The More Of God [2018 Year In Review]

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The "more" of God. Reviewing God's Promises in 2018

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The More Of God: 2018 In Review


-Year in review
-May see similarities of themes God spoke to year in 2018
-God does always speak chronologically but Kairos-ly
-Remember and Refocus towards Him and His Promises
-Preparing For The More
-Some of these I’ve shared before and others will be new
People Who Wanted The “More” of God
Enoch walked [in habitual fellowship] with God three hundred years after the birth of Methuselah and had other sons and daughters. 23 So all the days of Enoch were three hundred and sixty-five years. 24 And [in reverent fear and obedience] Enoch walked with God; and he was not [found among men], because God took him [away to be home with Him]. - (AMP)
And Moses said to Him, “If Your presence does not go [with me], do not lead us up from here. 16 For how then can it be known that Your people and I have found favor in Your sight? Is it not by Your going with us, so that we are distinguished, Your people and I, from all the [other] people on the face of the earth?” - (AMP)
One thing I have asked of the Lord, and that I will seek:
That I may dwell in the house of the Lord [in His presence] all the days of my life,
To gaze upon the beauty [the delightful loveliness and majestic grandeur] of the Lord
And to meditate in His temple. - (AMP)
The “More” Is Worth Everything
Hidden Treasure
44 “The kingdom of heaven is like a [very precious] treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and hid again; then in his joy he goes and sells all he has and buys that field [securing the treasure for himself]. - (AMP)
A Costly Pearl
45 “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, 46 and upon finding a single pearl of great value, he went and sold all that he had and bought it. - 5-46 (AMP)

2018 In Review

Walking With God - Monday, January 15, 2018
I told God I don’t know how to walk with you. (Not just a one time devotional with Him). Walking with God like Enoch or Abraham. “God said just take my hand.” There is no pressure to walk with God when I take His hand. I am walking where He is walking. He is fathering me.
Celebrate More, Complain Less - Monday, March 5, 2018
People want to be around a person that is a party (full of joy, encouragement and life)
Do you want to be someone’s party? Invite yourself and those around you to a party.
Be that party of God’s goodness and invite others to party with you.
Water Ways - Monday, March 12, 2018
I am releasing water into the dry land. I saw water channels that were etched into the ground. Creating paths of water that are foundational and prepare the way for the rain to come and multiply these rivers that come from the source-Christ throne. Each etched channel spans beyond the span of a mans arms outstretched. What He is releasing is beyond mans ability (to control) and understand (reason away)
Streamline And Simplify - Monday, July 30, 2018
Streamline: design or provide with a form that presents very little resistance to a flow of air or water, increasing speed and ease of movement.
Agile: able to move quickly and easily
Put the two together: having a streamlined shape that enables you to move quickly and easily with little resistance.
”So then, let us rid ourselves of everything that gets in the way, and of the sin which holds on to us so tightly, and let us run with determination the race that lies before us." ( TEV)
This means we should remove anything from our lives that would get in the way and hold us back. If the devil can’t make you bad, he’ll make you busy. He’ll even keep you so busy doing good things that you won’t have time for the best things.
That’s why the Bible tells you to simplify your life. You have to get rid of the unnecessary baggage in life. Don’t try to do it all. Do what matters most. A serious runner focuses on the race.
I’ve heard people say, “I would love to live my life for God’s purpose, but I just don’t have time.” The reason they don’t have time is they haven’t taken the time to simplify their life.
There are all sorts of things that can keep us from simplifying our lives.
- Trying to be like others instead of being who God created you to be
- Trying to make everybody happy
- Trying to meet the arbitrary expectations of others
- Too many hobbies or too much time with a hobby
- Social media, movies, or television
 I am going after high places and I using you to do it. Go after Greed and Materialism. These are giants and strongholds that most Americans allow and give place to in their lives. You can have material possessions without being in bondage to them or the lust for more.
Flight Pattern - Friday, June 1, 2018
The precise route taken or due to be taken through the air by an aircraft or spacecraft.
I am pleased with where you are. You are in right flight pattern. Do not worry. I am directing you to live a life of abandon and great fruitfulness to me. You are right in time and in line with what I am doing in you and the body.
Priorities In This Season - Friday, August 10, 2018
Focus on me-then your attention will be turned to me. Look continually on me. Train yourself (listening to My spirit) to hear me all the time.
Desire Me- it’s out of focusing on Him that desire for more of Him comes. You cannot focus of Christ and not want more.
Love Others-out of desiring me and being filled by me, you are overflowing with my love and want to give it away to others.
 Third Heaven - Monday, September 10, 2018
You are entering an extended season of divine - heavenly revelation. There are things I will reveal that will come so easily (no striving…I am just giving it to you). There will be soaring…when your spirit will rise and there will be other times of great depth, when you lose track of time and place and are consumed in me and with me.
My Response: Take me to your 3rd heaven to dwell with you, as you speak great mysteries to me, my heart and spirit.
This is a place of positioning just as much as it is divine encounters
Tonight as I was listening to Bethel worship and praying in the spirit. The Lord showed me the first door in the third heaven that He is opening to me. It has detailed filagree bending lines and symbols on the door. This represents the “finite” being interwoven, intertwined with the “in-finite”. God and Man.
HUB Night-Vision - The First Door
The Lord was spreading/planting seed with His arm and covering it at the same time. He wasn’t sparse or minimal in the seeds He was planting but very liberal. God is releasing (spreading and planting) seeds of wisdom and revelation and then covering it with His presence and protection. We then are called to steward well the seeds (wisdom and revelation) He has given us. 
Open Doors- August 14, 2018
I was heading to the my bathroom and put my hand on the door handle to turn it to open but it was already open and all was needed was a gentle push. 
God then spoke to me and said, “some doors look shut but they are really open to you. All you need to do is walk through them”.
Many times we wait (“waiting in the timeout of the Lord”) thinking that a door isn’t open to us, when in fact He has already opened the door and is waiting for us to step through it. 
God let me approach a door with faith, knowing that if you have given it to me, I can walk right through it. No matter if it looks closer or not. 
Jesus Silences Fear - Thursday, August 30, 2018
Don’t you think that fear would try to arise in the middle of great breakthrough and miracles. Fear loves and desires to steal the spotlight away from what God is really doing. The frail and feeble fear wants attention and desires to dwarf anything God is doing. What "spyglass" will you look through? A spyglass is intentional and single focused, narrow and not broad.
The spyglass of wonder, expectation and praise or fear, worry and "nothing ever changes" vision? I have given you many promises and you are in a time of quickly fulfilled promises.
Turn your attention away from fear and look for me and my intervention. It's not that I have moved away or am far off, no, I am closer than ever. The truth is I am right beside you, but where and on what are you focusing? Father, please steal away my attention and focus to you.
I saw a picture of a sponge being filled. God said to visualize myself shining with light everywhere I go and changing the atmosphere around me. Like shafts or lines of light shooting out of me. The awareness of the Spirit and Kingdom of God within me affecting everything around me. We are meant to display the power, Spirit, presence and kingdom of God every day, all the time. Don't you think that what we see and feel will leak out? We are not to conform to the reality of this world, but the reality of heaven.
Guard Against Division (Racism) Dream - Blind Leading The Blind - Saturday, September 22, 2018
Racism - arguing and debating either side is like two blind people leading each other. Blind leading the blind, both fall into a ditch. You cannot help them and they realize it. They are not open to honor, love and respect but can only receive from those that look like them. Both blind people couldn't recognize help but looked to each other and paid each other compliments.
 Living Word Remain Planted - Saturday, September 22, 2018
Living Word Remain. Living Word remain planted.
“For he will be [nourished] like a tree planted by the waters,
That spreads out its roots by the river;
And will not fear the heat when it comes;
But its leaves will be green and moist.
And it will not be anxious and concerned in a year of drought
Nor stop bearing fruit. - (AMP)
Stay Connected To The Tree (Leaves Only Keep Life When Connected To The Tree)
 Then He said to them, “Pay attention to what you hear. By your own standard of measurement [that is, to the extent that you study spiritual truth and apply godly wisdom] it will be measured to you [and you will be given even greater ability to respond]—and more will be given to you besides. - (AMP)
-How much depth do you want? Remain planted in me.
Like A Kitty Cat - Friday, September 28, 2018
I am coming and showing myself not as a tiger or lion, but as a kitty cat. Kitty cat’s attributes are fragile, playful, snuggly, walk softly.
1.Handle my presence as you would a kitty cat with all gentleness and affection.
2.I am revealing myself in playful ways…inviting you to the joy of being with me and the playfulness of my heart.
3.I am drawing near to you with a kiss and embrace. Not that you “deserve it” but that I do want to be with you.
4.I am encountering you in whispers. Soft approach but no less powerful.
Get ready to soar!
Remain - Saturday, October 13, 2018
Abiding in His presence connected. Remaining in His love. Not striving or performing but expectant and looking for my move and promises manifested. You are protected in my love
New Hinges - Sunday, October 14, 2018
New Hinges
God was speaking to me as I was in and out of sleep. He is giving me new hinges. New hinges for old doors and new hinges with new doors. New hinges for old doors (old wisdom and revelation that was open to us), so that its operates smoothly  in this new era of kingdom advancement and doesn’t get stuck by traditions, pain, wounding, religion or fatigue.
New hinges for new doors (wisdom and revelation) . God is opening up new doors to us and these He has given with new hinges. New hinges of grace and empowerment for new open doors. These doors are opened not through mans strength or striving but through God and His power.
Presence Filled Companions
a person or animal with whom one spends a lot of time or with whom one travels.
Take my presence with you as a constant companion. Don't forget to take me on all of your travels, difficulties and even in the mundane things of life. I will gird you up, I will strengthen your hands and give you strength, I am pouring into you new life and rejuvenation for the "now" and for that which is ahead.
The action or process of making someone or something look or feel better, younger, or more vital.
Remaining Glory
My desire for you, is to live in remaining (fixed) glory not evaporating glory (something abstract, that which ceases to exist). Not abstract thoughts or feelings, but concrete substance and transformation.
Awareness Of His Presence - Wednesday, October 17, 2018
Yes Evan you have been on assignment and growth track of “my kingdom come and will done on earth as it is in heaven”. This is the awareness of what I am doing now around you. The awareness of my presence all the time. I see you have been faithful in this area. Now, I am stirring the depths of your heart and preparing  you for more revelation. I am stirring the places of knowing where my presence is hovering or will hover future tense and to begin to look for and anticipate it. To partner with what I will do.
Sitting on the couch in the sun room I keep on noticing a beetle scurrying around in circles. This beetle keeps searching for something and doesn’t stop looking and moving until he finds what he is looking for. The Lord says this is me. His delight is in me and my seeking Him.
‘He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him…not giving up until we get the treasure of more of Him.
Hovering Presence - Thursday, October 18, 2018
His spirit is already brooding over people. Will you be the word of God (alignment of His heart and destiny) to create and shape what God has already released. 
Faith is the “Yes” to what God has already said and is doing
Turnip Weeds - Beauty And Abundance Of God - Sunday, October 21, 2018
Abundance, Beauty and Perceived Lack 
-It takes focus away from the beauty, what He has already done and the growth God is cultivating in us. 
-It's mission is to push out and take over our garden and to limit vision or blind us to the beauty and abundance of God around us. 
You are experiencing great abundance and beauty of my presence in this season, yet the enemy is sowing seeds of lack - discontent, hopelessness, depression, boredom, etc.
Praise will get you out! Praise will outgrow, limit and take out this assignment of lack.
This is why I told you to fill your house with praise.
More Glory Coming
His presence and glory are here and coming
In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, high and lifted up, and the train of His robe filled the temple.- (NKJV)
Bill Johnson - Train of His Robe -Sunday, October 21, 2018
:1Why do we invite the spirit to come when He is already here?There are dimensions and levels of His presence.God is omnipresent, so He is present everywhere, but as believers, He dwells in us. But there is more to it than that.“the train of his robe filled the temple” there was more coming in the room.In covenant everything is available to us, but there is a difference between what I have in possession and what I have in my account.There is a difference between having full access to Him and having Him fill everything we do, that gap is called maturity.
Evan I am pouring out My Spirit in great quantity and quality! Great abundance and fullness.   Get ready for the more and guard that which you have already experienced. win
The suddenlies of God are here and great abundance with it. The enemies objective or strategy is to divert your focus to perceived lack and cloud or blur your vision to the abundance that God is releasing.
Cherish Me - Thursday, November 22, 2018
As you look at me, you increase. You increase in wisdom and revelation. As you look at Me you are renewed.
Taking Things Off The Books - Sunday, December 9, 2018
I saw a picture of an accounting ledger. There are credits and debits. He is settling the accounts for me and taking the debits off of it. Settling the accounts.
You Get What You See - Monday, December 10, 2018
As I was praying in the Spirit this morning a flood of the revelations and things God has spoken to me in recent weeks came to mind. Before this I have felt limited in vision and sight, just trying to hold onto something I may have read that day. However, when I engage in the Spirit I began to see with the eyes of the Spirit and I SEE. You can only walk where you can see. You can only lead where you can see. You can only inherit what you can see. You can only be satiated by what you can see. You can only rejoice in what you can see. You can only be thankful for what you can see. The enemies plan is to keep you from seeing heaven and to limit you to earthly sight with all of it's problems and temptations.
Resolute - Wednesday, December 12, 2018
Resolute - admirably purposeful, determined, and unwavering.
Evan, be resolute in love and conviction. I am with you, leading you into "the more". Do not fear the obstacles that are in front of you, for as quickly as they spring up I am removing them. Keep your focus and trust on me and in me. Look for my lead. You are hidden in me and nothing can touch you when you remain in me.
I.e. military leadership - the point signals when it's safe and time to move forward. So I am hidden in Him and He will signal me when it's time and safe to move forward. Until then I can enjoy remaining hidden in Him.
You are in a season of renewal.
Renewal - a process of improving, repairing, or making something more successful/the replacing or repair of something that is worn out, run-down, or broken.
I am renewing you, replenishing you, sustaining you now and resevoiring you for future sustainment, preparing for "the more". I am equipping you to step and stand in your greater destiny in this season and the next. Evan, I see you as faithful. Just as Noah inclined his heart to follow and walk with me, so have you. You are not perfect but I am drawn to your desire to be with me. I am protecting you from false things. You are not as Iscariot (a false one) but you are authentic and pure before me son.
Give away what you have and I will give more. Trust me with all of your resources. Your strength, joy, peace, grace, leadership and all tangible resources also. I am King and I am ruling for your benefit. I am moving and allocating riches (both eternal, of Spirit and natural) to you. This is a great time of expansion. You have seen and said rightly that the narrow places you are experiencing is a preparation place and route to greater and wider places of abundance and "more". You are doing great and I am with you. Position your heart towards me and I will watch out for the little foxes and anything else that would come against you. You are doing great.
Jen Johnson Dream - Greater Glory Just Ahead
Covenantal Blessings - Sunday, December 16, 2018 
Son, I love you and you are doing WELL! You are entering a season of extreme and abundant blessing. I am aligning the things that were far off and now they will begin to spring up all around you. Great Financial Blessings, Provisional Blessings (resources), Astounding Spiritual Blessings all stemming out of my covenantal blessings towards you. Get ready to run in my rest and strength. You are sustained for the journey ahead.
Release A Gift - Wednesday, December 19, 2018
Son, I have given you a gift. Asher. He is a gift to you. I don't take gifts back, nor do you give gifts back to me. However, you can release gifts for the greater good. The greater good of what I am doing in your life, the greater good of what next I am bringing you into. The greater good of the gift I have given (Asher - he wouldn't be in pain). The greater good of knowing that I do all things well. I have given you many gifts and Asher is one of them. Release Him to me for the greater good.
My grace is more than enough in your life and this season. I see that you trust me wholeheartedly son. Trusting in me is a level path, a smooth path where I am taking you now and next. Grace along the way removes the stones, impediments and hard places that would slow you down or encumber you.
You are in Supernatural Grace. The seasons and the times point to my coming, point to my resurrection life in and through you, point to "the more" I am releasing to you and through you. My grace covers, sustains, empowers and commissions you to go on my behalf. Continue in love (me) and you will be fulfilled by me.
Try As You Might - Thursday, December 27, 2018
I am beyond trying. Faith propels, strengthens and motivates. Trying is not in my vocabulary. I fulfill. I succeed. I perform. I accomplish. Lean into me son. I am accomplishing the impossible in you and through you. You are not called to perform but to Be.
I know your trajectory and formed and made your destiny. Each step, each block has already been laid. Walk in my destiny in peace.
Keep The Testimony Of Love - Friday, December 28, 2018
Wherever you go and whomever you see, keep the testimony of love. The testimony of my love is my GOODNESS.  Let my love be perfected in you and demonstrate my goodness. The pressure (inner tension) you feel is all around, everywhere. There are groanings for more all around you, some perceive the meaning but others do not.  To some it is pressure and tension that is uncomfortable and pressure that is burdensome. But to you, it is the sign there is "more" quickly approaching. I am revealing myself to the sons of God. I am revealing myself in wonder, signs, miracles, manifest presence.
Son, I am coming to you in wonder, splendor and majesty. I am revealing myself to you in ways that you have never experienced. Trust my ways! Trust in me. I am the more and have the more for you. 
Son, I am in every day and every season. When you wake up know that I am already before you. Son I am leading you strategically in this time. Trust what I am doing in you.
2018 A Year Of Preparation
-A year of preparation, slimming down, pruning, tightening up, stewarding outside of emotions, blurred imagery and vision (seeing dimly)
-2019 - a year of clear blue prints and mobilization - a time of abundant harvest - people, resources, influence and favor - More Glory
-Year in review
-May see similarities of themes God spoke to year in 2018
-God does always speak chronologically but Kairos-ly
-Remember and Refocus towards Him and His Promises
-Preparing For The More
Enoch walked [in habitual fellowship] with God three hundred years after the birth of Methuselah and had other sons and daughters. 23 So all the days of Enoch were three hundred and sixty-five years. 24 And [in reverent fear and obedience] Enoch walked with God; and he was not [found among men], because God took him [away to be home with Him]. - (AMP)
And Moses said to Him, “If Your presence does not go [with me], do not lead us up from here. 16 For how then can it be known that Your people and I have found favor in Your sight? Is it not by Your going with us, so that we are distinguished, Your people and I, from all the [other] people on the face of the earth?” - (AMP)
One thing I have asked of the Lord, and that I will seek:
That I may dwell in the house of the Lord [in His presence] all the days of my life,
To gaze upon the beauty [the delightful loveliness and majestic grandeur] of the Lord
And to meditate in His temple. - (AMP)
The “More” Is Worth Everything
Hidden Treasure
44 “The kingdom of heaven is like a [very precious] treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and hid again; then in his joy he goes and sells all he has and buys that field [securing the treasure for himself].
A Costly Pearl
45 “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, 46 and upon finding a single pearl of great value, he went and sold all that he had and bought it. - (AMP)
Walking With God - Monday, January 15, 2018
I told God I don’t know how to walk with you. (Not just a one time devotional with Him). Walking with God like Enoch or Abraham. “God said just take my hand.” There is no pressure to walk with God when I take His hand. I am walking where He is walking. He is fathering me.
Celebrate More, Complain Less - Monday, March 5, 2018
People want to be around a person that is a party (full of joy, encouragement and life)
Do you want to be someone’s party? Invite yourself and those around you to a party.
Be that party of God’s goodness and invite others to party with you.
Water Ways - Monday, March 12, 2018
I am releasing water into the dry land. I saw water channels that were etched into the ground. Creating paths of water that are foundational and prepare the way for the rain to come and multiply these rivers that come from the source-Christ throne. Each etched channel spans beyond the span of a mans arms outstretched. What He is releasing is beyond mans ability (to control) and understand (reason away)
Streamline And Simplify - Monday, July 30, 2018
Streamline: design or provide with a form that presents very little resistance to a flow of air or water, increasing speed and ease of movement.
Agile: able to move quickly and easily
Put the two together: having a streamlined shape that enables you to move quickly and easily with little resistance.
”So then, let us rid ourselves of everything that gets in the way, and of the sin which holds on to us so tightly, and let us run with determination the race that lies before us." ( TEV)
This means we should remove anything from our lives that would get in the way and hold us back. If the devil can’t make you bad, he’ll make you busy. He’ll even keep you so busy doing good things that you won’t have time for the best things.
That’s why the Bible tells you to simplify your life. You have to get rid of the unnecessary baggage in life. Don’t try to do it all. Do what matters most. A serious runner focuses on the race.
I’ve heard people say, “I would love to live my life for God’s purpose, but I just don’t have time.” The reason they don’t have time is they haven’t taken the time to simplify their life.
There are all sorts of things that can keep us from simplifying our lives.
- Trying to be like others instead of being who God created you to be
- Trying to make everybody happy
- Trying to meet the arbitrary expectations of others
- Too many hobbies or too much time with a hobby
- Social media, movies, or television
 I am going after high places and I using you to do it. Go after Greed and Materialism. These are giants and strongholds that most Americans allow and give place to in their lives. You can have material possessions without being in bondage to them or the lust for more.
Flight Pattern - Friday, June 1, 2018
The precise route taken or due to be taken through the air by an aircraft or spacecraft.
I am pleased with where you are. You are in right flight pattern. Do not worry. I am directing you to live a life of abandon and great fruitfulness to me. You are right in time and in line with what I am doing in you and the body.
Priorities In This Season - Friday, August 10, 2018
Focus on me-then your attention will be turned to me. Look continually on me. Train yourself (listening to My spirit) to hear me all the time.
Desire Me- it’s out of focusing on Him that desire for more of Him comes. You cannot focus of Christ and not want more.
Love Others-out of desiring me and being filled by me, you are overflowing with my love and want to give it away to others.
 Third Heaven - Monday, September 10, 2018
You are entering an extended season of divine - heavenly revelation. There are things I will reveal that will come so easily (no striving…I am just giving it to you). There will be soaring…when your spirit will rise and there will be other times of great depth, when you lose track of time and place and are consumed in me and with me.
My Response: Take me to your 3rd heaven to dwell with you, as you speak great mysteries to me, my heart and spirit.
This is a place of positioning just as much as it is divine encounters
Tonight as I was listening to Bethel worship and praying in the spirit. The Lord showed me the first door in the third heaven that He is opening to me. It has detailed filagree bending lines and symbols on the door. This represents the “finite” being interwoven, intertwined with the “in-finite”. God and Man.
HUB Night-Vision - The First Door
The Lord was spreading/planting seed with His arm and covering it at the same time. He wasn’t sparse or minimal in the seeds He was planting but very liberal. God is releasing (spreading and planting) seeds of wisdom and revelation and then covering it with His presence and protection. We then are called to steward well the seeds (wisdom and revelation) He has given us. 
Open Doors- August 14, 2018
I was heading to the my bathroom and put my hand on the door handle to turn it to open but it was already open and all was needed was a gentle push. 
God then spoke to me and said, “some doors look shut but they are really open to you. All you need to do is walk through them”.
Many times we wait (“waiting in the timeout of the Lord”) thinking that a door isn’t open to us, when in fact He has already opened the door and is waiting for us to step through it. 
God let me approach a door with faith, knowing that if you have given it to me, I can walk right through it. No matter if it looks closer or not. 
Jesus Silences Fear - Thursday, August 30, 2018
Don’t you think that fear would try to arise in the middle of great breakthrough and miracles. Fear loves and desires to steal the spotlight away from what God is really doing. The frail and feeble fear wants attention and desires to dwarf anything God is doing. What "spyglass" will you look through? A spyglass is intentional and single focused, narrow and not broad.
The spyglass of wonder, expectation and praise or fear, worry and "nothing ever changes" vision? I have given you many promises and you are in a time of quickly fulfilled promises.
Turn your attention away from fear and look for me and my intervention. It's not that I have moved away or am far off, no, I am closer than ever. The truth is I am right beside you, but where and on what are you focusing? Father, please steal away my attention and focus to you.
I saw a picture of a sponge being filled. God said to visualize myself shining with light everywhere I go and changing the atmosphere around me. Like shafts or lines of light shooting out of me. The awareness of the Spirit and Kingdom of God within me affecting everything around me. We are meant to display the power, Spirit, presence and kingdom of God every day, all the time. Don't you think that what we see and feel will leak out? We are not to conform to the reality of this world, but the reality of heaven.
Guard Against Division (Racism) Dream - Blind Leading The Blind - Saturday, September 22, 2018
Racism - arguing and debating either side is like two blind people leading each other. Blind leading the blind, both fall into a ditch. You cannot help them and they realize it. They are not open to honor, love and respect but can only receive from those that look like them. Both blind people couldn't recognize help but looked to each other and paid each other compliments.
 Living Word Remain Planted - Saturday, September 22, 2018
Living Word Remain. Living Word remain planted.
“For he will be [nourished] like a tree planted by the waters,
That spreads out its roots by the river;
And will not fear the heat when it comes;
But its leaves will be green and moist.
And it will not be anxious and concerned in a year of drought
Nor stop bearing fruit. - (AMP)
Stay Connected To The Tree (Leaves Only Keep Life When Connected To The Tree)
 Then He said to them, “Pay attention to what you hear. By your own standard of measurement [that is, to the extent that you study spiritual truth and apply godly wisdom] it will be measured to you [and you will be given even greater ability to respond]—and more will be given to you besides. - (AMP)
-How much depth do you want? Remain planted in me.
Like A Kitty Cat - Friday, September 28, 2018
I am coming and showing myself not as a tiger or lion, but as a kitty cat. Kitty cat’s attributes are fragile, playful, snuggly, walk softly.
1.Handle my presence as you would a kitty cat with all gentleness and affection.
2.I am revealing myself in playful ways…inviting you to the joy of being with me and the playfulness of my heart.
3.I am drawing near to you with a kiss and embrace. Not that you “deserve it” but that I do want to be with you.
4.I am encountering you in whispers. Soft approach but no less powerful.
Get ready to soar!
Remain - Saturday, October 13, 2018
Abiding in His presence connected. Remaining in His love. Not striving or performing but expectant and looking for my move and promises manifested. You are protected in my love
New Hinges - Sunday, October 14, 2018
New Hinges
God was speaking to me as I was in and out of sleep. He is giving me new hinges. New hinges for old doors and new hinges with new doors. New hinges for old doors (old wisdom and revelation that was open to us), so that its operates smoothly  in this new era of kingdom advancement and doesn’t get stuck by traditions, pain, wounding, religion or fatigue.
New hinges for new doors (wisdom and revelation) . God is opening up new doors to us and these He has given with new hinges. New hinges of grace and empowerment for new open doors. These doors are opened not through mans strength or striving but through God and His power.
Presence Filled Companions
a person or animal with whom one spends a lot of time or with whom one travels.
Take my presence with you as a constant companion. Don't forget to take me on all of your travels, difficulties and even in the mundane things of life. I will gird you up, I will strengthen your hands and give you strength, I am pouring into you new life and rejuvenation for the "now" and for that which is ahead.
The action or process of making someone or something look or feel better, younger, or more vital.
Remaining Glory
My desire for you, is to live in remaining (fixed) glory not evaporating glory (something abstract, that which ceases to exist). Not abstract thoughts or feelings, but concrete substance and transformation.
Awareness Of His Presence - Wednesday, October 17, 2018
Yes Evan you have been on assignment and growth track of “my kingdom come and will done on earth as it is in heaven”. This is the awareness of what I am doing now around you. The awareness of my presence all the time. I see you have been faithful in this area. Now, I am stirring the depths of your heart and preparing  you for more revelation. I am stirring the places of knowing where my presence is hovering or will hover future tense and to begin to look for and anticipate it. To partner with what I will do.
Sitting on the couch in the sun room I keep on noticing a beetle scurrying around in circles. This beetle keeps searching for something and doesn’t stop looking and moving until he finds what he is looking for. The Lord says this is me. His delight is in me and my seeking Him.
‘He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him…not giving up until we get the treasure of more of Him.
Hovering Presence - Thursday, October 18, 2018
His spirit is already brooding over people. Will you be the word of God (alignment of His heart and destiny) to create and shape what God has already released. 
Faith is the “Yes” to what God has already said and is doing
Abundance, Beauty and Perceived Lack 
-It takes focus away from the beauty, what He has already done and the growth God is cultivating in us. 
-It's mission is to push out and take over our garden and to limit vision or blind us to the beauty and abundance of God around us. 
You are experiencing great abundance and beauty of my presence in this season, yet the enemy is sowing seeds of lack - discontent, hopelessness, depression, boredom, etc.
ce band trust on me and in me. Look for my lead. You are hidden in me and nothing can touch you when you remain in me.
This is why I told you to fill your house with praise.
More Glory Coming
His presence and glory are here and coming
In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, high and lifted up, and the train of His robe filled the temple.- (NKJV)
Bill Johnson - Train of His Robe -Sunday, October 21, 2018
:1Why do we invite the spirit to come when He is already here?There are dimensions and levels of His presence.God is omnipresent, so He is present everywhere, but as believers, He dwells in us. But there is more to it than that.“the train of his robe filled the temple” there was more coming in the room.In covenant everything is available to us, but there is a difference between what I have in possession and what I have in my account.There is a difference between having full access to Him and having Him fill everything we do, that gap is called maturity.
Evan I am pouring out My Spirit in great quantity and quality! Great abundance and fullness.   Get ready for the more and guard that which you have already experienced. win
The suddenlies of God are here and great abundance with it. The enemies objective or strategy is to divert your focus to perceived lack and cloud or blur your vision to the abundance that God is releasing.
Cherish Me - Thursday, November 22, 2018
As you look at me, you increase. You increase in wisdom and revelation. As you look at Me you are renewed.
Taking Things Off The Books - Sunday, December 9, 2018
I saw a picture of an accounting ledger. There are credits and debits. He is settling the accounts for me and taking the debits off of it. Settling the accounts.
You Get What You See - Monday, December 10, 2018
As I was praying in the Spirit this morning a flood of the revelations and things God has spoken to me in recent weeks came to mind. Before this I have felt limited in vision and sight, just trying to hold onto something I may have read that day. However, when I engage in the Spirit I began to see with the eyes of the Spirit and I SEE. You can only walk where you can see. You can only lead where you can see. You can only inherit what you can see. You can only be satiated by what you can see. You can only rejoice in what you can see. You can only be thankful for what you can see. The enemies plan is to keep you from seeing heaven and to limit you to earthly sight with all of it's problems and temptations.
Resolute - Wednesday, December 12, 2018
Resolute - admirably purposeful, determined, and unwavering.
Evan, be resolute in love and conviction. I am with you, leading you into "the more". Do not fear the obstacles that are in front of you, for as quickly as they spring up I am removing them. Keep your focus and trust on me and in me. Look for my lead. You are hidden in me and nothing can touch you when you remain in me.
I.e. military leadership - the point signals when it's safe and time to mo
You are in a season of renewal.
Renewal - a process of improving, repairing, or making something more successful/the replacing or repair of something that is worn out, run-down, or broken.
I am renewing you, replenishing you, sustaining you now and resevoiring you for future sustainment, preparing for "the more". I am equipping you to step and stand in your greater destiny in this season and the next. Evan, I see you as faithful. Just as Noah inclined his heart to follow and walk with me, so have you. You are not perfect but I am drawn to your desire to be with me. I am protecting you from false things. You are not as Iscariot (a false one) but you are authentic and pure before me son.
Give away what you have and I will give more. Trust me with all of your resources. Y
Jen Johnson Dream - Greater Glory Just Ahead
Covenantal Blessings - Sunday, December 16, 2018 
Son, I love you and you are doing WELL! You are entering a season of extreme and abundant blessing. I am aligning the things that were far off and now they will begin to spring up all around you. Great Financial Blessings, Provisional Blessings (resources), Astounding Spiritual Blessings all stemming out of my covenantal blessings towards you. Get ready to run in my rest and strength. You are sustained for the journey ahead.
Release A Gift - Wednesday, December 19, 2018
Son, I have given you a gift. Asher. He is a gift to you. I don't take gifts back, nor do you give gifts back to me. However, you can release gifts for the greater good. The greater good of what I am doing in your life, the greater good of what next I am bringing you into. The greater good of the gift I have given (Asher - he wouldn't be in pain). The greater good of knowing that I do all things well. I have given you many gifts and Asher is one of them. Release Him to me for the greater good.
My grace is more than enough in your life and this season. I see that you trust me wholeheartedly son. Trusting in me is a level path, a smooth path where I am taking you now and next. Grace along the way removes the stones, impediments and hard places that would slow you down or encumber you.
You are in Supernatural Grace. The seasons and the times point to my coming, point to my resurrection life in and through you, point to "the more" I am releasing to you and through you. My grace covers, sustains, empowers and commissions you to go on my behalf. Continue in love (me) and you will be fulfilled by me.
Try As You Might - Thursday, December 27, 2018
I am beyond trying. Faith propels, strengthens and motivates. Trying is not in my vocabulary. I fulfill. I succeed. I perform. I accomplish. Lean into me son. I am accomplishing the impossible in you and through you. You are not called to perform but to Be.
I know your trajectory and formed and made your destiny. Each step, each block has already been laid. Walk in my destiny in peace.
Keep The Testimony Of Love - Friday, December 28, 2018
Wherever you go and whomever you see, keep the testimony of love. The testimony of my love is my GOODNESS.  Let my love be perfected in you and demonstrate my goodness. The pressure (inner tension) you feel is all around, everywhere. There are groanings for more all around you, some perceive the meaning but others do not.  To some it is pressure and tension that is uncomfortable and pressure that is burdensome. But to you, it is the sign there is "more" quickly approaching. I am revealing myself to the sons of God. I am revealing myself in wonder, signs, miracles, manifest presence.
Son, I am in every day and every season. When you wake up know that I am already before you. Son I am leading you strategically in this time. Trust what I am doing in you.
2018 A Year Of Preparation
-A year of preparation, slimming down, pruning, tightening up, stewarding outside of emotions, blurred imagery and vision (seeing dimly)
-2019 - a year of clear blue prints and mobilization - a time of abundant harvest - people, resources, influence and favor - More Glory
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