Evangelism Seminar (Lite)

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Mark 16:15 ESV
And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.
- Encourage
I want you to feel like you can do this. I want you to stop feeling bad about not witnessing more and start to look at it differently.

18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

- Empower
Turn you on to a few tools and get you to think evangelistically
- Envision
What could my life ministry be if I committed myself to sharing my faith every week?
My story:
My story:
1st convert Kevin,
Taco Bell: “You’re callin me the devil!”
Mark 16:15 ESV
And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.
Matthew 28:18–20 ESV
And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

15 And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation. 16 Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.

We looked last week at Acts ...
My Story
I grew up in the church in the buckle of the Bible belt. I was around people who
were religious and were into church and stuff, but I totally wasn't. And we
talked about a personal relationship with Jesus, but it never happened to me
and my family never talked about it in the house, so I turned away from it. I
started looking into other religious options figuring that Christianity just
didn't fit me. I didn't realize the implications of that choice or the
absolute absurdity of moral and religious relativism. These two choices
are like white bread and candy to our souls. They stifle hunger, but offer no
nutrients only a craving for more. However, I did not consider morality to be
relative at that age and had a driving conscience due to that Christian
The Church is being duped, swayed, fooled by pastors and culture with
agendas contrary to the Word of God! We are constantly warned to watch out
for it teachers of either extremes towards being angels or animals i.e. 1 Tim.
4:1-2, (doctrines taught by demons )2 Tim. 4:1-4 (itching ears)
*Let me define those terms (next slide)
"Moral relativism maintains that there are no moral
absolutes, no objective ethical right and wrong.
Moral values are true--or "genuine"--for some, but not
for others. Since there are differing expressions or
morality in the world, there is no reason to think that one
is any more true and objectively binding than another.
The implication is that statements of value (for example,
"adultery is morally wrong") can be true for some but
false for others. Something is wrong--sleeping with the
boss, stealing paper clips, or leaving work early--only if
you think or feel it is wrong."
Paul Copan, True For You, But Not For Me (Minneapolis, MN: Bethany House Publishers, 1998), 19-20.
Read slide/show book. This could not be better illustrated than what happened
to me a few years ago on campus.
*I had been talking to an avowed Satanist and a relativist who have been
teaching at UMass. We got into a discussion about whether or not objective,
absolute morality exists. They did not believe in a good/evil paradigm so I
asked about a campus shooter and whether to rescue a cat or an infant from
being crushed by a truck given the choice. Responses were scary.
The moral relativist is on sinking sand because they have to defend the
morality of monsters. Headhunting cannibals who prey on the gullibility of
neighboring tribes who value treachery, murder, and malice cannot be
defended by moral relativism because we can all see that these moralities are
bankrupt in nature and morally reprehensible. The genocidal ideologies of
mass murderers like Stalin and Hitler, even if our culture saw them as normal
and good, would not excuse us. Just because your conscience is not pricked
does not make you innocent. Culture does not define what is moral, God does.
And indeed it is a slippery slope if anyone can define what is moral. What logic
would make your choices more valid than the sociopath? If your morality
supersedes sociopaths, perhaps someone else's supersedes your own. Who
would that be? Based on what?
*Now what about religious relativism? (next slide)
"Religious relativism maintains that one religion can
be true for one person or culture but not for
another. No religion, therefore, is universally or
exclusively true. Religious beliefs are simply an
accident of birth: If a person grows up in America,
chances are good that he might become a Christian; if
in India, that he will be a Hindu; if in Saudi Arabia, that
he will be a Muslim. If what one believes is the product
of historical happenstance, the argument goes, no
single religious belief can be universally or
objectively true."
Paul Copan, True For You, But Not For Me (Minneapolis, MN: Bethany House Publishers, 1998), 19-20.
All religions are not basically the same as anyone who has studied finds.
The chief distinctions all start with an S thanks to Ravi Zaccharias in his
teaching "Jesus among other gods."
Sin, suffering, and salvation.
*Next slide
Do all prayers go to the same god?
Prayer on campus
On Saturday 4/1/17, our small team of eager prayer warriors engaged with the
campus offering prayer to all that would accept it. One woman asked what kind
of prayer so we said Christian. She said that everybody prays to the same
god. But is that true? If so, why are so many people trying to kill Christians?
Typically and historically, Christians are pacifist in response to persecution and
were primarily pacifist for the first 300 years. They would embrace martyrdom
over corrupting themselves with violence. Why is the Bible illegal or restricted
in so many countries?
*Next slide
Today as we look at Jesus’ most controversial statement, we are going to
enter a world where neither moral or religious pluralism exists: the mind of a
Jew in the first century. To be more specific, Jesus' disciples.
We are going to look at the passage in just a minute and I'll set the stage, but
based on your bias, upbringing, culture, worldview, and understanding of
reality, you will undoubtedly bring that and read that into the text. One of the
chief goals of a theologian is to scrape away any of these biases and get into
the mindset of the authors of Scripture. Believe me, our culture brings so much
into its reading and interpretations of Scripture. Here are:
*2 Principles for Scriptural Analysis (Next slide)
1. The text cannot mean for us now,
what it didn't mean for them then.
2. If the plain sense of the text makes
sense, seek no other sense.
*2 Giant Rules for Interpreting Scripture:
1. The text cannot mean for us now, what it didn't mean for them then.
To read through Ezekiel and claim that the wheel within a wheel is proof of
alien life in the experience and mindset of Jews at that time is pure nonsense.
2. If the plain sense of the text makes sense, seek no other sense.
In other words, don't look for hidden meanings or interpretations based on
things outside the context of the passage.
Cognitive Dissonance
I say all of this to prepare you for the cognitive dissonance. I want to stifle your
brain from trying to reinterpret something that doesn't fit with your culture's
worldview. No easy task.
Now today, I want you to know...
Whether you are a Christian or not: Jesus is the only way to God,
B/c although uncosmopolitan, this truth has great implications for our eternal
destinies. Which doesn't have to be something to fear because you can know
for sure of your eternal destination today.(1 Jn. 5:13)
Now for Christians, I want you to embrace this truth without embarrassment.
When looked down upon, ostracized, misunderstood, considered intolerant or
uneducated, realize that this truth will save you. Expect persecution because
this world has an exhausting and ever-changing set of values. When the
opportunities arise, do not shy away from this truth.
For nons: This is a critical issue. If Jesus is the way to God, your search is
over for the meaning of life and the search for God. You should embrace
Jesus today as your way to the Father. Embrace Him as the truth about God
and the life, eternal life that we all want.
For Christians: Identity. The truth of this passage stands in great opposition
to the permissive and pc attitudes of our day. As followers of Jesus, we must
embrace this truth and be counted as outsiders of another culture: the
kingdom of God.
For nons: This passage demands action. If you don't, you are ignoring the
most clear signal pointing you towards spiritual enlightenment-to
salvation-towards your purpose!
Have you ever been around someone who knew how to stir up trouble? They
just didn't seem to have a bridle on their tongue. They will speak their mind no
matter who it offends because to them, their message is more important to get
out than people feeling comfortable.
That's Jesus.
He came with a very very controversial message and although it was a
message of hope, fulfillment, freedom, and a message for everyone, it called
for action and left no one an option to simply dismiss it.
In our culture, we have very stringent social boundaries of what and what not
to say in public. We are a very sensitive and politically correct and tolerant
culture. We want people to feel comfortable. We don't want anyone to feel out
of place, misunderstood, alienated, or hurt. And that's the one thing we get
upset about is when we see people violating our definition of tolerance.
But what if being tolerant gets in the way of Jesus' teaching or even being
•nice verses kind?
I can't think of another statement more controversial than the Jesus statement
we are looking at. Jesus said many controversial and difficult statements, but
this one takes the cake.
This statement threatens the very existence of other religions. It calls into
question the veracity of every sacred text and figure. But if it is true, it is
neither arrogant or insensitive. If true, it is not intolerant at all.
Truth by definition excludes.
"Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to
the Father except through me."
When Jesus speaks of "the Father", He is speaking of God the Father.
Therefore, the statement is that no one comes to God except through Him
because He is the means, the road, and the path to God.
*Next slide
14 God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM. This
is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I AM
has sent me to you.’ ”
(NIV, 2011) Ex.3:14
Jesus took this name upon Himself in Jn 8:58.
58 “Very truly I tell you,” Jesus answered,
“before Abraham was born, I am!” 59 At this,
they picked up stones to stone him, but Jesus
hid himself, slipping away from the temple
grounds. (Jn 8:58–59, NIV)
This is one of the seven I am statements that Jesus makes. I AM is the name
that God revealed to Moses indicating His eternal existence and omnipotence.
*14 God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the
Israelites: ‘I AM has sent me to you.’ ”
The New International Version (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2011), Ex
Jesus took this name upon Himself in Jn 8:58.
58 “Very truly I tell you,” Jesus answered, “before Abraham was born, I am!”
59 At this, they picked up stones to stone him, but Jesus hid himself, slipping
away from the temple grounds.
The New International Version (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2011), Jn
31 When he was gone, Jesus said, “Now the Son of Man is
glorified and God is glorified in him. 32 If God is glorified in
him, God will glorify the Son in himself, and will glorify him at
33 “My children, I will be with you only a little longer. You will
look for me, and just as I told the Jews, so I tell you now:
Where I am going, you cannot come.
34 “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have
loved you, so you must love one another. 35 By this everyone
will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”
36 Simon Peter asked him, “Lord, where are you going?”
Jesus replied, “Where I am going, you cannot follow now, but
you will follow later.” (Jn. 31-36, NIV)
Let’s take a look at this passage and set the stage.
disciples minus Judas Iscariot.
Jn 13:31-14:1-11
Jesus had the Passover dinner with His disciples, Judas betrayed Him.
Jesus then speaks of His glorification i.e. death, (Jn. 13:31-32) and vs. 33
His departure.
*31 When he was gone, Jesus said, “Now the Son of Man is glorified and
God is glorified in him. 32 If God is glorified in him, God will glorify the Son in
himself, and will glorify him at once.
The New International Version (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2011), Jn
vs. 33 peaks their curiosity with,
33 “My children, I will be with you only a little longer. You will look for
me, and just as I told the Jews, so I tell you now: Where I am going, you
cannot come. 34 “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have
loved you, so you must love one another. 35 By this everyone will know that
you are my disciples, if you love one another.”
The New International Version (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2011),
Jn 13:33-35.
Peter's still thinking about Jesus' last statement and asks,
36 Simon Peter asked him, “Lord, where are you going?”
The New International Version (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2011),
Jn 13:36.
Jesus' response is not help in satisfying anyone's curiosity.
Jesus replied, “Where I am going, you cannot follow now, but you will
follow later.”
37 Peter asked, “Lord, why can’t I follow you now? I will lay
down my life for you.”
38 Then Jesus answered, “Will you really lay down your life
for me? Very truly I tell you, before the rooster crows, you will
disown me three times!
14:1 “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God;
believe also in me. 2 My Father’s house has many rooms; if
that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there
to prepare a place for you? 3 And if I go and prepare a place
for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you
also may be where I am. 4 You know the way to the place
where I am going.” (Jn. 13:37-14:4, NIV)
*37 Peter asked, “Lord, why can’t I follow you now? I will lay down my life for
The New International Version (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2011),
Jn 13:36–37.
Peter messed it up once before when he tried to stand in the way of
Jesus' destiny with death. (reference) and he's not going to do it again.(lol) He
pledges allegiance to Jesus presidency unto even death to which Jesus
prophesies Peter's lack of courage in even acknowledging himself as a
follower of Jesus.
The Holy Bible: English Standard Version (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2016), .
38 Then Jesus answered, “Will you really lay down your life for me?
Very truly I tell you, before the rooster crows, you will disown me three times!
The New International Version (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2011),
Jn 13:38.
Jesus then comforts them with wedding language.
“Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in
me. 2 My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have
told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? 3 And if I go and
prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you
also may be where I am.
The New International Version (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2011),
Jn 14:1–3.
Then Jesus tells them that they know how to get to the Father's house.
He is speaking of heaven and the new heavens and new earth that are being
created for us.
4 You know the way to the place where I am going.”
The New International Version (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2011),
Jn 14:4
5 Thomas said to him, “Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so
how can we know the way?”
6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No
one comes to the Father except through me. 7 If you really know
me, you will know my Father as well. From now on, you do know
him and have seen him.”
8 Philip said, “Lord, show us the Father and that will be enough for
9 Jesus answered: “Don’t you know me, Philip, even after I have
been among you such a long time? Anyone who has seen me has
seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’? 10 Don’t
you believe that I am in the Father, and that the Father is in me?
The words I say to you I do not speak on my own authority. Rather,
it is the Father, living in me, who is doing his work. 11 Believe me
when I say that I am in the Father and the Father is in me; or at least
believe on the evidence of the works themselves.(Jn 14:5–11, NIV)
Thomas speaks for the group,
5 Thomas said to him, “Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so
how can we know the way?”
The New International Version (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2011),
Jn 14:5.
Jesus shares His most controversial statement of all time:
6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one
comes to the Father except through me. 7 If you really know me, you will know
my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him.”
The New International Version (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2011),
Jn 14:6–7.
8 Philip said, “Lord, show us the Father and that will be enough for
9 Jesus answered: “Don’t you know me, Philip, even after I have been
among you such a long time? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father.
How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’? 10 Don’t you believe that I am in the
Father, and that the Father is in me? The words I say to you I do not speak on
my own authority. Rather, it is the Father, living in me, who is doing his work.
11 Believe me when I say that I am in the Father and the Father is in me; or at
least believe on the evidence of the works themselves.
The New International Version (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2011),
Jn 14:8–11.
Jesus says He's leaving and they can't come yet.
They're like, "Where you going?"
He's like, "You can come later, but not now."(13:36)
He comforts them with wedding language, but they still don't get where "the
Acts 17:30–31 ESV
The times of ignorance God overlooked, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent, because he has fixed a day on which he will judge the world in righteousness by a man whom he has appointed; and of this he has given assurance to all by raising him from the dead.”
Father's house" is or how to get there.
So Jesus is like, "You know the way, its through me!"
So the whole conversation is based around Jesus going back to the Father in
heaven to prepare a place for His followers and the only way they can get
there is through Him.
He has made it clear in this passage that He and the Father are God in
figurative language. He is constantly acted in ways that are only considered
blasphemous to Jews by claiming authority and names only associated with
And the disciples realized these exclusive claims and the ramifications for their
fellow Jews and for the world. A way of salvation was coming through Jesus
alone, but it would bring about the promised kingdom of God and unspeakable
blessings to those who would embrace it.
The disciples embraced this message and preached it openly in a polytheistic,
pluralistic, all embracing Roman culture.
12 Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under
heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.”
The New International Version (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2011), Ac
The disciples did not hear: Jesus is A way, A truth, and A life.
Implications to original audience:
relevance for Christians:
relevance for nons:
Before you get mad and call Jesus and Christians intolerant, is it intolerant if
it is true and good for you? Also, if you don't believe it, if you consider the Bible
corrupt and of no consequence, then why should it even matter or bother you?
But Jesus is the promised king, the messiah the prophets foretold. He came to
inaugurate this kingdom of God and called for everyone to come into it. The
Jews assumed they would all recognize and follow the Messiah when He
came, but that wasn't the case. He was as the prophets foretold, despised and
rejected. But the punishment that brought us peace was upon Him and by His
stripes we are healed.
We can debate and debate asking about what about this and what about that,
but the crux of the matter is, "What will you do with Jesus?" We know that His
character is impeccable, His love sacrificial... so why not embrace Him as your
savior today? If you have embraced Him, why not begin obeying His command
to make disciples and share the gospel? Are you ashamed of Him?
23 And he said to all, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself
and take up his cross daily and follow me. 24 For whoever would save his life
will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will save it. 25 For what does
it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses or forfeits himself? 26 For
whoever is ashamed of me and of my words, of him will the Son of Man be
ashamed when he comes in his glory and the glory of the Father and of the
holy angels. 27 But I tell you truly, there are some standing here who will not
taste death until they see the kingdom of God.”
The Holy Bible: English Standard Version (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles,
2016), Lk 9:23–27.
I want us to break into some small groups and talk about our hesitancies to
absolute truth, the gospel, and even being ashamed of Jesus. These are some
questions to spark conversations, but feel free to speak your mind about how
you feel about this stuff. Let these questions be springboards and not static
Discussion questions
1. Is it better to be wrong and well liked or right
and considered intolerant?
2. Have you had any conversations relating to
comparative religions? Describe.
3. Is Jesus’ claim to be the only way to the Father
insensitive to other religions? If you believe it,
what qualms do you have in expressing it?.
Jesus wants the gospel preached to all creation, all nations, all people, everywhere!
This has been termed the Great Commission and were Jesus’ final words to His disciples.
The Great Commission. Jesus final words were, go and make disciples.
- [ ] Evangelism: A Simple Definition
- [ ] Evangelism: A Simple Definition
Evangelism: A Simple Definition
- Intentional Evangelism
- Notes
How would you define evangelism?
- These 6 areas are a witness in themselves.
Evangelism basically means to "share the good news." Jesus came to give us new life through His death on the cross.
- These 6 areas are a witness in themselves.
3 Goals for Today
3 Goals for Today
- Encourage
I want you to feel like you can do this. I want you to stop feeling bad about not witnessing more and start to look at it differently.
- Empower
Turn you on to a few tools and get you to think evangelistically
- Envision
What could my life ministry be if I committed myself to sharing my faith every week?
My story:
Are there different good news' for different people?
- Intentional Evangelism
- Intentional Evangelism
Testimony, E.E., Taco Bell: 1st convert Kevin, “You’re callin me the devil!”
1st convert Kevin,
Taco Bell: “You’re callin me the devil!”
Intentional Evangelism
- The Great Ommission/use whatcha got
- not willing (heartbeat)
- not willing (heartbeat)
- not willing (heartbeat)
- Party and all are invited.
- Party and all are invited.
Why don't we? Why is it hard?
- Uncle Robert and the telepathic evangelist.
Uncle Robert and the telepathic evangelist.
- He had telepath ethic powers and used what he had
- He had telepathic powers and used what he had lol! I wish it were that easy.
- I wish it were that easy.
- I wish it were that easy.
- My story and getting started.
My story and getting started.
Witnessing on Sidewalk (Gore, OK.)
- Gore, OK. What are you a preacher or something? No all
Christians are called to share the gospel.
What are you a preacher or something? No all Christians are called to share the gospel.
Christians are called to share the gospel.
Cherokee Nation
- Why don't we? Why is it hard?
- Examples of "use what you got"
- Cherokee Nation
- Demoniac no training
- Demoniac no training
- Blind man "one thing I know"
- Blind man "one thing I know"
- Peter "silver and gold"
- Peter "silver and gold"
- Woman at the well, "come see a man..."
- Woman at the well, "come see a man..."
- Cherokee Nation
- Cherokee Nation
I share this story with you because most of you aren't going into the ministry.
I share this story with you because most of you aren't
going into the ministry.
going into the ministry.
Anointing desks, Bible breaks, Praying for and with people, Really Loving people
- Anointing desks
Bible breaks
- Bible breaks
- /Praying for and with people
- Praying for and with people
- Really Loving people
- Really Loving people
Not love the sinner hate the sin
- Not love the sinner hate the sin
- The Prophetic
No response till 2001 Darlene, Felicia, Etc. 6 years later.
No response
- No response
2001 Darlene, Felicia, Etc. 6 years later.
- 2001 Darlene, Felicia, Etc. 6 years later.
- One thing: story
If I can deposit one thing? Ask people their story. When it's appropriate, share yours. Isn't this Gods story we are living? What is He up to in their life and your life?
If I can deposit one thing? Ask people their story. When
it's appropriate, share yours. Isn't this Gods story we
it's appropriate, share yours. Isn't this Gods story we
are living? What is He up to in their life and your
are living? What is He up to in their life and your
- Intentionally ask people questions about their life and enter their story.
- Intentionally ask people questions about their life
and enter their story.
and enter their story.
- Intentionally listen!
- Don't just listen to speak. Listen to understand and care.
- Don't just listen to speak. Listen to understand and care.
- Don't just listen to speak. Listen to
understand and care.
understand and care.
Far too often we have bombed our own road to
- Matt-Spirals. Shane gave a s#*t!
reconciliation. We have wrecked the highway.
reconciliation. We have wrecked the highway.
We need new roads into the hearts and lives
We need new roads into the hearts and lives
of people whose collective Christian
of people whose collective Christian
consciousness no longer looks to us for hope
consciousness no longer looks to us for hope
“Far too often we have bombed our own road to reconciliation. We have wrecked the highway. We need new roads into the hearts and lives of people whose collective Christian consciousness no longer looks to us for hope in this life, let alone the next one.”(Clueless Christianity-Dr. Gary Davis)
in this life, let alone the next
in this life, let alone the next
one.(Clueless Christianity-Dr. Gary Davis)
one.(Clueless Christianity-Dr. Gary Davis)
- Matt-Spirals. Shane gave a s#*t!
- Jesus was a friend of sinners. Are you?
- Jesus was a friend of sinners. Are you?
- Jesus was a friend of sinners. Are you?
- Intentionally pray for opportunities
- McD asked Ronnie if he prayed for opportunities
- McD asked Ronnie if he prayed for opportunities to share.
to share.
to share.
- What will you do intentionally to share Christ?
- What will you do intentionally to share Christ?
- Use whatcha got -Leila
- Intentionally relying on the Spirit
- Intentionally relying on the Spirit
- Men, especially need to be reached
- Men, especially need to be reached
In the book, Why Men Hate Church, (Thomas Nelson
In the book, Why Men Hate Church, (Thomas Nelson Publishing, Inc., Nashville, TN, © 2005) David Murrow said, “When a mother comes to faith in Christ, the rest of her family follows 17 percent of the time.  But when a father comes to faith in Christ, the rest of the family follows 93 percent of the time.”
Publishing, Inc., Nashville, TN, © 2005) David
Publishing, Inc., Nashville, TN, © 2005) David
Murrow said, “When a mother comes to faith in
Murrow said, “When a mother comes to faith in
In the book, Why Men Hate Church, (Thomas Nelson Publishing, Inc., Nashville, TN, © 2005) David Murrow said, “When a mother comes to faith in Christ, the rest of her family follows 17 percent of the time.  But when a father comes to faith in Christ, the rest of the family follows 93 percent of the time.”
Christ, the rest of her family follows 17 percent of
Christ, the rest of her family follows 17 percent of
the time.  But when a father comes to faith in
the time.  But when a father comes to faith in
Christ, the rest of the family follows 93 percent of
Christ, the rest of the family follows 93 percent of
the time.”
the time.”
3 Goals for Today
- [ ] Goals for Today
I have a goal for myself to attempt to share Christ more
I have a goal for myself to attempt to share Christ more
regularly and have actually committed to ask myself if I
regularly and have actually committed to ask myself if I
have attempted to share Christ everyday in a survey that is
have attempted to share Christ everyday in a survey that is
seen by our staff.
seen by our staff.
- Encourage
- Encourage
I want you to feel like you can do this. I want you to stop feeling bad about not witnessing more and start to look at it differently.
I want you to feel like you can do this. I want you to stop
feeling bad about not witnessing more and start to look at
feeling bad about not witnessing more and start to look at
it differently.
it differently.
- Empower
- Empower
Turn you on to a few tools and get you to think evangelistically
Turn you on to a few tools and get you to think
- Envision
- Envision
What could my life ministry be if I committed myself to sharing my faith every week?
What could my life ministry be if I committed myself to
sharing my faith every week?
sharing my faith every week?
- [ ] My story:
- [ ] My story:
1st convert Kevin,
1st convert Kevin,
1st convert Kevin,
“You’re callin me the devil!”
- Common Barriers to Sharing Our Faith (pg. 35, Bringing Someone With You)
- 0% Common Barriers to Sharing Our Faith (pg. 35, Bringing
*Common Barriers to Sharing Our Faith (pg. 35, Bringing Someone With You)
Someone With You)
Someone With You)
- [ ] ??What are some reasons why people don't want to share
??What are some reasons why people don't want to share their faith?
their faith?
their faith?
- They're going to ask me something I don't know.
- They're going to ask me something I don't know.
Monotheistic Hindu from MIT.
Monotheistic Hindu from MIT.
It's amazing what God can do if we'll just give Him something to work with. For every real question, there's a real answer.
It's amazing what God can do if we'll just give Him
It's amazing what God can do if we'll just give Him
something to work with. For every real question, there's a
something to work with. For every real question, there's a
real answer.
real answer.
- I'm going to get in the middle of something I can't finish.
- I'm going to get in the middle of something I can't finish.
- I'm going to get in the middle of something I can't finish.
Don't underestimate the Holy Spirit's ability to give you
Don't underestimate the Holy Spirit's ability to give you incredible help.
Matthew 5:13–16 ESV
“You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people’s feet. “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.
incredible help.
incredible help.
- I'm going to need a verse of Scripture and not know where it
- I'm going to need a verse of Scripture and not know where it is.
The Holy Spirit will bring Scripture to your remembrance.
The Holy Spirit will bring Scripture to your remembrance.
- I'm going to do more harm than good.
- I'm going to do more harm than good.
That's a lie designed to keep you from sharing your faith.
That's a lie designed to keep you from sharing your faith.
- They're going to turn against me and reject me.
- They're going to turn against me and reject me.
The key to overcoming the fear of rejection is to put our
The key to overcoming the fear of rejection is to put our reputation in God's hands.
reputation in God's hands.
reputation in God's hands.
- I just don't want to impose my views on others.
- I just don't want to impose my views on others.
The message of the Gospel is not my view. It is God's view.
The message of the Gospel is not my view. It is God's view.
- My christian life is so weak, they're just going to think I'm a hypocrite.
- My christian life is so weak, they're just going to think
I'm a hypocrite.
I'm a hypocrite.
Don't let anyone be able to look at out and accuse you of a
Don't let anyone be able to look at you and accuse you of a wrong you've never tried to make right.
wrong you've never tried to make right.
wrong you've never tried to make right.
He wants to set you free from your fears and barriers so He can flow through you.
Matthew 5:13–16 ESV
“You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people’s feet. “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.
He wants to set you free from your fears and barriers so He
He wants to set you free from your fears and barriers so He
can flow through you.
S.A.L.T. Start a Little Thirst.
can flow through you.

Intentionally listen, pray, use what you got, and rely on the Holy Spirit!

Intentionally listen

- One thing: story
If I can deposit one thing? Ask people their story. When it's appropriate, share yours. Isn't this Gods story we are living? What is He up to in their life and your life?
- Intentionally ask people questions about their life and enter their story.
- Don't just listen to speak. Listen to understand and care.
- Matt-Spirals. Shane gave a s#*t!

Intentionally pray for opportunities

- Intentionally pray for opportunities
- McD asked Ronnie if he prayed for opportunities to share.
- What will you do intentionally to share Christ?

Intentionally use what you got

- Use whatcha got -Leila
Examples of "use what you got"
Examples of "use what you got"
- Demoniac no training
- Blind man "one thing I know"
- Peter "silver and gold"
- Woman at the well, "come see a man..."

Intentionally rely on the Holy Spirit

Gifts of the Spirit in Evangelism
- How important are the gifts of the Spirit in evangelism? How
Have you guys been used in the gifts of the Spirit in evangelism?
- The gifts as a means of evangelism
Cherokee Nation: God told me about the affair that started on Tuesday.
Dow: You don't know what's happening in someone's heart necessarily by their body language.
necessarily by their body language.
Slide - Good Questions to Ask (pg. 45, Bringing Someone With You)
These questions may hint at how the good news might be little different for different people.
What do you think would be some good questions to ask to get people thinking about their soul?
- Have you ever wondered why you are here?
- Ever have a spiritual/paranormal experience?
- 1. Do you ever think about spiritual things?
- 2. How would you describe your relationship with God?
- 3. I know you've been going through a difficult time. Would you mind if I pray for you?
- 4. Where do you feel/think/believe you are on your spiritual journey in life?
- 5. I have made some mistakes myself. But, becoming a Christian has helped me. Can I tell you about it?
- You don't relate to people by common circumstances; you relate by common need.
- 6. How do you think/believe/feel becoming a Christian would change your life?
- 7. Is there one thing in your life that sometimes makes you think about needing God?
- 8. Would you like to know the difference between religion and Christianity?
- Religion: Man's search for God; Christianity: God's search for man.
- 9. What do you believe about Jesus?
- 10. Do you have an church/spiritual/religious background?
- What's going on in Framingham that could lead to a spiritual conversation?
- What's going on in Framingham that could lead to a spiritual conversation?
- Taking the Pressure Off
- Relational Evangelism
Relational evangelism is committing to helping someone develop a thirst for Christ over time. It values the person over the conversion.
Travil Guide vs. Salesperson.
Influencing my family to buy Mac products vs. PC.
- Different responses
People respond in different ways to the gospel.
If we gauge our success solely on whether or not we "lead them to Christ" we are going to be frustrated.
The Engel Scale
We need a scale to show some sort of progress. How would you feel if you based your success based on whether people become a +10 only? I'd be very frustrated!!!
How would you feel if you based your success based on whether people become a +10 only? I'd be very frustrated!!!
Fabrice: (3) - (15), Matt (0) - (14), Kitty -(3) - (6), Carrie (-2) - (6
Matt (0) - (14)
Kitty -(3) - (6)
Carrie (-2) - (6-7)
Questions or Discussion:
- How important are the gifts of the Spirit in evangelism? How
have you guys been used in the gifts of the Spirit in
- The gifts as a means of evangelism
- Dow: You don't know what's happening in someone's heart
necessarily by their body language.
These are some resources that have been helpful to people, but the reality is that the church exploded without them. None of the disciples had any of these books. Their method was preach the kingdom, show the kingdom, and you'll grow the kingdom.
- E.E. (xee.info)
- Master's Plan of Evangelism
- Bringing Someone With You
- One-Verse Evangelism
Questions or Discussion:
Questions or Discussion:
Have you ever shared the gospel? How did it go?
How did it go?
How does the Engel scale help you think about evangelism? Have you seen anyone make progress?
Who is the Holy Spirit prompting you to pray for and reach out to?
- 0% Common Objections (pg. 23, Bring Someone With You, and
- Common Objections (pg. 23, Bring Someone With You, and comments from class)
Common Objections (pg. 23, Bring Someone With You, and comments from class)
comments from class)
comments from class)
- What are some objections to the gospel you have encountered with people or you think people might have?
- [ ] What are some objections to the gospel you have
encountered with people or you think people might have?
encountered with people or you think people might have?
- A particular issue they disagree with the Bible, i.e. sexuality, rules, gender roles.
- A particular issue they disagree with the Bible, i.e.
sexuality, rules, gender roles.
sexuality, rules, gender roles.
- All religions lead to the same place.
- All religions lead to the same place.
- The Bible is in error.
- The Bible is in error.
- Science has overruled God and the Bible.
- Science has overruled God and the Bible.
- Sincerity, being nice, is what's important, not your
- Sincerity, being nice, is what's important, not your theology.
- We control our own destiny.
- We control our own destiny.
- A loving God couldn't send someone to Hell.
- A loving God couldn't send someone to Hell.
- Faith is a crutch.
- Faith is a crutch.
- I'm just as good as the next guy.
- I'm just as good as the next guy.
- Humanism-that's the way to go.
- Humanism-that's the way to go.
- Believing is just emotionalism.
- Believing is just emotionalism.
- Christians can't even agree!
- Christians can't even agree!
- [ ] What's the question behind the question?
- [ ] What's the question behind the question?
- [ ] Evangelism: A Simple Definition
How would you define evangelism?
How would you define evangelism?
Evangelism basically means to "share the good news." So
Evangelism basically means to "share the good news." So then the question is, "What is the good news?"
then the question is, "What is the good news?"
then the question is, "What is the good news?"
Are there different good news' for different people?
Are there different good news' for different people?
Are there different good news' for different people?
- How important are the gifts of the Spirit in evangelism? How
- 0% Good Questions to Ask (pg. 45 (Bringing Someone With You)
- 0% Good Questions to Ask (pg. 45 (Bringing Someone With You)
These questions may hint at how the good news might be a
have you guys been used in the gifts of the Spirit in
These questions may hint at how the good news might be little different for different people.
little different for different people.
little different for different people.
- The gifts as a means of evangelism
- What do you think would be some good questions to ask to get people thinking about their soul?
- [ ] What do you think would be some good questions to ask
- Dow: You don't know what's happening in someone's heart
to get people thinking about their soul?
to get people thinking about their soul?
necessarily by their body language.
- Have you ever wondered why you are here?
- Have you ever wondered why you are here?
- Ever have a spiritual/paranormal experience?
- Ever have a spiritual/paranormal experience?
- 1. Do you ever think about spiritual things?
- 1. Do you ever think about spiritual things?
These are some resources that have been helpful to people, but the reality is that the church exploded without them. None of the disciples had any of these books. Their method was preach the kingdom, show the kingdom, and you'll grow the kingdom.
- 2. How would you describe your relationship with God?
- 2. How would you describe your relationship with God?
- E.E. (xee.info)
- 3. I know you've been going through a difficult time. Would you mind if I pray for you?
- 3. I know you've been going through a difficult time. Would
- Master's Plan of Evangelism
you mind if I pray for you?
- Bringing Someone With You
you mind if I pray for you?
- 4. Where do you feel/think/believe you are on your spiritual journey in life?
- One-Verse Evangelism
- 4. Where do you feel/think/believe you are on your spiritual
journey in life?
journey in life?
- 5. I have made some mistakes myself. But, becoming a Christian has helped me. Can I tell you about it?
- 5. I have made some mistakes myself. But, becoming a
Christian has helped me. Can I tell you about it?
Christian has helped me. Can I tell you about it?
- You don't relate to people by common circumstances; you relate by common need.
- You don't relate to people by common circumstances; you
- You don't relate to people by common circumstances; you relate by common need.
relate by common need.
relate by common need.
- 6. How do you think/believe/feel becoming a Christian would change your life?
- 6. How do you think/believe/feel becoming a Christian would
change your life?
change your life?
- 7. Is there one thing in your life that sometimes makes you think about needing God?
- Is there one thing in your life that sometimes makes you
think about needing God?
think about needing God?
- 8. Would you like to know the difference between religion and Christianity?
- 8. Would you like to know the difference between religion
and Christianity?
and Christianity?
- Religion: Man's search for God; Christianity: God's
- Religion: Man's search for God; Christianity: God's search for man.
search for man.
search for man.
- 9. What do you believe about Jesus?
- 9. What do you believe about Jesus?
- 10. Do you have an church/spiritual/religious background?
- 10. Do you have an church/spiritual/religious background?
- What's going on in Framingham that could lead to a spiritual conversation?
- [ ] What's going on in Easthampton that could lead to a
spiritual conversation?
spiritual conversation?
Eleven-year-old Ethan Geisser of Monson sat in the
*Bearfest June 2012
Art as healing
Art as healing
Eleven-year-old Ethan Geisser of Monson sat in the
Eleven-year-old Ethan Geisser of Monson sat in the
brightly lit art room at Tri-County Schools one day
brightly lit art room at Tri-County Schools one day
earlier this month and pondered two 18-inch figures,
earlier this month and pondered two 18-inch figures,
Wish Bear and Dream Bear.
Wish Bear and Dream Bear.
The bears, decorated with collages made from blue,
The bears, decorated with collages made from blue,
green and orange tissue paper, are also covered with
green and orange tissue paper, are also covered with
small notes written by the students to express their
small notes written by the students to express their
wishes and dreams.
wishes and dreams.
"We just thought about the things that are wrong with
"We just thought about the things that are wrong with
the world that we wanted to change," Ethan said of Wish
the world that we wanted to change," Ethan said of Wish
Bear, pointing to the notes he placed on the bear's
Bear, pointing to the notes he placed on the bear's
midsection: "no racism" and "respect each other."
midsection: "no racism" and "respect each other."
*Two plead guilty to Easthampton break-in
*Two plead guilty to Easthampton break-in
*Easthampton City Council adopts ethics code
*Easthampton City Council adopts ethics code
- 0% Taking the Pressure Off
- Taking the Pressure Off
- Relational Evangelism
- Relational Evangelism
Relational evangelism is committing to helping someone develop a thirst for Christ over time. It values the person over the conversion.
Relational evangelism is committing to helping someone
develop a thirst for Christ over time. It values the person
develop a thirst for Christ over time. It values the person
over the conversion.
over the conversion.
The reality is people can see a salesmen coming a mile away. Seeing yourself as a travel guide is much more appealing and effective. Do you want to convince people? Yes! Do you want them to make a decision to follow Christ? Absolutely! I have seen my family and friends become Apple product buyers over a long period. I did not withdraw my love for them when they didn't convert to the cult of Mac immediately! But my influence grew over time.
The reality is people can see a salesmen coming a mile away.
The reality is people can see a salesmen coming a mile away.
Seeing yourself as a travel guide is much more appealing and
Seeing yourself as a travel guide is much more appealing and
effective. Do you want to convince people? Yes! Do you want
effective. Do you want to convince people? Yes! Do you want
them to make a decision to follow Christ? Absolutely! I have seen my family and friends become Apple product buyers over a long period. I did not withdraw my love for them when they didn't convert to the cult of Mac immediately! But my influence grew over time.
them to make a decision to follow Christ? Absolutely!
I have seen my family and friends become Apple product buyers over a long period. I did not withdraw my love for them when they didn't convert to the cult of Mac immediately! But my influence grew over time.
I have seen my family and friends become Apple product
I have seen my family and friends become Apple product
buyers over a long period. I did not withdraw my love for
buyers over a long period. I did not withdraw my love for
them when they didn't convert to the cult of Mac
them when they didn't convert to the cult of Mac
immediately! But my influence grew over time.
immediately! But my influence grew over time.
- Different responses
- [ ] Different responses
- [ ] Different responses
People respond in different ways to the gospel.
People respond in different ways to the gospel.
If we gauge our success solely on whether or not we
If we gauge our success solely on whether or not we "lead them to Christ" we are going to be frustrated.
"lead them to Christ" we are going to be frustrated.
"lead them to Christ" we are going to be frustrated.
*Slide - The D-Scale or the Engel Scale
- The D-Scale or the Engel Scale
- The D-Scale or the Engel Scale
Our mission as followers of Christ is to make disciples. The primary verb of the Great Commission is not to preach the gospel, but to make disciples. If that is the case, then we need a scale to show some sort of progress.
Our mission as followers of Christ is to make disciples.
The primary verb of the Great Commission is not to
The primary verb of the Great Commission is not to
preach the gospel, but to make disciples. If that is the
preach the gospel, but to make disciples. If that is the
case, then we need a scale to show some sort of
case, then we need a scale to show some sort of
Imagine this (draw a line with points) represents a
Imagine this (draw a line with points) represents a
person's responsiveness to the gospel.
person's responsiveness to the gospel.
-10 There is no god and people who believe in one are
-10 There is no god and people who believe in one are
uneducated or deluded.
uneducated or deluded.
-5 Christians are ok, but I'm still an atheist
-5 Christians are ok, but I'm still an atheist
0 = Agnostic I can't be sure either way
0 = Agnostic I can't be sure either way
+5= I want to follow Jesus
+5= I want to follow Jesus
+10= Jesus is my everything!
+10= Jesus is my everything!
How would you feel if you based your success based on whether people become a +10 only? I'd be very frustrated!!!
How would you feel if you based your success based on
How would you feel if you based your success based on
whether people become a +10 only? I'd be very
whether people become a +10 only? I'd be very
- Fabrice: (2) - (6)
- Fabrice: (2) - (6)
- Fabrice: (2) - (6)
- Matt (0) - (6)
- Matt (0) - (6)
- Kitty -(5) - (3)
- Kitty -(5) - (3)
- Weifang (-8) - (0)
- Weifang (-8) - (0)
- [ ] Gifts of the Spirit in Evangelism
- [ ] Gifts of the Spirit in Evangelism
- How important are the gifts of the Spirit in evangelism? How
- How important are the gifts of the Spirit in evangelism? How
have you guys been used in the gifts of the Spirit in
have you guys been used in the gifts of the Spirit in
- The gifts as a means of evangelism
- The gifts as a means of evangelism
- Dow: You don't know what's happening in someone's heart
- Dow: You don't know what's happening in someone's heart
necessarily by their body language.
necessarily by their body language.
- [ ] Methods
- [ ] Methods
These are some resources that have been helpful to people,
These are some resources that have been helpful to people, but the reality is that the church exploded without them. None of the disciples had any of these books. Their method was preach the kingdom, show the kingdom, and you'll grow the kingdom.
but the reality is that the church exploded without them.
but the reality is that the church exploded without them.
None of the disciples had any of these books. Their method
None of the disciples had any of these books. Their method
was preach the kingdom, show the kingdom, and you'll grow
was preach the kingdom, show the kingdom, and you'll grow
the kingdom.
the kingdom.
- E.E. (xee.info)
- E.E. (xee.info)
- Master's Plan of Evangelism
- Master's Plan of Evangelism
- Bringing Someone With You
- Bringing Someone With You
- One-Verse Evangelism
- One-Verse Evangelism
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