a firm foundation is acting upon what you've heard
If you have ever lived in or visited a large city, you probably have had the chance to watch a skyscraper under construction. For the first six months or so of the project, all the workmen do is make a great hole in the ground. To build a tall building by starting far below the surface level seems absurd, even crazy. But, as you would suspect, there is a good reason for the large hole. To build a mammoth building, it is first necessary to dig down until a strong foundation can be built, one that is capable of supporting the skyscraper.
A doghouse needs no foundation, and an ordinary house can be built on little more than a concrete slab. But a skyscraper, that’s different. It requires a deep and solid foundation.
So it is in our Christian life. Our upward potential is totally dependent on the foundation underneath it
1 the lowest load-bearing part of a building, typically below ground level.
2 an underlying basis or principle.
▶ [often with negative] justification or reason.
The solid base on which a secure structure may be built; used chiefly for the base of the temple. It is used figuratively of Jesus Christ and the apostles and prophets as the secure foundation on which the church is built. Obedience to the teaching of Jesus Christ is the true foundation of Christian living.