Untitled Sermon
Sermon Tone Analysis
Thanks be to you for in Christ we have not only been renewed, but that we have been made new. We are indeed a new creation. We are a tree that has been planted by the waters.
You write the Law upon our hearts and we delight in it day and night. In all that we do, You prosper our lives with the fruit of the Spirit. We are seeking you today to help us see this prospering. In the midst of suffering, in a broken, fragmented world that we live in, we are coming to you and asking for you to prosper us more in this year. Lord will you help us to see Your presence in this season, in this year? Will you help us not to forget you when the realities of death come upon us from out of nowhere and where bad prognoses leave us asking why? Will you comfort us in these seasons, and help us to weep with those that weep? Help us to see that these sufferings are not only point to man’s frailty but to the hope that we have in Jesus Christ, and that He is the ultimate healer.
Father I pray for our beloved that are present and absent today. These are your people and as we embark upon this series, Lord we ask that you would teach us to speak the truth in love, not only to the body of Christ, but to a lost and dying world. Help us to seek healing through gospel conversations where we can take off the masks of self righteous indignation toward one another and share from the heart what we need to tell one another. May 2019 be a year of healing and may it start in the house of the Lord amongst your people.
We pray also for those that are here and do not know you. Awaken them by the power of the word preached, melt their hearts of stone in to flesh. Awaken!
We lift the Brad to you today, to fill him with your spirit as he preaches the word. May we see how Christ is speaking through him today. Sink the truths of the word into our hearts and run it through our veins to the work of our hands and the direction of our feet.
In Christ name we humbly pray.