Untitled Sermon (2)
Sermon Tone Analysis
What does it mean to live worthy of a calling or profession?
· Maybe it’s that career, or relationship people try so hard to maintain.
· Why is it important to live out your calling?
● Can’t people do what seems right for them?
● In the end, does it matter what people think of our behavior, our conduct, choices, conversations, even actions or inactions.
So it does matter!
Most people will tell you they’re doing the best they can with what they have.
If you ever followed the sport of cycling! You would have heard of a man by the name of Lance Armstrong.
In 1992 Lance Armstrong entered the professional world of a cycling at the youthful age of twenty. During the period from 1999 to 2005, Armstrong pulled of a specular and unheard of seven straight record-breaking Tour De France victories. Everything seem to be going his way, however in 2012, the United Stated Anti-Doping Agency completed an investigation discovering Armstrong used performance enhancing drugs for as long as he has been competing in the sport of cycling.
He was later stripped of all seven Tour De France victories and dishonorably banned for life from participating in the cycling competition that he loved so much. Armstrong was consider as not walking worthy of the profession in which he competed.
Know This!
God’s desire is for all his children to live their lives in such a way that reflects the likeness of Christ as they glorify God.
The question(s) begging to be asked are?
· Is it possible to walk Daily in this life with integrity, while refusing to compromise God’s precepts and principals?
· Is it possible for Christians live a life absent of fear and worry?
· Is it possible to live a life while coping or struggling under the weight with pain and suffering?
· Which leads one to ponder the thought of, just how:
· How or why do believers sometimes avoid; duck, dodge or sidestep a life of traveling in the right direction?
· Unfortunately, too many, unsuspecting believers’ resort to all sorts of ploys, strategies and other tactics, before seeking, turning and trusting in God, and depending on his word.
· For example, some Christians will first turn to other people before turning to God.
o They will first seek out their friends and get their take is on the matter at hand.
· They may even turn to their daily horoscope or pay someone on the physic line for some “so called” insider information, in search of:
o Their good fortune
o The right career moves
o Or just trying to avoid real or perceived “pointless” pain and suffering.
Although while in prison and in chains, Paul encouraged the Philippians to live a life reflecting their devotion to Christ.
In Phil. 1:27-30, Paul declared,
Philippians 1:27-30
“27 Only let your conduct be worthy of the gospel of Christ, so that whether I come and see you or am absent, I may hear of your affairs, that you stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel,
28 and not in any way terrified by your adversaries, which is to them a proof of perdition, but to you of salvation, and that from God.
29 For to you it has been granted on behalf of Christ, not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for His sake,
30 having the same conflict which you saw in me and now hear is in me.” (NKJV)
Sermon Title:
“A life Worthy of the Gospel”
“A life Worthy of the Gospel”
Part of living a life Worthy of the Gospel is that:
· Christians are encouraged to live in one accord with fellow believers while walking in obedience even when no one is watching.
· The question is:
o Is it possible, to live responsibly, in a fallen, sin ravaged world?
o Is it possible, to live responsibly, in a fallen, sin ravaged world?
§ More importantly, is it possible to live a life, worthy of the Gospel of Christ?
§ More importantly, is it possible to live a life, worthy of the Gospel of Christ?
· To accomplish this, the text suggests three important precepts.
· To accomplish this, the text suggests three important precepts.
· In order to live a life worthy of the Gospel, we must First strive to:
· In order to live a life worthy of the Gospel, we must First strive to:
Division Statement # 1
Live Worthy of the Gospel in Unity and with Integrity.
Live Worthy of the Gospel in Unity and with Integrity.
To do this. To accomplish this. Let’s dissect verse 27, the apostle Paul said:
Philippians 1:27, “27Only let your conduct be worthy of the gospel of Christ, so that whether I come and see you or am absent, I may hear of your affairs, that you stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel,
When Paul used the word conduct, he wasn’t just talking of someone with a nice demeanor, or having good manners or just talking about being a good person.
So, what was Paul talking about, what did he mean by your conduct:
· A person’s conduct can reveal who they are inside.
For example: Someone’s conduct can be observed as:
· Manipulative, Scheming, Calculating, and Controlling?
o It can be viewed as:
· Quarrelsome, Argumentative, Confrontational, or Cantankerous?
o It can be seen as:
· Devious, Deceptive, Hostile, and Belligerent?
What did exactly Paul mean by a conduct worthy of the gospel of Christ?
Some translations such as the (NIV), (NRSV), (NKJV), (KJV) read verse 27 as:
· (NIV) Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy
· (NRSV) Only, live your life in a manner worthy
· (NKJV) Only let your conduct be worthy
· (KJV) Only let your conversation be as it becometh
· A person’s conduct can reveal who they really are?
· Our conduct reveals the choices we make?
o lying to your spouse about how much money you spent.
o using your position of power at work to sexually harass someone.
o selling a house and not disclosing known defects to the buyers.
o selling a car and lying about the vehicle's accident history.
o lying on your resume in order to get a Job.
o talking about a friend behind his Back.
o taking credit for work you did not do.
· The word conduct in Greek is politeuomai - po-lē-tyü'-o-mī
· This word carries the meaning of:
1. To be a citizen.
2. To administer civil affairs, manage the state.
3. To behave as a citizen.
i. To avail one's self of or recognize the laws
ii. To conduct one's self as pledged to some law of life
However, when Paul used this word, he knew the church at Philippi automatically understood exactly what he meant.
The city known as Philippi was named after the man who conquered it: Phillip of Macedon (father of Alexander the Great)
· The people of Philippi they took pride in their Roman citizenship....
· We are not only citizens of a mere earthly city, state, or country.....Remember, as believers in Christ, We have a much higher position....
· Keep in mind, in Phil. 3, Paul said we are citizens of heaven.
Citizens have pride in their city.
· Just as the citizens of Boston came back with the term Boston Pride after a terrorist attack.
· The citizens of Philippi had that same kind of pride in their Roman citizenship.
We have been entrusted with the precious message of the Gospel, which came directly from Jesus Christ.
· The reception and belief in the Christ of the Gospel message allows instant access into the Kingdom of God.
The precious treasure, the kingdom of God.
Jesus said in a parable, its like a man who sold everything he had to buy a field, and in that field was the precious treasure kingdom of God.
Matt. 13:44 “The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.”
Jesus said the kingdom of God is within us. Luke 17:20-21
Luke 17:21 “....The kingdom of God does not come with observation; 21 nor will they say, ‘See here!’ or ‘See there!’ For the kingdom of God is within you.” (NKJV)
· The Kingdom of God is not some observable phenomena that people can walk up to and look at.
· The Kingdom of God is not some earthly nation like the kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
· The Kingdom of God is not some magical mystical place conjured up by a human designer.
The Kingdom of God is:
within you i.e. in the midst of youwithin you i.e. your soul
Where Christ is, that is the kingdom of God which is ushered in by the preaching and acceptance of the gospel!
So, let your conduct, or manner of life be worthy of the gospel.
Living responsibly with unity and integrity portrays or shows the description of a believer capable of working together in unity within the body of Christ.
· Not resorting to petty squabbles and unnecessary bickering.
· But instead standing firm in their faith while demonstrating a love for the Body of Christ.
· Integrity conveys the meaning having the quality of being honest and fair.
· Having integrity means who a person is when no one is watching.
On the evening of August 29, 2005, Hurricane Katrina began to bear its full force on the city of New Orleans and the surrounding metropolitan areas.
I was stationed at Jackson Barracks when the levees broke and the waters began to rise completely covering homes, and businesses.
Prior to the hurricane, our mission was to load and transport millions of dollars of military equipment to higher ground in Hammond La.
Once we done, we did not follow the equipment that was shipped to Hammond.
But our mission changed our commander ordered us we were to remain in place to ride out the storm at Jackson Barracks while assisting in Emergency Communications Operations.
However, as the waters rose and completely covered everything our mission changed. changed, As our commander ordered us to the Louisiana Superdome.
· Thousands of people were needing help.
· Many people were hurting and suffering.
· People of different cultural backgrounds were represented, as well as the very old, and young, the disabled, and medically ill in addition to the mentally challenged.
· It was important for the men and women of the military, who also lost their homes, and in many cases were unable to locate their families.
o worked together, stood firm in unity to serve and provide for thousands of citizens who felt they were in a hopeless situation.
· When individual members of the military were not assisting the masses, they displayed a character that was honorable considering, many of them lost all their earthly possessions.
· Whenever there is a mission change in your life, you must continue to conduct your life worthy of the Gospel of Christ.
· Remember we don’t serve at the pleasure of the mayor, governor, or president but we serve at the pleasure of the Almighty God, who loves us and sent his one and only son do die on the cross for us.
· No matter the circumstance Our conduct must remain worthy of the Gospel.
· Likewise, it is important for believers must live their lives our lives, not matter our circumstances.
To live a life worthy of the gospel is what allows a believer to stand strong in one spirit and with one mind. With other believers or when you are alone.
· Just as a military mission can change, your missions can change.
· Your day may not go exactly how you planned.
· The encounters you plan on your daily schedule can change.
· The Lord can abruptly change your current plans new encounters and the opportunity to serve and share the good news.
o When Katrina hit, none of us could have predicted how our lives would drastically change.
o But, not matter where we found ourselves, the Lord calls us to live our lives in a manner worthy of the gospel.
o No matter the level of hardship, he calls us to like Paul in chins use those situations in advancement of the gospel.
o Why, your ask, because the gospel is the power to save lives from eternal damnation.
o The gospel lifts men, women, boys and girls out of a hopeless situation and brings them into God’s marvelous hope of a risen savior.
o It not only save lives but forever changes and delivers lives.
Principles / Application:
· God is bigger than my circumstances.
o Rest in the fact that God is with you in the midst of difficulties.
· From on high God understands why!
o Ask God to help you see the vantage point in your circumstances.
· Proper perspective produces praise.
o Hold a steady course in the midst of perplexing problems by trusting God.
· In Christ, life or death is a win-win situation.
o When we are ready to die, we are best prepared to live.
o Thank God that a Christ-centered, eternal perspective brings joy.
“To Live is Christ and to die is Gain”
1 Timothy 4:16
the apostle Paul said, “Keep close watch on yourself [your life] and on the teaching. Persist in this, for by so doing you will save both yourself and your hearers.”
Moreover, in Proverbs 11:3, the writer stated, “The integrity of the upright will guide them, But the perversity of the unfaithful will destroy them.” Therefore, believers are encouraged to be of one mind and practice what they believe especially when no one is watching.
Christians are encouraged to conduct their lives in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ and not be afraid of the adversary.
Division Statement 2
Live Worthy of the Gospel Without fear.
Fear and uncertainty can cause believers to take flight, wishing as the Psalmist declared, they were a bird who could fly away from far from all hurt, harm, and danger.
Philippians 1:28, “28and not in any way terrified by your adversaries, which is to them a proof of perdition, but to you of salvation, and that from God.”
We are not called in any way to retreat, fall away, or run because of fear of the adversary.
· Living a life worthy of the gospel of Christ, without fear describes a person who is committed to serving the Lord in spite of repeated attacks from the enemy.
· The believer understands that as they suffer as Christians it is a sign of the proof of their salvation, however, for the persecutor it is a sign of their destruction because they realize that God is who he said he is. What God is given you in Christ is working on your behalf.
Word Study
The Greek word ptyrō - ptü'-rō is to frighten, affright:
almost always employed in the passive voice and means ‘to be frightened, terrified, let oneself be intimidated’. It could denote the uncontrollable stampede of startled horses.55 The Philippians’ opponents tried to throw them into a panic or to strike terror into their hearts. If, however, the believers stand firm as a congregation, one in heart and mind, then at no point (ἐν μηδενὶ; cf. 2 Cor. 6:3; 7:9; Jas. 1:4) should they be intimidated by their adversaries.
There was a movie aired in 1966 called Duel at Diablo, staring Sydney Portiere and James Garner.
In one, seen, while Sydney Portiere had to deal with the Apache Indians as well as those in his own camp, James Garner’s mission was to sneak into the Indian camp and make a loud by firing his pistol to spook, frightened or startle the horses. when trying to rescue someone from the enemy’s camp, the loud noise from his pestle they caused a great diversion and by firing shots over their heads it spook them and caused the horses to run in all directions away from their camp, away from their owners.
Likewise, our enemy, our adversary will and do cunning sneaks will try to spook us with his Rorer to get us running. In all directions.
Sometimes we run in the wrong direction because of fear.
We run by making the wrong choices, because we are terrified.
· We are uncertain of what will happen tomorrow. So, he spooks us to run.
· We are uncertain of what choices to make in our daily lives. So, he spooks us to run.
· God says to stop, be still and know that he is God.
· God says to trust in Him with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding but acknowledge Him and he will direct your path.
o Do not be startled, spooked or afraid.
o The enemy walks around like a roaring lion, seek to spook us.
o Trying to get us to run in the wrong direction.
o Sometime we run out of fear into trouble.
o Although there are principalities it in high places, remember, Christ disarmed and made a public spectacle of the enemy.
§ Eph. 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. (KJV)
§ Col. 2:15 And having disarmed the powers (principalities) and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross. (NIV)
1:28 The second explanation of standing firm is negatively stated: “without being frightened.” The term occurs only here in the New Testament and suggests a reflex action resulting from being startled. The church was to have an unflinchable steadfastness, even in the midst of persecution. Whoever the opponents were at this point, they were not to intimidate the Philippians.
1 Peter 3:14-16
“14 But even if you should suffer for righteousness’ sake, you are blessed.
“And do not be afraid of their threats, nor be troubled.”
Although there are various kinds and causes of suffering. Believers are encouraged to take up their cross and suffer for the sake of the gospel of Christ.
Division Statement 3
Live Worthy of the Gospel even through suffering and conflict.
Philippians 1:29-30
“29 For to you it has been granted on behalf of Christ, not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for His sake, 30 having the same conflict which you saw in me and now hear is in me.”
Where does suffering come from and what is its purpose? Suffering can come in the form of test and trials. A test or a trial can prove the quality or worth of something.
The process of suffering can reveal and test the value of your faith, your patience, and your endurance. In the Greek language, a trial is primarily three (3) different words, each with a slightly different meaning, yet all reveal God's purpose for trials and suffering.
Word Study
The first the word paschō pä'-skhō (Key): meaning:
A: to be affected or have been affected, to feel, have a sensible experience, to undergo
1. in a bad sense, to suffer sadly, be in a bad plight
1. of a sick person
Cross reference
1 Peter 1: 6-7
“ 6 In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. 7 These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed."
1 Peter 4: 12
" 12 ….do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal that has come on you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you.
Don’t think that it is something strange, because God is working something out in your life for his glory.
James 1:2-4
“ 2 Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3 because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. 4 Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything."
(Verse 3) Testing is a means, not as an end.
The trial is an opportunity for us to see what our faith is like which has the end result of producing endurance.
Endurance is abiding under a heavy load. So, James is saying when we walk through various trials that come our way, we are to try to see the trial as an opportunity to demonstrate the confidence or joy we have in God, by not letting the weight of the trial crush us but even though we may remain under the weight. We are not to become stagnant while under the weight but we are to keep moving forward. (keep pressing toward the goal Phil. 3:14)
None of it is easy and it is may be difficult but we are not to let it shake our confidence in who God is.
We are not to focus on the trial but on what God is trying to show us. God will show us that with Him we can endure.
Also, in Philippians 30, the Paul reminded them to take heart because he was going through and dealing with the same troubles and problems they were facing. Likewise, Christians today can take heart, and know that believers around the world share in the same conflicts for the worthy cause of Christ.
Paul’s suffering through his confinement affected the Platearian Guard:
He was being held in the compound of the adversary.
He was guarded by experience soldiers. Yet that did not stop Paul from affecting those who’s job was to keep him confined.
Your conduct can affect those whose mission is to keep you confined.
The Greek Word for Platearian (praitōrion - prī-tō'-rē-on) Palace was known as:
The KJV translates Platearian Palace in the following manner: judgment hall (4x), hall of judgment (1x), common hall (1x), praetorium (1x), palace (1x).
I."head-quarters" in a Roman camp, the tent of the commander-in-chief
II.the palace in which the governor or procurator of a province resided, to which use the Romans were accustomed to appropriate the palaces already existing, and formerly dwelt in by kings or princes; at Jerusalem it was a magnificent palace which Herod the Great had built for himself, and which the Roman procurators seemed to have occupied whenever they came from Caesarea to Jerusalem to transact public business
III.the camp of the Praetorian soldiers established by Tiberius
· Google def. The Praetorian Guard was an elite unit of the Imperial Roman army whose members served as personal bodyguards to the Roman emperors.
· Matt. 27:27 Then the soldiers of the governor took Jesus into the common hall,G4232 and gathered unto him the whole band of soldiers.
In Phil. 1:12-13
12 Now I want you to know, brothers and sisters, that what has happened to me has actually served to advance the gospel.
13 so that my imprisonment in the cause of Christ has become well known throughout the whole praetorian guard and to everyone else,
· The gospel advanced. The term “advanced” (prokopēn) was used in the Greek-speaking world to describe blazing a trail before an army, the philosophical progress toward wisdom, and the progress of a young minister. Paul, therefore, saw the events as forging new territory for the gospel. They took Paul into contact with a select group of people, soldiers and Roman officials, who otherwise would have had no relationship to him, and they also prompted a renewed evangelistic effort in the city. While others may have seen the end of missionary activity, Paul saw the new ways the gospel could advance. The events which seemed to inhibit the freedom of the gospel became its springboard. Paul did not say “in spite of” these events, but rather “through them.” There is a note of sacrifice here. Paul’s private concerns did not matter; the gospel did.
· In verse 12 Paul appears to be reassuring the Philippians that even though his movements are restricted, mere human constraints cannot thwart the gospel.
· In verse 13 The whole Palace guard along with the common people on the street understood that he was in prison do to the commitment to the cause of Christ.
Remember you are the hands and feet of the gospel of Christ. Wherever you go, Christ goes with you. You are his special representative. Let your conduct, your manner of life, be worthy of the gospel of Christ.
2 Cor. 5:20
“Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us”
As members of the Body of Christ we are encouraged to live responsibly in everything we think, say and do, for the sake of the gospel of Christ.
· No matter where you are or who is watching, or not, your conduct can reflect the gospel of Christ and bring honor and glory to God.
· Never be fearful or frightened of what the enemy will do but persevere under the weight of whatever suffering or trial come your way.
· Understand that even in your suffering other believers are experiencing the same difficulties. And all believers are God’s precious possession, so continue to stand for Christ. Your standing terrifies the adversary.
· Believers can stand united and in unity with one mind and one spirit.
No matter where you are or what your circumstance, you can live responsibly, and a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ.
· Conduct your selves in a manner worthy of the Gospel.
o Are you going to win the race? Or will you cease and be disqualified.
· Conduct your selves in a manner worthy of the Gospel.
o Stop living fearful, Stop listening to the adversary, and listened to what the Word of God says.
· Conduct your selves in a manner worthy of the Gospel.
o Have you already ceased in preserving or given up, and turned back?
o Have you crumbled under the weight and pressure of your circumstance?
o Don’t stop pressing toward the goal, get up, and start living for Christ.
· Will you run from the Rorer of the enemy?
o Stand still and know that you serve a mighty God.