The Rest Your Soul Needs

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Exodus 31:12–18 ESV
And the Lord said to Moses, “You are to speak to the people of Israel and say, ‘Above all you shall keep my Sabbaths, for this is a sign between me and you throughout your generations, that you may know that I, the Lord, sanctify you. You shall keep the Sabbath, because it is holy for you. Everyone who profanes it shall be put to death. Whoever does any work on it, that soul shall be cut off from among his people. Six days shall work be done, but the seventh day is a Sabbath of solemn rest, holy to the Lord. Whoever does any work on the Sabbath day shall be put to death. Therefore the people of Israel shall keep the Sabbath, observing the Sabbath throughout their generations, as a covenant forever. It is a sign forever between me and the people of Israel that in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day he rested and was refreshed.’ ” And he gave to Moses, when he had finished speaking with him on Mount Sinai, the two tablets of the testimony, tablets of stone, written with the finger of God.


Ceasing from work for the purpose of physical and spiritual rejuvenation

What Sabbath is not

Meant to Be a Burden


Rest as a Declaration of Freedom

You will surely die

Rest as an Act of Trust in God’s Word

Rest is a sign between God and Isreal ()

God ties the Sabbath to freedom from slavery ()
Deuteronomy 5:12–15 LEB
‘Observe the Sabbath day to make it holy, just as Yahweh your God has commanded you. Six days you shall work, and you shall do all of your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath unto Yahweh your God; you shall not do any work, or your son, or your daughter, or your slave, or your slave woman, or your ox, or your donkey, or any of your domestic animals, or your resident alien who is in your towns, so that your slave and your slave woman may rest as you rest. And you shall remember that you were a slave in the land of Egypt, and Yahweh your God brought you out with a strong hand and with an outstretched arm; therefore, Yahweh your God commanded you to keep the Sabbath.
Deuteronomy 4:6–7 ESV
Keep them and do them, for that will be your wisdom and your understanding in the sight of the peoples, who, when they hear all these statutes, will say, ‘Surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people.’ For what great nation is there that has a god so near to it as the Lord our God is to us, whenever we call upon him?
Rest Communicates Hope

Rest as a Child Imitates Their Father

Rest because You’re not the hero

God Doesn’t Need You

The Context- God reminds Israel of the Sabbath in the midst of directions for the Tabernacle
Church doesn’t equal Sabbath

Rest to Experience God

Fei-Fei Li- AI has hit a wall because it reflects its maker
When God took a breath
- Day 1
Day 2
- Day 3
- Day 4
- Day 5
- Day 6
- Day 7

Building a Rhythm of Rest

Plan for Rest
Tech detox
Contemplative Rest
Recreational Rest
Recreational Rest
Aesthetic Rest
Pray for Ed and Peggy
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