Great Commision Christian 3
Great Commission Christians
Acts 1:12-26
To help the church realize the mission of the church
Prayer and waiting
Waiting must have been hard
Today it would be seen as a wasting time
Just when it seems that we need to get busy the best thing is to wait
Prayer and revival
Persistent prayer
A love for God’s word
A Focus on Evangelism
A Unified Focus
Group life
Finding leaders
Having the proper and trained leaders
Make sure the qualifications are scriptural and not soley based on tradition or socially based
The second great Awakening of 1858 began in New York City with a lay preacher named Jeremiah Lamphier. He organized a noon-day prayer meeting that eventually exploded into one of the greatest outpourings of blessing that our country has ever seen.
From October of 1858 through September of 1859, nearly 1,000,000 people (one tenth of America’s population) openly professed Christ, and joined a local church!