Sermon Tone Analysis

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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
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> .9
2018 was a crazy year for me.
But lets be honest, doesnt everyone always say that.
there may be some that say this but I rarely here someone look back at a year and say wow that was an incredible year.
Absolutely perfect.
As I scrolled through twitter and other social media on New Years eve.
I saw so many people with the same cry.
“I am so happy that 2018 is over.
New Year New Me.
Over and over again I saw this.
And I thought back and I remember some people saying this year after year.
Maybe thats you in here this morning.
Maybe you have looked at every year as the same way and said the same things.
Maybe you said it 4 days ago.
Here is my reply........................... STOP IT! Stop with act and the charade.
Stop convincing yourself that things will change because you all of a sudden have a different mindset.
So many of these “christian self help books” and I wont even call them preachers because they dont preach the word of God, we will call them television motivational speakers.
They constantly fill your head with what you need to do how you can do it instead of who you need to know and how you can know him.
So what do you need for renewal?
What do you need for a fresh start?
How can not just 2019 be different but the rest of your life?
The only difference in December 31 2018 and January 1 2019 is 24 hours.
But what you need to remember this year is not New Year New me.
Its New Year Same God.
So first lets look and some new life stories in scripture.
God Can Sustain You this year.
When Abraham first comes on the scene.
We just see his calling from God. God calls Abram to go out and to leave everything even his family.
He is living in a pagan land and is raised in Pagan heritage yet God calls him.
How many of you feel unqualified.
God cant call me to do anything this year.
God wont sustain me.
Im a nobody.
Im not churchy.
I dont say the right things.
My parents are nobodies.
I dont have money or house or posessions.
But guess what that didnt matter for Abraham and that doesnt matter for you.
God can and will call you to things that you arent necessarily qualified for.
God doesnt need your success or money.
he just wants you to say yes to Him.
He wants you to acknowlege Him and to lean into him.
Thats who God can use.
Dont use your circumstances in life to define where and what God will call you to and what you can do for the kingdom.
This doesnt mean he is calling you to more money or a big house.
he may be calling you to saty put and spread the gospel or he may be calling you out.
I dont know, but whatever he calls you to it is better that you do it.
As dangerous and uncomfortable as it was for Abraham it was so much better that he went out from Ur and headed to egypt.
Then look at this
So at first we see the command from God to leave everything and everyone.
It seems to be that it should only be Him and his wife Sarah.
But what does he do.
H etakes Lot with him.
he probably feels bad for the fatherless lot and brings him but God told him to leave his fathers reltives.
We know this was wrong because look at all the grief that was caused by him bringing Lot.
He was one paragraph from being sent out and his faith is already given way to fear.
Doesnt take long.
So was God done with him?
Was God finished with the covenant?
We play that game though dont we.
I have messed up.
i have disobeyed God.
He must be done with me.
The instant we mess up satan is there to remind us that God will abandon us.
But its not true.
God doesnt anialate our relatonship when we sin.
As Paul tells us in the NT where sin Abounds, His grace abounds all the more.
Now that is if you have come to know Him and have been saved by His grace.
and if that doesnt drive the point home that God will sustain you then look at 12:10
He immedieatly lies to pharoh and says the sarah is his sister.
Here it is again.
Lean not on your own understanding Abraham......He doesnt want to be killed so that they take her.
Because of his disobedience.
People die and become sick.
God still wasnt done with him and still sustained him.
Then after all this we have the story at Sodom and Abraham begins to doubt that God will come through.
That God will provide a family for him.
God reitertes his covenant and he does so in a way that should teach us about Him sustaining you and me.
He tells abraham to go get 5 specific animals and to cut them in half.
Lay them in two with an aisle between the two pieces.
This is weird but this was a common thing in thise days and a way to make a covenant.
You would walk between these animals and say that if i break this promise, may what happened to these animals happen to me.
but hwat happened next is pivotal for us.
He puts abraham into a deep sleep and then does this.
It was if to say, I know you cant keep the promise Abraham.
So I will walk through alone because I alone will sustain you.
not you and your own understanding.
Guys, rest in that.
KNow that this year God will sustain you and more importantly not because something you have done, but only because of what He has done and His faithfulness.
Next promise to remember this year and forever is.
This year, remember God’s plan is good for you.
Some of you may hear this and think I have lost my mind.
Tj you dont know what my life is like.
You dont know how bad my situation is and how bad it sucks.
Just a few lines down from Abraham was his grandson Jacob.
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