Where's Jesus?
Johann Strauss, Jr., composed his first waltz at the age of six.
John Keats died at twenty-six, but what a legacy of poetry he left!
Upton Sinclair published his first book, The Prairie Pirates, when he was seventeen.
John Wesley preached with remarkable regularity and effectiveness when he was past eighty.
Jesus of Nazareth was a young Man. According to our methods of reckoning time, His ministry did not exceed His thirty-third birthday. Albert Schweitzer believed that our Lord’s ministry was much briefer than the traditional three-year span. It was not His age, but His identity, relationships, promises, and fulfillment culminating at Calvary and the empty tomb that made Him Savior.
Charles Haddon Spurgeon at nineteen preached to 27,000 persons on a British hillside.
Influence of Young People
By contrast, aged people need youth. Visit any college campus, and nearby you will find some of the youngest old people on earth. These professors, staff members, and other workers have been around youth so long and in such numbers that they think young, act young, and dream like young people.
Characteristics of a Childlike faith....
Jesus’ parents, like most devout Jews, went to Jerusalem each year. Jesus’ family had the right priorities. Families that establish regular habits of worship are less likely to have their spiritual life deflected by alternative attractions. Keep worship on top of your family’s agenda. Putting God first is a great example to children, who quickly learn what parents care about by observing how they plan and spend time.