Called from Our Baptism

When the Spirit Calls  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  25:03
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There is many important dates in our lives.
For some of us the date that we were married. If you are not certain if this is true men just ask your wife...
Another important date is your birthday… We know the date, some of us celebrate it , while others don’t want to be reminded
Hannah’s want to made sure I knew her Birth date. May two Five...
As important as all those dates are there is one other date that tops them all when it comes to the significance of it in our lives.
That date is the date of our baptism
We don’t celebrate like our birth date, yet it marks our entry into the family of God, the church… “we are initiated into Christ’s holy church”
Some our baptized as Adults… Anabaptist, Methodist
While others receive their baptism as infants… Methodist beliefs on infant baptism
Weather you were adult or an infant you have enter into the family God. You are included into a body of believers to be nurtured in the faith… Connect to God, Grow in faith, and serve others.
in our baptismal rites the church makes a covenant with you:
“Members of the household of God, I commend these persons to your love and care. Do all in your power to increase their faith confirm their hope, and perfect them in love.”

Coming of the Holy Spirit

As important as Baptism for each of us there is one other element that is need in the life of a believer. This is made clear in Acts chapter 8, that to be baptized in the name of Jesus is not a Christian baptism; we have to get the Spirit involved.
The early Christian community was a community born of the Holy Spirit. They were followers of Jesus to be sure, but they were a community aware of their birth in, and power through, the Holy Spirit...
As are we, it is in and through the Spirit that we move and have our being…
it is the Spirit that is the still small voice of God…
It is the Spirit that intercedes on our behalf…
At Jesus’ baptism, the Holy Spirit descends upon him like a dove. Jesus does not come out of the water and shout: “Hey did you see that? Do you know what that makes me? Pay attention to me!”
The gifts of our baptism are gifts of the Spirit. Jesus calls to us through our baptism, but it is the grace we receive from the Spirit that make it possible to answer Christ’s call. ...
The early Christians considered themselves followers of The Way—the way of Christ. To be faithful followers:
we need the gifts, guidance, and strength of the Holy Spirit to help us on this journey with Christ...
To be called from our baptism is to realize that just as Jesus needed the blessing of the Holy Spirit to begin and faithfully complete his mission on earth, we too need the blessing of the Holy Spirit to answer our calling in Christ.
We may believe on the name of Jesus, but our baptism depends on the blessings of the Holy Spirit to gift us on our way.


Our Baptism is not complete until the Holy Spirit has grabbed you and you experience your own Epiphany.
Epiphany isn’t an everyday Christian word like sin or salvation. It comes from a Greek word for manifestation or appearance.
For many Christians, Epiphany refers to the manifestation of the divine nature of Jesus, which we celebrated last week.
But the word "epiphany" has another popular meaning that strikes closer to home. One that is personal that is : a sudden flash of understanding or insight.
When Jesus became real to me…
It is the moment that changes your life; Jesus moves from head to the heart ...

When the Spirit Calls

During this season of Epiphany we are going to explore together what are baptism and the coming of the Holy Spirit is all about. You see we are:
Called from Our Baptism for a purpose...
Called to use our Gifts...
called to Work Together...
Called to Love, Worship, to be a Blessing
Called to love Even When it’s Hard
Called to New Vision
We will be allowing the Holy Spirit over the next weeks work and move us to see the true nature of our calling in Jesus Christ.
A calling that affirms that even though we realize there is nothing we can do to be worthy to be accepted into God’s household but yet he wanted you anyway.
With all your faults and imperfection God loves you and has reached out to you drawing you closer to him each and every day.
It is up to you to step forward and accept the gift of grace that he has offered and continues to offer to you. We need to be remind from time to time that we are loved by God and have been created and called for a purpose. You who have baptized and are a part of the household of God are invited to come and remember your baptism, and be thankful. (Music Starts)
if you have been baptized I invite you to come (center aisle) ...
If you have not been baptized I would love to talk to you privately, just let me know
Come as you are ready...
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