Victory in Adversity
Victory in Adversity
Text: Lk. 22:31-32 - PPHC 7-16 & 7-23-06 A.M. Services
The Lord’s Message…
Job 1:6-12 – Satan must obtain permission in order to try you. He has no “legal” right over your life as a Christian. Note: God gives 1) Permission & 2) Parameters (limits of the trial)
I. To the Apostles
A. To All of the Disciples
1. satan wants to have all of you
B. Yet, More Directly to Peter
1. Had been the “voice” of the apostles
2. Now he became the “ear” for the apostles
C. These Men were a Gift of God to Jesus - Jn. 17:6
II. To Peter…Why Did Satan Particularly Want Peter to Fall?
A. Peter was One of the First Disciples Called by Jesus – Matt. 4:18
1. One of the first of the “household” of Israel
a. Through men like Peter, God was going to begin to change the heart of society
b. Jesus would teach him Christian values & principles during His time with him
b. Why is it that satan fights so hard for the fathers / husbands in the home?
1. He is the most influential in the home, in the lives of his children…& ultimately, in society.
2. Because his children will make up the next generation and shape society.
· “The Church is only one generation from extinction.” Dr. John Tunstall
B. Peter Was a Seeker – Matt. 15:15
1. He sought deeper meaning to Jesus’ parables than most
a. He wasn’t satisfied with a story and its good punch line….he wanted the meaning
b. He looked for essence, the core, and the heart of Jesus
· Give us Christians that want more out of a sermon than a few chuckles; give us seekers…ones that aren’t satisfied with skin-deep sermons…but meat of the Word.
C. Peter Wasn’t Afraid To Try the Unthinkable – Matt. 14:28
1. “…if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water.” – walked on the water.
· When was the last time we thought outside of the box??
D. The Gifts of the Spirit Were in Operation in His Life – Matt. 16:16; Mk. 6:13
1. The Word of knowledge, miracles of healing, & casting out of demons
· If you have the Gifts working in your life…watch out, you’re on the “hit-list!”
E. Peter Would Be Instrumental in Heading Up the Infant Church – Matt. 16:18
1. Christ declared that even the gates (counsels/hierarchy) of hell couldn’t overthrow it
· Anytime you take a place of leadership in the church, satan will come against you as never before…to discourage you, to make your plans and efforts fail.
F. Satan Heard Jesus Name Peter – Mk. 3:16
1. Satan was listening to every word and taking notes…Peter (a little “rock”)
a. Satan is not omnipotent (all-powerful)
b. Satan is not omnipresent (everywhere at once)
c. Satan is not omniscient (all-knowing)
1. He acts on what he perceives (Hearing & Seeing)
2. Jesus saw “SOMETHING” extraordinary in Peter…and “declared” it vocally
a. Jesus saw POTENTIAL in him…and declared it to Peter
1. Satan “heard” the prophetic word and attempted to abort Peter’s mission in life
a. Satan realized the potential of an on-fire Christian (Church)
1. “They turned the world ‘upside-down’…” – Acts 17:6
III. To PPHC - Satan is Coming Against PPHC
A. He is Trying & Will Continue To Try To Abort
(1) Our vision;
(2) Our potential
- As he accomplishes this individually, he accomplishes this corporately
B. Individually
1. Illust. In past wars, used the tactic of firing wooden bullets. Wounded soldiers required at
least two others to take care of him…debilitating the other army.
a. Physically (Sickness) – When some are sick, the whole family will stay out.
1. If this is successful, satan will use this over and over again. Take the family out of action
by the sickness of one.
b. Spiritually – People are spiritually wounded at times
1. Instead of taking the matter to the Master, they turn to their Christian friends, not to pray
about it, but to talk about it…if we’re not careful the wounded will take all out of the
C. Satan has Heard the Prophecies Concerning YOU
D. Satan has Heard the Prophecies Concerning Our church
1. An increase of souls; ministry of healing to take place; Christian maturity and the effects of
evangelism that will go forth from our doors. He will do all he can to prevent it!!
IV. How Can We Be Victorious?
A. Jesus Gives Revelation – v. 31-32
1. Reveals the enemy (satan)
2. Reveals the enemy’s plot (he’s coming to sift you)
a. To not catch you off-guard
3. Reveals that heaven and its forces are on your side…and you will win!!