A New Beginning
A New Beginning
Text: Exod.12:1-3
Introduction: The Backdrop of the Account
A. Israel in Egypt (12:1)
1. Israel went into Egypt during the time of a famine and never returned to their land - became
2. Israel worshiped their gods; Osirus the Bull; Anubis the Jackal; Heka (frog) the goddess of
3. Because of their taskmasters, they began to cry to Jehovah for deliverance
B. Moses and Aaron (12:1)
1. Appointed by God to be His leader and spokesmen... “Let My people go!!”
C. A New Beginning - God was preparing to move in their lives - (12:2)
I. The Home - “No nation is stronger than the families of that nation.” (old cliche’)
A. The father - the head; respected and revered (12:3)
1. it was his duty to go choose the lamb for his household / family (for every household)
B. Family members (12:8)
1. Each individual family member must receive a part of the lamb in order to come under the
protection of God
2. It was celebrated together speaks of the fellowship of the family (12:8)
a. God’s pattern was family-centered - (Note: satan’s intense onslaught on the family structure
1. Divorce - parents and their toys of luxury - children turning to gangs for acceptance
(secondary family).
II. The Stipulations for the Sacrificial Lamb
A. Without blemish (12:5)
1. Chosen on the 10th day - watched over it until the 14th - inspected it closely (12:3,6)
a. They would have to trust in the purity of this lamb
B. In its first year (12:5)
1. Its innocence; at a tender age - in the prime of its life
C. Kill it in the evening on the 14th day (12:6)
1. The father killed the lamb (priest) (between 3 - 5:00 p.m.)
D. The lamb’s blood was applied to the doorposts (12:7)
1. By using a spray of hyssop (12:22)
E. Placed it on a wooden spit (cross) & roast it with fire; eat all of it (12:9)
1. With bitter herbs (remember where I brought you from) - to be fully clothed (prepared to go
out at any time)
III. The Saving of the Home
A. The family had to stay within the home (12:22)
B. At midnight there was a great cry in Egypt because not a house was left untouched (12:30)
C. All Israel spared death by the shedding of blood (pesach - “to leap over”) PASSOVER
A. 2000 yrs. ago, Jesus came into Jerusalem - many cheered - this was “the Lamb of God...”
1. (1 Pet. 1:19) (Christ) “...a Lamb without blemish.”
B. A Lamb, in His prime - was taken by the priest and inspected by those whom He stood
C. Jesus was roasted with the fire of persecution
D. Jesus placed on a wooden spit (cross) and He died at 3:00 p.m.
B. The act of applying the blood saved them (You are redeemed by the precious blood of the
Lamb) 1 Pt. 1:18
1. However, it’s not enough to know “about” Jesus, you must apply His blood to your heart
a. As the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt (sin), God is speaking to you
b. You can be delivered, but you must “want” to be delivered - let this be a new beginning for
“Family Day” @ SHM 4/2/2000