tongue will confess he is Lord, there will be no Challenger. There will be no claim on his throne when he returns Philippians 2 9 through 11 Pink's is so beautifully God has highly exalted him bestowed on him the name that is above every name so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow in heaven and on Earth and under the Earth and every tongue confess that Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father.

For now, there's Challengers for now. There's claims on his throne for now. So many of us live as if we're God and he is not that's how we're tempted to live because of our price on that day when he returns. There will be no claim on his throne. There will be no challenge every knee boughs before him every tongue confess. Every one will say he is Lord, whether they want to or not. It will happen. There will be no challenge. It will be a great day when he returns. Finally. The entire world will acknowledge. Who is the Lord Over All Every knee will bow every tongue confess there was you have believed those who didn't those who live as though they would be judged and those who didn't those who live righteously and those who all will bow before Christ and give him the honor he deserves. Unfortunately for many it will be too late.

The time is now scripture says today is the day of salvation in one day that day will be cut off.

You will be worship. 1/3 parallel he survived persecution of his birth. He will return the Victorious King over his enemies the building right off that that extra point. Sometimes we forget this we forget that the real Christmas story wasn't exactly a Hallmark movie Worthy. It was brutal hardship parts of it are just flat-out gory and unnecessary. It's not your typical fluffy story that we like to listen to, you know, there's aspect of the story that are hard to think about just culturally the oppression of the Roman Empire on the Jewish people with harsh and brutal every other day. It seemed like there was an uprising of Jewish people revolting against the Roman Empire. The Roman Empire was very excellent a countering that with extermination just brutalizing the Jewish people. It was harsh when you take into account the brutality of King Herod and everything. He did in the region of Bethlehem after he heard of this birth of baby Jesus just horrible things hard things. Jesus was persecuted from the time of his birth.

He survived persecution. Though he was just a baby. He was still in control. Survive persecution in for the rest of his life. He would be despised of many hated Pursuit ultimately crucify, but the beauty of it all is the spies despite the attacks on him despite the oppression against him and his followers. He returns Victorious. Even in his life he achieved Victory when he rose himself from the dead but we have this promise looking forward to the Book of Revelation it when he returns, he will fully show his victory. There's a part of Revelation that I find to be honest humorous Revelations chapter 20 verse 7 through 9. The Book of Revelation is just kind of building up to this moment where you read and you anticipate okay, the final battle is coming. It's all coming to a head the devil was gathering up his arm and he's going out to meet the people of God and then it's just like God snaps his fingers that I want.

effortlessly game over I'm Victorious.

Revelations 21 the thousand years are ended Satan will be released from his prison will come out to deceive the Nations that are at the Four Corners of the earth. Gog and Magog what those mean? I have no idea the guys of them for battle. Their number is like the sand of the sea, they mother brought plane of the earth and surrounded the camp of the Saints and the Beloved City, but fire came down from heaven and consumed them.

BN Just like that.

Got snapped his fingers and says not today Satan. game over I find this passage slightly humorous because just building up you feel the intensity begin to build you feel the conflict and then God just says no no no. No. No, I am victorious. I am God. Jesus was Victorious your Chi Victory effortlessly. It seems over the devil reading accounts like this from The Book of Revelation. Remind us of something that I think we are tempted to forget at times. Jesus is The Sovereign Lord over all in there is no second. Is the number one and there's not a number two or three or four. He is number one. He's the list. Is The Sovereign Lord his God? No one could challenge him and make any effort towards Victory. No one could stand against the King Herod fought with all his might the pilot sentenced Jesus to death, but the Jews and the Romans persecuted the church intensely after his resurrection and Ascension build the very Gates of Hell stand against Christ and his people Nothing prevails against our King was born in a manger.

There is no second. Tower Lord This is why we worship. This is why we Rejoice Even in our trials. This is why we follow this is why we believe this is why we loved him. There is no one who can stand against him. He is a good Lord and He is Victorious.

The 4th comparison he came to bring peace between God and men and he will return to establish Universal. Peace. Not only is he Victorious? Not only is he Lord, but he is good. He is good. Jesus came to bring peace seeing about that a Christmas time. Don't we peace on Earth Goodwill to man?

And we should sing if he came to bring peace. He came to bring Salvation when the angel came to Joseph and told him about the baby conceived in Marysville. This is what the angel said. She will bear a son you will call his name Jesus for he will save his people from their since he came to forgive. He came to save he came to bring peace his name. Jesus literally means he always saves what his name means that's his identity. Perhaps one of the more well-known prophecies about the birth of Christ comes from Isaiah chapter 9 verse 6 & 7 to us a child is born. Do us a son is given government will be upon his shoulders his name Shall be Called wonderful counselor, Mighty God Everlasting father and Prince of Peace and hope his government enough his peace. There will be no it

Isn't that good news?

isn't that Rejoice Worthy Isn't that comforting? Isn't that? mind blowing the goodness in the grace of God given to us in Christ to us a child is born and his name is all of those thing.

Prince of Peace wonderful counselor, Mighty God Everlasting father

That is excellent. Through his life is teaching his birth. Of course, ultimately his death and Resurrection. He came and he offered us a sure peace with God a clean conscience forgiveness of our sins a restored soul. a new heart forgiveness that we cannot comprehend Grace that we cannot measure That's what he came and he gave us. in his life death and Resurrection when he comes the second time. He's going to build on it. He's going to fully Implement his Plan of Redemption reconciliation. Universally not only just a new heart but also New World a new Heaven and new earth Universal. Peace. Not just peace between you and God know which is very important not trying to diminish that at all. That is huge. But he will establish a universal.

It will be Everlasting Revelations 21. Saw the new Heaven and new earth for the first heaven and first Earth had passed away and the sea was no more and I saw the holy city New Jerusalem coming down out of Heaven from God prepared as a bride adorned for her husband and I heard a loud voice from the throne saying behold. Dwelling Place of God is with man you will do well with them. They will be his people got himself will be with them as their God and he will wipe away every tear from their eyes death will be no more neither morning nor crying nor pain anymore for the former things have passed away and he who was Seated on the throne said behold. I am making all things now.

Behold, I am making all things new.

Whenever you doubt whenever you're in. Whenever you're depressed whenever you're hurting whenever you're struggling read that. Turn to that. That's the Final Chapter with no ending it goes on forever that is heaven. When he returns Universal peace Universal restoration Universal Redemption upon the world in the universe and all of those who have believed all of those who have placed their faith in Christ will be there forever. Isn't that a wonderful thing?

We look back at uses birth and rejoice and it reminds us to look forward he's coming again. Not born as a baby not born of a woman becoming again riding on a horse of victory. This is what we look forward to.

A couple quick takeaways from today. verse rejoice in Jesus's birth He came and this is such a pivotal moment in the history of God's Redemption of us that he came. He loved us so much. He came rejoice and Jesus's birth anticipate his return. It should remind us to look forward. Anticipating that day anticipating the rest of the rhaetian of the world of the universe of life. third live in a christ-like manner Remembering how he has loved us. Should focus on how we should love our neighbor. Love one another that he went to the farthest agree to come to seek us out. We should then turn to our neighbor to our fellow man to a brother to love them in a christ-like manner in the 4th. This is just too good news to share. Hope not share. We need to share this good news with the world around us. Let's pray to worship God you are good to us. Bless us Lord.

God be at work in our midst be at work in our hearts draws ever closer to you. Open our eyes to see who you are what you've done. God let this holiday not be covered in the festivities and all those things that are fun that you want us to enjoy what God I pray that we would see with open eyes the beauty of who you really are. And what does Holiday really means help us to look forward to the end anticipating your return.

believing in her goodness and your faithfulness and we rejoice

your love for us.

Thank you so much God for who you are what you've done. Your name? amen

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