God called Abraham to leave his family and go to a place he would show him. Abe left with his wife Sarai and his nephew Lot. Abe and Sarai were elderly and barren. Sarai gave Abe her maid, Hagar, to have a child through her.
God promised to bless Abraham’s descendants and all nations through his seed through his elderly barren wife Sarah.
God protected Abraham and his wife even when Abe wasn’t showing trust in God -calling Sarai sister and not wife (Egypt and with Abimelech).
God kept his promise and gave Abe and Sarah a son, Isaac. Later, Ishmael was sent away with his mother under God’s protection and only Isaac remained.
God told Abe to sacrifice his loved, only son Isaac as a burnt offering on a mountain in Moriah he would show him.
Rising Action
Abe prepares and leaves on a three day journey to with two men and his son Isaac.
Tells two men he will return with his son after worshipping God.