The Urgency Of Church Unity
I get all the kids to come forward. this morning
How are you guys today? I'm glad to see everybody. I got a pretty big group today. That's exciting missing a couple but glad to have you asked out here. Real talk about something real quick. And we're going to finish talking about it when we get over for children's church, but I brought something with me today. What is what is this Amma names and I'll tell you guys a story. I used to work in the M&M factory. They fired me. You know what they fired me for I threw away all the W's. Yes, okay. That's okay. I'm just kidding. I never worked in an M&M factory. But anyway, I want you to I want you to look at these Eminem's. I've got several Eminem's in my hands, so What? What can you tell me what's different about these M&M's? Turn different colors aren't so they're different color. All M&M are so different color colors. So if I take this orange M&M an idiot, is it going to taste any different? Then this green M&M.
Are the same thing where? They're the same thing on the inside is just chocolate coated candy and it's different colors and and they look different on the outside Skittles Taste different, but did you know that we like that? Did you know that that we all look different on the outside but in the inside What matters I'm going to read one thing matters on the inside. I'm going to read you a Bible verse real quick. And it comes from Genesis chapter 1. bars 27 and it says
it says so God created man or God created man in his own image. He created them in the image of God. He created them male and female God created every single one of us, and he don't care. What color we are? Weather where a girl or a boy what country were from his stuff matters to him what matters to him is our heart and that's on the inside and that's what matters to him and God wants us all to allow Jesus into our heart. So one day we could spend eternity with him. And when we go out to children's church, we're going to talk a little bit more about this and we're going to talk a little bit more about how God created us all the same but I am so glad that when I look at you guys, none of you look the same. You know some of you look close with us cuz you brothers and sisters but none of you look exactly the same. None of us dressed the same.
Well, yes, but none of us are dressed exactly the same but in the inside we all have one thing in common that if we're Christians and we love God and we accept Jesus in our hearts. We all have that same on the inside and if we all have the ability to have that feeling of and that whiteness Christ inside of us and that awesome. What's the bow our heads in with a thank God that he died on the cross for every single one of us and he don't care what we look like on the outside of our heads directly father. Thank you so much for the day for each one of these boys and girls for allowing him to be here today and a worship and fellowship together in your name, but we just love you so much. But thank you most of all for your son Jesus Christ who died for our sins and rose again on the third day. Also we ask in your name. Amen.
I was blind.
Are you smart?
nearest Walmart
the song will be
phony or what Chad was going to preach about. But Jim, I'm going to tell you something.
Joe is very bad at keeping secrets when it's something and he's excited about because he told me about you. How's it going in the church to before you did it? But he was he was thrilled to death about that too. But we're so grateful that Jim and Melinda are part of our family here. We're going to continue today the topic of urgency. We talked about the urgency of the Gospel. We talked about the urgency of making disciples. But today we're going to talk about the urgency of church Unity.
One thing we talked today about agreement and we're always doing the same thing. That's not what I'm talking about.
I'm talking about being unified in the fact that we have all been called to serve. That we have all been called to be part of the body of Christ and we're going to look. Some scripture that talks about the unity that we have or should have within the church. So if you return the First Corinthians chapter 12 We're going to look at verses 12 through 14 and then also 27 to 31 and I'm going to talk about a little bit about the other verses but these are the verses that I want to focus on today. So if you please stand 1st Corinthians chapter 12 verse 12, if you don't have your Bible it's on the screen. My mic's not on.
Is that better? Now when you look up and you see guys up there doing this number you better pay attention. So but 1st Corinthians chapter 12 verse 12. It says this the body is a unit though. It is made up of many parts and though all its parts are many they form one body. So it is with Christ for we were all baptized by one Spirit into one body weather Jews or Greek slave or free and we were all given the one Spirit to drink they'll jump down 2 verse 27 and we're going to read to the end of a chapter here and it says this now you are the body of Christ and each one of you is a part of it and in the church God has appointed. First of all Apostles second prophets third teachers, then workers of Miracles. Also those having gift of healing those able to help others those with the gift of administration and those speaking and different kinds of tongues. Are all prophets or are Apostles are all prophets are all teachers you all work miracles. Do you all have gifts of healing do all speak in tongues? You all interpret eagerly desire the greater gifts and now I will show you the most excellent way, but let's pray. Dear Lord, thank you for the reading of your word. Thank you for the fact that we are all part of one body in Jesus Christ bless the reading of your word and it's in your holy and precious name. We pray. Amen.
The first one I want you to see is about the fact of unity. Now when we talked about the fact of unity, the one thing that I want you to understand is this is that the body like Unity of Christians is not a goal to achieve. It's nothing that we should strive to that. We should try to reach it is a fact it says so here in scripture looking what it says in verse 12 just as a body go one.
Is the body is a unit that is made up of many parts and though it is parts are many they form one body. So it is with Christ. And then look at verse 14. Now the body is not made up of one part but a mini. It is not. Something that we need to try to achieve. Christian Unity being part of one body as a fact I just read you what scripture said. It doesn't say that you need to strive to be one body. It says you are one body. It is a fact.
Now one thing we need to understand is that Paul is referring to the universal church. All those that have accepted Christ as their savior. I'm not talkin like Universal Unitarian Universalist. That's not what I'm referring to it is not saying that no matter what you believe. But you're all included in the same thing and it's okay. If you want to believe in Allah and you want to believe in Buddha and you want to believe in Sun Myung Moon or follow any of these other teach. You know, that's not what it's saying. Those are all not the same.
What he is saying here that is a few of put your faith in Jesus Christ and you have received the Holy Spirit and the Salvation through Jesus Christ and you are all part of the body of Christ.
Now having said that what we need to realize is that Crestview Baptist Church, and any other local church is a microcosm of The Universal Church.
We here at Crestview Baptist Church or the body of Christ.
Those that are members of the church membership in this church does not bring you into the body of Christ. You guys understand that just because your name has been on the road, since you are 10 years old or 8 years old or you are a charter member or if it or if you helped start the church or if you even preached in this church does not mean that you are a part of the body of Christ. There is only one way to become the body of Christ. And that is through Jesus Christ and his salvation. No, if ands or buts. When you go and talk to somebody and you ask them, do you believe in Jesus one of the first things they'll tell you I'm a member at such-and-such Baptist Church. That is awesome. I'm glad you're going to church, but that's not what I asked you. Do you guys understand what I'm saying? There is going to be a lot of church members that go to hell because they do not.
believe in Jesus Christ as their savior They may know who God is they may know who Jesus is. They admit walk the aisle they have may have been dumped in the pool. And their names may be written on the membership roll. But unless your name is written on the Lambs Book of Life Christian.
You don't know you're not part of the body of Christ.
We are a microcosm of that and having accepted Jesus Christ and be part of that we have to understand is that every part of the human body. The reason Paul is using this analogy. It is every part of the human body. Though they are different. Your hand does not look like your foot does it? Your nose doesn't look like an eyeball. Your ears don't look like your big toe. Hopefully they don't but they but they shouldn't. They are different.
They look different they have different jobs.
But they have a purpose. Break it down to the minutest level. They all have something in common. They are all part and they all have the same DNA. You're not going to have a different DNA in your eyeball that you got in your foot. That core the basic. Name that makes it what it is is the same.
And Paul is talking about that. It takes all of these different body parts to make a body work the way God designed it to work.
And then he says and it's the same in Christ.
There is incredible diversity within the body of Christ.
You look around us. You look at the person sitting next to you or I'm the same Hue as you you don't look alike. Even if you are brothers and sisters or or or or children and parents, you may look similar, but you do not look alike. You don't act like you all have different purposes.
But you all have one thing in common.
And that is the blood of Jesus Christ.
Verse 13 says this for we are all baptized by one Spirit as to form one body. We all have that core thing in common, and that is Jesus Christ.
Then the next thing I need you to understand is that this is that race socioeconomic standing what job you have how much money you have popularity or even your holiness?
Those are all man-made divisions that we make to divide up people.
But what is Paul say about that? He says it doesn't matter anymore.
Look at the rest of verse 13 whether Jews Gentiles slave or free. We were all given the one Spirit to drink.
Just like Chad said that bag of M&M's you look at them. They all look different. Don't they? They're all different colors. but inside
they're all the same.
Church We are all different. We make the divisions. God didn't do that.
A rich person gets saved the same way as a poor person.
A black person get same the same way as a white person.
A person that is religious and thanks their homie gets saved the same way as the one that's that's that's drunk in the sewer or in the gutter.
It is only through Jesus Christ and and having accepted Jesus Christ. We're all the same.
What is John 3:16 say for God so loved the world that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
The world there's no stipulations on who?
The only stipulation is that we have to believe.
And then God distributes his gifts and callings.
All sums up his Point again, even as a human body as unified the whole many different with many different parts. So it is the same with the Jesus Christ verse 27. Now you are the body of Christ and each one of you is a part of it. He sums up his point that he was previously making and this first before he goes on and explain something else.
I wrote about the different parts that make up the body of Jesus Christ. Parts gifts it's all the same thing here and he writes here in verse 28 and says in God has placed in the church. First of all Apostles second prophets third teachers than married men Gifts of healing of helping of guidance in a different kinds of tongues. Paul is not extorting one of these over the other Paul gives this list. Of callings are gifts. Not the imprecise one over the other. What does show you that God has put each one of these within the body of Christ.
He is emphasizing the differences that make up the body of Christ.
And the one thing that we have to realize this is that God gives these gifts. grants these
Each one of these gift is essential. the church to minister effectively
It doesn't matter what the gift is. It is necessary. Some people may say what we made. We don't necessarily need somebody to help as long as we got somebody that preaches.
But that's the most important thing is that at the churches that have somebody to stand up and preach every Sunday, but it's not necessary that we have somebody that helps.
Yes, it is. All the gifts though, they're different. They are all essential and allowing the church to operate as one body and is essential for allowing us to minister. NBA effective in Ministry
and then Paul leads into this idea. But he doesn't want us to focus on these gifts are these callings that make up the different parts of the body of Christ. She doesn't want us to focus on that. So listen what he says in these next versus
verse 31
eagerly desire the greatest the greater gifts
and now I will show you the most excellent way.
And then in the first part of chapter 13, he shows what that most excellent way is if I speak in the tongues of men and angels but have not love I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal if I have the gift of Prophecy and can fathom all Mysteries and all knowledge. And if I have faith that can move mountains but have not love. I am nothing if I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the Flames but have not love I gain nothing.
In order for us to use our gives effectively as a body of Christ. What is the one thing that we have to have Above All Else? love
people that we go to talk to.
Are more apt to listen to us. If we show them love.
You go to somebody and you want to talk to him about accepting Jesus Christ that there's as their Savior and you come in there and you tell him how bad they are or how wrong they are. What's the immediate reaction going to be?
How would you guys like it if somebody came up to you and told you you were wrong? Your first inclination is you get defensive and you don't listen to anything else. They have to say.
Now, can you tell him the same thing, but tell him in love? Yes. You can.
We can do great things. But if we don't do it in love we're doing it for the wrong reason.
Remember Jimmy's testimony that he shared.
He was looking for churches.
And after their second visit here, they never left him and he said that he felt the spirit here.
And what help them make your decision is when the church the body of Christ showed them love. And serve them. Not because we had to but because we wanted to because we love them. People that makes a difference in people's lives.
When we do because we love it changes not only the ones that we're serving not only the ones that were ministering to but it changes us as well.
Now the last point I want to make is this.
God has given us everything to accomplish the job. He is appointed to us. You may say already. How do you know that?
easy because he led you here.
What is that mean looking first 28 again the first part of birth 28?
And God has placed in the church. You are not here by accident.
You are not part of this body of Believers by accident God placed you here. He led you here, and he led you here for a purpose. Sandra said earlier that she that we're having the the ladies lead our service on the 3rd and we're going to have a ladies choir and how many people are saying they can't sing.
Says who?
Who said you can't sing?
Everybody can sing.
in the movie Elf
the girl the girl in the she says I can't sing. And he said sure you can you just have to open your mouth and anybody can sing. What better thing to sing about than Jesus Christ?
Bible says that we are to make a Joyful Noise some people literally that said, it's got the same nice know that's not what it says. And that's not what it means.
It means that we have so much joy in our butt in our soul and in our body that we can't let it out as except for making a noise.
And we are headed to Joyful Noise. The other thing that we have to understand is this look at the screen. I want to make something point point something out to you. Go to that next slide guys. Look at here. Jacob was a cheater. Peter was it had a temper David had an affair. Noah was a drunk Jonah ran from God Paul was a murderer Gideon was insecure. Miriam was a gossiper Mark. That was a warrior. Thomas was a doubter. Sarah was impatient Elijah was Moody Mary Magdalene was a hooker Moses stuttered. Zacchaeus Was short Abraham was old and Lazarus was dead. Now every single one of us are listed on that somehow or another. Hopefully there's nobody here this dead.
But all of us are represented on that list and look what the last line says. It says God does not call the qualified. He qualifies the call God put you here for a reason give up and let him do what he what he wants.
It will change your life and it's going to change somebody else's life because we're all part of the body of Christ. God brought you here for a reason he put you here for a reason to use your toy. So he's already given you. To accomplish something great for him as the body of Christ and it takes us all working together and won a unified and purpose unified and not always necessarily a green. Because there are sometimes that my head and my feet say two different things. My dad says get up and go and I stand up to go and my feet are not going anywhere. That's not what we're talking about. Just because they don't agree doesn't mean they're not staying part of the same body. Does it? My knee didn't work, right?
The doctor gave me a new knee now if you guess what it works.
But it never stopped being part of the body.
And when you get your body working right in unity, thanks so much so much smoother in life. And when we get our body working correctly and everybody doing what they're supposed to be doing and not trying to worry about what the others are doing doing the same thing doing the ministry that God has called us to do it will change everything.
But one thing we have to understand is that God Jesus Christ himself is the head of the body of Christ. We don't tell him what to do. He tells us.
And we go where the head guys and we do what the head says to do.
But you are here for a purpose you are here for the real reason God brought you here. And we need you here. To do everything that he's called us to do. So as we go in for the into this invitation time, I want you to do business with God. What is God telling you to do? What is he leading you to do just be obedient. If you don't know Jesus Christ as your savior, if your name just written down on a piece of paper or you got wet, but you know deep down. But you don't know Jesus Christ as your savior get that taken care of today. Don't be like me and afraid to move because people thought something of you.
Listen to what God is telling you to do and get it taken care of today.