Sexual Sanctification is the Will of God - III
Sexual Sanctification is the Will of God - III
> We have been considering the Means, Method & Motivation for sexual sanctification from this text.
> Last week we saw that God’s holy purposes for sex are designed to keep us holy. Purposes in marriage: (1) To bring God glory, (2) The way for procreation & (3) A means of joy & delight.
> Today we are going to see even more motivation from God for us to live a sexually sanctified life.
The Motivation For Sexual Sanctification
A. This is God’s will (1Th. 4:3a)
There is no mystery, confusion or doubt regarding this issue, sexual purity is God’s will & it pleases Him (1Th. 4:1b). Children of God want to know what pleases our heavenly Father. The HS makes God’s will known to us; then He gives us the desire & power to obey His will (Phil. 2:13).
B. Sexual immorality in the church is a transgression & wrong against a family member (1Th. 4:6a)
Transgress means to cross a boundary & (πλεονεκτέω) means to take advantage of another. Within God’s family, we are never to cross the sexual boundaries designed by God for holiness. Fornication, adultery, incest, etc. crosses the sexual boundary reserved for marriage; crosses the boundary for holy relationships among Christians. You take advantage of a brother/sister & make them a co-conspirator in sin against God. You jeopardize the reputation of Christ & His church. The church family is to be an environment of trust & safety – young, old, single & married. Brothers & sisters in Christ must not cross this boundary physically or in our hearts. Our thoughts/actions toward each other should be pure & we must not tempt each other to sexual sin – words, actions, appearance (Eph. 4:29; 1Th. 5:26; 1Tim. 2:9). We also must not cross this boundary with unbelievers either. This is holy love for our neighbor…(Mt. 22:39).
C. The Lord will avenge this sin (1Th. 4:6b)
“avenge” (ἔκδικος) means justice being done to rectify a
wrong done to another. God judges sin in the church (1Pe. 4:17.; 1Co. 11:30-32). You bring God’s wrath & judgment upon yourself & the other person involved – judgment in this life & possibly for eternity. Unless there is repentance, God says 1Co. 6:9-10. God may afflict you with health problems (Ps. 32:3-4.; 1Co. 5:5), ineffective prayer (Ps. 66:18), removal of God’s restraint & protection (Rom. 1:24-32). But even if there is repentance, there may be lifelong consequences as with king David – death of relatives, misery for friends, humiliation, turmoil (2Sam. 12:10-12).
D. God has not called saints for impurity (1Th. 4:7)
God has exerted supernatural power to call & deliver us from sin. Why did He do that? = holiness. God’s purposes of purity & holiness are intended for our good & joy in life. He wants us to have sweet fellowship with Him, clean heart, clear conscience, restful sleep, peace with people…
E. Disregarding the stated will of God is a serious sin - 1Th. 4:8
If you willfully disobey the word of God, then your body/soul are in danger. You may be a weak & deceived believer, an apostate [fallen away], or reprobate [rejected]. Listen to Jas. 4:17; Heb. 3:12-13; 10: 26-31; Rom. 1:28. You are sinning against the continuing presence & power of the HS (Eph. 4:30.; 1Th. 5:19). The HS who brings conviction & repentance is able to give us victory over sexual sin!
These warnings are given to protect us, to keep us in the place of blessing & sweet fellowship with God & each other; they are given because our heavenly Father loves His children; because Jesus has saved us from slavery to sexual sin to live as His ambassadors for Him in this world; because the Holy Spirit has given us power to live holy, love holy; to have holy conversations, actions & appearance; power to have holy thoughts, eyes, mouths & hands; power to resist the devil & sexual temptations; power to remain faithful to God & in our relationships with each other; power to persevere & have victory until the end; power to keep heaven & eternity in view as our glorious goal while we journey here on earth!
So my brothers & sisters in Christ I hope that these warnings will not fall on deaf ears & dull hearts today. It is my heart’s desire and more importantly God’s desire that we take full advantage of the Means, Method & Motivation for sexual sanctification as outlined for us here in this text. NHBC should be an environ-ment of sexual purity, safety & trust for every member here young, old, single or married. Moreover, we must be the light of sexual purity shining for a dark unbelieving world; the light of our lives must shine for the doubting world that does not believe that singles can truly find delight in the Lord w/o sex; shine for those who do not believe that a husband & wife can find truly delight in each other w/o looking outside marriage for sex. Our light must shine in this area so that people will see our good works & glorify our Father who is in heaven. This is God’s will for us. So my brothers & sisters when we bow to pray, will you ask God to keep you sexually pure with your body & heart? And then will you make a commitment to use all the means that God has made available for your success?
If you are considering joining a church, we would love to have you join us here as we find our delight in the Lord; learning to love Him & each other.
If you are not a Christian, you must humble yourself & ask Jesus Christ to save. Making vows & commitments against sin will only frustrate until the power of the Holy Spirit dwells in you. When Jesus saves you, then you will have power to live in victory over sin!