For a New Year
Oh, I thought I was done but I'm not
I appreciate the Lord, don't you?
There are so many.
expectations and we have in this year. And I know that he is able more than able to accomplish what concerns me each and every one of us today.
Chase we have to know that everything is in his hands every thing. Is in his hands.
When we try to put it in our own hands, we make a mess of things, don't we?
That would be like somebody trying to make that slime those kids play with without a recipe. It doesn't end well.
It becomes a mess and say so many times. When we try to handle things our own way. If it comes to match.
What do you want John to do for you in this New Year's fresh fresh brand new? That's a brand new fresh together brush as my word. I copyright it because you wasn't there yet.
See what I'm saying? Fresh brand new year all kinds of possibility What do you woke up this morning? And open your eyes? This steak is full of all kinds of possibility.
I want you to turn with me if you will to the book of Philippians chapter 3.
Paul wrote this He wrote this to the church in Phillipi, but I know that you can take the scripture. And personalize them from Genesis to revelation.
The Bible is your roadmap.
What do you have a question for God? I promise you can find the answer in the world have a problem. I promise you that you're not the first one going through whatever problem you may. Thank you. Somebody is already been through it and thank God.
You can find the answers in the word of God.
But unlike some of us guys because I was looking for a spoon in the kitchen every day and for some reason.
It was right there for so long. So I went back to where usually is and had to dig a Little Deeper, but I found it so I didn't jump out at me and then just fall in my lap and that's sometimes what people want the answers from God.
I said that when I was younger, if you don't just roll back like a scroll and come down here and just and I will do it till the day I die.
You know what I said.
Kohl's riding to the Philippians if you read a scripture and you don't understand it encourage you go in front of that scripture about chapter. And read it until you get to that first and then just stop right there and go read anymore.
Well read on Beyond back if you read before the structures and after that after the verse before and after the first sometimes it brings more of an understanding of what he was talking about him.
Balls riding in percent that I may know him and the power of his resurrection. Paul had Christians killed. It was a terrible man. He was educated. He went to synagogue every Sabbath. He was raised in church, and he loves God you really did. but he didn't know this man Jesus Christ, he all he knew was that these followers were kind of giving them new doctor in a new way of doing and thinking of things and so he thought that they were against the killing Christians are trying to rid the world of the
Because he thought he was doing.
Actually got on the road to Damascus and on the road to Damascus. When he was struck down he met Jesus face to face. And so now he's didn't know the scriptures. He knew all his life are now showing. Tuition are coming to life. It makes sense what the scriptures had said now makes sense that he got the revelation of Jesus Christ. So here is now immediately for Jesus Christ in the town of Damascus where he went to bind Christians and the revelation of Jesus Christ Jesus Christ Saints. You need to meet him gallivanting.
And he said that I may know him. And the power of his resurrection of the Christ was resurrected because he met him now. I'm ready to go all the way to the Cross all the way to the nearest shopping mall way to the end for this man Jesus Christ whom I thought was not a God, but I found out that he was gone.
If by any means I might attain or I might acquire or arrive at until the resurrection unto the resurrection of the Dead that I might be able to be resurrected in the power of his resurrection in the last day or either we're already perfect. Blind follower asked her. I'm following on I'm gaining that ground. I'm pressing on. Is that that I might apprehend that I might lay hold of that. Which also I'm at for him to the Christ. He said I want to get a hold of Christ as much as Christ. Just got a hold of me.
Brother not count not myself to have apprehended. I I don't count myself to have made it. We are all pilgrims in this world. We are all striving to be Christian.
Can you tell him I'm trying I'm trying I'm striving to be because a Christian means christ-like. Certainly, we fall short many times of being christ-like.
I count not myself to have apprehended.
Forgetting those things which are behind.
You realize what Paul had to forget. William died and you realize how many things Paul with other people and putting it? He laid behind and reaching for to those things which are before. I press toward the Mark. I trust towards the goal for the prize of the High Calling of God in Christ Jesus. He wanted to be like Jesus. He like the man that he thought was against God at one time. I found out he was gay. Let us therefore as many as be perfect.
Oreck carpet changing it in the Greek translation here means complete you can be complete what complete you know better than to not sell Rights Convention.
We are not complete without Christ. He's part of that puzzle. That's so many people watching get around. boring
You only give up the things that have your bound you only give up the things that hurt you.
where's Santa where's Minnie Street? Perfect these us mind it being like-minded come together in one mind and one place, you know, what happened on the day of Pentecost when it came together in one place in one mile.
If anything be otherwise mine unto you.
That's why you need a relationship with God. That's why I always pray Lord take everything out of my heart and my soul and break. That's not pleasing doing fill that place with more of your spirit. I don't want to do my own thing, even though the flesh would like to. Got to do what the Lord wants us to do.
Nevertheless verse 16. We have already attained. Let us walk by the same rule. What is mine or seek after? Or pill the same. Brother or 17b followers together of me and mark them which which walk so as you have us for an example noto's we have the scriptures. For example, if somebody comes before you and teaching or preaching anything that is contrary to the word of God. You better make notes take note.
or many walk
that they are enemies of the Cross of Christ. Who's in this destruction whose God is their belly and whose glory is in their shame? Who mind Earthly?
Anytime I believe in the blessings of God believe that God wants us to prosper but I don't Gauge by my success or after the things that I have for my material possessions. I don't gauge that buy what I have I gained You by how it isn't here in here. These things are temporal these things a person can come and seal. These things time can rust in decayed. There's old song This Old House. I don't need this old house anymore.
Where our conversation are our citizenship is in heaven from once we also look for the Savior Jesus Christ.
That it may be fashionable item to his glorious body according to the working. Whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself saying that's why I keep telling you. It's in his hands. Chapter 4 verse one last verse is there for brother?
Dearly beloved and long for my joy and Crown. It's just 10 fast in the Lord dearly beloved. I'm trying my glory is to stand fast. In the hole to know him in the power of his resurrection.
I said forgetting those things that are behind.
Princess history 2018 Now is really gone.
Forget the bad.
Is there any bad happen to you or around you in 2018? District get it the failures how many it was made New Year's resolution.
forget the failures Forget the Hertz. She's a bad things to failures to Hearst. That's what if if we trying and horde those if we try and keep those. Those are going to keep us from having any kind of a blessed new year because we're too busy thinking.
Broccoli what it is. It's the past. Future the future we can't we don't know if there's going to be at tomorrow. That's why today is a gift the job and that's why they call it the present. This is a present from God today. No pressure.
Don't forget send confession. Forget it move on.
disappointments Hallelujah disappointments people situation job seems to disappoint us but this is a new day yesterday. I do not live in the past. That's not living sayings. If you're living in the past you are not living.
I want you to play.
We also leave behind blessings and achievements but you don't forget those you store those because that is what helps get you through the next time when you come up on something this year. They made that might be a stumbling block. You can turn that stumbling blocks into a stepping stone. It's up to you. You're the only one that can do that there so many situations come on come on you to make a shovel or Shuttle making step up higher that is up to you. You can't blame somebody for put a stumbling in front of you.
How do you react? You're trying to walk down the road. It's only through are you going to just stand?
first week out
Who stopped the train? Somebody's Daughter moving person one will go around go around the side and then he'll go around and then he'll pick up a truck.
They don't just stop and start digging another hole and say well I guess the queen.
They use that. In fact, someone might be so smart to say if somebody puts a stumbling block a party or you just going to stop.
Or do you use that as a stepping stone? Because sometimes if you use that someone bought it, thank you for that.
Use those blessings and achievements. To get further down the road even David as we heard last week used golias or when he got that sort. I know as soon as that priests put it in his hands. He remember that big old man. He remembered that. He also remembered And it probably looked at that sort if God is able then he's able now and God saw you through 2018 and I know he did because he saw you through 2018. He can certainly see you through 2019.
Reaching for the little things which are before pressing towards at change. Your goal should be to make Heaven your home. That's it may come in your home. If you're worried about anything else you're going to get sidetracked.
And you're trying to make Heaven your home.
Where is that bumper sticker? You get behind a car? You know what the intersection and said don't follow me. I'm lost too.
You better be found. You better know where you're going. If somebody asks you if you died today, would you make if you got to think about it by seats by state? By Saint-Saens. Yes, we will make Heaven our home and our job is to make heaven and take as many people help as many people in that direction.
Finish Line of the race the upward calling all should be followers together. Follow me as I follow Christ. To have that close relationship with God Colossians 2 6 S as you have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord.
Have you received Jesus Christ your lord?
That shouldn't be a a thought or shouldn't.
There are people today still today don't believe Jesus died on that cross. They change it just passed out.
I believe the word of God.
They just passed out and he didn't die for our sins, which makes the Bible.
I know the word of God is true from Revelation to Genesis and back.
If you receive Christ Jesus walking him glorify. God by living for him teaching people
if you live according to the scriptures.
1st Corinthians, 10:31 Wasn't there for you eat or drink or whatsoever you do do all to the glory of God.
Do it as unto God. I should make your job a whole lot easier. Dual, like you're doing it for God.
Because usually in your job you have people at work around you. So if you're doing it as on the God, then you're being a lie, and you can be a witness to those around. Let us mind the same thing. Let us keep our minds together. Minds wander so many times that you got people's attention sometimes for 3 minutes every 3 minutes and then it goes to drift off and then come back and then it gets frustrating sometimes.
But we need to get that mind of Christ so that we would come together. We want to see God moving. That's it. That's all I want to see. In an around a true love for us. Call Angela. God move that same Mind One Direction because you know, there's some people that think there's many ways to God that's what I was telling young people today their children sermon on Matthew chapter 7 verse 13 interview in at the strait. Meaning narrow gate for wide is the gate and Broad is the way that leads to destruction and many there be there at It's easy to go.
Broadway verse 14 because straight or narrow is the gate and narrow is the way which leads onto life and few there be that find it. It's a Straight Gate science.
Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life no man cometh unto the father, but by me. There's only one way. one way to heaven Saints Jesus Christ following the Lord honoring the Great Commission
If that's what he meant, and there's a lot of people sucking their job. There's a lot of people that are just saying.
He told us that go into all the world. Going in your world Your World lyrics the people that you come in contact with the people that you're around and kill them of the good news if you don't have any good news.
living for God
I remembered your heart is even better mood.
Will it buy up higher calling? Our conversation is in heaven. Our citizenship is in heaven.
I heard it First Baptist Minister and in Dallas was on the news this morning or did not realize Joey said that is like ice cream truck.
Cuz not everybody's going to make it in. You have to make sure you make it in you have to make sure that you would help those around you as much as you can. But an ultimately it in the end. They have to make that decision, but sometimes you make the decision.
Sometimes you're the only one that they will ever open. They will judge all Christians, but how you don't know why?
Tamil music
tries Starved Rock
tries to make Kevin is home. You said he will
The church is saying should be full of a lot of things.
one of these days for Christ
Do you ever go somewhere and you see something or you feel like something's missing? Guess who didn't bring it? You didn't bring it by to feel it.
I don't feel the spirit church. Well, you didn't bring it. See how it works. Something's missing. Bring it. If you brought it, and I brought it.
They have to have their own lamb. Yes Christ died for the whole world, but you have to have Christ in your heart. You can't get to Heaven by Christ in my heart.
Everybody has to bring the lamb.
Everybody has to bring Z.
standfast ball set Verse for chapter 4 verse 1 stand your ground now, you don't stand your ground against your brothers and sisters. He's not telling you about a hard-headed don't reminded. Don't be a mule. Stand your ground against the enemy and I've told you before who the enemy is only to save himself maybe is amps but the darkness of this world and your own flesh. I want but I don't want Jesus said he's going to do with the sheep and goats.
That's another word coin and she it's a note sheet.
But we need to stand our ground Against The Wiles of the devil. We need to stand our ground against the enemy if you're going to stand your ground against a person a fleshly person look in the mirror and stand your ground. And look at looking at Mercy plus the Lord. Oh my soul and all that is within me praise His. Holy name.
This is the year the crisis going to get the victory over this homeboy.
Jeri Ryan, you know, it's none of these kids carrying around their iPhones.
What we doing?
50 million
Chicken lips. I have a face. I don't understand photography.
Stand your ground. flash against your own flesh
1st Corinthians 15 and 58 says therefore my beloved brother steadfast unmovable. Always abounding in the work of the Lord for as much as you know that you are the labor is not in vain in the Lord. He said his word will not return void. Which means when you give a word when you give some of the Gospel when you tell somebody about the song playing a sheet you may never see that she grow up and come into fruition. You may never see that person that you wouldn't have to give their life to Christ, but I'm taking her to some of the celebrities and athletes going around that somehow. What are the shooting in that person's heart and it took and it grew and now they're they are saying people humans are not on Joshua.
You never know. I have to see. Somebody else made going to do the water. You may plan on seeing somebody and then on Down the Line somebody else might tell them a little more something about the structures in water that seeped. But God gives the increase all of the
Your work in the Lord is not in vain. If you feel like you're not doing something for guys you feel like your work is not being productive there. Are you working for the Lord? Because it said that your work is not in vain. It says another word to toil you labor for God. If you are planning if you're piling a roll don't look back to see if If you have your eyes set on the tool, then you plow that you plow that roll and you keep your eye on that door. I was taught a long time ago you get up or something and you put towards that and you do not look away from if you don't look back because it looks like you're playing straight with huge field. Well, I won't take it easy to do the office.
Oh the shuffle still come up.
Wanted to show my wife.
When I do. Don't waver to the left or to the right staying focused this year. strive to have that relationship with God Hebrews 12:2 looking unto Jesus the author and the finisher of our Saints. You started it and he'll finish it. The work he started in you he will finish don't get distracted. Don't get discouraged so easily to get this.
Every time I hear that or think of that I think of what would happen if Christ would have said that to you and how he could have made it halfway up calvary's hill.
It could have been hanging on that cross as long as he was hanging on a cross. He could the priest.
You say dollars yourself. You can't even say. look at the moment cuz she could have said
but he did. Don't get discouraged and do not quit.
Please have the same when I was in the store when I was in sports winners never quit and quitters never win.
You can't quit right before the finish line. Today may be the day tomorrow. Maybe the day who knows don't quit right at the end.
Let's come together.
This year we can confess our sins and that's only God. Assistant is your faults one to another. If I had any I tell you.
asphalt number one
if you confess your sins to God. You only know so he only knows what you can say. What
Because there's power in the spoken word.
But then you forget them place them at the foot of the cross replace him on the cross. Forget it.
Let's commit together to have a closer walk with God this year.
I must admit to being on track this year.
God has many many things he would like to do for his children. We're the ones that hinder him not and he has he wants to give more than we apparently wants a receipt. He wants to give us so many things he wants to walk with his talk with us a man that shot you have a good New Year.