Dealing With Discouragement

God's Blueprint For Your Life  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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14 years ago, when I first entered ministry, I had great misconceptions. I thought everyone would support the move. Instead, I lost friends and became alienated by some. I thought I would be received and applauded by other many. I thought that the world and Satan would resist me, instead it was usually people who called themselves Christians. I imagined great success, complete acceptance, and unbridled support.
Within six months, I became very aware of the reality of ministry. Ministry is full of disappoints.
There were people who opposed me.
There were people who deserted me.
Masses of people were not saved.
Some pastors saw you as competition, not fellow laborers.
Ministry is hard.
But I need to remind you of something - We are all called to ministry
Yes, I was called by God to be a pastor
But you were called to be a minister in some way
And this is what I know about your ministry and your walk with Christ - There are disappoints
Causes of disappoint:
Your own failure (Illuss.: 9 times out of 10, I feel like a failure)
Demonic attack
Resistance from the world
Church/Christian slander
Many more
The danger exists that disappoint can manifest and grow into discouragement; And when discouragement becomes the norm - Depression is right around the corner
We need to accept and be aware that Christians are not immune for disappointment, discouragement, and depression -
We need to be real - and lose the facade
None of us are exempt from these things
This is very true for one of the greatest preachers of all time - Charles Spurgeon. For all purposes, Spurgeon had an incredibly successful ministry. He was a pastor by age 16. Preached to thousands. Pastored the most successful church in England. He was published and is cited by many preachers and pastors to this day. However, there was great disappointment. He was slandered severely. He had members in his church that opposed him and gave him fits. He had gout that made life difficult. And then on what should have been a highlight of his ministry. On October 19, 1856 he preached for the first time in the Music Hall of the Royal Surrey Gardens because his own church would not hold the people. The 10,000 seating capacity was far exceeded as the crowds pressed in. Someone shouted, “Fire!” and there was great panic in parts of the building. Seven people were killed in the stampede and scores were injured. Spurgeon was twenty-two years old and was overcome by this calamity. He suffered from bouts of depression from that point on for the rest of his life.
We see from the text that the church at Ephesus was discouraged. Why? Paul was imprisoned and the surrounding culture was resistant to the gospel.
Spurgeon was twenty-two years old and was overcome by this calamity.
The Ephesians might be discouraged but Paul is not.
Why? Paul is describing his ministry and in it our biblical truths that the Ephesians should clasp to to navigate through their disappoints, discouragements, and even depression.
Understand what is going on - Paul is describing His ministry as a way to encourage the Christians at Ephesus
I want to do the same for you today
There are a few groups of people that I am speaking to today
The Exhausted: There are some in here that have been serving the Lord for years and your tired, weary, and discouraged
The Extinguished: There are some in here that you used to serve but for what ever reason, you decided that it was time to go from servant to spectator
The Excited: Listen closely. Because discouragement in ministry is inevitable
Lets answer this question today - Why was Paul not discouraged? and How can we learn from Paul so that we might overcome discouragement?


1. Paul Saw Himself as a Steward (v1-2)

Paul is in prison - for following Jesus
There is greater meaning - He is held captive by grace
Paul does not see his ministry as a that of a volunteer but that of a steward
Steward - oikorouos - Manager or administer
Stewardship does not equate ownership
You do not own the message - so you can not change it
You do not own the purpose - so you can not change it
You are responsible for managing the message of the Gospel in the way God has called you, involving your gifts
Stewardship isn’t volunteered for - it is commissioned
Stewardship is a part of grace
By God’s Grace - He has given you ministry in which you are a steward
Stewardship denotes responsibility
Illuss.: The IRS calls you up and says, you are to be audited for your taxes
Your stewardship of the gospel is directed for a specific group
There are people out there that God is going to use you in some way to reach
We are accountable for our stewardship
Not sure what you have been taught before - but you are going to give an account to God for what you did with your Stewardship
Do you see yourself as a steward or a volunteer?
Stewards don’t quit - because they are accountable and responding to grace
Because they see their ministry as an act of grace - They feel indebted
Volunteers quit - because they see others indebted to them
Illuss.: Thank about it like this. Mark asks me to help him put in some flooring in his house. I agree. We spend the day putting in his floor. Looking at the living room. We admire the work. He says, see you tomorrow. My response, say what? Mark says, we have the rest of the house to finish. I bet I am not feeling as good about the situation. But what if Mark had been spent the last year building a house for me. Different story
Christ is not indebted to us, we are indebted to Him - And we have the stewardship of making His name known all over this world

2. Paul Was Overwhelmed by Grace(v2-7)

When Paul speaks of his ministry - he speaks of grace
Our discouragement is often the results of losing sight of the gospel and grace
Paul doesn’t do that -
Think of the things Paul could be speaking of
Conditions and hardships of prison
The stonings and persecution
The false teachers and legalists that had have attacked him
Ship wrecked and bitten by snakes
But instead when Paul speaks of his ministry - He speaks of the mystery of the gospel, He speaks of grace
Illuss.: Personally, when I get discouraged in ministry- it is usually because I have put the gospel in the back seat. I will begin to focus in on criticism or struggles or failures. I have an option right now - to focus on the grace that God has given me, the message of grace, or the people who are now asleep
Paul points out to them the significance of what we are given - there are some pretty amazing people who would have loved to be in our shoes right now.
Noah, Elijah, Isaiah would be jealous of our opportunity
When we recognize how big this thing is and the importance of what we are saying is - the discouragement found in the details will slip away
The message of
Illuss.: A number of years ago, I was working through my understanding of grace and salvation. Specifically God’s Sovereignty in my salvation. I remember sitting in downtown Louisville looking over the river, reading the &9 over again. It was that point my understanding of grace changed me drastically

3. Paul Was Determined To Make Jesus Known (v8-10)

Paul places all of his cards on Jesus, not on himself
Paul says I am the Least but Christ is unsearchable
Paul says I am the Least but Christ is unsearchable
If you place yourself at the center and forefront of your ministry - discouragement will be common place
Why? I fail, I mess up
Illuss.: By this point, you might be picking up on some of my weaknesses: I might forget something every now and then, there is a chance I have a little ADHD and OCD, and I can switch directions on you in a hurry, quite decisive about things. If I make my ministry about me then I am going to drive myself crazy. But if my ministry is about the perfect, holy, wonderful, loving Christ - He will never disappoint me
The bigger you are in your own eyes - the more you will be disappointed and discouraged
We want to make this Christ known

4. Make Ministry About the Lost (v10)

He has incaluable riches - I have measurable flaws
There is a world full of darkness - and we get to shine the light of Christ into that darkness
Illuss.: My father used to take me in the woods and stay until it was dark (I thought he was trying to lose me or something). It was scary. You would thought he would have brought a flashlight. This world is in spiritual darkness. Don’t let discouragement keep you from shining the light. I know people have hurt you, I know you have failed, I understand that criticism stings - but Christ must be bigger than your disappointments

4. Paul Understood that his ministry had eternal consequences (11-12)

Illuss.: I hate making beds - it seems so pointless- Your simply just going to mess it up again
There is so much that we do that simply has no value but we waste time on it
Illuss.: I have been working on cleaning out my basement these past few weeks. A basement is were all of the things you could live without end up. I came across a toy that I vividly remember. One of the boys was about 4, and they asked for a crayon maker. The stores sold out. I searched diligently. It was the only thing on the list. Eventually, I bought one off of the internet for double the retail price. It was used twice and then eventually taken to the basement.
So many things in this life do not last
But what we do for God is eternal
Nothing I ever do is going to affect what happens in DC but what I do for Jesus is going to affect what happens in heaven
When we grasp on to this thought - the things that discourage us fade away


So, are you exhausted, extinguished - are you discouraged in ministry
Do not lose heart - See ministry in a different -
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