Sermon Tone Analysis

Overall tone of the sermon

This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
The Bible is a book like no other.
Within its pages are found promises and warnings, stories of triumph and stories of defeat, moments of great joy and moments of great sorry.
There are times when I put down the Bible excited to live the day for Jesus.
The words of the Bible seem to be speaking directly to me and I can’t wait to see God uses them in my life that day.
There are other times, however, when I put down the Bible a bit confused about what God was trying to teach me.
The lesson had not been so clear and the words of Scripture seem foreign to my understanding.
o me and I can’t wait to see God use them in my life that day.
There are other times I put down the Bible a bit confused about what God was trying to teach me.
The lesson had not been so clear and the words of Scripture seem foreign to my understand.
This can easily happen as we read the different stories of the Bible.
As we read we are trying to figure out, what was the intention of the original author?
Why did they record this particular story for us?
What was the big idea God is trying to teach us from the story?
All of these questions, if left unanswered, can leave us a bit confused as the passages relevance to our lives.
All of these questions, if left unanswered, can leave us a bit confused as to how to live-out
The story that we are going to look at today, found in , is one of those stories.
It’s a story that I’ve personally ready many times before and early on always left scratching my head asking the same question over and over again.
[SLIDE - 2]
There are other times I put down the Bible a bit confused about what God was trying to teach me.
The lesson had not been so clear and the words of Scripture seem foreign to my understand.
The story that we are going to look at today, if we are not careful, can lead us to the same conclusion.
can lead us to believe the Bible is simply a history book, a collection of stories that, though interesting to read, have no real meaning on our lives.
The story that we are going to look at today, if we are not careful, can lead us to the same conclusion.
It’s like a history book in that it has recorded for us the History of God’s story spanning over thousands of years.
It’s a
There are times that I leave the Bible with a sense of great hope or peace.
What determined how Jesus spent His day?
Question: Why did Jesus sometimes stay away from people in need?
Transition: Previously in the book of Luke, Jesus had just visited the Sea of Galilee.
It was there He called his first disciples, fisherman by the names James and John and a man by the name of Simon Peter.
He then, after some period of time, led His disciples into a nearby town.
Previously, Jesus had just visited the Sea of Galilee and called his first disciples, fisherman by the names James and John, sons of Zebedee and Simon Peter.
He then, after some period of time, led His disciples into a nearby town, possibly the town of Hattim, a city just near the Sea of Galilee.
[SLIDE - 3] Listen with me as we read about an incident that occurs next:
with me in as we read this story
I. Needs Abound All Around you
Jesus enters a town and it wasn’t long until Jesus was presented with someone in need.
[SLIDE - 4] It makes sense because back then, like today...
I. Needs Abound
[SLIDE - 3] Notice the phrase - Jesus was “in one of the towns”
To teach and preach
While in this town the oddest thing happened, Jesus met a man "covered with leprosy”
“Leprosy” = Highly contagious disease
“Full of leprosy” = Medical term for an advanced case (Luke was a physician)
It was against the law for a leper to come into a city (cf.
OT laws )
Law = Wear certain clothing, keep themselves certain distance from people and cry “unclean, unclean” if someone was too close
The Jewish historian Josephus tells us lepers were forbidden to come into a city at all or live with anyone in a house
In a sense, lepers were treated as a dead person
Lepers were completely cut-off from the community
As a result, lepers were:
Completely cut-off from the community
Viewed as having been chastised by God because of moral issues by religious leaders
Yet this leper came, perhaps from his primitive dwelling in the fields to speak with Jesus
The leper ignored the OT law and fell down at Jesus feet
Look at His request of Jesus - “If you are willing, you can make me clean”
“If you are willing” = He had no doubt that Jesus could heal him, he just wasn’t sure if he would heal him
He had no doubt heard stories of Jesus’ healing others and performing miracles and does likewise
“You can make me clean” = Emphasizes fact he was completely cut-off from community and God
Connection: The leper had a specific need that he knew Jesus could meet.
You yourself don’t have to look too hard to see the needs around you.
Health needs, financial needs, relationship needs, spiritual Needs Abound All Around You in the lives of those you care about and within your own life as well.
The sheer quantity and intensity of them can be overwhelming at times.
For many of you have a deep desire, an intense longing, a divine calling on your life to help meet those needs.
You don’t have to look too hard to see the needs around you.
Health needs, financial needs, relationship needs, spiritual Needs Abound All Around You in the lives of those you care about and within your own life as well.
The sheer quantity and intensity of them can be overwhelming at times.
For many of you have a deep desire, an intense longing, a divine calling on your life to help meet those needs.
The sheer quantity and intensity of them can be overwhelming at times.
For many of you have a deep desire, an intense longing, a divine calling on your life to help meet those needs.
[Slide - ] You have taken seriously Jesus command to “love your neighbor as yourself” and acknowledge that
Transition: But no matter the number or the intensity, you know that God meets needs.
[SLIDE 5] And you know that...
heir intensity and quantity can be almost overwhelming as, many of you, have a deep desire and longing to help meet those needs.
All three evangelists say cleanse instead of heal, because of the notion of uncleanness which specially attached to this malady.
God Meet Needs Through His People
He meets others needs through His people
Jesus responds to the need in two ways:
[SLIDE - 6] Responds emotionally (only in Mark)
Jesus heart broke for the leper
[SLIDE - 7] Common reaction of Jesus to hurting people
Jesus heart still breaks for people in pain and difficulty
[SLIDE - 8] Responds with action
“Touched the man”
Leprosy highly contagious
People shunned lepers and safe to say nobody had touched the leper in years (speaks volumes!)
He healed the man “immediately” (cf.
other miracles of Jesus - ; )
Healing was “immediate” (cf.
other miracles of Jesus - ; )
Jesus’ And Healing
Pause: Jesus’ And Healing Healing was essential to the ministry of Jesus because He had the power to perform miracles.
They flowed from within Him as heat from the sun, as wet from a waterfall, as dry from sirocco winds.
He knew it, people sensed it, and to Him they came in droves and multitudes.
In unconquered confidence, Jesus welcomed blind, crippled, leprous, even dead people into His presence.
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9