The Presence of God
Amen. So I've been talking to people this week about New Year's resolutions. I found it interesting, most of the people that I talked to said something like this: Yeah. I'm not even bothering anymore. Right? Some of you there right? I've tried too many times. It doesn't work. It just, I heard some of the regulars: You know I want to drop some weight. I want to get out of debt. I want to do some of that stuff, and all that stuff is good. But I want to propose a New Year's resolution for us as a spiritual family, as God's people who are doing life here together at this time and this place. And it's simple. I want 2019 to be a year that we fall more and more in love with God. Wouldn't that be a good year? That we fall more in love with God. Not the idea of God. Not the practices of church. Not the morality of being a good little Christian. That we fall more in love with God. I thought about that a lot this week. I, there's something about life
that makes us become comfortable with something that we should never be comfortable with. God, is mysterious. God is majestic. God is beyond our minds and our hearts. We can't figure him out. We can't box him in. We can't Define Him, He defines us. God is amazing!
And yet, I find that very often in my life I become comfortable with Him. Maybe complacent. Oh yeah God's there. Oh God help me, when things are going bad God help me. Oh God, I need you here. I need you.
But, does He have our heart?
Does He capture our imagination? Does He hold our attention? Does He fuel our creativity? Does He bestow courage to us? Are we people that know Him and because we know Him because we're in His presence we are being transformed and changed? Man I want 2019 to be a year that I fall more in love with God. And you fall more in love with God. And we fall more in love with God together. So I got this little series to kick off the year called "The Glory of God." I want us to think about God. Want us to think about Him and the reality of him and the privilege and honor and the beauty and the joy of being His people. I want to talk this morning about the presence of God. God's presence What that means. And I want us to look together at it at a text in the Old Testament. If you got your Bibles, you can open up the Exodus chapter 33. Exodus chapter 33. We have a an incredible record of a conversation between Moses and God. Moses is at a pivotal moment in his life. He's gone through a lot. He's a grown up and in the house of pharaoh. He killed somebody. He had to run and hide in the wilderness for 40 years watching sheep. He met God in a burning bush that wasn't consumed. God sent him to the Egypt, back to Egypt to confront pharaoh. To bring the people of Israel out. He did bring them out, wasn't easy. It was painful. It was messy. It got ugly. But God delivered his people out. When they got out get God met with Moses on top of the mountain and gave him the Ten Commandments and bestowed upon them the Covenant and the law of the nation of Israel. And while that's happening the people are already rebelling against God making for themselves the golden calf. Moses has been called by God to Shepherd a people that doesn't want to be shepherded. A people that are often rebellious a people that are prone to grumble. And he's not super excited about it. Would you be? What I love about this text is that Moses in this text comes face to face with the reality that what God is asking him to do is beyond his capacity on his own. And I want you to know that what God is asking you to do in 2019 is Beyond Your Capacity on your own. If you can pull it off on your own it's not from Him because we are called to walk by faith. It's not by might, it's not by power, but it is by My Spirit says the Lord Almighty." Moses is confronted with the reality, "God you're asking me to do something. I can't do on my own so we got to talk." So let's listen in to this conversation between Moses and God. Moses said to the Lord, See You say to me bring up this people, but you not let me know whom You'll send with me. You've said, I know you by name and you've also found favor in My sight. Now, therefore, if I found favor in Your sight, please show me Your ways, that I may know You in order to find favor in your sight. Consider too that this nation is Your people. A very intelligent, thoughtful' logical prayer that Moses is having with God. Ok God. Let's get something straight. This is Your people. You've asked me to do this, but You haven't been really clear about how this is going to go. And so I'm going to need some help here. And what Moses asked for; he said show me your ways. Show me your ways. I want to know You God. Show me your ways that I might know You. Now what I find interesting about that request is the context of where it is in the book of Exodus. If you go back to Exodus 32, what you find is that the people have once again rebelled and that God's a little upset at them. You go back to go to 31, you know what that chapter is? The Law. Go to 30. Know what that is? The Law. 29. 28. 27. 26. 11 chapters. It's one of those sections that breaks your New Year's resolution to read through the Bible. 11 chapters of Law! After receiving this abundance of rules and regulations and stipulations the requirements that God has for His people as His nation and Moses is the one that delivered it to them. After 11 chapters of Law he says: God I don't want to know what I'm supposed to do. I need to know You! I want to know You. I need to know You. I need to know Your heart. I need to know what You're like, I need to know our character.
I want to know You.
You say that You know me. You say that You called me by name.
So let me know You. What a beautiful prayer. Makes me ask this question: How personal is your God?
How personal is your God? I think far too many people in an American Church culture, especially, even though we're always talking about having a personal relationship with God, we often have mediated relationship with God. I don't know God I got to go to my pastor to know God. I don't really know God it's my daddy's faith or my granddaddy was a deacon so therefore I'm a Christian. We have these, we talk about God being personal but we don't encounter and experience Him personally. We get caught up in Theology and Doctrine and Dogma. And so know about Him, we don't know Him. Or we get caught up in experience. Morality. Behavior. And so we do all sorts of things FOR Him or IN His name, but we don't do them WITH Him. What Moses understands and what we what we can hear and learn this morning is that our God is a personal God. He is knowable. He is one that can be experienced and we can experience Him directly. You don't need a mediator Christ is all the mediator you need!
How personal is your God? And I feel like, I feel like Moses. In front of the bush right? God says take off your sandals this is Holy Ground. Cuz when we talk about the the personal reality of God, we are talking about the heart of Christianity. The heart of Christianity is that you've been made by God for God. He loves you and He wants you to love Him in return. There's far too many of us have spent and wasted too much of our lives thinking that Christianity is about rules and regulations when it's really about relationship. I'm not saying that rules and regulations are bad. I'm not saying that morality and behavior is unimportant. Of course it is. But what I'm saying is this if you check all the good little Christian morality boxes - you show up at church every week you drop something in the the plate every time it goes past - you even volunteer at VBS. If you do all of those things, if you go through the motions, if you follow the rules, if you obey the regulations, if you perform the ritual, but you don't have a relationship - you don't have anything.
You don't have anything.
The heart of the Christian hope. The heart of the Gospel message is that God is real, He's personal and He wants us to know Him. To know Him. Not about Him, but Him. Oh what a world of difference there is. Whatever your concept of God is today, I hope that you'll take some time to think about the reality that God is personal. He has thoughts. He has emotions. He has desires. He's relational. We can be in relationship with Him.
God is a personal God. Gods' response is beautiful. God says, My presence will go with you and I will give you rest.
Moses, I hear you buddy. I'm going to be there. Wherever you go I'm going to be there. And where God is there's Life. Where God is there's Hope. Where God is there is Peace. I will give you Rest. I don't know about you, but it took my heart immediately to Matthew 11:28. Jesus says, come to Me all who are weary and heavy-laden and I will give you rest. This is what the presence of God brings us. The personal presence and experience and relationship with God brings us peace and rest and confidence and security in a way that nothing else in this world could ever hope to do. The presence of God's is better than a really big retirement. The presence of God is more dependable than your savings account.
God says, I'll be with you and I will give you rest. Moses responds with another request. He says to Him; well if Your presence will not go with me - don't bring us up from here. I like Moses. I love it. I LOVE this. Ok God I need you to come with me. God's like I'll come with you. Okay, but if you're not going to come with me, I don't even want to go. I love that. Because Moses is on to something here. If You're not going to come with us we shouldn't even bother. I need You with me God. I can't do anything without You with me. You see he knows that there are enemies in the land. He knows that there are obstacles ahead. He knows that the people are going to be trouble. He knows that he's not smart enough and he's not strong enough to do it on his own. God if You're not going to come don't even send us because You are everything. You know when I think about this I think Moses is onto something so significant and important. Let me ask you it this way. Let me ask you this question. What is the primary characteristic of a relationship with God, of faith in God, of the people of God? What defines the people of God? Sometimes I think we're tempted to say; "Well it's our doctrine." But everybody's got doctrine. And nobody in this room has perfect doctrine. Y'all know that right? sometimes we think it's our our behavior or our morality or our rituals - the way we do Church or the way we live a certain way or these sorts of things but everybody's got that.
The primary characteristic of the people of God is the presence of God. That's the only thing that's going to make us different. That's the only thing that's going to empower us to actually make a difference, not just in our lives and the lives of our family and our loved ones but in the lives of the world. What are you going to do about the brokenness of this world? Waht are you going to do about the problems and challenges in our community and our families; let alone in the nation or in the globe. What do we have the offer? I don't have much. Really I got nothing. But I got Jesus - so I got everything. The primary characteristic of the people of God is the presence of God. And church, hear me - that doesn't just happen here. We think that this is God's house so when we come to God's house and then we go out to the world. The Earth is the Lord and everything therein. What we need, listen, an a pastor this time of year is always fascinating to me. Because two weeks ago we doubled in size, right? Christmas. We doubled, almost tripled in size. Right? And in a couple of months we'll do it again at Easter. The "Chreasters" I call them. They come at Christmas. They come at Easter. The Chreasters. It's this idea of like: well, it's Christmas, it's Easter, I better go visit God." I better go visit God. And listen, I am glad that they come at Christmas and Easter. I'm going to open the door every year. I'm going to try to introduce them to Jesus in such a way that they might entertain the idea that God is worth more than a couple of Sundays a year. But before we get all high-and-mighty and look down on the Chreasters:
how many of us - we're happy to give God an hour or an hour and a half - Unless the football game starts early.
The primary characteristic of the people of God is not that we show up at a building once a week. The primary characteristic of the people of God is the presence of God. And if you're not experiencing the presence of God in your home, in your workplace, in your car, with your kids and your grandkids -
what do you have to offer? See all we can really offer people is God. Hi, my name is Jeremy. I'm kind of a wreck, but I know Jesus and He's amazing. The primary characteristic of the people of God is the presence of God. If Your presence will not go with me don't bring us up from here. How shall it be known that I've found favor in Your sight, I and Your people? Is it not Your going with us so that we are distinct, I and Your people from every other people on the face of the Earth? God this is what's going to set us apart. This is what's going to reveal that You're with us. Your presence. Your presence. Don't accept a substitute for the presence of God.
So I ask this? How present is your God?
How present is your God?
The story is told of a young single mom with two boys. I've told this story before, but I love it and I'm gonna do it again. Most of you forgot it. It's Okay. Her boys were crazy. I mean just out of control and she was at her wit's end. She went to Oprah. She talked to Dr. Phil. She went to the principal. She did everything she could. Finally, maybe the pastor can help. She makes an appointment to take the boys the church to sit with the pastor. She brings them in - the boys come into the lobby. Pastor says I'd like to meet with the older boy first. He brings the older boy in, sits him down. The Pastor goes behind his desk, sits down. He looks at him and says son, Where is God? This was his idea. God is everywhere. Be careful what you're doing. God always sees. You know, put a little fear in him that sort of thing. The little boy though. All he hears is "Where is God?" His eyes get really big, that deer-in-the-headlight look, you know? The Pastor says, I'm sorry son. Did you hear me? I asked you a question. Where is God? The little boy starts to get clearly agitated - he's not saying a word. At which point the Pastor's getting a little frustrated - thinks the boy is being rebellious - not answering him. So the Pastor stands up, slams his hand on the desk and says, Son I asked you a question: where is God? At which point the boy jumped up, ran out of the Pastor's office, grabs his little brother and drags him out of the church and started running as fast as he could until he couldn't run any farther. At which point his little brother looked up at him and he said "What happened in there?" And the older boy looked at his younger brother and He said "I don't know, but they lost God and they're trying to blame it on us."
Do you ever feel like you've lost God?
Do you know what it's like to pray and it feels like your prayers are like lead balloons.
You cry out. You used to feel God's presence, but now you don't feel His presence. You had a lightness and a joy but all you feel now is sorrow. You go through the proverbial "Dark Night of the Soul."
Sometimes we feel like we've lost God, but what I need you to know and hear this morning is that that's all it is. It's a Feeling. We don't lose God. We can't lose God because God can't lose us. The presence of God is not about your feeling of Him. It's bigger than that. The presence of God is not here because we feel it. The presence of God is here because He chooses to be here. And in those times when we feel it we celebrate and in those times and we don't feel it we trust.
Moses, I said I was going to go with you. I'm going to go with you. The Lord said to Moses this very thing that you've spoken I will do for you have found favor in my sight and I know you by name. I'm going to be with you Moses. When it gets ugly, when it gets messy, when it's beyond you I will be right there. We were standing today on on the on the brink of a new year. I don't know what 2019 has for you. For some of us it's going to have some amazing joys and discoveries. For some of us it's going to be painful and messy.
But we will not face anything alone.
If we know God. Just like God promised to be with Moses has not Jesus promised to be with us? Think about the Great Commission with me. We know this text very very well. Matthew 28. Jesus has died. He's risen again. He now gathers his disciples to give them the marching orders, right? As You Go Make Disciples of all the nations baptizing them in the name of the father and the Son and the Holy Spirit teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. And often we stop there. But when we stop there we miss one of the great promises, and really the power that will enable us to do this. It says this, "And behold I Am With You always, even to the end of the age. No matter where you go in 2019, no matter what you come across, no matter what comes against you, Jesus has promised to be with you.
The presence of God is everything
So Moses finally accepts it, and he comes back with his third request. And I think it's one of the most bold prayers in all of scripture. Moses says, okay, "Show Me Your Glory."
I want to see it God. I want to see it. Now, what's amazing about this is that Moses has seen God In A Burning Bush. Moses has been up on a Mountaintop, with lightning, like nobody else could come up on the mountain or they'd die. He's been up there with God. Moses been in the Tent he comes out of tent he's glowing. Moses has been with God in ways that nobody else has been with God and he comes back to God. Okay, now that I know you're coming with me I've got another request. I want more. Show Me Your Glory. I want more. I don't know about you, but I want more of God. I want more. I'm not going to be content with yesterday's blessings because His mercies are new every morning. I don't know about you, but in 2019, no matter what happens, I want more of God. I want more of Him. I want to know His heart more. I want to spend time with Him more. I want to think His thoughts more. I want to live in His ways more. I want more of God. Show Me Your Glory, give me more. Give me more.
It's fascinating, because God says all right, I'll do that. I'll make my goodness pass before you. I will Proclaim My name in your presence, THE LORD, and I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious and show Mercy on whom I will show Mercy.
It's fascinating. Moses says: Show Me Your Glory and God responds, I'm going to have my goodness pass in front of you. My goodness, My generosity, My faithfulness, My Justice. I'm going to show you who I am. I'm going to declare My name in your presence. But he also qualifies it. I'm not doing it because you're bending My arm. I'm not. I'm going to do it because I want to do it. I'll have mercy on whom I have mercy. Moses says, Show Me Your Glory and God says I'll pass My goodness in front of you because I choose to do so. So, for working definition from this text, what is God's glory? God's glory is His Sovereign goodness. His Sovereign goodness. God is good and God is in control. For some of you in this room that's a problem. For many in this world that's a problem. We really think it's got to be one or the other. Because of sin. Because of pain, because of the brokenness of this world we say, "Well, if God is really good, He must not be that powerful cuz all this bad stuff is happening." Or we say, "Well, if God is really all-powerful He must not be all that good cuz all this bad stuff is happening."
God declares Himself in this text, He says listen, "I am good. And I am sovereign. It may not make sense all the time. You need to learn to trust me."
It's funny. He goes, I'm going to do this, but you can't take it all. He goes I'm going to hide you in the cleft of a rock. I'm going to put my hand over you. I'm going to pass in front of you. And then when when it's safe, then you can look and get a little glimpse. It's, remember Raiders of Lost Ark? When they open the Ark, the guy's face melts. This is God's goodness. I could show you Myself and then you'd die and we wouldn't get anywhere. I'm going to be good to you.
Here's my question, it says, "You can't see my face for no man shall see Me and live." How powerful is your God?
How powerful is your God? Is He a loving God that can't really pull things off? Is He a powerful God that's not really all that loving? Or is He good and sovereign?
See the story scripture reveals that God is good and God is in control. Yeah, we go through incredible difficulties. Yeah, there's pain, there's sorrow. As the scripture says everybody who wants to live a Godly life must suffer persecution. Jesus said, "In this world you will have trouble. But take heart for I have overcome the world." Yeah, there's pain, there's sorrow, there's struggle, And in the midst of it God is good and God is in control. We can know, those of us who love God and are called according to his purposes, that all things can and will work together for good.
We have a hope that's bigger than our circumstances.
We can know that what man intends for evil God can superintend for good.
We can say with Moses. If God is for us, then who can really be against us?
God's power is bigger than what we expect it to be. He is able to deal with the brokenness and pain of this world and He will ultimately wrap it up in such a way that will leave us amazed and astounded for eternity. That's why Paul can say this in Romans 8:18. He says, "I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not even worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us." All the pain, all the sorrow, all the struggle, will one day be reconciled, and restored, and resolved,
and rescued by our sovereign and good God.
Let me end with this. Paul writes in 2nd Corinthians 3:18:
He says this: "And we all with unveiled faces..."
I encourage you to spend some time this week in this text. Go back to chapter two, Second Corinthians 2 all the way through 4. He's talking about Moses and the old Covenant. How there was always this Veil, this separation. Between Moses and God, between the people and God. But now, because of Jesus things have gotten better. He says, "we with unveiled face beholding the glory of the Lord are being transformed into the same image from one degree of Glory to another. this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit."
That's what I want for 2019. That's what I want for me, for my family, for every single one of you. I want you to behold the glory of God, because, when you see God's glory it changes you. W'hen you spend time in the presence of God, not just doing things in His name, not just doing things for Him, not just following the rules and regulations but in relationship, in His presence, when you see His goodness, when you trust His control, when you behold His glory, you can't help but be changed. Paul says we're changed from glory to glory. Right now, I look a little bit like Jesus. A little bit, mostly the beard!
I look a little bit like Jesus. Next year, I want to be standing here in front of you and I want to look more like Him. Next year, more. The next year, more. We behold His glory and we are transformed from glory to glory. This is the work of the Spirit. I don't know about you, but that's what I want. Who's in? Who's in? Who wants 2019 to be the year that you fall more and more in love with Jesus? The year that you begin to look more and more like Jesus, not because you figure something out or you follow some formula, but because you spend time in the presence of God.