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The Power of Knowing...  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  44:28
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the power of knowing the power of knowing God's word is bond. Come on. The power of knowing God's word is bond down something. I will be coming out of Luke 12:29 to the 34th verse and look we're going to read those verses in just a few moments, but when you think about the word bomb

Where is my bond so we should get a little excited and knowing especially those of us that said we should get excited and knowing and understanding the concept already of God's word.

Luke 12 starting with the 29th birthday of the following not me, but you show me or what you shall drink line. For all these things do the nations of the world speak after and your father knowing that he had have me of these things. But rather seek ye the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you verse 32 systems are not little flock for it is your father's good pleasure.

Cell that he has to provide your cells bags which wax not open a treasure in the heavens. That fail is not wear no feet approaching by their mom.

Where your treasure is there? Will your heart be also in the Lord have a blessing on the reading of his holy word and let's go into what that word fond means now as I stated before Barn can mean a lot of things my word is my bond. What is it that you're actually saying? We stay have different definitions for Bob some adhesives material that is meant to submit something together. It could be a core to tie up. It could be a bomb that you post as Surety for payment that will come later on when the shipment Are there different meanings for bomb but what we want to talk about today is this particular definition that comes to us from the Merriam-Webster Dictionary and insurance pledging. That one will become legally liable for financial loss cost to another by the act or default of a third-person are buy some contingency over which the third person may have no control over somebody else Elizabeth and insurance agreement. So there's an agreement that's being entered into we are going to talk today and I really want to get far into this series are the first part of this Theory today that all right if we have to do a part 1 and part 2 that okay, if there's an agreement that is being entered into between at least two parties and part of that agreement contained within it a pledge that the one in into the agreement will become legally liable for any Financial loss that suffered by the hands of the other one. That's also a part of that agreement you with me so far. So what is coming thing? I agree to be bound. Legally break any Financial loss you suffer. Now that's a good agreement for us to get it to you when it's yourself that you are representing you will be responsible for because you love what you're capable of doing. For you to enter into an agreement with someone that says hey, I will be legally responsible. I will be legally liable if I do something that causes Financial loss to you. You did what I'm going to do that. I have the freedom in the liberty and the Assurance of doing it because what I know me.

So I will be responsible for any love that is suffer by you at my hands. With this definition name is this caused to another by the act or default of a third person.

Agreed to be legally liable for any Financial loss you suffer as a result of what somebody else does or fails to do.

the level of risk

Mister party is that you're putting yourself on the line for real?

Before you say your word is bond to this one, then they suffered a financial, because of what that one does or not. Do not do you're going to want to know where should I put my livelihood on the line for you? Why should I put everything that I stand to lose everything that I have suffered for I worked hard for I am sacrificing for I have work by the sweat of my brow, Not only sweat but cheers and in some instances Blount fine, but I put at risk everything that I have worked for for somebody else. Like I said, it's easy to guarantee yourself.

Or by some contingency over which the third person they have no control.

got season 3 trailer because this was Peppa Financial losses suffered not through any fault of the third party because it was out of the third parties control because I messed up and didn't mean to mess up.

Without their understanding and knowledge or ability to change it before they could change it. It was too late. It is what it is and now you are liable you are. piano

Who Do You Love Enough

to make that type of guarantee How do you love enough? to make that type of guarantee

Especially if you don't know.

Somebody to do is okay. But what about those that you really don't know because they have free will choice and at any given moment they can make whatever decision they want. That may not be and of course to the agreement or the understanding you have with them before you entered into the agreement with the one that had some. Steak in this third part on let me give you an example of what I'm talking about. Bailey you all know who this is. You get arrested because you have been accused of committing a crime. Not only have you been arrested because you have been accused of committing a crime but depends on the level of crime that you're accused of committing you can be detained unless and until Val and a certain amount is paid for your really. Now there are certain crimes that doesn't matter who you are. There are going to require a certain amount of bail to be paid before you can be released. Now. There is such thing called a infection which means you can guarantee your parents. I will do what it is that I'm required to do until I get this offense off of me and I am found to be Not liable for whatever it is. I'm accused of doing. But for other instances, there's a restriction of your freedom. There is a loss of Liberty if bail is set in an amount that is beyond your ability to pay and get it. BRAC then there's the Bell or this is the agency that is holding the belly. I left that bond to cover the bail. So the one restrict your freedom or Liberty Isabel Lord you with me so far and a bit until there is a certain amount that has been paid by way of bomb. You know what that is that agreement that if you release this person from your cuz I am willing to be legally liable for any Financial law that you suffer because you release them from your custody. Right. All right. the bail bond That's the agency that post the requested amount of bail via bond to obtain the prisoner or the Bailey's release so that burn greens what?

That burn says you are released.

You're free to go. that Bond Is responsible the instrument that was used to submit a promise to pay. Thank you.

I need you to get it. It's a promise to pay. You told me it would cost $1000000 the van or the Bell on this person detention is a million dimes. Release the person if the person doesn't show up. I'll pay the million dollars but bond is a representation of a promise that I will pay that if they leave. You can get me so far been paid but there's a promise and a surety I will pay it if you suffer because they didn't do what they were supposed to.

consequence of default you get to that date that they're supposed to show up and they don't show up. I can tell you first-hand what happened? That bond is forfeited. Give me an instrument pay me the money.

Because that bail now is still in effect. Oh and a warrant will be issued for the arrest of the one that violated the agreement. So you Surety I want the money from you are hurting your freedom will once again be restricted unless that amount of money is paid. Let me just stay right here for 1 minute and kind of tell you that's pretty harsh, isn't it?

Now there is no such thing as called reassumption. We're in a real court of law if bill has been forfeited and the person that was supposed to make your parents. Something happened. That was beyond their control thank you know car broke down didn't call in time. They're without their hours later. And by the time they got there the bond already been forfeited and don't have been reset and now there's a warrant for their arrest that bail bond agent at Exit, please. Oh, please. Oh, please I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, but additional money. Do I need to pay to you so that you can help me stay out. because even though in some of us who have been in that uncomfortable predicament of having to assist a loved one to get out from jail, you know, you don't pay the million dollars, you usually pay 10% of a million die because that's the cost of them agreed to put up a million dollars if there's a meat You with me so far. But there's a certain type of forgiveness to be contingent on what may happen because like happens to everybody. So if the bail bond agent agrees to reassume The bond then they can go and remit that and the portable accepted your risk. My game, right? So all troops being parallel.

Bailey who is that you before coming to know Christ Jesus?

Who was the Bailey the enemy who held you in bondage to sin?

And who's the bail bond agent crash? What was the price? supplies machine because the enemy help each one of us in Palm Beach and the price was death.

And before we even live long enough to die to go before God to hear that the price for how we live was death because the Bible says that the wages of sin is death and the enemy who held you captive who held you burnt. It's true that saying this is definitely going to require that. you owe me this life because this wife was never

the part of that life would never admit it.

Before we even get to that day those of us who can best Jesus Christ as our Lord and savior. Guess what happened. Jesus went to the enemy and said let that one go any loss you might suffer. I'm agreeing to be spiritually responsible for go back to that first. I want you to see that.

The definition of agreement pledging be liable for any lost sucker. Call buy the app or default of a third party.

I need you to get how heavy this is what price is actually done for us at the reason why is because you need to understand the Dynamics of what happened when you gave your life over to Christ Jesus look at Luke for I believe it is 18 somebody read that.

The spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor. He has sent me to heal the broken her.

Sight to the blind right there to preach the Deliverance Deliverance to who the captain. What does that mean? If I'm preaching Deliverance to someone who's a captive who is a captive somebody that is caught in bondage somebody that is held captive somebody who is whose Freedom has been restricted whose Liberty has been affected and you are preaching what really

Tell him Jesus is Luke say the spirit of the Lord is upon me to tell you that this is what Jesus has done for us to preach this good news to bring Deliverance to bring healing to give sight to those that are blind. He's saying that the condition that you were once in now there's an agreement the agreement is between me and you because this was a word that by himself by himself.

The agreement goes to the end lease them from the bottom.

I need you to get that because there's a certain Liberty. There's a certain Freedom. There's a certain knowledge and knowing wait a minute. I was afraid. What are you sipping on your Apple? I don't care anymore. So I don't have to wait to get out of bed. I have no.

I need you to get out start.

about the shooting of Freedom when they have

African tribe that someone that you love that I was once combined. How much was that was once in body?

I said shut the confessions, don't you remember? Didn't you shut up freedoms that you didn't tell me for your basic information that you couldn't explain it. You didn't know. Why would they know what it means?

Let me tell you what is that was posted on your behalf, and you are free.

Do the Ducks win?

Is it that way?

Esprit de Meza

cuz it cost some bucks or something.

You got the last part of that go to that.

What is the consequence?

of your default

This was Jesus put on the line for you. Now, you put it on the line for everybody. Did he put it on the line for everybody? But it don't mean the same thing. Some people chose just to stay with you.

I won't be released. I'll stay here. Thank you very much. For those that stand I recognize that I am the sender alienated from God.

You know what you did you said give me my freedom papers.

by the blood of the Lamb

What's the consequence of a remind you that word that says after your hand on the plow? And you turn back. There's no more Bas for you again.

I don't want you to go back to the worldly example that we gave you somebody that life happens to it, isn't it? But what about the trifling willful never show up continue and you didn't show up because you were still affected by Europe the frailties of your flesh to the point where it has a hold on you and even though you're free you haven't realized your freedom because you haven't been completely delivered yet. That's the thing. I can feel different about a forfeit because of things that have to be on the third parties control. I can see us when we're still getting to our delivery tracker. He can still keep nose inside of a heart. That's why we can say he's the god of the second chance. They have Siri assumed the deaths that he posted for you because he knows that on the inside of you you're still working some things out so even though it's a man. It may seems like he should not be assumed what he wants a suit on my behalf. He will be assuming anyhow, because he knows what you're struggling with this Beyonce. Are you really not that that's okay. It's not only am I going to put some situations of trials and tribulations?

What time is he going to do that? Cuz he knows when you get that notion of what it means to really be free when you get that notion.


Francesco. Shoes

Did you give me another text?

Cuz I'm no time to take it. chances of running figure Because there comes a day when he says I can't believe what you say.

You are nothing but a lot I just see right now and there's no truth in you just showing those around.

Anybody's ass.

Cuz I know it's something like you going to do. but everybody has to a man is man.

Because this is something that just dropped on me this morning. That's why I was late, by the way.

What was it that you say about studying at?

After this is my time for the Lord to work. So I was prepared for this is how the Holy Spirit when I am prepared. I'll get up in the early morning hours. And then he just dropped something on me.

So we don't get a little bit.

Luke 12:29, I need you to get what we just went over. I need that should Foundation that should bactrim. This is what gives you the ability to believe what Christ telling his disciples that make sense what you show drink. Neither be your father knowing that you have need of these things. Did you have any of these things that what is this telling us a few things? Why? Hardware Christ when he's talking in the midst of the people are talking he is not talking to all of the people. He's talking to the disciples that are months to crap. Because he said your father knowing that he have need of these things. Talking to believer. He's talking to those that said yes post and fun for me so that I can be So that I can bid begin my journey with you. And this is part of that Journey experience. You make this confession not for the sake of making it you have made this confession so that you can now enjoy the continued promises that God has plans for you and his child as a member of his kingdom. So here we

or what you going to drink a day?

You want me to know? When you know the power of God's word there has to be a certain.

What I'm going through right now. I wish I could if I can explain it. Maybe I wasn't there. What are some good news on free image?

Justin Bieber

different opinions on what that means and people say it means anxious or Worse. Don't worry about don't be anxious about but the Greek word means do not touch her heart.

do not want an action that actually

made to rise up. So some commentators have even argue that it means don't exalt yourself. But I like horses don't set your heart on because I think that this is something that's more indicative of where we all are. Don't don't be so consumed with what you're going to eat or what you shall drink RB of doubtful mind. Don't set your heart on meaning I don't care if I come to church in a nice feather dress and a beautiful first lady or Pastor hat and some stiletto nice shoes, or if I come in jeans at a raven t-shirt because what my heart is set on is not how I look what my heart is set on is what am I here? And I didn't take Doesn't that make you mad or if I eat a bologna sandwich? I am not concerned about what I'm going to eat some more concerned about how my soul is going to be my spirit is going. Because you can't be as fat as you want.

Of the land and be as hungry and anorexic spiritually because you got enough work to direct your song. So that's where that part don't set your heart on the things that the world is getting their hearts on their worried about those things. They're worried about living the good life worried about flossing. They're worried about image How They Ride making sure their ride is together how they live making sure where they live is together don't I want to make sure you understand that he's not saying consider it a bad thing if he thought that you wouldn't see your father knowing that you have these things. But he said don't set your heart on it. Why cuz when you start setting your heart on it, you begin to think a certain way. Why don't I have it. Then you start compare yourself to what other people a person having sex and I don't have the other day.

Get your eyes off of what the world has its eyes on you. Don't worry about that. God knows what you have need your his child didn't set you free funny.

Hey shut your bracelet.

sometimes number one stop

shut down phone.

when somebody asks you what we're doing is sending my heart by the things Jesus said

don't put on freaky.

What if your house gets taken I'm free.

What if your car gets repossessed?

Ever have a nice car being burnt or be free from sin. Discover what it feels like when he's mad. So there were times because I had walking pneumonia. Swift Transportation Toyota 27 years in the making I haven't I haven't always been this way. And there was a journey after being declared free.

And I never would have known that tree.

My husband and I had some of our best date. Yeah, another quarter. We got enough for a large.

Come on, baby. We don't leave the church. We don't walk up the street to 21 choices and we would share that yogurt and talked about how good God was.

And that was our date.

Somebody I have to remember how I knew her. Somebody worked at the law school is a secretary or something.

I bought a bunch of balloons and I blew them up and I put them up so rude. You have no idea how much for my little kids.

I don't like that. But if my heart was sick, I'm getting the biggest tree in my heart was so I'm making sure that they were all these presents under the tree for my kids because what in

how am I going to top that what will my kids think of me? If they realize that it ain't so much fun being at Mama's house? Cuz she got to do all the things we want to do.

Instead of just saying hey for wish free. I can't set my mind on that.

Always had a scheme. at rink

something that promises fast and easy

catch your soul right back and bottom so many good people so many of us that MIT whale so many of us that made the confession because we set our heart on what the world says. It's hard on and we thought that that's what we were supposed to do as we thought that's what it meant to have a fruitful life and relationship with God and we wanted to show that we were blessed and highly favored so many of us fell in that trial.

glass credit card Wants to be free from the credit card. So he's going to give us. Do we give him $1,000? He going to let us use that credit card Max it up. And then he going to clear it stolen.

Is that not a game that takes place on the street?

I didn't heard it quite a few times.

Are you going to those department stores and they ask you what the code isn't the coat and then I'll call and I don't know how they got my information but my car was not wet and if they look on the surveillance cameras in the department stores, they see a face, but it ain't it States election. Must be legit. Whatever scheme. Oh. Take your car.

scented Market in Mexico

Call the insurance company declared stolen. Get the proceeds. We split your car. Mysteriously comes back and heard it all.

Hello English.


Even in the legal field there was Kings going on. A lot of people good people got caught up.

There was a car accident. One person was in the car the five people in the car so we can pay the bills.

Pizza Hut near me and when you have your heart set on things as opposed to having and we're supposed to be done on posted that on through Christ Jesus for a real. There are many times when we have to make a decision and my boys are my life and honor the bond that was posted on my behalf. In the real world that bosses don't violate no more love. Do you know that it's a crime to commit another crime while you're on bond you can get more time. So is it that's how it is in the world? What makes you think that God is different. So many of us have had to make a decision. I'm not going to rely on God and I or am I going to because my heart is set on trying to get with the world is trying to get a sneak Bud guy just cover me this one time to forgive me Lord, but I needed to do it. You know what I need and you know, that's what go back. Chilling this quote this Lord you're worse than that, you know that I have to you know what I need.

but almost only burning your hair

So, what did you do?

Hey, man, I wish I could finish this. But this is just the first point will get to the rest of it on next Sunday, but I really hope that this is helping somebody because you need to know how Richard Heritage you need to understand the power of His word as it applies to you if you could be free be free. If he's declared your freak you free, you are free dumping make that confession are now free from the curse of the law.

now you

because of

but what does it mean? What are you willing to do to keep it to maintaining not dishonoring? Not. Not misrepresent not making a joker. every part of cheese his key

A man is mad.

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