Ephesians 4:4-6
There is one body
There is one Spirit
One hope of your calling
One Lord
One Faith
One Baptism
One God and Father
He is above all; in that phrase is enshrined the control of God. No matter what things may look like, God is in control. There may be floods; but ‘The Lord sits enthroned over the flood’ (Psalm 29:10).
He is through all; in that phrase is enshrined the providence of God. God did not create the world and set it going as we might wind up a clockwork toy and leave it to run down. God is all through his world, guiding, sustaining, loving.
He is in all; in that phrase is enshrined the presence of God in all life. It may be that Paul took the germ of this idea from the Stoics. The Stoics believed that God was a fire purer than any earthly fire; and they believed that what gave human beings life was that a spark of that fire which was God came and dwelt in their bodies. It was Paul’s belief that in everything there is God.
It is the Christian belief that we live in a God-created, God-controlled, God-sustained, God-filled world.