When Christmas Isn't Easy
I get the privilege to bring message to you today. I don't get to do this that often but it's always a delight to do so, I found myself at the Dilemma as I mentioned earlier in the service to give whether I was going to give a post-christmas for pre-new Year's sermon, what do you do at this time of year is and what do you have you handle this one? Do I look back on 2018 and reflect on God's faithfulness to our church family even in the midst of some difficulty or do I look forward to 2019 with your expectation of what God will do here in our families than our culture. Both of these things would be good and highly appropriate for a year and message but I prayed and asked God what he would have me share today. It came to a strong conclusion that we needed to link on the Christmas account and maybe take a deeper look at a section that we might kind of not spend a whole lot of time on often or at least I don't Traveling over great distances a countercultural shift in thinking a threat to Authority potential government upheaval violence and bloodshed fearing for your family's very own lives. This all happens in the second chapter of Matthew all of the all of that. It's packed when we look at the Christmas account when we make it sometimes this tender peaceful quiet may be sanitized even what happens right? After Jesus was born was anything but easy for multiple people involved in the account and makes me wonder as we confess our sin earlier how many times we might paint our own lives in these quaint peaceful pictures, maybe make them seem problem-free when in reality maybe they're filled with pain or regret something that you might be dealing with whatever else. He's likely all heard of the tragedy that happened to Falls On Christmas Day. If you haven't a plane crashed in southeast Sioux Falls than two people died. Well known people in the community and that left people behind grandchildren and children grieving their lost the event when I make Christmas and even a birthday for one of the grandchildren events associated with pain and lost all our situations are likely not nearly as difficult as there's I'm certain there people here even today with a difficult Christmas perhaps I wanted to look at events that take place shortly after the birth of Jesus quite remarkable and ones that can help us with application in our own lives as well. We're going to like to take a look at the most of Matthew to if you have your Bibles go ahead and turn them after 2, or you can find one in the seats in front of you. I take a look at what God's word show us about what to do when Christmas is an easy. Look at the fact that God's Direction and God's grace are greater than the difficulties. We may face in that God always provides Relentless light that always shines in the darkness with the Relentless pursuit of his people God. We thank you for your words. We thank you. That's your word is enough for us. We thank you that your voice to us as heard in your word and exclusively on your way. We think that we can trust it three. Thank you that it is full and for us and your word to us less this time. We spend in your Wordament. I am in this is Matthew to I'm going to read the whole section and then we'll revisit it again 1 through 15. After Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king behold wise men came from the East Wise Men from the East came to Jerusalem saying, where is he born King of the Jews for besides star? When it Rosanna come to worship him when Herod the king heard this he was troubled and all Jerusalem with him and assembling all the chief priests and scribes of the people. He inquired of them where the Christ was to be born. They told him in Bethlehem of Judea for so it is written by the prophet and you will Bethlehem in the land of Judah are by no means least among the rulers of Judah for from you. Shall come a ruler who will Shepherd My People Israel. Then I heard some of the wise men secretly and ascertain from them what time Star had appeared and he sent them to Bethlehem saying go and search diligently for the child and when you have found him bring me word that I too may come and worship him after listening to the king. They went and behold the star they had seen when it went before them until it came to rest over the place for the child was when I saw the star they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy and going into the house. They saw the child with Mary his mother and they fell down and worshipped him. Then opening their Treasures. They offered him gifts gold and frankincense, and myrrh, and being warned in a dream not to return to Herod.
Now when they're departed behold an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said take the child and flee to Egypt and remain there until I tell you for hair it is about to search for the child any Rosen took the child in his mother by night and departed to Egypt and remained there until the death of Herod. This was to fulfill what the Lord had spoken by the prophet out of Egypt. I called my son. So what's going on here? Who were these wise men? Why was Herod and why in the world of Mary and Joseph had back to Egypt of all places the place historically known to the Jews at the place of depression and despair. Let's take a look at verses 1 through 8. I'm going to see how this is. The first point God's hand and God's word provide all the guidance we ever need. So we will see that's how God tan and God's word provide all the guidance we ever need and go ahead and advanced. That's why they're highly so we need to take a bit of a historical detour here to understand who the wise men were as well as to understand the power of God's revelation to them and that's which interesting ly enough. It's something that their ancestors likely encounter before them. So these these guys is wise men. They were astronomers Priests of A Sort even mentioned far previously in the Book of Daniel. So if you take all the way back to Daniel Daniel chapter 2 Nebuchadnezzar as this dream and he says to his Sorcerers and magicians and astronomers and astrologers and wise men that says the same word, I would like you to interpret this dream on the wise men say you need to tell us what your dream for you and you need to tell me what the dream is and interpret it for basically. I'm going to destroy all of you and they said and he prayed to God and he prayed to he has his friends afraid called Christian friends to pray and said we need to have this Revelation so we can show God's hand in this and another was about to get rid of all the wise men in the land at this point and he had called them. They were magicians and enchanters. So that word Magi that you here in some translations is short for of magicians. This is where the word is coming from. These were Mystic basically Eastern Mystics. Daniel heard about that his friends to pray that God would reveal the answer what God did reveal and I never can answer is dream and the interpretation to Daniel and when asked by the king to interpret at Daniel said no wise man in Chancery magician or diviner can explain to the king the mystery here, that's about but there is a God in heaven who reveals Mysteries was highly likely that this same order of wise men and The Magician's Sorcerers were the same people from the East we're coming now to pay tribute to the king but it's interesting that they traveled and they were the ones who traveled are not guided to buy these Arts that they were used to that they were practicing. They were Guided by God's hand himself by God's power than the power of God's wonders following the star. And it's it's interesting to you to know. It's that Wendy's magi the new that the star they were following belong to the king of the Jews and they went straight to Jerusalem the ruling City. So they found where the King was supposed to be and they asked about him and they were a bit surprised that he wasn't there. So they're asking around what where is this King? We can't find him. I'm really not much as said anywhere in the count of how they knew the star was marking the coming of the Jewish king or why they followed in the first place or why they made this Trek but historical context around that time to Jessica even other cultures and Prophets had predicted to come and king and the Greek translation of the Bible would have spread some knowledge about Prophecies of the Old Testament and they would have heard about this and they were smart men wise men and so they they were they were coming to pay tribute. Forever and again just as Daniel explains Nebuchadnezzar. There's really no explanation for this mystery other than the fact that God himself have revealed the truth to them whether this was through a vision or dream or some other means to be seen but never last God directed them to come and by the way, this doesn't give us license to say. Oh well, if you know we had this dream so God speaking to us in the dream. God was used to speaking to people through this method at this time, but now his word is exclusive. This is how we hear God's word. We can't just say when God told me in so I'm going to do this God's word is how we know his guidance. Something I also love about this as I read this week one commentator stated the title of King of the Jews was accorded to Jesus by Pilot wrote it in his description and cause it to be placed over the head of Christ upon the cross. Nobody has borne that title sense. So Jesus has the king of the Jews was named by the wise men. Where is the king of the Jews named by Pilot and no one has been that King because he remains King sent fascinating what happens then Disturbed and verse when Herod the king heard that she was troubled. That was to be expected right? He didn't want anybody to overthrow his authority and authority taken away from him. It's certainly didn't want to be removed from his powerful position after he had already secured it by Bloodshed betrayal all sorts of other nasty business. Was not a particularly fair or good ruler to put it mildly and the text says that being disturbed long just to hair alone with him what that meant was Herod on the throne likely more Bloodshed and unrest violence and murder which if you look at the end of this chapter and I knew something wasn't going to go well for this. So all of Jerusalem was troubled by this. We're got the Heritage we needed to know where the King was. The Jewish people knew where he would come from. So he called them to him and verse for assembling all the chief priests and scribes of the people. He inquired of them where the Christ was to be born. Jewish people knew where he would come from as they had been expectantly waiting for this thing for 400 years since Micah prophesied of his birth is what we heard earlier. Wasn't from The Lion of Judah have been placed on the throne by Rome during the prophecy that this king would come he's trying to figure out how to get rid of the King right? He was the walking epitome of a wicked King devising an evil plan. Is this guy that you see in cartoons or whatever. He's he's that he's this evil guy making plans, but it it was the real thing that's happening. He was selling this plan in motion to take care of his own selfish ambition and Matthew Henry a commentator says a man may be persuaded many truths and yet May hate them because they interfere with this ambition or sinful indulgences such a belief will make him uneasy and the more resolved to oppose the truth and the cause of God and he may be foolish enough to hope for Success. Did not want to lose anything to keep it including murder and horrible things might happen. I need to figure out who the king was and knew who were the ones we're about to find out. So without revealing his plan to the people who are also aware of the foreigners the wise men asking around call these guys Des wise men secretly to him. The Jews would have known very well that has promised to worship the king didn't actually mean what he said. It meant King at night. So I'm going to cut so I can come worship him. That's not what I meant. And what happens next? We see that the grace love and mercy of our savior is available for all people. That's the next point. So God's grace love and mercy is available for all people. My read here following starting at verse 9 again after listening to the king. They went on their way and behold the star that they had seen one before them until it came to rest over the place where the child was when I saw the star they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy, I believe it's very significant that these wise men. They were none Jewish people says mention they were from the East totally not in this the Jewish culture in the practice of the people, but they were some of the first see Connor and to worship Jesus the angel told the Shepherds in The Familiar of lube to account but there was good news of great. Joy for all people Gentiles and non-jews included the Savior was not just to be king and hope for the Jews back but King Messiah and rescue for everyone. But the wise men would be some of the first to see him is significant. They're not Jewish.
They have it all from harriton. What does it say happened when they were led to the place where they would find this King. They rejoiced exceedingly with great joy. I wonder if mixed in with some of the joy of finding out that who they were looking for. Was there after some relief at finding him there might have been relief at finding him before Jesus before Herod perhaps they too may be knew that hurts promised to worship Him meant something completely different flavor leave. We found the king before he was going to get killed so we could worship Him and we can leave and not be part of this this plan to overthrow him. So they came to him and offered their gifts. It's likely wasn't that picture perfect nativity scene. We see on our mantels and four pianos or display places that this story is to mention earlier has been romanticize throughout the years was likely more than just things are three wise men is probably a large number of a group of them and the guests are likely all presented as one piece of tribute together as an honor and tribute to this new ruler is very interesting to note the faith of the wise men here one commentator state of death. They had known Christ but one day he performed no Miracles. He had none other to do him homage. He was better help with the baby. They fell down and worshipped him. Their faith is told of them for a memorial of them. They worshipped him not as one who must win his honors one already invested with them the wise men knew something was different about Jesus. They were traveling a great distance through difficult land to find him and worship him. It's paid tribute to him. I just wasn't the kind of worship that Herod was talking about this was true worship worship with reverence and honor. The first Christmas wasn't easy for these men and during the hardship of travel by night. No less perceiving the like the threat of death from a wicked King and perhaps even some ridicule from their countrymen for for tribute to this King that wasn't their own but they trusted the guidance that they were given and found great joy in the savior. Also note that in order to find Jesus they were still traveling by night then to follow the star. God was using to guide them which gave them a very convenient and easy way to get out of there and secret not let her know about it. They're traveling in the dark so that they could leave easily God's provision and protection and was there even in that? That's why we come to another difficult situation where Christmas is hard, but we see plainly and clearly that the last points here God proves his faithfulness and provides for and protected people constantly and consistently Joseph has through all of this not only in this section if you trust and got his word and a bang but even looking back in Matthew one. We usually stay in Luke 2 or Luke one. We've been in Luke one here throughout the Advent season. Look back in Matthew one. He's told by the angel that the women he hasn't even married yet would be the mother of the long-awaited Messiah Joseph faith is even evident in the fact that he did with the angel said the angel said you are to name him Jesus and Joseph.
verse In the beginning of chapter 1 of Matthew verse 25, but knew her not until she had given birth to a son and he called his name Jesus by Joseph was a man of faith belief that God messages were true and they were right and so Joseph knowing and trusting in God that this really was the promised one. They have been waiting for a trusted him again here in this section where the angel came and said get out of here. You need to travel to go. Can you imagine know how difficult this must have been for Mary and Joseph a check to Bethlehem because of the census with a mom who is about to give birth which would have told them there too and no comfortable place in which to do it. So they already dealt with that right then before getting back home to Nazareth and being able to settle with a newborn baby. They would have to travel again to Egypt to escape hair is violence in his effort to obtain is Rule the place that would become the Refuge was the very place that they're people would celebrate leaving and fleeing and their culture of the place that allowed their people show their people's that's harsh oppression for such a great time before The Exodus and Liberation through Moses. I wouldn't want to go back there. If I would have been in that culture in a singing song after song and performing a ritual after ritual of y'all about God's hand rescuing them from the oppression. They were under and Pharaohs life Mary and Joseph had back to that place. But Joseph said I'll Trust you were going to go there and take refuge.
I think it sounds like an incredibly difficult situation to be in. Matthew Henry again says this though about it God when he pleases to make the worst of places serve the best of purposes. This is a trial of the faith of Joseph and Mary but their faith being tried was found firm. If we and our infants are at any time and trouble let us remember the Straits in which Christ was when an infant. Can you hear that today God when he pleases to make the worst of places serve the best of purposes. Perhaps you're one of those in one of those worst places right now. Maybe it's great. God is good and your rejoicing maybe Christmas isn't easy. Maybe this past year has been one of the most difficult you've ever faced maybe 2019 looks like it's going to be a tough road for you when you look at it, but can you see from the text today that God is in control that guy relentlessly protects his people showing them where to go what to do who how to listen God leads us. He leads us through his word as he led his people through his word. He leaves us. Over great amounts of distance and time even in things. We think we understand but aren't revealed to us immediately as the wise men saw their threat danger great adversity as both the wise men and Mary and Joseph experiencing in times of peace and comfort.
I want to revisit the unbelievably difficult circumstances from the crash last week it home in several ways for us is Christine's parents were friends with the Meijer. Christine and Laura were childhood friends with their daughters. We have friends who were a block away from the crash and literally thought that it was going to come down on them and they watched it happen. And when he was settled in the obituary was released Christine, my wife showed me a portion that cemented to me that even in the midst of unimaginable circumstances. The power of God's hand in people's lives remains evident that these are some of the final words in the obituary despite the tragic end the family continues to rejoice in the comfort that God was guiding them on their final journey home while they are missed dearly their compassionate spirit continues to inspire the best way to celebrate their memory is to put their Christmas card. God is so good. That's hard to say when you've lost your parents. heart Can you join the insane that today? Even the midst of difficulty God is so good. We see his hand over and over and over. He has provided and protected will provide and protect will constantly lead us and point us to Jesus until we to reach our final Journey spray. Father we thank you for your word. Thank you for your Provision. We thank you for your guidance to thank you for your protection. We thank you that you protected Our Savior even in his early days. We thank you that you set those the events in motion. We thank you that your word is here to remind us of these things into approved these things again. And again God as we take joy in your provision or how to take comfort in what you would have to give us Comfort Inn today. Let us rejoice and who you are and what you've done. Let us see your hand in all things. But you stand together as we Thing One Last Light.