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Play this morning. Aren't you thankful for Calvary? You can be seated this morning. Agape of gods were going to be in Proverbs chapter 3 today looking at some very familiar versus the scripture, but I want to talk today on wise words for wise living in 2019. This is the first Sunday of a brand new year 2018 is behind us. And I want 2019 to be a better year. For us individually and corporately as a church. So we're going to talk about wise words for wise living.

As I said, this is the first Sunday of a new year. 2018 is it going we can't change what has happened? We can't get any new over this behind us and what has happened has happened and we'll in 2019. I'm thankful that God has gifted us a brand new year because it could be different. And so they'll be here to the way you're ready to take on 2019 and put 2018 behind you. There could be some here today that you're not looking for between a 19 because if it's going to be anything like 2018, you don't want to go through another year like you been. That lives the problem Force. We don't know what tomorrow holds. This could be one of the greatest year we've ever had but if it all could also be one of the most difficult years you've ever had. I don't say that to me. I am a man of Doom and Gloom, but the reality is you could face more this year than you did in 2018 and some of you may be faking Pastor if I have to go through more than what I've already going through then I don't know if I want to face it shortens each to be the best year of your life, but it could also be the worst year of your life. But as we sit here on the first Sunday of a new year, we don't know what's going to happen a week from now 6 months from now or even 12 month July. In fact before we reach this time next year. Jesus could come back and we all Go to heaven. This could be the year. We don't know. But the question is Rage that I will try to answer this morning is how should I live my life in the uncertainty of the future tomorrow's going to hold or next week or six months or 12 month old. Should I live my life not knowing what is the abbreviation for safely there? You need to live wisely. Good afternoon, how to make better decisions and find out what God's purpose God's plan of yours and do what he wants us to do. Here's the thing. You can't live 2019 in your own wisdom. You need the wisdom of God and she can just drop close to him. We can make better decisions to live the life that God wants us to live till this morning. We're going to talk about wise words wisely and they want to give you for having issues that I believe will help you to live wisely in 2019. Number one trust God completely. Trust God completely. Let's look at most 5 and 6 of Proverbs 3. These are familiar versus that we turned it off. Then it says there's trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding and I acknowledge Him and He will make straight your paths. We don't know what tomorrow holds we have to trust God completely don't trust means that we have to rely on God have confidence in him Houma today is allusion meaning of us live with where we anxiety and just because we are trusting God completely it shows that are efforts of trying to fix everything we go through in life. Don't worry about the 4-wheeler completely trusting in God as long as you're trying to turn your life together and you're not like young God and trusting in Him and I How to trust God completely deleted I want to lose weight and not what we train station. What does Shaw's in his room, but you can trust me you can trust me and I don't know if you can trust God. So we can't live on what we soon and we can't live on how we feel. the weather for South Carolina

Hey you get off of season around here in one day. I'll tell her feelings are all over the place. But you can't go by why you feel because you can be alone and be down in the valley in the afternoon they change in a moment, but can I tell you change who is truxton do I use besides Jesus Christ the same yesterday today and forever. What is don't speak and still doing you can't trust your side. You can't trust your feelings that you can trust God but here's the question. How do we trust him completely? I will trust you with all of my heart because the writers they trust in the Lord with all your heart. How do I do that? I went to gives us the answer. He says do not lean on your own understanding. Understanding around and dolls and romance. I don't really know that there's too much to not depend on our wisdom and experience of others in the Bible tells us to get understanding like a problem for 7. The beginning of wisdom is this yet? Where's and whatever you get inside get understanding the book in the Bible starting at 11. But here's the thing to trust God completely. If you can't live streaming you should go in mysterious ways and ways that we don't under-stand and here's the thing what hinders us from fully trusting him. Is that so many times you're trying to figure that out. Going to say something to you. You're not supposed to leave your wife based on explanations, but no promises. Based on the Promises of God based on what God has said where I can hear but we really want to know why.

We need to trust God and let him know what the why and the how a man don't lean on your own understanding culture. Not your thoughts. Neither. Are your ways my ways declares the Lord praise the heavens are higher than the Earth shall always higher than your ways my phone stay in your faults. You don't have access to be done things and act differently than we do. That means we can trust in God by surprise in your life and you have to learn how to trust him completely don't wait on your own understanding but also says here at all your ways acknowledge Him. Is that where our children knowing what you know about relationship with him with him about to say today? You can trust are better when you get to know him better.

You can't rush them better when you get to know him better shakes good enough and somebody's word.

Because you know them, you know, they're probably could you know their integrity, you know that they do what they say they're going to do. We'll see if we're going if we're able to trust me and who can give the word to us. Why should it be any different from God?

A man, he's giving us his word about her today that God has come through time and time again and proven himself to be faithful. And so he says how you better trust the Lord and lean not on your own understanding but you have to acknowledge God in all your ways and get to know him better. You should what do you understand who he is and what he can do you will be able to trust him or you can tell people that you can trust him. But if you never go anywhere understanding and knowledge of God, you'll struggle with trusting him completely. Did you stay where you are supposed to right now, but don't get in the car if you're struggling with trusting him the rest of your life. Okay, that's why we live in fear. That's why we live in worry. It's because we're not completely trusting in God. Here's the thing about life. Sometimes you can't change what's taking place in your life?

But if you trust God God can change what's taking place in your life? Hey, man. But we try to work my fingers to the Bone some time trying to fix everything put it all back together. Hoping that somehow we can do something and here's the thing as long as you have your hands on it. God just sits back and he watches but if you believe Bible says all things are possible to him that but

so here's the thing. As we go into this to your hymen couraging us. I'm encouraging myself that we trust God that we take him at his word that he says he answers prayer then play if he says that he heals the sick and believe God for healing if he says that he'll provide forever need that. We hadn't believed him to provide for ever need that you have to stir. You. Don't know what I'm going through. You don't know the pain that I'm having to endure if you don't know the book in the shape of my heart that should I may not understand it completely. Walked in your shoes. But here's to think God knows where you are knows what you're going through and if you would trust him God will move.

Faith of a mustard seed to move the mountain, just want you to know and wants you to trust him. Can we trust God completely he won't let you down but he will direct you he will guide you and in fact that he says here will you trust him completely he will make straight your paths. The King James says he will direct your path. Tell him to do some direction. How many could use some guidance place as if you'll trust it with all your heart lean not on your own understanding and knowledge in fuel direct. Your paths will make your car smooth. It's more than him giving us directions to Posh smooth and it makes the path straight out of a smooth pop or straight path indicate the promise that you will get where you're supposed to be.

Think about that image of he'll come against you but don't worry, but God has a plan and purpose for you. And if you trust him completely got to make sure you get where you're supposed to get no matter how many times you have to go through having a difficult age of expansion. And if you don't trust God completely he'll get you where you're supposed to be a man. You can trust him a man. He will not let us down but he'll make sure that everything works out as it should say 28 tells us that God works everything out for our good.

Where's the second thing? I want to give you. You have to humbly submit to God. I don't trust God completely. You have to how much submit to God. In fact, these two are connected these things go together. If you want to trust God completely you have to help me submit to him. Look at those seven balls in your own eyes fear the lord and turn away from Evil. This admonition are encouraged to say, my mother has the previous versus will not to rely on ourselves. But only if you're going to trust God more you have to trust yourself less. Sorry, say that again. The more you have to trust yourself. That's why he says be not wise in your own waiting on a show rather than leaning on God and I noticed what he says. He said you're the fear the lord. Taking the path to wisdom is the fear of the Lord. Having a really brunch at a right perspective of him fishing a job. 28:28 be shut Amanda hold the fear of the Lord that is wisdom had to turn away from Evil is understanding Proverbs 1:7. The former Lord is the beginning of knowledge phones despise wisdom and instruction God's wisdom. We have to be humble enough to submit to him. So that raises the question. How do we practice you made it to where does Humidity come from believe it comes from a proper respect and reverence for God when you know who he is and who you are. You'll fear Him We're British and I'm not talking about running around scared hiding but you'll respect God and you'll see him as he truly is and you'll understand who you are. You should hear something that gets us in trouble. Sometimes we are at work going and we're not.

He's gone. We're not. Who to trust you and what is submit to his plan where to submit to his will hit hit here's the thing some of what you've gone through this year. That's been God's will for your life. You tell me Pastor that my heart my Pains been a part of God's plan. Yes.

Yes, give me the joke about shaking. She's been part of God's plan. Yes.

Can I purchase that frustrates us that God would allow shut that come into my life when he could stop it. But here's the thing. Got a greater plan and a greater purpose. That's how you have to home. Please submit to me. Does your staff they have no God can heal but. Not naughty. As part of his plan. I'm afraid that sometimes I said this winter. Sometimes. We're trying to play a WAV things that dogs trying to do something in a live stream. You trying to play God delivered me from the valley that God said the Valley's for you. The Shack movie Alien print you today, but here's the thing. Sometimes you're trying to play the game right now.

Cuz used to be able to stop moving for him. I'm doing while I'm serving. It was almost had to because he was like sometime so we got to put you out and storm and that's that's not weed.

I want to struggle but sometimes when you follow God and God blade and you directing you and God working everything out and he put you in the crosshairs of the enemy.

Do you have to how much cement saying God? I don't understand it, but I'm going to trust you. I'm going to allow you to work in my life because there's nothing God can't really work through your life until he works in your life. I feel him today. I don't say it again, but don't take me to work for you until he's done something in you. So sometimes stores, because God's got a greater purpose and go strength at the breakers and dunks trying to get us to wait on him and they simply trusted God in the Mediterranean. Going round and round.

You'll find out that if you submit to God you already promised land this year. Hey, man. But you can only submit to him and fear Him and reverence him and turn away from evil.

round and round

first light gives us a promise of what to expect when our lives are submitted to God. It will be healing to your flesh and refreshment to your bones.

pictures that when we're not going your own house and when we fear God and turn away from Evil when we humbly submit to God life submitted to him healing to your flesh and refreshment to your bones. I don't believe he's just referring to spiritual. Hell did I believe he's referring to physical health? That one, Terry said this I don't know which way to proceed from the peaceful and we'll order life that is submitted. Navigation men alive promises physical health today are intimately connected.

I want to hear doing spiritual has an effect upon you physically that mean if you're not living in submission to God living life Your Own Way living in rebellion and Disobedience, you can expect physically to deal with Chuck right in your body. Crave Psalm 51 and David talks about that the hand of God being on him. How is he felt crushed and out of the way up. Shut up. physically 5 because he wasn't living last minute ago. And I had a toll on his opposite is true that if you don't take a shower of God and left her some medicine and submission to God positive effect on your body scripture proverbs 4 2022 to my words and call you in about Shane let them out of state from your shot. Keep them within your heart or they are lost in those who follow them and healing to all their flesh.

Play the new Justin Bieber's just to show you third time to go well with you and that you might be in good health that as it goes. Well with your soul. He say that everything's going well man shot at everything's going well in your soul. It could have effect for the good on your body. What is Proverbs also tell us a merry heart doeth good like a medicine?

To the degree that we trashed and therefore. Obey God. We will enjoy a healthy. Let me ask you a very simple question. How is your soul today? Ultra spiritual life Are you living in the fear of the Lord? Are you living in humble submission to him or you are you living in obedience to God are you living every day of your life saying I don't want her even submit to you and do your will today as much as you can do that. You'll see it affect you physically. Let's move on thirdly. Did Arnold on radio treasure? How big do you want to have a better year in 2000 octane? You got you got on her dog with your pleasure. Look at birth sign if you're welcome with the firstfruits of all your produce. I want translated on rip means head be it means waiting to give back to the Lord of what he has given to us. We can testify that he carries way and I will I wish I had your first. You are a quality when we begin to honor God with our wealth, but here's the thing the world wealth refers to more than just your money ever first all those stuff. It refers to all your possessions as it was not just referring to giving a tag on Sunday morning to give it all free. With all of our possessions and well if you hear everything we had come from him and we should use all of its honor. Play we have punch from him and we should use all of it to I'm going to have to go to yourself. Some people live by 10% and the 90% is my know. The whole percent is doing to you and your daughter him with it.

Supposed to be good stewards of what God has entrusted to us where to give away the Bible teaches that we should have started but would have been wise and our finances. Flash and arrow you been trustworthy with what God has entrusted to you. how to get another does a promise attached to this plant with our way of looking at it and you'll actually bursting with wine. - 10 overthink don't overflow in my life, but you can't get past first nine. Oh my God, would you weigh out?

You want to go ahead and then you better to be overflowing? How many would like for your mom's overflow? Cut your own tree. But let me just say this. I know that God is daunting bless whoever he wants to whatever he wants to. But there is a connection between honoring God with our finances and shame God poor blessing into her life. And here's the thing. If you can't be trusted with little you'll never be entrusted with true riches.

how to make Facebook with the little that you have gone can see I can trust him with more I believe that when we honor God financially don't rewards us. God bless us. Prosperous. Forget the scriptures and we say that God blesses people who are generous and faithful Proverbs 11 verse 24, 25 1/2 gives freely. It goes up Grows All the rich they don't make sense. Does it? Want to go swimming at a girl's Richard I can give it away and it will keep coming in. That's how God Dutch but I never withhold what he should give and only suffers won't brings blessing will be enraged and one who Waters will himself be watered. Just want to hear the pastor say one time. I'll share it with you. I believe that while you may happen for somebody else. I can make happen for you.

If you'll be a blessing to somebody got a blessing back into your iPad back Proverbs, 19:17 says this whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord and He referring to God God will repay him for his big. Malachi 3:10 bring the full-time to the storehouse and they're making food in my house and thereby putting it to the test a little phone if I will not open the windows of Heaven For You important for your blessing until there is no more.

2nd Corinthians 9:8 in all sufficiency in all things at all times you may abound in every good for I believe all of us here today would like to see the Bountiful blessings of God come into our lives. Okay, I'll start with honoring God with a Finance on Ringgold with our treasure hunting dog with what he has entrusted to us. Here's what Matthew Henry said those that do good with what they have or have more I have more to do more good with Those who do good with waffle hash. I have more to do more good with. I want to live.

So we can repay. You can't outgive God. Let us move on vinyl thing. You have to accept. Correction.

I hope this year isn't popular but you have to accept God's look at verse 11 and 12 12 approves him whom he loves as a father the son in whom he Delights as we go into this New Year. I'm just going to tell you upfront there's going to be times at your stumbled and times that you fall down along the way. Best 50 in a righteous man falls seven times and it gets up. You're going to stumble you're not going to live perfect for 365 days of yore. In fact, I would say that properly from the January 4th to January 6th with your problems like breakdown that messed up a man.

But if I let me just say this when we stumbled through it. Overlook a lot of times hearing that hey if you see him if you mess up that somehow I just got kind of kicked you to the curb and he's done with you. Don't Throw the Clay Away. A man because he wanted to but don't bug me. Don't you dumb purchased you unless you don't have a blemish in the clay today, but don't put you back on the pain is real and God begin to work the blemish out of your life, Bring correction. Mobley discipline that was wrong was really struggling trip up along the way. Discipline to us and the right. Ok, Google treasure. Hey don't despise God's discipline that make don't treat it like me. But wait, wait don't like those Bishop. When is no big deal. It was a big deal, but don't be worried. I'm going to pray for that means we shouldn't dogs from you and direction we shouldn't get mad at dog when he correction of the Lord. And here's the thing for most of us. We think of discipline as punishment, but the idea here is training God's trying to train you don't trying to develop you if you see discipline speaks of instruction Jason encouraged to the point. I was trying to work out his purpose in your life. The point guards trying to do something greater than you. Here's the thing. If we're honest we are who we are today because of the violence and pain and suffering in our life.

I want more about God and more about myself in times of suffering, but I did in times of rejoicing.

When we fail to trust God that will be consequences often painful.

But here's the thing. Allow Spain to come in our lives to help us grow. So that in all things. He received the honor and Glory listen to John chapter 11 verse for the raising of Lazarus from the dead. Chest when Jesus heard it. He said this illness does not lead to Death In His for the glory of God so that the Son of God may be glorified.

Jesus gets word from Mary and Martha that the one you loved Lazarus. He's he's sick Jesus wait two days and Jesus says this sickness will not end in Death Or Glory of God. Go back to what I said earlier many time for trying to pray for the storm to go away pray for the wedding to go away pray for the trial to go away. But here's the thing. It's in the storm in the valley. And then the trial that God's getting

Phrase, I heard years ago that I just want to give you stop cursing fuel prices. Social crisis is the very thing that God's trying to work through and then your life with

Can we respond to God's this? Don't let it bring you down. Don't be crushed by it and said you need to thank God for it and learn to trust him more. What a commentator said this. He said everything that God allows to come in our lives. We should not to test it on the spies that neither should we shrink from it or give up under it by the way should be concerned that God's purpose is achieved through the discipline and us we reached the maximum profit from it. I told you my purpose in the disciplines of life is that we become partakers of his orange. Disengage this to put his proof of his love not his anger. I want to tell you today that if you've ever had to be disciplined by God, it's not because he's angry with you. It's a sign of his love is a sign of the fact that he still gives he just suppose because he wants what's best for us, but he always disappoints out of love hotels are stat Corrections proof of sunshine. Conditional in Corrections proof that you will only god pushing the Hebrews 12 verse 6 through 8 for the Lord disciplines the one he loves and chastises every son whom he received his for discipline that you have $24 treating you as signs for what shot is that him as father does not discipline. If you were left without disappointing which all happened to dissipate and then you are illegitimate children and Sons If you're here today living your life as you told her, well, please let me handle Disobedience and Rebellion the god Ki going to live for myself and you don't come on to the discipline of God. If I got to say to you you need to get saved. Cuz you don't blow into it. Because you can't walk in rebellion and Disobedience and get away with it.

In the scripture bears that you can't get away with it. This is God's gracious. He's forgiven his merciful and I'm not saying that you're going to be totally lost and and lose your salvation. But here's the thing. Thank you behind the Woodshed scriptures bacon and he will deal with you as a son or a daughter. And if you don't have that, you're not a son you're not about. It's just playing sample right from the word of God discipline problems relationship with God.

You always be said that I don't chase in just not as the judge punishes a criminal with as a parent discipline a child. Stop treating you like a family treating me like a child. If you belong to God, he will discipline. You can hear it. Like I don't matter how much they experience hurts. It will never harm you. Think about that. The discipline of God is not to hurt us. It's to help us.

One last verse of scripture Hebrews 12:11 for the moment all discipline seems painful rather than Pleasant how many ever heard that speech for what got this hurts me more than it hurts you.

What is the meaning of the discipline? It's painful. We don't like it. But later it heals the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by the fruit of the painful process of discipline is grows in darkness reason, we go through painful experiences and have the discipline of God because God is trying to make this more like Jesus.

And how many will admit tonight do we got some things in our life that God has to work out sometime.

So he'll have pie. Twin Palms No one here today knows what the future holds. But I can call police say that has a child of God. I know who holds the future. Hey, man. I don't know what's going to come my way tomorrow, but I know that tomorrow is under the control and sovereignty of God. And as long as got booked me on this Earth, I'll be on this earth. That is no demon or devil in hell that can stop what God wants to do in my life a man and I'm not going to stay here today that you're not going to have time to trouble difficult in 2019. Here's the thing life. Sometimes it sucks life. Sometimes it hurts live. Sometimes it's painful there storms for suffering a loss of loved ones are financial crisis, but through it all I know God is in control and I believe that if we'll do our best to live according to the wisdom of God's word. We can see God do greater things can't I watch Empire started to say this to you. I took it out of my nose, but he was like, how about troubleshooting a better life, but if you'll live by wisdom you can be a better you

Hey, man, you can be better if you can change even if the circumstances don't change because there's a thing if you learn to live wisely, even when the storms come you still throw your hands up and say God you're good. Abraham against to come against that you can set out and say to God God bless you and got a hold of you.

I'll tell you have to live live live wisely live humbly. And I believe you'll see God do things in your life like you never have. Before we stand with me this morning.

You can live with.

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