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1/20/19  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  33:16
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Has done in my life if it was.

I just I've had my time is done anything to him in the way.

And bad this time, but I don't want to stay there too long.

It was ran into your hearing lesson checks. I'll read it again from Luke chapter 15 verse 11.

Then Jesus said a man had to song The Young of them said yes fault father. Give me the Shelby State along to me. So he divided his assets and after a few days the longest and then he spotted his well with the wild lifestyle. then after he had spent everything took place in the work for one of the city of Judah he was longer to me the care of the pigs were eating but no one gave me a minute, but when he came to is this meaning of my phone, I have a sin against heaven and I guess you have no longer worthy to be called me like one of your high and with the reading I came up with the topic.

Family Matters

DJ viding line and lines

let no one know that anything like but it real.

When I in my talk.

The lesson is designed first of all to inform. It is also design.

and this lesson is designed to

and to save Souls put that in mind when I call your attention to the book of Samuel.

Because it's less it will look like it's going to end up somewhere.

2nd Samuel chapter 13 verses all the time, but I believe that

in the Beach conditions that has transpired early before and during the Bible times and even now need to be talked about because some people don't have a Direction no the tape and the Bible before I do this less it it it it it made it sticky. I'll say that for this reason. Some things you talk about seem like you're not talk about. dog when he when he was riding to take that was going on at the time, but he wanted to be here have some measure of understanding of how people

That's so with that being said. Inverse number one in in 2nd Samuel 13 the Bible says, it's that now David Son Absalom had a beautiful sister name. In the course of time David's son fell madly in love with her. Steve-O been badly injured

If you if you married.

Is that right? I know it's going to be too and I'm trying to get you to see this this this predicament. This boy has got them self engine has Falling in Reverse to be says again. banana because Bush stated became frustrated because he was so loved see over his sister.

I want to make about what's going on with this particular fellow.

With the band, that's all you thought about. And when you woke up.

That's all you thought about what I want you to understand that the situation in Seoul.

Are not uncommon a brother. to his half-sister It happened in Genesis chapter with Abraham and Sarah did not have had the same. I want y'all to understand some of this stuff and say okay and so is there are laws against those activities are going on right now you understand.

the Bible says that but she was a very

And 200m no. It seemed out of the question to do anything to her. I want y'all to remember.

Is this called?

that my old man This particular test has the right mindset. To do the right thing. It is hard it is mine though he has.

rosi, Overton Wicked verse 3

and amnon had a friend named John Day.

son of Davis, brother Shamil Enjoy the day. I was a very crafty.

Kraft music he was Connie.

Dewar's dishonest

and he was a Deceiver. Emerson at work work work work work goes on

So depressed every morning.

He said catch you tell me. Sol no one said to him I'm in love with the sister of my brother.

so in verse 5

Gallagher have a private him lie down on your bed in Virginia.

When your father comes in to see you save me, please let my father table from and so that she can fix some food for me. Then I will.

Timmy Chang take it by. some girls who are not garlic is one of the biggest mistake that any of us could ever

in Psalms 1

You know Davidson.

Don't take counsel. tum those who are not God. And don't stand in the pathway of whatever pleases them. As long as they are happy you something just because

Then your friend only want to tell you what you want to hear. Does not telling him what's right? to do as he faces this particular set of circumstances.

I want you to understand that. When you listen to those who are not godly nothing.

and now in verse 6 look at versus lay down and pretended to be When the king came to see him let my sister to come in so that she can make a couple of chicks in my side and then summer. I can't go through this whole check for what?

S o in verse 14 the Bible says that he overpowered her and he humiliated her by Ricky. Videos of Family Matters. I want you to see

and where he doesn't now created a dividing line in the face. This is kind of mine said that she said to him before you don't mind if you just ask him.

I don't do such an evil cuz you don't become a fool and it is and I'll be here.

this boy he didn't listen and so he committed this app and I want you to understand that it says in verse 21 that that that that that that's the day. She heard all these things.

Tesla of the beach

Who says in verse 22 Absalom said nothing? Either bad or absalo? Hate it.

I want you to understand something. When is this something that that that that that you have a great designer and you just lost no phone in mine. and his back rest assure that it's not going to only remember John judevine understand like I'm not Sono is Brew and hatred but now been sent on the sea.

It is said that two years pay. in verse 23

He's that he's all right. He knows that he's done wrong, and he has the entire family. And he has the store.

By his actions. He has created a depression in her that would have never done this thing. And so he has created and now when you look at this now,

Don't like we do.

Caroline time and then we take


Nnnnn T happened.

You do all attack you. And chill him right there.


this one thing that he has the ripple effect in the family calling Angela and ask for is called oppression and destruction and down. It's called deaf in the Busey whatever you decide to do, whatever you feel like doing any of the other family members.

the dividing line in lines and Family Matters And I wanted you to understand this because that that that that what the hell together because of what? I can't stay all day. Because we have a listen to it. Judy Family Matter

in chapter 15

The Prodigal Son

But I wanted to if I could. work this in as a part of Family Matters

And I won't have time to cover it, but I want to talk about what happened.

BBB the youngest son decided that he didn't want to work. alongside the family anymore

You see he he decided.

My dad is not dead yet. Mine. So that I can go see my daddy is my brother's doing it and that's what I give me my portion this decision to take the portion that belongs in humans and go to alone. What all did you don't know?

If you don't mind.

the situation what does he didn't want to work and then so.

You have a good family name.


The Rockefellers own young boy

they represent.

It's all right for you to leave home. Make sure you don't do any and everything when you leave.

Go see what end up happening was that. It didn't turn out. it never. We're just leaving never miss any kind of good when you live in a way that don't matter.

Toonova, you don't care what you do anything.

I want you to understand something because this boy did what he did when it went badly. You know, how

Everybody in the family.

black girl

is everybody in your family? Like they have a problem. He never disobey because you said

And so it created a problem.

You see whatever you make a decision and now he's got you and now he didn't need all this stuff but we gave them is gone. He said he's eating his corn. He said he's wondering all of your living history.

pink celebrate

I want you to understand something.

It created a problem for older brother and perhaps rightness, but what do you mean? Let me tell you what he missed out of this particular set of

Jorge Miss world and what he

here and now He's looking at those things that matter right now. He's looking at the celebration and he sees that they celebrating him.

He wants to know why that's going on. but Jesus


3 / phone

to get this to sit and what this really meant what the celebration was all about. Now, don't you understand? Nobody celebrate?

Redwood what does Celebration but now he's a lot We it was about the world.

Tell me when we get mad. Every time he come back here and everything. You got to pleasure and you're satisfied hero.

But the real purpose for the celebration is this Jesus tells B2. about the laws

That the man had a hundred. But it lost one and went out to find him and threw him over his stores with Johnson. When we return home with me because I have a phone that was lost. Jesus said I tell you that there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents who have no need to repeat.

It was all the law about the lost and found it's not always about the one who does well you need to know that.

The Pharisees had this because they said this man welcome centers. any if the Lord not welcome.

Didn't care about having a daughter time. We can have a see anybody realizes when is somebody

I need you to understand that they are welcome before. Is it true that that that that that accept those who who are sane, but I remain sane as long as they say what is set aside for gold. They don't have any right now. Tacoma car The Bible says this in 1st Corinthians chapter 15 verse.

King of the Jews

any was there any Rose the third day? Ringoes Fair

He says that you must repent of your sins. That's a major thing is why Jesus spend so much time out to Salvation. It says unless you repent unless you choose where you live and where you live.

And then you must confess Christ to be the song. I asked you and 39 x 2 + 38. You must go down and turn from your sins reaction to come right now while we're together again soon.

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