Sunday Service
At this point now Proclaim is going to start recording based off of what I've told it. So I told him to start recording right here just out of Amazing Grace and started right in so for a lot of churches, you might want to put a break in there cuz I know there's a transition from the worship team to do you get on up there? So you guys can start start your sermons. So you obviously would want to put a break in here before. I'm like I did but you can see it's recording from me. It's using the heads that I have plugged in. If you have any input for a microphone setup, you guys can link it into your computer through whatever control board or some way. There's always a way to do it for you guys and it'll start recording and it'll continue to record until we get to the end of this recording q and it's not just recording my voice. It's also going to keep track of when I'm changing the slides here. So it's going to remember everything that I'm doing here. And now at this point it's