Begin Right
Gathering around the word of God
Standing in reverence and acceptance of God’s authority in the Scripture must have been customary.
“All the people … responded” is a splendid example of unified worship as the leader raised his voice in praise and the people responded. They responded (1) by lifting their hands in worship and showing a sense of need; (2) by saying, “Amen! Amen!” and thus affirming their submission to the authority of Scripture; and (3) by bowing down to the ground with a sense of humility and submission before God.
Gleaning from the word of God
All translations, however, are to some degree “interpretation.” But beyond that the exposition helps students of the Word understand the overall message and the implications of the text for doctrine and practice. Furthermore, although the message and content of Scripture does not change, it does need fresh application in every situation.
an emotional reaction of sorrow to a sad situation
note: often the sad situation is the death of a precious one, and is the ritual part of the burial process
wail, cry, sob, mourn, i.e., to well-up tears in the eyes and have mild convulsions or spasms of the diaphragm, and often make vocal sounds of soft groaning or loud wailing, as a sign of sorrow and mourning