11 O'Clock Presentation
chapter 2 verses 1 through 12
on the third day. There was a wedding in Cana of Galilee and the mother of Jesus. Jesus and his disciples have also been invited to the weather when the wind is the mother of Jesus said to him. They have no one and Jesus said to her. Is that to you and to me my hour is not yet. Come. Is mother than turned such a disturbance? Do whatever he tells you? No standing been over six Stone water jars for the Jewish Rites of purification each holding.
Jesus said to them fill the jars with water and they filled them up to the brim. He said to them now. And take it to the chief steward and so they took it and when the steward tasted the water that guy and did not know where it came from. So the servants would probably call the bridegroom and set dinner everyone serves the good wine first and then the inferior wine after the guests at the drunk, but you have kept the good wine until now. Jesus did this the first of his signs in Cana of Galilee and revealed his glory and his disciples believed in him. This is the word of God for the people of God.
Please be seated. well
I want to tell you is I was researching. I stumbled across.
an old singer song writer by the name of Jonathan Byrd and one of his songs is partly based on today's scripture and partly based on the life of his own late father was an old-time Southern Baptist preacher who also happen to love women in Boots and the song is called Jesus with a p it's about an old time preacher gets caught cooking corn liquor in a mixed in the house of God.
And the preacher defending himself in court and plans. I'll do my time. I'll pay my fine. Great nothing wrong with what I do now Jesus turn the water into wouldn't that make you a bit later to?
What does it know my reading research? I I did not find any political Scholars would use that same particular language described our Lord in this miracle. But it was interesting that I did find that people are trying to interpret and use the screen here at the story. things to say things that are they are in the story. And after rolling and you can understand why we were still meeting is not really self-evident other of the miracles of Jesus or a little more obvious in their utility know Jesus heals a blind man places a leopard. You see all that. Someone is using his power will what's the meaning of this? Why why why would he do that? He is First Premier. I don't think I want you to keep in mind this morning. Is it that question? Why what is the meaning of this Jesus turned water into something that those disciples no servants back in the kitchen ever asked you seem to them. It was simply an epiphany moment. It was one of those rare moments. God is up to the idea of the truth. Jasmine has a lot more to him than meets the eye. And so I'm going to try to avoid some of the things that tend to come up and discuss In this passage, you know, some people I found I want to hear some say it's to justify their alcohol consumption. Alcohol, and then he didn't wait for the airport was only grape juice, and if you try to claim that it was anything other than grape juice, then you're a sinner and you're probably not.
Who sells miniature pinschers? This boot legged Miracles. I like to call it begins with Meritor. Very into Cycles weddings are kind of a place you were born because I can tell you I've never been apart of forever officiated. There's always something is wrong. Does ice help pimples before their wedding if I'm carrying him, don't worry, we don't make mistakes we make memories. And there's always something that happens in.
Source of laughter for the family of the years ahead now have one such instance. I'll never forget my brother's wedding. We have started the service all the Bridesmaids all the rooms. Everyone stand look at the back of the church.
Southern real awkward silence that don't like an eternity descended people begin. The preacher started to sweat and I took it upon myself as a dishpan. I stepped out the side door and ran around the side of the church came to find out when you started early and none of us somehow. None of us had fathered the bread was actually ready to come out. He was still getting ready. And so I so I came back in and the preacher was looking at me desperate for information of Story about the fall my mind.
What I meant to say that I'd still like to laugh about it because you know, it's one of those things that never goes off without a hitch. Maybe the flower girl refuses to walk down the aisle of the Rings fall into the sand or the kid gets dropped or your uncle gets a little too wild on the Dance Floor this wedding that Jesus was attending the problem that day was the patent run out of why people were there going off the dance floor.
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the couple to their families to weddings back in that time. You have to understand him last as much as a week. And so they were probably still several days of partying left ahead.
in fact about winter This is wedding day problem pointed to their inability to provide for their guests and perhaps even to a low status of income. so the sound of the situation marioception she runs to the back and go proxibid That was not my time. But without show me how are the babies doing? Something's going to happen. True services do what they tell you. and Jesus has been filled water jar of all six of them and then
Vortex scope it out and give it to the it is Denver funeral, but they are now all full of the best quality wine. The servants are pre-filled the jars with just regular water. I'm just a regular everyday kind of wedding having a regular weddings or a problem. Then they discover that get Eclipse something extraordinary. I want to things that always strikes me about this particular story was just a quantity of wine that was produced by
Stone jars each one containing 20 to 30 gallons And if you do the math real quick that means to Jesus produced somewhere between 120 and 180 gallons of wine. It's an absolute ass pounding abundance of plenty to last River days the party you're still at the head-to-head probably well into the first.
together you see Jesus doesn't it just goes small but we see in him there and then
What are you doing produces? What comes out is top-shelf quality? Another thing that surprises everyone at first to see they it was common practice in that day at the start of the celebrations when people still have your sensibilities. Pull up in the wind, but they would serve the best wine first. After they do know I had that some of their sensibilities. Let's say the party planner does but she doesn't hold back the goods. He doesn't care if everyone is not alert enough to deserve or appreciate it to get the depths of the Blackberry. Jesus given to those who don't really know if it's him who don't know enough to give him the train. You already been disturbing enough to know. blessing before 8 to get their cups filled Elton John chapter one Is a question is asked can anything good come out of Nazareth? Edit John Chapter 2 Jesus answers innocence saying my glass. watch this and it's like
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Can anything good come out of Nazareth this but we know and the disciples know the service is just what I need.
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What is possible what he can do and what do you quilt? You text me this empty when it's dry as a bone and he transforms into something. That is joyful. Something is abundant something like giving something our story. in abundance What should I do for depressed people striking thing in this whole Miracle story. Is it even though this is his very first miracle, right the very long should He doesn't choose to her in a grand opening sort of style tons of witnesses around on the said. He keeps in the back room.
Servants disciples there with them are the only ones who really know what truly happened. The rest of the guests is Steward the bride and groom their families to guess. They don't really They don't forget the goodness. I get the blood center cup gets filled and they are blessed even though they don't really know what's going on. And that my friend is I think it's the situation we can post them. Find ourselves in most of the time. We don't know where our blessings come from. We're going through the Wii.
And there's this guy who's always at work.
grasp the greatness and everything that he does, but we don't really
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But there is everything that we have is what we have learned. This is also a while though. Ohio by the grace of God, we did a glimpse of something else. What's in a while?
Did you ever see that this isn't that a guy at work? Just a little glimpse. It's what the church calls and Epiphany moment. Just a little sign of the Living God just hit him much more this Jesus of Nazareth. Do we ever typically realize The Epiphany movie You're one of the great joys of being a pastor. Is it from time to time? I get to hear stories and pics of Tiffany moments. I know the number of you had something always deeply personal there always unexpected. Maybe it was at the retreat maybe for you. Is that an anus I find most of the time and no matter how hard you try to manufacture these experiences and do everything to make everything just emotionally appealing.
They don't last long first lady told me she was just in traffic on her way to work.
Suddenly she just felt like she was big and breaks. She is overwhelming feeling that she was accepted as she said, I can't believe I wish I could.
You're single mother. criticism very special needs she said that it was just it was unspeakably hard. She did not have a personality. She did not have the patience and one day especially bad days or so after another. She was just at her breaking point and she said you sit down you look out that window and you wait here till garbage, man. Did she win her she was doing the dishes?
Saw her son there now. So peaceful looking out the window. You said Sunday came in and shine on his face on his hair.
I'm just like a baby drooling.
Burger King She said I was giving a gift at that moment. I got to see. Oh God.
There's some other freighter reality of play it just the things I experience day today. Isabella Gardner real will Mister is incredible. I unplug it on dreams, but you said that you never really crass never really could understand. They're going to have remembered but somehow count our sins against this forgiveness.
Something he just stopped. River white. They said one night. I had this crazy dream where you found still standing in front of someone he invaded for practically. very good reason industry was standing in front of the man who many years before a defuse the moment. That was the love of my life.
He was angry you fantasize many times about bird actually.
And then you have this crazy dream where he's standing in front of them and unexplainable the words I forgive you. I thought that's a really crazy dream. He says no, but it's a lot crazier and I woke up. How to get you the first time I wasn't angry anymore. I can't explain it. I wish I could
It wasn't for the first time. I sincerely wish you well and hope. Going somewhere to go boy Wherever You Are.
summer is that the one I got this little Glimpse, but that is how God deals with all of our sins. If he can wipe it away you can take away that make it such then. He just doesn't see it anymore. It's no longer. I think it was. You know, there's all kinds of little stories lot of a very small audible during today. It's my prayer to get your message. This Is How We Do Lil Mama or we could just a little glimpse
when Jesus turned water into wine It's not the one that's so you want to help with the one was or how abundant it was. The good news was not the one but rather the truth that it pointed to John Hall's at the sign on the side like a roadside. Does it point to anything and having a meeting in and of itself beside the reality that points to And it's saying God is with us. And if he's always up to more than you can imagine this is the god of transformation and this is a God gives the good stuff. And what's more you look at how you list servants? be part of this miracle bacon press If we're willing to help step in and serve and we very well could see God's glory revealed before our very nice. 2019 as you do all the work that you do and I know so many of you put in so many hours so much time Talent resources and is serving the needs of this church. I'm always amazed by how generous you guys are. my home
something of God that I see in you do all be blessed all have rough School. Thanks be to God.