Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Jesus, from the Hebrew Joshua = God saves
he will save his people from their sins ()
Immanuel - God with us
the incarnation - God taking on flesh - ,
the curse of sin is death - , 6:23
the need for a sinless human substitute -
God the Son comes to us by taking on flesh in order to provide salvation from our sin
Jesus, Son of Abraham
Abraham received promises which were fulfilled in Christ
Abraham the father of faith and Jesus the author and finisher of our faith
Abraham received blessings because of his obedience
Jesus received believers as the reward for his suffering
Abraham’s descendants as the stars
Jesus will draw all men to himself
Jesus, Son of David
Jesus, Son of God
Jesus Christ
Christ and kingship appear to be intimately related
to be the Son of David then is to be the Messiah and vice versa
“Christ” is the Gk equivalent of the Hebrew “Messiah”
Messiah - means anointed one
“Christ from the Gk word “anointee”
an act of consecration whereby an individual is set apart to serve God and anointed (smeared or perhaps sprinkled) with oil
act of consecration whereby an individual is set apart to serve God and anointed (smeared or perhaps sprinkled) with oil
priests were anointed when they were consecrated and when they were to serve at the altar of sacrifice
kings were anointed before they assumed their royal leadership
kings were especially considered the Lord’s anointed
“the” Messiah = King Messiah
a human leader descended from David
unifies the tribes of Israel, gathers all Jews to Israel, rebuilds Temple in Jerusalem, ushers in an age of universal, global peace
not considered God or the pre-existent divine Son of God
a great political leader descended from David
a great charismatic leader
Jews are still waiting for him to appear
God’s predicted and long awaited deliverer of Israel
also referred to as anointed one, the coming High Priest, King, Prophet, Saviour
Jewish hope for a Messiah began w Nathan’s prophecy
when Jesus refused to use his miraculous power to exalt himself and oppose Rome John the Baptist sent his disciples to ask whether he was the Expected One or whether they should be looking for someone else
a never ending kingdom which would have dominion over all the earth
as Israel continue to turn away from God, splitting into the Northern Kingdom of Israel and the Southern Kingdom of Judah, the Assyrian destruction of Israel, the Babylonian captivity and then a series of conquerors after the exile the rabbis came up with all kinds of fanciful ideas of what the Messiah would be
when the disciples witnessed Jesus’ humility, meekness and servant spirit they wondered
this is what dominated Jewish thinking so when Jesus came along he did not fit that mould
when Jesus was ridiculed, persecuted and executed Jesus’ followers were devastated
Messiah and Son of David closely connected
- wise men asked Herod, “who is king” who in turn asked the chief priest and scribes where “the Christ” was to be born
535 results for Christ in 504 verses
there are 7957 verses in the NT
therefore Christ is mentioned every 16 verses of the NT
expectation of the Jews was for a conquering and reigning Messiah who would deliver them from their enemies and establish his righteous kingdom on the earth
when Jesus refused to use his miraculous power to exalt himself and oppose Rome John the Baptist sent his disciples to ask whether he was the Expected One or whether they should be looking for someone else
when the disciples witnessed Jesus’ humility, meekness and servant spirit they wondered
when Jesus was ridiculed, persecuted and executed Jesus’ followers were devastated
Jesus Saviour
this is more of a descriptive term than it is a title like Son of Abraham
Christ the Lord is Saviour
Jesus: he will save his people from their sins
or, the Master is God’s chosen one and is our Saviour
- in Nehemiah’s prayer he recounts how God gave his people saviours to save them from the hand of their enemies (enemies God sent against them because of their sinful rebellion)
- God the Saviour of those who seek refuge in him
- there are no gods therefore there is no Saviour besides the Lord (45:21)
- when oppressors are brought down God’s people realize he is their Saviour
- God becomes their saviour - he does not afflict them, angel of his presences saves them, in love and pity he redeems, he lifts and carries them
- woman at well declares Jesus Saviour because he saves not only Jews but Samaritans as well
- Jesus exalted to God’s right hand as Saviour for the purpose of giving repentance and forgiveness
Php 3:32 - we await a Saviour - even though we are already saved
- Saviour Christ Jesus abolished death, brought life and immortality
- great God and Saviour Jesus Christ (2 Pet 1:1)
tit 3:4-7 - God our Saviour saves us by washing of regeneration and renewal of HS through Jesus Christ our Saviour
- the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ
- Father has sent his Son to be the Saviour of the world
- God is our Saviour through Jesus Christ our Lord
Jesus Lord
born … in the city of David = a promised king who would rule with justice and righteousness forever
he is Saviour - save us from our oppressors
our enemies: the world, the flesh and the devil
he is Christ - God’s chosen, anointed one
he is Lord - master
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9