Malachi 2:10-16
God’s View of Marriage
be unfaithful, be faithless, break faith, i.e., not trustworthy or reliable to a person or standard (1Sa 14:33); 2. LN 88.271–88.282 (qal) commit adultery, be unfaithful, i.e., have sex with partner that is not one’s married spouse (Jer 3:9), note: this refers to a spiritual unfaithfulness to other gods; 3. LN 37.111–37.113 (qal) betray, act. treacherously, i.e., to be faithless to a principle, person or group, often with a result of handing someone into control of another, with justification (Isa 21:2)
defile, profane, treat with contempt, i.e., ceremonially or ritually be common and impure in the eyes of deity and/or society, seen as a violation of covenant (Lev 19:8), see also LN 88.256–88.261; (nif) defiled, profaned, desecrated (Lev 21:4, 9; Isa 48:11; Eze 7:24; 20:9, 14, 22; 22:16, 26; 25:3+)
detestable thing, abomination, repulsion, i.e., an object which is loathsome and abhorrent (Dt 7:26), note: the object may be a concrete “thing” or a “way” or “practice,” as lifestyle behavior;