Abraham Isaac and Jacob
ATMs fill me with the holy spirit that my words are what she wants you to. And make his glory.
next leap year
Waiting to tell the world.
It all and gym.
For God created the world.
so many things in the Bible a time, you know, I just know it's true because God said I don't have to try to analyze it or even try to understand it because it's God. God can do all things. So even when I don't get it.
Because I believe in my soul that there is a God.
In the very beginning in Genesis in the first several words. God have called. He spoke.
And that's why I need to get to a place of his word.
So he created all these things.
Not for him.
What for you or not?
He made all these Grand items that we can look at.
for you and I
and how we just both words and it was in existence. how he created man and woman
You know, that's the whole reason really Lucifer Satan.
most beautiful
he got jealous because they all had the word robust.
I can't tell you how many times I wish God would make me into a robot.
He kisses his choice. so when this great angel
Lucifer decided that he wanted to be
you took a third of the angels that he refers to go with them and they decided to come.
I don't understand why God didn't stop.
to have a relationship with we need to get that so sick into our purpose. design in the nursery This is what we see. This is what we know.
to know that we were perfectly
the god knew you before you were here. He has a plan for your life and you were created for Fellowship.
What does tomorrow?
Don't be mad at me. I used to be I used to think I couldn't wait to see him.
I always thought that maybe they live in a different place.
I don't know the time difference.
Could have been a minute.
I didn't take long for Lucifer who had fallen. Speak to their brain in to make them feel different things.
I can't imagine. I don't know.
Because how many times have you in my phone?
Said the wrong thing at the wrong time her people walked away from God.
we have all fallen and got nothing zillion time, but the good thing is
and so then we have to leave kind of reptiles plants because he
didn't want us to serve him because he wanted us to serve it because we chose to
To whom you love and what you want to do?
Because he made us all free.
For several purposes one that we would know.
we would give our lives to
We get to the place that you know.
That's been a hard one for me at times that might sound. ceiling
discharge how to solve work with all the yelling
I just said read two books on Heaven recently.
Emoji more more more being anticipation
What are you done for us? And what heaven is like?
How long was its do we spell?
And then we make choices to survive.
How did God look down from the throne and see it? How did he how did he deal with?
In April 1st to submit his thing that we should serve the tree God thinking this.
time Sodom and Gomorrah
Noah's Ark when the Creator get mad.
I wish that I could give me one of those fire.
I would last so many people.
You know, it's the truth, right?
Even though you are here.
That I had would have had to do it to me.
That's why all the sudden people were dispersed all over to all over the world speaking different language. That's white Noah and his wife.
cappuccino mocha
London has it ever stop. When has humans? Made the decision to who?
Because we don't see all the story even if we've heard it or no, it don't like.
Jim kind of came up with their own ideas and what his rules are some up with this.
Could I have the nerve to say things that aren't? Mark from the Bible. Why would I try to tell you something?
You spend your whole life believing in something that might cost.
Enjoy and all the things you need.
So let's humans work easily.
Add people to spread the bus. from the very beginning
Abraham Isaac Jacob
mankind is going back and back to the throne speaking about look at you. Then look like they're serving you very well.
And she said there's only one way. There's only one way to solve this problem.
chose to take Jesus
So far I've been said I have a feeling.
What are you doing? He said I have
so he decided to send his son Jesus.
in Jesus Evan
what do you think about things did he do?
retains her to be with
Here he looked it up. He knows that if you knows how many.
This is Wonderwall.
God used Moses
front of the year slavery
winter why only two
so they were looking for someone.
when Cain
Disney World looking in all the wrong places
God has in his word that you will read it. He has told you everything that will happen.
Do you know anything about?
record me talking about
Is you're not going to believe what you think is, right?
We have a mission. How we worked hard with the 12 disciples? We went to rejection and hatred and all kinds of things.
He was taken to a cross.
Came From Heaven
He also not only juice.
He wants us to tell others.
Not everybody is talking about.
9000 times today show me with me.
Dead in Christ will rise first and be here.
God wouldn't have made it.
CenturyLink in the world
he could have saved remained in the sterile perfect number.
chose to come to watts too hot send handed down from generation to generation. She wasn't wide with our messy problems. He was without a rice thrown with crooked in perfect.
The Greek or Roman world not to see them.
praise God
the Christmas can be a family affair.
What is given?
Isn't it exciting?
707 this Advent was announced by the
all the One Direction
Christmas about God so loved the world that He gave His Highest.
It's about peace that passes all understanding. joy unspeakable
Like the dark roots and not stink.
Love that is greater than 10 or X never chat. Grace with all sufficient for every life and every circuit
we could enjoy share only what we have personally experienced. Do you have the Christmas experience? It's not receive it. shareit
and my father Who is in hip?
Put me on and off.
Nothing greater than the Lord.
We have a problem at times admitting our faults.
We have a hard time wanting to change.
We have a hard time with life.
But you see the great creator.
And I choose to serve him with everything that I have.
But I know the truth.
And I was here yesterday almost 4 hours working. I had the greatest time being in the house.
Just talkin to him and anticipating today.
I would rather be in the house of the Lord. No teeth than any.
When you open your gas, I know you enjoy him. Do not act like you don't like it.
Dax J
I didn't know you liked her instead of green and maybe they thought you were so.
Open it.
You don't get back till next year.
But be grateful for what you have. Be grateful for the Gift Giver. Be thankful for the god of creation. That makes you burp.
And that you will know him more deeply because you have a choice.
When will you be with him or without him because Satan rules? He comes to kill steal and destroy any works with all this Saturday. Praise God for my God who is green? Who knows all about you?
Grace presidential
grow and grow and grow and grow and grow and grow but you know what he spent every day of his life.
REI hours and hours and hours That's why he knew a lot of things.
And he said candy. I having a wrong. I don't know it all until I
and I know would he like to happen. I know Moses Pet Detective came to my bedroom.
does everything
Give it all over. Give her everything you've got.
nothing matters
pretty speeches.
Jesus were so much when we are not worthy.
How do you bleed the second edition light loved it, when we purposely have said and gone astray and chose not to surgery. You sent your only son to a major. Send all the other one to come and be a part of the stool. To walk with us so I can choose to go home with you.
Thank you for the great.
But it goes to communion.